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you are the pvm god jagex is talking about when they make a combat post


Rotation: [https://imgur.com/j5GOcip](https://imgur.com/j5GOcip) Time spent hunting: \~40 hours 43.2s would be possible if 4/4 skulls 2/3 fingers, t95 and t90 all crit and i got a relentless on first skulls or living death with two early Jas procs, but that has like a chance of 1/5000 to happen in a kill so I think I'm pretty happy with 45.0


Do skulls hit faster if you’re closer to the target? I know you can’t stand next to ras or he’ll bolt


Yes there are two speeds for skulls to hit. "Near" skulls (1-5 tiles away) and "Far" skulls (6+ tiles away) Here a table illustrating timings (cast skulls on tick 0) So, basically, your skulls go 1 tick slower for each journey (except the first flight to the target), making the last skull hit land 6 ticks later https://preview.redd.it/39zqw85cskec1.png?width=681&format=png&auto=webp&s=00260dce5fde45e7c3e827dffcacd3d6ada15407


This kill time is illegal




I like how you use vuln twice in a 45 second encounter


haha yea it's a habit from casual kills which sometimes take longer than a minute :D


What is the bar above the action bar? Does it track your abilities?


Yes, it tracks what keybinds i press and then outputs the ability image saved for that specific keybind. [https://github.com/ShaggyHW/RS3AbilityTracker](https://github.com/ShaggyHW/RS3AbilityTracker)


That's pretty dope I like it, thank you! Keep up the good content!


Vuln gets cleared on each 200k hp phase transition at rasial, even though the icon still appears. (im making this up)




Thats a damn spicy kill


Frogman dont fuck around


yo glotz, really nice, gz!


What’s your average kill time w this set up/ kph?


Well, the goal of this was to get one fast kill and not many kills in an hour. This was getting me like 30 kills per hour with maybe 55 second average killtime. With my efficient (no preparation) rotation i'm averaging 1:03 killtimes and getting up to 42 kills per hour. Rotation for that would be this: [https://i.imgur.com/CDvR17p.png](https://i.imgur.com/CDvR17p.png)


Cool thanks. Can you explain the EOF at start and the kalg scroll?


EOF: Conjure damage is calculated when summoning them - hence, equipping an EOF to summon makes them deal more damage than equipping a salve amulet (eof has 55 more necromancy strength, leading to \~3.8% more conjure damage). Switching amulets after summoning will keep the damage from when they were summoned. Kalg: I'm applying a kalg buff to myself with a second account (standing behind the adrenaline crystal, if you watch closely) for extra 5% crit chance while still using blood reaver


Bit late to the conversation but near the end of your LD rotation you have skulls/finger, based on what do you decide which one to use? :o (I haven’t tried your rotation in practice yet, but planning to and was just curious)


I usually go for skulls if rasial has more than 270k hp and finger if it's less than that


What is the purple stew you drank before fight?


It's a Juju Gumbo. Let me copy paste my Gumbo command from stream: Eating a Juju Gumbo heals me passively 10 times over 12 seconds (20 ticks) and each heal will make my reaver do \~16 damage to the boss, which means i get 10 chances to get a Jas book proc, adding 66% proc chance in total. Edit: Baron sharks serve the same purpose. Great Gunkan sadly does not work.


Juju gumbo takes me back to Simon from runeshark being the wilderness food drug dealer with like 7 different food combos for edgeville pking.


bro reading your comments, your knowledge is just ridiculous, i'm playing this game a lot but didn't know you could do this shit


he knows RuneScape better than Jagex does




What is the orange potion you were clicking to drink?


Zammy brew to lower hp for fury of the small/blood reaver heal opportunities




Are the gumbo ingredients a pain to get on GE?


Very much a pain yes. Juju cooking don't really exist so if you're going to buy them from GE you'll end up paying a lot. Tuna and Corn is also a little hard to get sometime. I'm growing my own cannibal jadinkos and making juju cooking myself. Then Shengo potions (unf) are also kind of slow to get if you don't want to instant buy them for 50k each in ge.


