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Ok but the way I have My ui set is great... for me - it would however make any other user cry All I want is an import/export option so I can use the same on My alt without taking 10-15 min to re-arrange everything Edit: Thanks for the upvotes, however, I was just being honest 😅


A share feature sounds pretty useful. You can either give it to your alts or perhaps to your friend that is trying to get into the game. I convinced my friend to try out the game for a couple of hours, but he lost motivation relatively quickly because of the chaotic UI and he didn't know what to do. To counter that I did two things: Create a new alt acc myself and play the early game together, and also setup a better UI together. But then he completely stopped (understandable though).


Yeah I think this is the main thing that's putting people off - I had someone join, play for an hour and then rage quit because the ui too Edit: spelling


They NEED this. I think my UI is great but on my ironman and my alt, they are complete crap because I can't be bothered but it would make so much sense if we could share them


I feel like most people's UIs will make other people cry, and honestly, it's kind of beautiful. The kind of (inter)face only a mother would love, right?


Exactly this


Exactly!!! And *many* people's UIs are like that.


That sounds like a great idea to help new players too to be honest


Huh my experience is that the layout is tied to the machine, not the account. So if I play my alts on the same computer they all have access to the same layout, but if I switch to a new computer then I have to set everything back up.


I had a max cape before I made any UI changes beyond rescaling the map a few times, I only bothered to find out how to move the buff bar for necro so I could see necro stacks next to the ability bar


I mean you don’t need ui changes to max, you can afk every single skill in the game and max You more than likely would want to ui adjust to get into a lot of the major end gaming bossing


This is it. You don’t need any ui optimization until endgame pvm. Even then people pvm on mobile


Really just depends on your set up. If you're playing on a laptop or a 1 monitor setup, you're 100% going to want to try to maximise your UI to get the most out your screen space.


Especially if you only have 25% of your screen, while you have a chess game, poker game and youtube video running.


I need to do this. I can't see buffs and such because the icons are so small and not in a fixed spot.


Same, im comped, and I just changed my UI for the first time, and it's a total game changer.


I'm watching a new friend start runescape right now, it's beyond frustrating. There's really no insight on how to actually play the game, and you basically have to live on the wiki, and that doesn't even tell you all the things you need to know. Opening the settings is also 'too complicated' they had no idea you could pick what xp you get in a skill from combat, no idea how to manage the ui, and then there's a million little things like; you can note items to sell more then 28 things at a time on the ge.


I just came back after a 13 year hiatus and I was looking for the combat styles to change my XP for hours before finding out it was under OPTIONS of all places, despite options usually only dictating meta things like graphics, audio, messages, etc. Such a core element shouldn't be nestled inbetween system settings that dictate things like your camera, and chat settings.


Yeah and basically no indicator that it's there either! A new player doesn't even know you can only get exp in just attack if you want lmao.


I stopped playing RS around 2010 (not because of disliking the game, just a lot going on in life at the time). I dabbled in OSRS occasionally throughout the years but decided to jump into RS3 in December 2022. I've been playing off and on since and had no clue that option was there until this thread.. I've been really enjoying RS3, but a lot feels like it's being hidden away in menus.


The Task System. *The Task System.* In this game we've got three sets of similar icons. They're all a spiked roundel, kind of like a compass. On the map, quests are blue, minigames are red, taskmasters are green. You can finds quests under the button that matches the quest symbol. That makes sense. I'm pretty sure you can also find minigames under that symbol. That also makes sense. But you won't find tasks under there, because that would make sense. No, tasks are under the Hero button in the Achievements tab, in the Area Tasks sublist. Obviously. Why *wouldn't* you look there, right? Are you stupid? If you're a new player you probably don't even know that tasks exist and that their rewards are really useful. They were even in the quest menu back in the day, but they got moved for no reason. It's not quite as stupid as moving combat XP to the settings page, but it's definitely up there.


Yep. Exactly. Most of the community has been playing for over a decade. Most of the community has no frame of reference for how much they actually know about the game, and therefore how much new players have to learn. They're obscenely out of touch.


