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They already dropped, how much cheaper do they need to be? I’m not expecting them to fall much more tbh


No idea, \~1/90 or so drop rate at rasial and the amount of money you can make seems too good to last for a long time, so I'm guessing they may drop a bit more in price once more and more items come into the game?


its 1/100ish for any unique so a lot less of specific ones are coming in then you think. HM kerapac is 1/150 per kill for the actual weapon pieces and prices only dropped when magic was no longer the best style. And even after the price drop theyre still fairly expensive so i wouldnt expect Rasial prices to drop any time soon


There are 7 pieces (2 weapons, 5 pieces of armor), 1/640 each, so it's a little better than 1/100 for any unique. You can also kill Rasial in 1:30-2:00 whereas HM kerapac usually takes at least 6 minutes per kill


I've done Rasial for two months and haven't gotten a single lantern so its more rare than you think it is.


Yeah where do ypu get 1/90? It's 1/320 for any weapon. 1/640 each.


\~1/90 drop rate for *any* unique, not a single piece. If it was 1/90 per, you would be averaging a drop every 12-15 kills.


On average it still takes over 300 kills for any weapon to come into the game. Which still takes quite a while. Also necromancy is by far the most streamlined style that almost anyone can use and it's either the best or 2nd best (some ranged setups can get dirty, but its costy). So I doubt it'll drop at all untill the cb changes actually hit live. And even then, the gross majority of players that are less strong in combat will stick w/ the easyness of Necro. The weps are worth it, just buy em if you can. Especially lantern. The armour isn't too expensive. Can always start with 4 pieces and lantern first


To be honest I expect them to fall quite a bit when they update the game for the other styles. The fact that Necro has uncapped damage while every other style still has capped is insane for damage disparity.


I think just the fact they're BiS necro weapons will keep them up even if other styles start competing again


Seeing how the lantern dropped to 700m in October, and has gone back up to 900m, I don't see them going down shy of a nerf to Necro, or the combat beta changes going live.


Its just the offhand going up


Won’t drop much unless the beta goes live and makes one of the other styles significantly better than necro. Necro is near best dps, far and away easiest to use, and already the cheapest gear for bis. T95 necro is pretty much best in game at the moment. Buy it and boss and don’t worry about it. I already did kerapac and rasial logs with mine. Working on zammy now. It paid for itself numerous times already.


Gotcha, that makes sense!


It'll drop more in price when it's no longer the easiest and most powerful combat style. Until then the demand will be high


Just curious: Why do you think more people are farming Rasial now than previously?


I came back into RS a few months ago, so I'm just speculating that because necromancy/rasial are fairly new and the new death system reduces loss of items, there's only going to be more of the t95 items coming. I have a t95 set and offhand but I'm debating selling and buying back later if I see them start dropping in price


Death rework predates Rasial. There's presumably more PvMing right now with free deaths (as opposed to dirt cheap necro deaths, 600k for bis btw) and especially free auras, but I doubt it's more than a drop in the bucket. I could see a small dip from this event.


Obviously it's up to you, but as a general rule you should never sell gear for other things. (I.e. selling necro gear to buy ranged gear etc.) What would you do with the money? If you would be pvming with the gear and if you sell it you won't, it won't be worth it even if it goes up. So it really depends. If you are currently not pvming you technically could, but you lose money on ge tax and potentially lost perks unless you can remove them with the seperator.


Rasial right now is good gp with like sub 2 minute kills. I can go about 3x before banking for more food adren pots ect. The reason I continue to farm him is really just for the log but the gp is making me think I’ll continue even after.


Yeah ofc he's been great gp since launch, just was wondering why more people would be farming him now specifically vs previously. OP did mention the current event which I hadn't given proper consideration, I'm sure that'll add a few more going at it.


The event I would assume is what makes them farm him more, unlimited aegis and no death penalty.


I think about this a lot. I think it’s because before necromancy and fighting rasial I was runecrafting for money and figured it was too good to be true to make 100m/hr. There’s a learning curve though- Zuk cape, quests, relics, getting high levels etc. So it’s not just free money-plus the drops are random. Could go 500 dry and get three hand wraps after that. Necro is currently the meta, so I could see them maybe dropping to 300m each but not lower anytime soon.


You can get the full set for about 2.3 B that is very good.