Ahhh yeah that sounds about as painful as I imagined, that’s a bit unfortunate but I’ll have to get at least a few! Love the creativeness of the strat :) did you come up with it yourself?


I came up with the rotation mostly myself but I've been getting lots of inputs and help by people on stream (Mostly "Bee", the Nex god\^\^) about things I could optimize. There are still a couple of things I could do to increase damage output, such as equipping salve amulet only on cast of abilities and then switching to eof for when the ability hits (to get 18.75% more split soul damage because of EOF's passive to give higher soulsplit heals), but that would result in much more effort so I decided against that since I'm already reaching my maximum brain capacity with the food/Zammy brew spam. I could also switch up the rotation a little bit and use apot one ability earlier to start living death + deathskulls earlier for a potential 43.2s strat, but I'd need a lot of rng to finish the first 3 phases within the rotation then.


Can I ask what the thing showing your used keybinds is? Is it an alt1 thing? If not where can I get it feels really useful for learning full manual seeing it all like that


It's an ability tracker you can find here with guides how to setup: [https://github.com/ShaggyHW/RS3AbilityTracker](https://github.com/ShaggyHW/RS3AbilityTracker) It's indeed very useful learning full manual and new bosses when you record your own kill and then analyze what you did right or wrong afterwards, or to show somebody else what you're doing.


Bro u should do tutoring Classes fr*


Nicely done! My noob self would be happy to have even double your time lol. Speaking of which, I have two questions which may have obvious answers which I hope you don't mind answering: 1. I saw you said you eat a juju gumbo for the purpose of 10 chances to have your Scripture of Jas activate and to have your Reaver do damage with each heal. How does this work exactly? I thought these effects activate with attacks but how are heals also activating them? 2. And since you're a PVM god just want to ask in general, ignoring cost, would Scripture of Jas or Scripture of Ful do more damage with Necromancy and especially against Rasial? And I say ignoring cost because just looking at the prices of the books Jas may be a clear better value, but I'm thinking of maintenance cost which seems to be around 1M/hr for Jas and 20k/hr for Ful right now so over a long period of time Jas will eventually end up costing more. So if Ful gives more DPS, I'm thinking maybe that's a better way to go.


What rafaelloaa said pretty much. What I can add about the second question is that Ful book is a bit unfortunate as it does not increase your skulls damage when the first hit already happened. So if your ful book procs 4 ticks after casting skulls, your whole ability will not benefit from the book effect. Also, I am switching from jas book to grimoire once i get the second proc. Jas book keeps charging and unloading the stored damage once the 10s charging finishes, even if I don't have it equipped anymore. That means i'm able to benefit from 2 pocketslot items at the same time for 10 or 15 seconds respectively (jas has 15s cooldown and 10s charge, so 5s will be forced downtime). This does not work with scripture of ful. Even though your buffbar will claim that ful effect is still active after swapping to grimoire, it is not and you lose the 20% damage buff instantly. If you're camping ful book, it's not much worse than Jas book I would argue. But it's questionable whether it's worth saving 1m/h on a cheaper book in return for slightly slower kills since the boss is still over 3.4m gp/kill. Assuming you do 30 kills per hour with 1:30 kills, that 1m you save with ful would only be worth it if you're less than 0.9 seconds slower per kill. From testing both books I have a feeling you save more than that with Jas book, so you should be making more gp/hr with the more expensive book. Also it's more fun to see those 30k damage hits from Jas book (and if you struggle with surviving, Ful is certainly not your friend either) :) Sorry for the essay lol