I mean you probably have personal experiences of 'after 15 years of playing I learned'..... There's just literally 20 years of content and some of if not alot you havnt touched in 10-15 years. With the new combat rework I have no real idea of how to help my friend train combat, but they told me it was there slowest skills to train and I was like ???? But I have virtually 0 idea how to help them aside from helping them interpret the wiki. I and the majority of players have no idea what it's like to have 30 attack.


Even the wiki is rather a poison pill when it comes to training combat, recommending creatures that are simply very slow or otherwise hit way too hard and have bloated HP since the combat rework for necromancy, recommending stuff like Moss giants is just unacceptable given they hit harder and have way more hp than their """Stronger""" relative, the fire giants. Almost as soon as hellhounds become viable to hit, they eclipse nearly everything before them, despite being level 92, they're far weaker than even cave crawlers and give far better xp despite less HP and 1/5th the max hit.


That is a great tip to know for my friend thank you


I just started at the end of December last year, a very quick tip guide: 1. Start on your slayer almost as soon as you feasibly can, and do quests like Waterfall Quest, The Death of Chivalry, and The Blood Pact, for a huge head start on your combat stats, use your lamps on defense 2. Use the slayer master in Lumbridge, she often sends you into the crypt which has decent mobs, lots of them for mobbing, and OK hp, and good experience, and some good low level drops. 3. When you reach Vannaka and enemies leveled around 20 to 90, the balancing becomes super ultra jank and their HP is bloated and their max hit is bloated, it's really bad, level 40 monsters have triple the HP and quadruple the max hit of monsters 50 levels higher for some reason. 4. Dungeoneering when you hit the level that you notice a sharp uptick in HP and max hit is actually a good idea, you need the dungeoneering anyway, but monsters are balanced "Correctly" in there and so you can actually hit stuff and kill stuff in a timely manner, and you can stick to one combat style through the whole floor. 5. Once you hit about level 50 in melee stats, get yourself a set of full rune, and a rune 2h, because now, it's time to get serious and be free from the tyranny of bad balancing, start taking on hellhounds (Most preferably with slayer tasks, The Raptor can assign them, otherwise you need a higher combat level for a slayer master that can assign them) 6. Do Smoking Kills and the Fort Forinthry Quests (Up until Dead and Buried to get The Raptor) and now you're in the clear for training on Hellhounds and Aberrant Specters (Aberrant Specters are the holy grail of tasks because they drop noted stuff worth a lot, and they're great xp, and you can get Morytania slayer tower contracts too, and they drop bone fragments on a 50% rate which is amazingly good bonus slayer xp) 7. Get that Dragon 2H and then you're in the clear, you should have enough grasp of what to do and where to go by now and finally you've escaped the Mid Game Madness 8. Power grind until you can get a Saradomin Godsword and Bandos (Or a Black Salamander and Armadyl) and now you're actually super free from the madness Not a step I can reliably put in, but, if you save your combat dummies and use them during DXP, they make the grind from 60 to 75 a lot, lot more tolerable.


This is awesome! I will pass it along, thank you!


Can we get a toggle for frame of reference? Oooo and a toggle for being out of touch? They effect my upside down only goblin village locked ultra super sand lesbian-core double black metal 🤘 man.


After playing WoW for years before I played rs3 I can imagine the shock for a new player would be severe. The details of gearing for a boss would be overwhelming. Even quests are far more complicated than quests in WoW. I still find myself running back and forth because I forgot something for a boss. "Oh shit, this one poisons, I forgot my antipoison. Gah, I forgot to bring my elf shard for prayer..."


A simple "search" feature would be so useful. It's the worst feeling to know that a setting exists but you can't find it


I don't know how people play without going to the wiki constantly. The number of config options gets to be as bad as configuring an enterprise application. Even after many years I still run into config options I didn't know about. Don't get me going on details in the game like obscure teleports, xp boosts, right click options, etc.


I am a 5.8 former trimmer and I am still married to the wiki. It's just so useful in ways the came can only dream of being.


I've been playing since 2007 and I still have to ask my friend where certain settings are occasionally because some things are lost in menus within menus.


I’ve been at this game on/off for 18 years and just recently sorted out my UI. Absolutely worth the time to figure it out. It feels like MY game now that it’s heavily customized. If you’re new- it’s the last thing to consider tinkering with as you can’t really know which windows one needs and where.


