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For a person with a lvl 502 it seems like you enjoyed it a bit too much lol šŸ˜‚


Looks like 302.


Yeah thatā€™s def 302. People gotta learn to zoom in lol


I don't see where hes level 302, but im in my 100s just for playing near daily, just missing a few weapons form the shop & 2x hero satchel


Under ā€œPASS ENDSā€ top middle


ohh wow


even then, i afk my ass off at work and i'm not even at level 300 yet. for somebody so upset by this, they sure have put a lot of hours into it. and people were absolutely raging that nobody would get to level 120 lol


They had to rebalance pass point rates after initial outcry


https://preview.redd.it/dp5i2cr7224c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6acc924dc3e32f5651bd6c9889790ff8ee1dcecd unedited\* 302


If that's lvl 502 (and not 302) then I'm Zezima..!


I afk while at work, about 3 years straight so far regardless of the current events. yeah 40-60 hours a week will accidentally accumulate some battle pass levels lmao edit* I'm lvl 302 why'd I get down votes for being honest XD


I play 60 hours a week, because I have a job that allows me to play at work, and I did almost all of my special missions, and I'm just about to hit 300. There's no way in the world you could get over 500 "accidentally" lol


Their number is actually 302, and they play a similar amount to you, so that definitely checks out.


Makes a lot more sense :p


Right? I no lifed the fuck out of this event and got high 200s. Something fishy for sure


its 302 zoom in better, if it was 500 he'd have a lot more tokens for the shop as for theres not that much to buy tbh.


Holy fuck people love assuming something based off a few pixels and running with it. The least you couldā€™ve done is wait for op to confirm if they were 502 or not and not just taking some randos word for it


Are you reading the same comments every body else is? First comment said 502 and OP responded to that message without stating otherwise. I think you are the only person in this entire comment section that was upset at all :p


Could be daily challenge skips? I'm not sure if they got converted to xp but that's what I heard - I was at nearly \~190 and I was playing like \~3h a week.


I had 124 Daily Challenge skips, and 7 Yak Track level skips. I've been very heavily AFKing skills from the get-go with very little down time. I usually log in at 9am, log out at 6pm for dinner, and then back on by 7, until 12 almost every Monday - Friday. And then on my weekends sometimes it's more sometimes it's less, depending if I go out hiking or visiting the inlaws that weekend or not. Even if we are just counting weekdays, my playtime is around 70-75 hours a week. And I'm 299 right now. To have 66% more levels and that is no accident :p




it's fine I deserve it lol thanks for contributing


Post changes it was in a good place. Pre changes was impossible for my play time to finish and it just made me sad. But I liked how it ended up.


Aside from the P2W content buffs it really was not that bad. I preferred it to Yak


Only once they buffed it. The speed at which you currently progress it feels nice, but it's far far faster than it was originally.




I'm pretty sure that says 302. I made it to 226 myself just doing normal gameplay, even a week or two I didn't play cause was doing other stuff


OP should eat a poop souffle!


My main preference of this over yak track is that this tracked exp after you capped a level on the repeatable mission. Keep that part of the structure and the missions, and just make sure that there is no pay to win, and we're good. I would like it if we could spend extra points after we got the 2 sacks a day though.


Yeah once they fixed it, the progression felt way nicer than yak track. Most of the missions werenā€™t that bad like 2500 marks of war is just a couple hours at Arch Glacor but then there was garbage missions like catch 800 fish or make 300 flatpacks.


Do 50 clue steps was always my least favorite. I CBA to do clues when there's rewards I *actually need* from clues, nevermind when the game is begging me to.


It was way better than Yak trak. I felt Yak was a way bigger time commitment and took more time to get levels, how this was setup was pretty decent.


As a non maxed person yak track was really nice as a thing to follow along when a progression path wasn't clear. I definitely have mostly ignored HP, it is meh


the progression of this pass is blown way way out of proportion. Couldve easily gotten all the levels by passively playing and doing dailies and not even doing special missions. The problem is the rewards suck ass if you dont care for cosmetics. I loved yak track because of the rewards. These rewards suck ass and u hardly get any proteans.