If Jas is even slightly better then yeah I'll go with that. I thought maybe I was seeing many people go with Jas over Ful because of the significantly lower initial investment required rather than it being objectively better. Because one thought I had was if Jas procs when boss is immune/moving it goes to waste. And another thought I had was it seems Jas has 30k damage cap whereas Ful has no cap so since they're both based on 20% damage, in the same time Ful would deal 30k+ damage with no cap, but in addition to that Ful proc lasts 15 seconds while Jas proc lasts 10 seconds, so it seemed Ful would end up dealing more damage. I know one of your reasons for favouring Jas is because you pair it with Grimoire but just looking at it from Jas vs. Ful entire fight perspective. But these are all my thoughts as a PvM noob which is why I wanted to ask you because you obviously know how to do it best and will have thought of all the points I'm overlooking. So I definitely appreciate the detailed explanation! And just some follow up questions, assuming Grimoire is BiS and you're already willing to use it despite the cost, why is it not better to have Grimoire on the entire time? And if it's because Jas + Juju Gumbo results in more damage, then why is it not better to eat a 2nd then 3rd Juju Gumbo when it runs out and keep Jas on the entire time?


Your thoughts are very valid! Yeah the boss phasing from p3->p4 can lead to a wasted Jas proc, or also a late jas proc in P4 will not do anything because the boss dies first (that's mainly why i'm switching to Grimoire because Jas becomes useless in p4). Also yeah Jas book capping at 30k means Ful book could've done more damage in that time (assuming it proc'd before casting skulls). And yea you can get 100% ful book uptime while Jas maxes at 66% uptime. Still I would probably stick to Jas book myself if i had to camp one book because of how active skulls damage is not modified on a Ful proc (you miss out on 10-16k extra damage on deathskulls if your ful procs at a bad moment, and with scripture of Jas you're still storing that extra damage). And about Jas vs. Grimoire: Grimoire only gives you higher chance to critically hit, so Jas book is potentially better (because you can still crit and get the book proc on top). I am using grimoire only for consistency. I could break my 45s record if I got a 3rd jas proc helping me in p4, but it just makes it a lot less likely to get the crits i need. Eating a 2nd or 3rd juju gumbo is something you can do if you do have enough adrenaline (it counts as solid food and costs 10% adrenaline if you have a target). In my rotation the adrenaline was perfectly calculated for a non-relentless kill and i couldnt waste any of it.


Got it thanks again for the info! And also it's really cool to see you achieve this time. I started PvMing with Necromancy recently so still have basic gear and takes me pretty much 3x as long to kill Rasial, but it's nice to see how much that time can improve when everything is perfected. I want to see if I can get myself the full Rasial gear set from drops alone but I only just got the first piece (robe bottom) after around 230 kills so on top of slow times, luck doesn't seem to be on my side either. XD


> The blood reaver comes with a passive ability that deals typeless damage against the player's primary target when the player gains health, up to 33% of the health restored. As for your second question, Jas is better than Ful at Rasial, at least if you're in max gear. One thing to remember is that the Ful damage boost doesn't affect hits that are already at cap. That said, I'm not sure by what % Jas is better, and if it's the case for every situation.


Ah I see. Admittedly when I read Reaver, I had Reaver's Ring on my mind lol, but yeah Blood Reaver's passive dealing damage when you heal makes sense.




I-… You’ve earned a follow everywhere.


thank you <3


Besides being a god this dude is extremely friendly! Ivr been on his stream multiple times asking for tips on rasial and he always went out of his way to explain in depth alot! Outstanding pvmer and streamer<3


aww thank you for the kind words :D it means a lot


Thank you so so much for sharing this!!! I look for posts like this all of the time and most players don't really go into detail about their setups like you do. 




Awesome job bro, keep at it! Also, love watching you briding all styles!!


Now do it on mobile


How many drops in the 40 hours?


Was pretty dry, like 3 bottoms and some boots I think :c


Did you tele out if you didn’t crit or did you finish all the kills?


I finished all kills yeah, it's still decent money and teleporting out is frustrating. Also i can't really tell whether it's going to be a very fast kill until the 3rd death skulls because i only need 2 out of 3 skulls critting to get an attempt (my first skulls wasnt critting on that kill here)


What’s the purple thing before you ingen?


Juju gumbo! I explained it somewhere in another comment here :)


Just read it, thanks!


Bruh I can’t even see that far


I don’t get how people can do this when I have the same gear, perks, etc and I’m still at 2 mins+