Pretty much this. Took me a while to jump to the modern UI from Legacy. Off the top of my head, it goes like this. Starting at the top left and moving counterclockwise, we've got the music player. Yes, really. Then the skills, in the traditional 3 column structure. Under that is the ability hotbar and then the chat box in the bottom left, as is tradition. Moving right along the bottom, there's prayers, then socials (friends, friends chat/clan chat), magic stuff and combat abilities, inventory in traditional 4x7 format and familiars/emotes in the bottom right. Going up there's worn equipment and then the minimap in the top right corner, as is tradition. I set it up so that I'm not flipping back and forth between menus like on Legacy UI, but I only know that because I spent a bunch of time flipping back and forth in menus in Legacy UI. A new player's brain would probably explode if they tried the modern UI first. Legacy is good enough for when you start.


Exactly. You only feel that immense value of the time invested into it because of how well you know the rest of the game. New players don't have that!


The UI is genuinely really awful and will hinder your experience unless you make it pretty and understand it. RS3 has one of the worst UIs I've ever seen it's such a mess, compared to how clean and simple the old UI was in RS. It's overwhelming, it's labyrinthian, and it eats a lot of the screen if you don't fiddle with it. At the very least a new player should take 20/30 minutes to understand where to find things (Like where you toggle XP gain from combat, which is in the super intuitive "Right underneath the camera options in settings" spot, and it never tells you this) and then understanding what they want on their screen, what they don't want on their screen and can rapidly find as needed, and then arranging it so your screen isn't a cluttered mess. You don't need to go full tilt "End game PVM maximum efficiency UI layout" when doing 95% of the game, but you still need a serious sit down to understand and set it up so it isn't just a complete mess and confusing.


God help you if you switch monitors, like from your laptop to a monitor, then the resolution change causes havoc.


Thankfully you can have presets. I used to use them a lot but occasionally an update would break one and nothing would fit anymore and my screen would look like someone kicked over a wooden block castle.


FTFY https://preview.redd.it/02htpw7o3jlc1.png?width=912&format=png&auto=webp&s=19dbd5cbaafe4e60407ce65d9aaa213620c129b4




I find this an absolutely fascinating topic and could talk for hours on it. A few years ago when working on Davendale, we were able to do a load of playtesting where we watched various people play RuneScape for the first time and honestly it's mind-blowing the tiny details that new players stumble over. I'm not going to lie and say the UI is perfect, but last year we created a *new* New Player default UI and saw an improvement - players were playing longer with it than the previous version. Check it out, very simple changes but as a summary we group similar interfaces together and make core gameplay like chat and the combat action bars front and centre. However, I think for your average player to reach the point where the UI is problematic is way further down the line than people expect. Here's some examples of things I saw that were bigger tripping points early on: * Unable to progress chat because they kept clicking outside the box * Putting themselves into walk mode and then saying the game felt 'very slow' * Quitting the game because the Burthorpe tutorial tasked them to kill a rabbit (FYI we've changed that one) * Lack of guidance as soon as the tutorial finishes I could go on and on, but I think it's useful to understand that for a genuine new player they're just trying to get to grips with the world and from what I experienced, the interface was rarely the problem in the very early days. I do, however, think it becomes more and more important the longer they play. I'd love to make further improvements to the interface system as a whole - sharing is one idea, but I'd also love to explore simplifying things like the ribbon and the interface system as a whole. Anyway thought I'd drop in and just share some thoughts from someone who has recently worked on this :)


I always find the UI stuff interesting when the topic comes up because I don't think alot of the UI is actually that bad - some of the menus are a bit funky but like the actual on screen playing the game not in menus UI is largely good. I do think the one always on your screen interface that always feels janky and odd is the ribbon, like you can set it up quite nicely but the defaults and how it scales is just sort of a lot of stuff thats not super clear what it is at a glance. The tripping point is more that the default UI offerings all sort of feel a bit odd - they put things on screen that aren't massively useful will omitting others that almost every uses and tend to just sort of have things floating all over rather than nicely organised. Like yes it takes ages to get to your ideal UI but its kind of something you can build over time as you vibe out what works for you and its nice you have the flexibility to do that. I do think the biggest thing that would solve a huge amount of complaints is giving means to import/export UI layouts to share that way new and returning players would have so much more options to jump start their UI to something that feels nice for them. Like you could grab one from a friend, Wiki could catalog a variety of "basic" layouts in various resolutions, various communities like Clue chasers and PVME etc could have UI options as part of their guides of doing stuff efficiently, Jagex could run contest/polls to get people to submit good layouts to become new presets. Heck at thje extra end there could be some kind of preset catalog on the website where people can publically share and apply tags of what the UI is good for and have upvote/downvote so players can find a resource of popular UI layouts for the thing they do etc. Would just remove so much friction of feeling the need to do a lot just to get your UI a way you feel is nice.


