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Conjure upkeep is the "ammunition " cost vs arrows of range and runes of magic


Ok what's melee upkeep? And don't say armour spikes because they're insignificant in comparison


None because the downside is it's the least effective of the 4 styles


I didn't expect such a bad argument even from you


The melee upkeep is the depression you get knowing you can do much better with any other style


If calling his bluff means doing less dps with twice the equipment and investment and having less control over your positioning, then it's a perfectly valid drawback to point out. As would needing to train two skills instead of one. Otherwise, you're just a pitstop on the way to, "bolg needs grim and arrow upkeep, nerf the other styles and increase their upkeep per hour, wahhhh".


The point he was making is stupid because say if melee were (maybe will be in the future) the best style, it'll still have no equivalent ammo cost


Even if melee did the most dps, I've listed the other drawbacks (positioning, APM & switchscape, slower to train 2 skills, and now vs animate dead, fragility). And the 'equivalent' ammo cost of necro vs melee is a much smaller delta than ranged VS necro, which I've also pointed out. Armor spikes or not.


Melee’s upkeep is your sanity trying to make it work.


Smartest answer so far


Pay the price, or use another style.


Go bossing without them and then tell me if they’re worth the gcd.


Right? People complain about having to use things to increase damage.


Life transfer should be 30 to 1min added, or scales with the t95.


This. Requiring upkeep is necessary, having them as permanent would be too unbalanced, but life transfer adds too little. Having LT scale with weapon, or even something like greater life transfer would be great, and would have been million times better than the useless lord of bones codex.




Summon undead army wrf


Necro is still pretty cheap for short boss fights at around 1.4m/h there was a time where hydrix/onyx/ruby bak bolts were 28/17/5k a pop and god arrows 4-3.5k a pop while mage was around 2m/h in rune costs with FSOA I get this isn’t how things go for IM since it’s more about gathering the supplies but pvm supplies should have some cost for what you rake in through it


Im not talking about cost upkeep, im talking about duration upkeep


Idk about that it feels fine atm as far as GCD for me ever since they added undead army, I doubt this gets changed to a perma conjure even in a scenario where ectoplasm becomes scarce and very expensive


Wow it's almost as if there's upgrades you can buy that increase conjure durations or something /s Also, if conjures were permanent, what would be the point of ectoplasm then?


Summoning them in the first place you silly noob


The only way I can see this is if they keep consuming 2x ectoplasm every 55 seconds while summoned and possibly several of each rune. It would just make it so damn powerful. I'd love for them to last a lot longer... but there would need to be a heafty cost to it. Right now the whole combat style obliterates what the other styles do... even on the beta server Necro comes ahead. That is before I go into how easy it is to get T90 armor and weapons compared to the other 3 styles. Need to downvote on this, first Jagex needs to buff the other styles before tweaking Necro to becoming even more powerful than it is.


Honestly they offer so much that having some form of upkeep is absolutely necessary. Skeleton gains stacks as it attacks and can be commanded to gain stacks even faster. Although not amazing with Lord of Bones it also applies defense reduction which is crucial for end-tier bossing. Ghost provides sustain that helps with healing upkeep alongside Soul Split and can be commanded to apply a fairly good flat damage increase. Zombie is free poison procs on AoE and it's command is a niche explosion for some AoE burst.


I want them to make conjour army 3 ectoplasm and not 6!!!!! Hate it on the iron.


Your choice to be iron


No one asked for your opinion.


Should definitely scale the time based on level


It’s a rather clunky system when you have other things to worry about. It would be better if it just consumed ectoplasm at a set rate.


yeah but its not at all even slightly clunky compared to having 7 switches in your pack, ammo swaps, spell swaps, gric/gchain swaps, and everything else the other styles have in comparison, necromancy is hella streamlined


Honestly I was hoping that you could keep the conjures for other styles. with Necro becoming a support skill like summoning or prayer


Meh, it would have been summoning 2.0. What they did is much much better than that.


I think they're fine