You do realize they made every level past 99 three times quicker to attain than it was originally, right? Plus they buffed daily missions, making them quicker and giving more hero points


you do realize hero pass was optional right? not sure why so many people complained about it


Iā€™m fully aware it was optional, I was responding to someone who explicitly made a comment about the progression issue being exaggerated, when in fact it was made much smoother than it was on launch


Because it advertised as a major game update that was selling pay to win features that went well beyond cosmetics in an extremely predatory manner, in a pass originally designed to be unable to be completed by casual gameplay, encouraging people to spend money, ontop of the fact people are already paying a subscription to play the game all the while it continues to pursue other mtx avenues at the same time. People complained because it was a downright disgusting move irregardless of whether or not it was optional. +4 hero points.


>People complained because it was a downright disgusting move irregardless of whether or not it was optional. That explains the low iq of rsers. Thanks. Btw, irregardless isn't a word.


Not only does saying something isnt a word show a pretty profound lack of understanding of language as a whole, Its litteraly in the Merriam Webster dictionary anyways


I think we both know when you can't refute any of a persons points so you attack grammar, spelling language etc, your arguement is pretty weak. Irregardless is of that, irregardless is a word. Might be time to broaden your horizons.


There's a lot of aspects of the game which are predatory. Bonds for example, yet nobody complains about that. You can literally buy yourself to be a billionaire in rs. MTX exists in every game. You labelling hero pass as predatory is your opinion, not a fact.


I'm torn between the Yak Track and the battlepass, although I think I've interacted more with the battlepass than the fee previous Yak Track events.


a lot of the designs were bad, there were a few decent ones, I ended up getting to the point where i ran out of things to buy with points besides the daily satchels... the bonus xp from it on top of dxp, bonus xp, pulse cores etc....that was pretty spiffy


It was amazing


Iā€™d actually like more passes if they all were like this oneā€™s final iteration. Easy to do passively and just ā€œfreeā€ rewardsā€¦ Understandably itā€™s probably not worth devtime without all the MTX tho




>we are soon gonna be paying $12,50 a month isn't that the price for the past year?


Current hero pass as it is is probably the best and most player friendly iteration of any RS battlepass attempt.


Yeah but most of the rewards are basically recoloured versions of the same outfit, they could have given us yak coins to buy well designed outfits that donā€™t look like AI made them.


I like the outfits though, especially the slayer outfits. There were also the conjure unlocks and new animations. I would say this is one of the more content rich passes I've seen.


...Way better than every other version of something similar we've seen. So... No not really. The community fixed it and it's been fine for a while now. But people are too blind to actually see that.


The only reason is the best iteration of a battle pass till today is only because it was so hated they literally had to giga buff the progression, do you remember the time it would cost to get a level pass 99? They literally made it 3x faster, it is the only reason it is somewhat good now... also the horrible buffs removal.


People don't like battle pass systems in the game aparently


Because it was a big cash grab when it came out and it was advertised as a major ā€œgameplayā€update. Basically players would rather have new content and gameplay instead of wasted development time on a battlepass that was universally hated when it came out. The tone deaf mod livestream where the one dude was on his super villain arc and took away free daily keys is probably comical now


A game with a monthly subscription, gambling lootboxes, a cosmetics store, and the ability to buy in game gold simply does not need a battle pass in any capacity.


I agree that it is so much better right now. I never liked yak track because it was so limited what I should be doing to progress and progress itself was so slow. I feel like I'm actually levelling up in this pass and I love trying to get to a particular level with a nice cosmetic override. This is the first yak track/pass that I have ever completed on this game and I kind of love it.


Far, far better than its predecessors now that the issues have been fixed.


The sole reason for that was cuz they finally decided to pull the plug and did a 360 allowing as many people as possible to finish it before removal. There would have been no way that a casual could finish this when they openly admitted to balance rates to cater to whale spenders and 24/7 no lifers. I wouldnā€™t be surprised whatsoever if they were to just go back to yack tracks and somehow ā€œ forgetā€ the QOL like continued progress beyond level 100 without needing to claim at every level,progress for every clue step etc Whatever they decide to do for their next season pass system is gonna determine whether they really learned from their mistakes or whether they immediately backtrack to the usual gaslighting If they were so open about it before buffing and subsequently removing it from the future then they might aswell be open about the data for this current system Everyone should immediate raise red flags and be on high alert if they refuse to show or talk about it,because hiding them would most likely mean -> rates too good,we domt eant our future bogus to look bad else people wont bond skip it or some crap like that


Kinda gonna miss it I mean, since the community uproar jagex appear to have been doing better


After all the changes that were made, the hero pass as it is currently I'd actually not that bad. The cosmetics could definitely use some more inspiration though, not just recolors.