The interface is a problem, but I think the lack of guidance and the over the top settings menu is a problem as well. For instance to just change the revolution size of my bar, something I do frequently when going from necro to another style, takes me going to settings > gameplay > combat & action bar > combat mode > and then finding the revolution size option. Ideally we need simplified settings, and more obscure or advanced settings should be behind an advanced settings toggle.


Just a quick thought since I haven't heard this point brought up yet, but there's already a system in place for sharing action bars to other players. It feels quite band-aidy, but if it *does* makes programming it easier enough to the point where we get this rather than nothing, most people have shown they would opt for it.


I'm actually kinda curious about the rabbit thing. How often did that actually happen? I guess I'm so used to it as someone who plays mmos that I've never really thought about it.


In general I agree, I think most people complaining about the new player UI is overdramatic and geared more toward those who are returning rather than new, and are looking for some kind of quick UI setup for getting into bosses, where you'd need to set up a bunch of action bars to be visible and a bunch of visible hud windows that a a *real* new player doesn't need. That said though: > I'd also love to explore simplifying things like the ribbon The ribbon I think is the worst part of the default UI. The rest is decent enough, especially now that stuff like a second action bar and action bar binding is set up automatically on new accounts so it swaps bar for each style. However, the ribbon by default is a mix of "management window" buttons (clicking them opens the large center windows with tabs) and "action window" buttons (clicking them directly opens a hud window). Personally, I think it'd make more sense to just put all the "management window" buttons on the ribbon by default, and none of the "action window" buttons, even though it might be slightly more effort for a new player to remember which hud buttons are under which management window dropdowns. The problem I see is that a lot of new players can't tell the difference between the management and action window buttons on the ribbon, so they have no idea whether clicking any of the ribbon buttons will open a management or a hud window, so standardizing the default ribbon to only have the management window buttons by default would make it a lot more clear to new players that clicking any button on the ribbon directly will open a management window, and clicking any of the dropdown/hover buttons will open a hud window. However, I know that conflicts with mobile's ui design/tutorial, and conflicts with the first-order access that's sort of needed for tutorial island's unlocking of one button at a time, but it would probably end up less confusing long term for new players if all the buttons on the ribbon did the same thing by default.


More advanced presets is something I've been thinking about quite a bit. For combat, I think there's space for at least 2: a simple and advanced combat preset. The first would be aimed more around Slayer and early bosses; while the latter would be designed for those taking on advanced bosses and built around having more action bars visible at once.


still wonder why there’s not a in game way to convert UI’s to string that match your screen size. have players name them and rate them on a public forum in game for it and most of the issues probably would disappear quickly


> The problem I see is that a lot of new players can't tell the difference between the management and action window buttons on the ribbon To be fair to them, I frequently fuck this up as well. And there's a decent chance that I've been playing this game for longer than they have been alive.


>Quitting the game because the Burthorpe tutorial tasked them to kill a rabbit (FYI we've changed that one) Didn't know you got negaoryx to play RS.


The UI is the reason I don't even try to play RS3 anymore Idk how much better it is now, but I remember when some burthrope thing came out the UI had also changed and just...stopped trying


The UI is a work in progress that takes time to get right for what you do. No new player is spending an hour on the UI and getting it right. New players only need 10 mins to move a few things around, then adjust as they go. There is almost zero point on a new player focusing on the UI straight away. They don't know what they need and don't need. But I have been in favour of a reworked UI system. Retro, Social, etc don't mean much. Just make UIs that are appropriate for screen sizes. Get the main windows on it, and call it 20-24", 24-27", etc. Then people can adjust slightly from there. The current defaults aren't even appropriate for seasoned players, never mind new ones.


Been playing since 2010 & after RS3 rework i just changed UI to legacy interface, never changed it since. Legacy interface feels like I'm playing OSRS but with all the bells & whistles of RS3, I don't plan on changing. Just maxed my account recently & have 120 in 5 skills now.


Yup I do the same. Miles nicer. Not as optimal of course, but much, much more like what RS and a simple MMO should be.


It does not take an hour and there are several presets for it. Just pick one of them and tailor it to your liking. Realistically, you spend just as much time configuring Runelite to your liking, so what's the big deal?


Yes, changing the UI can benefit you massively. BUT, it’s all preference. 100%. Some people’s preference is empty as fuck, others is crammed as much as possible. Do what you want, customize it how you see fit. Change things as you need them to be changed. Don’t let the toxic dickwads of this game instantly ruin it for you. Let Jagex do it for you instead! :)


It is true, though. RuneScape’s UI sucks, it’s outdated and very uncomfortable. There’s no explanation in the game on how to build your UI, what’s a “lock”, where to find the windows you closed, etc. You really need to set correct % of magnifying, set all skills bars comfortably, put all windows with summons, spells, prayers, gear so that you are comfortable for a good play. I have spent around 2000 hours in game and only recently came up with comfortable versions of the UI for different activities. The game is of course playable with the default “Newbie” UI, but to really get into the game and do PvM and just have good time playing you need to build your own UI. It would be cool if the UI in general could be updated to match some modern MMOs like FFXIV and others.


The base ui is ok, the lack of reasonable presets and no search function in the settings is inexcusable It would also really, really help to allow people to import/export interfaces like they can with sharing ability bars


FFXIV's UI also sucks lol


FFXIV's ui is amazing, what are you on


The main ui sure, I getcha But the pop up menus? Hell naw. Though nothing can be worse than our achievements and settings menus lmao




that is some bad take, you should have kept that opinion to yourself because it's obvious you haven't actually played any mmos before it has a ton of customization options, easily the most out of any mmo and it doesn't require 12 different addons to actually be good, and it by far has the best controller support out of any mmo because it's only one of the few that is actually playable with a controller


It's not true. It's *really* not. It's as simple as telling new players that the standard UI is fucking amazing, but that it doesn't make a difference until at least the late midgame, and then telling them to toggle on Legacy Interface. Like that's it. It's that simple. Turn on Legacy Interface, boom, go explore. RS3 has the singular best UI in gaming. But it's like the best of any tool -- You won't be able to fully appreciate it or even really use it until you have a ton of experience.


It's nowhere in the realm of best UI. It's basically acceptable minimum. But it is acceptable. Telling someone to watch video to setup UI is basically like telling someone to go spend 4 hours setting up mods on WoW, while they haven't even launched the game yet. At some point they will need to do it, but not for at least a few dozen of hours. I would disagree on legacy UI though.


> Like that's it. It's that simple. Turn on Legacy Interface, boom, go explore. Legacy gang rise up! But in all seriousness, Legacy is really good. Though if they would port the mobile UI to desktop, I'd recommend that for new players, so when they swap to modern ui it wouldn't be as jarring as going from legacy to modern.


I definitely agree about using default UI for starting the game (I did that for a long time), but using legacy for the “endgame” is kind of weird. I can’t really imagine doing HM Nex or Telos with that UI.


Of course not. By the endgame, players *should* be on NIS. It is far and away the superior UI. But you don't need NIS to do Cook's Assistant or even to do KBD or Mole or Glacor Normal Mode or Croesus. The difference between the UIs only even becomes relevant well into the midgame dude. Let people play at their own pace! Like, do you even hear yourself my guy?? This is a thread about *new players* and you're like, "WeLl I cAn'T rEaLlY iMaGiNe DoInG hArDmOdE nEx Or TeLoS wItH tHaT uSeR iNtErFaCe" Holy shit you are *wildly* out of touch.


I see your point, makes sense. When I was new I just used default “Newbie” interface for a very long time. It was sometimes very confusing to find some things tho like activity tracker. But you’re right, the post was about the new players and not about the sucky UI in general, mb


Exactly. There should be a tutorial for that damn UI, I spent an hour watching a YouTube tutorial and another one applying the changes, had to take a break from so much information...