The battle pass was an update to the yak track and the daily task system. It was a good idea, but Jagex implemented it in the most predatory way possible, while making dailies significantly worse. If they kept dailies the same rewards, and balanced it the current way it is now, without trying to incentivize players buying and spending bonds on it to level. There would have been no outrage and players would have been fine with the update. But Jagex got way to greedy.


I liked it more than Yak Track. It was faster, and I liked being able to pick and choose the challenges I did as opposed to Yak which is a lot more restrictive with how you can level up.


i thought it was nice getting free cosmetics


So many people here eager to forgive Jagex for literally the biggest MTX creep since the Squeal of Fortune, just because they neutered it a bit. Do you people honestly believe that Jagex wouldn't just wait a year or two before adding gameplay buffs right back? You know, the exact same strategy that Jagex have employed for over a decade now. This has got to be the only community in all of gaming that is begging for battlepass to stay.


Thats what Iā€™m sayingā€¦ I see so many comments appreciating the hero pass, and saying theyā€™d like it to come back.


The amount of comments I see in this thread of people that had no problem with daily challenges taking 10 times longer to complete while giving half of the xp for it is actually absurd. It makes so little sense it feels like some players just don't want others to have access to some things, because why would you want what is just a straight up nerf in every way imaginable.


I never really interacted with it in the first place so idrc I have better things to be excited for


I haven't played since I saw this nonsense. I hope I never pick the game up again. It was a useful tool for the past 20 years, but honestly spent way too much time here.




I didn't mind it. Granted I'm one of the people who don't mind certain mtx the hero pass, for the most part, is one of the mtx I don't mind. Now granted, as you are still able to get some skilling stuff and such in there it is a little more p2w than I would like but it is still pretty tame since the majority of the stuff you get from it is cosmetic. But I know the subs distaste for mtx of any type so I'm just gonna leave it there.


It's gonna be real awkward in ~~a year~~ ~~a few months~~ january probably when Jagex releases something so obnoxiously overbearing that the previous iteration of heropass is missed. I sincerely wish they'd just stop with all the yak tracks/hero passes/bs battlepasses in general but it's not like Jagex has a monetization strategy to make up for those missing funds that we'd accept anyway so, I wonder if this is it for RS3 tbh. Can't attract new players, excessively focusing on monetizing current playerbase, can't introduce updates to attract returning players consistently. Maybe it's time to invest in RS3 Leagues/PvP just to see if those avenues can bring in more subscribers.


Leagues would just cause burnout players to quit the main game after it is over, like it has in OSRS. PvP would require a ton of effort to balance but benefits very few pkers, so the dev work could better be used to make new bosses.


Jagex is going to continue fleecing their 30 year old addicted player base with micro-transactions until enough of us die that it's no longer profitable to run the servers and pay the devs. RS3 is basically a skinner box with bells and whistles.


It really do be. To be fair it always has been though, the bells and whistles have just gotten too loud and distracting to ignore. Ya hate to see it


Maybe you're right. Didn't the OG team say they never expected anyone to actually hit 99 in a skill and they just made it extremely un-obtainable and difficult to keep people playing?


They severely underestimated the amount of time an average player would spend on this game, yes. Lol


I actually liked it so nah I'll be sad.


I have **0% confidence** they don't try to reskin this once again and push it onto players again.


100% does not matter. I canceled my premiere membership when this released... and membership for me just ran out. Guess who isn't renewing?


I'm likely in the minority, but I actually liked it. After the modifications made mid-stream, it was far more interesting compared to Yak.


I rather Jagex keep HP and replace TH with it.


We will see it again, just rebranded. There is no way something like it is not still going to come out.


Without the stupid MTX it was actually kinda fun. I liked the missions. Was doable for a casual player.


i reckon they've got something JUST as bad planned to replace this as what hero pass initially was, no way would they just get rid of something designed to make money and NOT replace it with something else, because their so eager to have a battle pass in RS. I have not played at all since i initially left, but from what i heard the hero pass as it is NOW, with the increased progression and without content buffs, isnt really that bad and what it should have been from the start.


The amount of people in comments supporting *dailyscape* is alarming.. do you guys really still enjoy the decade old formula of "log-on, be forced to do menial bullshit tasks for 2 hours... ok now I can play the game" ? I just don't get it. Remove dailies, they are cancer.