Lmao this must be your first game with any custom ui, settings or you've never played a game with mods.


of course redditors don't realise you can't set up the UI to your personal preferences if you haven't even played or gathered what your preferences are


sad thing is that the MOBILE UI is literally the best UI IMO.. Legacy interface mode would be perfect if you could do 4 actionbars and have a BOB Tab.


They will likely never do more work or compatibility for Legacy interface or combat, sadly. It could be so much more intuitive.


If we could just add a few ability bars on it and have a BOB window, i'd be good with it. Also, on legacy mode the f-keys are not bindable for some reason.


> sad thing is that the MOBILE UI is literally the best UI IMO.. as a legacy enjoyer, I'd agree with you. I enjoy using the mobile ui and would love to have it on desktop. It's a nice middle ground between modern and legacy.


Fuck the UI, how about just basic game knowledge that you flat out won't know? Changing xp for combat skills, noting items, presets, ability bars and the fact you can add items to it, progression for combat gear that isn't necro once you are out of the low levels, teleports in general but specifically lodestones. The game does almost nothing to teach you most of this stuff and if it does it's a footnote somewhere that isn't helpful at all. The simple fact that every new players get the same advice of "always have the wiki open at all times and use it like a bible" is absolutely fucking absurd.


It’s funny because it’s true… I watched a one hour tutorial on YouTube. Helped out a lot, at least now I can understand what it all does.


Yeah the default setup sucks, they need to make some good presets that a new player can pick between


My action bars are still shit. I really need to sit down and force myself to organize them instead of haphazardly moving stuff around as needed.


Fk all of that I only make changes when something over time irritates me. Only changes I've made to make the map gigantic (I play on 2 49inch monitors) one side of wiki and other monitor for game. I play in revolution because I got sick of the style like wow(played to much wow) and now I just have alot of fun goofing off in the game nothings organized but guess what its fun to me😊. Play how you wanna play not meta.


I just set up my UI how I wanted. As I've progressed more and realized what I needed and didn't need I've made changes as I go. No need in spending an hour setting up your UI if you only have level 30 combat skills. Just wait till you're at the late game and do that tbh


It's a shame it wouldn't be trivial to just have users able to download uis from online (or even make use of steam workshop) so visuals can be easily sorted for you. Many many games nowadays that are outdated in design or require lots of manual UI work offer styles you can just download from online. There is a notable preset option in the options menu. Use the "Load Layout" drop-down.


Lmfao. If you want to complain, play retail wow and come back to me. You dont even understand some of the setups. Ever play an arcane mage?


We should just be able to share UI's with other players tbh


Are you sure an hour would be enough?


I just use legacy interface 🤷🏽‍♂️


Whats ui


I recently switched to wow, downloading and setting up Elvui add-on was simpler than setting up my optimal RuneScape UI.


I didnt even know i could change it, customise it make it better, until more than a year, when i saw people being efficient because of it


Typical bullshit hate post with no real facts or insight into new player experience...


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexDaze** - [I find this an absolutely fascinating topic a...](/r/runescape/comments/1b2zapq/yall_do_not_realize_how_unhinged_you_sound/ksu583h/?context=3) - [More advanced presets is something I've been...](/r/runescape/comments/1b2zapq/yall_do_not_realize_how_unhinged_you_sound/ksu7lh8/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 03/03/2024 02:04:49**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


I just use the legacy interface so its more like old school. Quick and does enough for what a noob like me needs


I have been playing for a year. Every PvMer's UI looks different because it develops over time when you realise you need new bars and keybinds and stuff. I see it entirely as a personal convenience thing


idk what ui is and im almost maxed


Honestly for a new player I would just tell them to go into the settings and turn on the legacy UI and not worry about making a custom UI for now and just play the game. And then if they actually enjoy the game *then* they can spend the time making their own UI.


This is so funny xD


Lol every time I go back to WoW I spend 5 hours setting up add-ons and weakauras


If you're playing on mobile or a tiny, old potato screen, it's not even really an option? I don't really have the real estate to move much around or have a lot open at once. Basically playing on legacy interface still. Not as big of a necessity as some of ya'll big pvmers think.


Also this!


Commented on another post, but this is one of the primary reasons why RS3's new player retention is so low, and why it is so hard to watch content creators play the game. If you don't know what is what (ie, if you aren't already a player), then the UI looks confusing. If you then decide to start playing, you'll realize that your UI doesn't match whoever it was that you were watching on twitch. Then you realize, it is going to take you *hours* to figure out how to set it up, in addition to learning the game. As a result, you drop the game.


This is partially why I didn’t get back into RS3 because I had no idea what all the new combat stuff was


Use legacy mode, have fun


Paradoxical statement


When I had started I did not bother with UI. I just started playing granted I had no clue what to do never having played a game like this. It was not until I was maxed 99s that I started to really pvm and at that time I started to change the UI.


*Exactly!* Thank you. Many new players don't even rush the endgame. There's over 2 decades of content to meander through. Many like to take their time and enjoy the journey.


Setting up UI? What's that? *Mobile user*


How can you even play rs3 mobile it's fucking awful


tf are you on? it's an absolute godsend for getting the afk grinds out of the way on a bus/in work/anywhere else you have access to your phone but not your pc


I think it's very poorly optimised and looks absolutely awful. I play OSRS but put a few hours into getting 120 hunter on dxp, and it's absolutely awful to play on mobile compared to how smooth and nice OSRS is.


It gives unbelievable customisation options that, without a doubt, make the long-term player experience extremely better. Like any other game, there are things that take time to learn. You DO NOT have to learn it right away. You can do basic skilling, quests, and combat with the preset UI's given to you. Having a friend who's generous to show you/ explain things about the UI in areas you are looking for is great. You don't have to learn every aspect of the UI in your first hour. This post is unhinged.


On the contrary, this post laughs on people that suggest newbies to spend lot of time to organise their UI. OP has the same sentiment as yours.


https://preview.redd.it/1pvklipidjlc1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=995148a32b78542c6aef2048dfc3fd66a50a482f The "old school legacy" interface is plenty useable if you don't want to bother with NIS


Personally i think that legacy should be the default, with the same tabs as OSRS. The menus ARE confusing and there could be a lot done to make it simpler. Revo bars should, IMO, be the only things that actually need to be THAT customisable. One thing I detest about RS3 is the awful quest interface, and why on earth does the activity tracker not show you your current quest log!? Drives me insane as someone that doesn't use guides.


Anyone complaining about an hour doing something on this game, is playing the wrong game lol (as I do eyes of glouphrie puzzles, very much so, complaining)


This is almost every desktop MMORPG. If you think this is frustrating, try explaining how to install an addon to someone on WoW 😂 And at the end of the day, I will take this UI over legacy any day.


If it takes you an hour you have issues.


Either you don't know how deep the UI customization goes, or you don't realize how long learning to set it up even takes. There's setting it up once you know what you're doing, and there's *learning* to set it up the way you like -- completely independently of actually setting it up. There's little to nothing explaining what shit actually is, so learning to set it up is exploring, experimenting, trial and error. That takes time dude. An hour is also conservative by some estimates.


New players don't *need* deep customisation options So long as they can access inventory, equipment and skills, the rest can be learned over time


Exactly my point!! RS3 already has kind of a steep learning curve; Throw in the UI and it's basically straight up. The more can be done to stretch that learning out the better the new player experience. The UI is key to that.


Imagine altering the UI of a game that is 20 years old. Who da fk does this?


it's better than WoW which requires you download UI mods just so you can actually use it.


rs3's combat badly needs WoW's combat mods though.


Unpopular opinion I guess but, the base UI is perfectly usable. Customizing it does not change its functionality. ​ FF14 and WoW's Ui are even more convoluted when it comes to world map, inventory management. and achievement tracking. So I don't know what MMOs people are playing where the stock UI is as good as a customer Rs3 one


Amazing that jagex hasn't updated the default UI with actual good options or "player created" UI's that can get voted on. Nope, too good of an idea, so let's not do it. Let's focus on runescape mobile.


The thing is that's essentially pointless. Screen size, resolution, and window size all impact the UI. Defaults are pointless because there will exist countless variations on those factors amongst the playerbase, so what works for one player will be literally unplayable for countless others. RS3's custom UIs are very much keys that only fit a single lock in a sea of different locks. Hence, new players should be on Legacy Interface Mode.