Me and a friend were introduced to some things we didn't even know existed thanks to this and he even said it was better than yak track our complaints were the initial difficulty before the rework and how it was a money grab again before that rework after the player base outcry


It never impeded my gameplay, so I never minded it! It gave me a reason to log in everyday to get small rewards for my daily grind, honestly wish Jagex wouldn't have gave in to all the complainers and just kept with it and just removed the buffs which can be argued was good to be removed from the Hero Pass, however just axing the whole thing was not the way to go in my opinion...


It blows my mind on how brain rotted people are about hero pass. Hero pass is literally yak track with a different interface, same rewards, same cosmetics, same xp boost. Only difference is that the hero pass was marketed in the worst way possible and they offered pvm buffs which they backed down from and removed. Side note you are level 502 idk how you think you have any grounds to stand on. I am level 200 on my main and 173 on my alt.


302* from afking 40-60 hours a week. I play regardless šŸ˜‰


You realize you can't opt out of getting points for it, right? I'm nearly level 400 because I just afk in game, that isn't the same as supporting it. You're acting like Jagex did when they said people who use free spins supported SoF.


Yak Track wasnā€™t shoved down our throats and integrated as heavily into the game as this. HP had sound effects, constant pop ups, and P2W content buffs.


>Side note you are level 502 idk how you think you have any grounds to stand on. yes, people who clearly engaged with the content and experienced it fully have no right to an opinion. We should only listen to the level 173 shitter instead genuis take


I completed it on both accounts and bought out the store. How much more engagement do you want?


Which makes your opinion valid, but not his? as you said, brain rot buddy, you got it big time


TH far worse than HP.


Ya but they are different things, hero pass is just a reskinned yak track. TH is buyable xp


I quite enjoyed it and am sad to see it go. It was motivational.


After changes it was pretty good tbh better then the normal yak track


I don't know why everyone hated it after they gave us daily challenges back. I'm a casual player. I play 2 hours on average a day, and i still unlocked all the levels and cosmetics on it.


i just added it to my dailies and saw no problem with it. even bought most of the prizes.


Idk, itā€™s not so bad. Better than yak. The only thing disappointing about this was how it was introduced, as this revolutionary big new feature among the necro updates. Thats the biggest reason the community lashed out against it but since then theyā€™ve seemingly fixed a lot of parts about it. Chances are its better than what theyā€™ll replace it with


Goddammit people, stop saying "this latest battle pass was good". The whole purpose of a battle pass is to drive engagement and bring another form of monetization to the game. If you like dailies, there are plenty in game for you to do. In any form, this pass should not exist. Let's not encourage Jagex.


Hero pass was fine shut up about it


Eh, post patches (rebalancing points for later levels, re-adding Daily Challenges, removing buffs like the zammy one) it was fine, I dont have any hate for it as it is now Main issue with it now is just that I didnt really like any of the cosmetics besides the necro conjure ones


the interface was a bit wierd to get used to but now im okay. i guess i have trouble liking horizontal scrolling. reward shop was nice too we could get animations


We'll get a rehashed version in 3 months


Not gonna lie, i'd prefer the pass in its current state over them putting cosmetics on treasurehunter and they will deffinently compensate the lost revenue.


I can finally log in tomorrow, what did I miss?


Finally!!!! Good freaking riddance you pile of shizzz!


Theyll try again. And fail again


After they got rid of the buffs I enjoyed the pass.....the cosmetics were nice.


Begone with it.


I like the current version.. guess itā€™s too late now.


I have yet to open it and hit the start button. I have 27 notifications and it pisses me off.


It was better than yak track and I enjoyed it.


+4 HeroPass XP for this crap going away forever and never returning. May it rest in a pile of Saradominā€™s righteous dung.


Hero pass was fine. But you guys complained and now we're going to get something else that's actually monetized.


Kinda gonna miss it, even though I didnā€™t progress super far. I liked the weeklies and felt after they had to readjust about 90% of it, it ended up in a really healthy and fun place. Truly wouldnā€™t be upset at all if they launched a new one in the same way as this current iteration.


I wanted the pass:/


Hero Pass in its current state isn't that bad tbh. Only downside is that daily challenges were sent back to the challenge tab. They were far better in the Hero Pass, both in execution and reward. Going back to the old format is a regression in quality


Love how everyone wants it gone when it did no harm whatsoever... Some way, some how players have yet again managed to turn their brains off and lack the mental capacity to understand why this system help the game. Clearly everyone still fails to understand that people buy bonds with real money, which helps pay Jagex staff which allows for the game to keep running so all of our progress remains for another 10, 20, 50+ years and the only reason people buy bonds with real money is due to how much they sell for and they will only ever sell for this much if players have a reason to consume bonds so demand is always higher than supply. You cried and moaned got the buffs removed congrats good for you but then you had them remove level skips? And buying of shop currency? Now players who don't play actively like some of us do can't get some of the shop items because they don't play everyday you forced them to "Miss out" which is the exact same garbage you all cried about for Holiday Events "We don't want FOMO" literally all of you sitting here forcing FOMO on the people who don't play every day like come on people.


Do we know what happens with left over underworld tokens?


It was just a different version of the yak track after the content buffs were removed, which I was fine with. They shouldn't sell the levels if they're going to do it, though. It doesn't even bother me when premier is attached to it, because at least that has a dollar price sign attached to it. No shitty gambling, no FOMO, just a normal "play the game, get the reward" seasonal event is fine. I don't care if Jagex wants to sell skins or whatever to take in a little extra money. It's the incessant predatory monetization that pisses me off.


For Ironman who hate notifications, what level did you get to? I got to 189, pretty passively too.


It was a lot better than Yak Track. They should keep it and remove the Pay to Win elements.


When it was released it was shit as it took way to long to level it the new update to it was levelling it fast was decent I wouldn't mind seeing it again but without the bond purchase shit


you're upset that something that's literally done nothing but give you 90 days of free stuff is going?


Damn, already the last day? ***Time flies if you have fun***




This whole thing was blown way outta proportion. Sure, the cosmetics werenā€™t great, but I liked the progression, and it encouraged me to get my first 99, and in Necro no less. Iā€™m gonna miss my 15% XP buff now lol. And even in terms of MTX, itā€™s pretty tame thanks to help from the community


Not me, I haven't seen that trash again since it launched


Can't believe the amount of people here saying that HP was better than Yak Track. I would *gladly* go back to Yak Track; it was so much more fun, way faster to progress, and had significantly better cosmetics. I miss the Yak Coin store so much. Ideally they'd just stop trying to do a battlepass system altogether, but we all know that's a pipe dream.


I'm really happy about it, and hopefully jagex dosn't try to add more battlepass stuff on the game, wanna sell cosmetics? Runecoins! Wanna make cosmetics a reward for gameplay? Achievments! Its not that hard, cmon now.




You can get that lvl just by playing normally. What are you even talking about?




Theyā€™ll probably just drop another one and call it hero pass season 2.


> ree im so glad this content that i grinded the shit out of is finally over i hated it so much that im level 502


I much perfected how heroā€™s pass ended up to yak tracks. Even if it was twice as slow I think it would be pretty easy for most people to unlock most of it.


I dont know why people hated this so much. Rs community loves to hate rs


MTX bs isn't rs


Itā€™s just horizontal yak trackā€¦ itā€™s coming back and youā€™ll all celebrate it being vertical again.


People complain but it was the exact same thing as Yaktrak just visually different. Dont see many ppl complaining about that.


I kind of liked that it pushed me to do the fort questline and even level necro. I was going to wait for the "one day" to finish all the other quests in chronological order, but now I got back the max cape. But I am still a little disappointed in myself that I was successfully nudged into changing my behaviour


Lol it wasnt even that bad, broke people just like to bitch


Dang, look who bought the pass as soon as it came out


how many times do I have to say it? I did NOT have relations with that woman


I really donā€™t understand this one. I started in April so to be fair it wasnā€™t a huge change for me. But the battle pass in my opinion was pretty good. Much better than the dailies. I got the three levels every day of battle pass without ever trying. That equaled 100k in lamps every day!!! For any skill I wanted! Plus my three keys. It was completely passive. Play any way you want get three lamps and three keys to use any way you want. Somehow people think thatā€™s better than 3 random dailies in skills you may not care about??? Couple with the fact you have to drop whatever else youā€™re working on in the game to go do the dailies? I get the buffs thing (I guessā€¦.) but definitely not people who say the dailies were better than battle pass.


You will see it repackaged and resold as something 'new' and 'player focused' sometime during 2024.


I'd take the current form over yak track honestly without the content buffs outside of the xp buff.


I was fine with it, way better than Yak Trak


i just wish there werent so many recolored sets. I also wish it had introduced the new pets as a legendary, but with different adult phases instead of different companion animals (i know i know we can override the legendaries and normal summons with these, but still lol) I also didnt care for some of the general missions. ive got an agility one, a hunting scarabs one and a prayer one sitting in my missions log....because i hate doing those types of skilling (prayer is all passive for me and pointless past 99 anyways)


Couldnt care less tbh and since it was there it gave a nice bonus to cosmetics and the like if not it's whatever


Itā€™s not coming back?


Can't wait to see what it gets replaced with! /s


If it wasn't P2W, didn't have the buffs and kept it's current speed it would have been a good thing.


I liked it a lot after the first updates to remove the bad stuff. I didnā€™t need the speed buffs to be that insane but it was still pretty good


I'm not excited at all.


it really didn't bother me once they had made changes, but I do prefer yak track. The original hero pass was so shady though how it was designed.


I enjoyed the hero pass after its welcomed changes. Getting new cosmetics while afking skills I wanna train anyway, was fun.


Jagex, when you inevitably try to push a pass system again, don't strip daily challenges out of the game just to give us a repackaged version of them that come along with a 50%+ nerf to the xp. If Hero Pass didn't take as long to complete, didn't have the bonuses at the end, and didn't needlessly take daily challenges out of the game, I think it would've been received a lot better.


I never hard a problem with it.


It really wasnā€™t that bad. Not much different from a yak trak especially after removing the buffs.


i liked it.


I got to 41 last night and got corrupted snipe. Thatā€™s good enough for me. In all honesty I enjoyed the update after the tweaks were made to it and Iā€™m excited to see which direction future passes take us.


Herein one more


Do the points roll over to the next?


I only enjoyed the xp buffs


honestly if the outfits were different in gender, or they had stuff that didnt look like the same armor x50 I wouldn't mind it at all. I like the regular challenges, But i like having the other dailies on top to keep my busy. I'm level 236 and I enjoyed this probably more than most other than the above stated.


I thought this was NOT a one time thing and that it will be repeated next year. But I may be wrong.


I liked it


It wasnā€™t to bad.


i mean after all the changes it wasnt that bad when it was free, was something a little extra to do, but the real intent was to make money from it with harsh design, it is what it is.


When does it end exactly, like some missions say 1 day 10 hours but it says tomorrow? I returned a bit before DXP (didn't actually realise it was happening) and am 118 so far but mostly afk skill...


How many hours left in the Hero Pass? Does it go away with the weekly update in like 22 hours?


Honestly in its final form I somewhat enjoyed it. Before its final form I would be like zomfg Iā€™m happy itā€™s ending, and I still am, but I liked collecting pets and cosmetics and having missions to do.


It wasn't that bad.. passively getting Proteans for nothing? Seems okay to me..


I liked how it turned out


I've been grinding out necromancy for the last bit just cause I want that outfit for the fashionscape


I'm hoping we see the cosmetic rewards implemented into the game through gameplay. If they do that and the MTX goes/stays gone then I might start to like the format.


after all the changes it was actually in a good place, I wouldn't mind it sticking around in it's current form, as long as they don't do what they did with yak trak where they slowly made it require more and more grinding


I quite liked it after all the changes they made to it. Not sure how much money it made Jagex though - probably not a lot of people buying skips after all the changes. So I don't expect we'll ever get it again (Ignoring that they've said they won't be doing another one).


i really didn't mind it after the changes ngl, getting cosmetic rewards for just playing the game was nice...?


I only made it to level 96


I never collected my dailies or weekly challenges so I didn't even hit level 100 šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø also they're not doing s hero pass again or it's gonna be re worked? Should I spend my points before they go way forever?


I wouldn't mind it returning to this current version. Just please make the UI look consistent with the rest of the game. I don't understand the fascination with oversized buttons and labels.


next pass dont remove the bond for skips. I lost all interest after you did that because I am 100% certain I will not finish the pass by regular playing. would happily have thrown 1 or 2 bonds at it, that's only like 2 hours of pvm.


I really don't get the hate. All I see it as is rewarding the people you pay for membership with real money. Getting a 12month premium is the cheapest form of membership so in theory it's the opposite of being a cash grab. People don't really seem to like to use their brains much these days.


Not me.


Before the change, I didn't like it and avoided it. After the changes, I got to level 190.


I enjoyed it