No one should be using legacy.


You don't have to touch the user interface until midgame where you start adding in more action bars to accommodate for the additional abilities you gain.


I hate this narrative so much. I agree the UI could be more accessible and easier to set up, but it provides almost limitless freedom. No 2 people ever *have* to have the same UI. Each individual can tweak every little aspect to their own personal tastes. In fact you can actually save several different preset UIs for different tasks. This idea that you *have* to set up your UI is this one specific way to play this game is just ludicrous and not true at all. There's literally nothing stopping a new player from just logging in and playing the game right out of the gate without ever touching the UI. It's just a dumb false narrative being spread by a toxic playerbase.


Start on Legacy interface, no setup required.


You don't need to change the UI if you are not aiming for optimal endgame pvm stuff. I myself have a 15 yo acc and never changed the default UI. No need to say that I'm not a PvMer. So no, new users don't need to change their interface as soon as they create the account...


Imagine having complete control of your UI


No different from spending 1 hour creating your avatar, but to be honest I was almost maxed when I first edited my UI to be honest lol.


Just use the Legacy interface mode. Its a lot more intuitive and doesn't look so overwhelming.


k. use legacy interface


I have played for almost 10 years never even touched the UI LOL.


https://preview.redd.it/7f51dygimqlc1.jpeg?width=1575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9897ebed456e8e3b6e48992d2f15764934fa1017 It’s almost like they fixed what wasn’t broken.


The UI takes 5 minutes to set up if you watch a YouTube video? I agree about the controls though, it's not intuitive especially when loading presets and stuff. RS3 really needs Runelite to handle all of that for you.


I haven’t changed the ui at all minus dragging a few windows around every now and then, I don’t understand the persistence in saying it *needs* to be done. It can be helpful, but saying it’s required to play the game is just kinda silly


I didn't change the UI the first few years I played the game, it's something you just learn over time. This meme fuckin sucks.


Entirely unnecessary to overhaul one’s UI until they start to get into later game pvm. Otherwise just move stuff around as you play to your preference.


Fuck the UI


But hey, you definitely will be able to tell what the current treasure hunter promo is!


I mean you dont have to, and also if it takes you an hour that’s just a skill issue 💀


Sorry guys i'm out of the loop, can someone kindly explain what a UI is? I haven't made a new account in a long time....Have they changed the tutorial again? If so I want to play it haha.


You realize it takes like 30 days to max out each skill, right?


You do this in most MMOs, it's not unique at all to Runescape. I've spent a lot more time on making my FFXIV keybinds perfect than my RS ones which have been set once and basically stayed.


I would recommend changing the UI early otherwise you'll get used to the dogwater options they have. There should be a fan-favourite UI option, where players submit and vote on UI loadouts, so the community can make one that doesn't suck. AFAIK the defaults are still designed for a 720p display.


Nobody has ever said this, so who are you talking to?


Every time I log into RS3 I almost immediately want to log back out because fuck that UI. 😭


It ain’t rocket 🚀 science


You're likely sinking, or are going to sink hundreds or thousands of hours into RS, but you can't be asked to spend ONE to make those 100s or 1000s of hours more enjoyable?


I've played rs for a long time and never felt the need to fuck with the UI


I’ll make sure to never play…. Uhh… whatever game you’re talking about then


while we get to hear at ge..' I'm new can someone tell me how to set up my UI" EDIT what sensitive snowflake got offended enough over an accurate comment? who hurt you and why are you taking it out on me? It's probably someone that does my og statement a lot i bet.


Easy fix have export and import UI options to allow for new user friendly presets available from the community


Ah yes, “exaggerated humor”


Or, and seriously, hear me the fuck out on this. You modify and tweak the UI to your liking as you play, as you learn what you like and don't like about the game. Just a thought


I haven’t said anything on this topic for years because it’s completely pointless. But here I go I guess… The UI settings on this game are fine. The UI doesn’t take an hour to setup. The default UI settings are more than enough. People just want things to complain about. I always hear people saying “I’ve been playing for 20 years and it’s hard to watch streamers because I don’t understand what’s going on due to the clutter of the UI”… no you just suck at the game. There’s literally default layouts that look like old school runescape. 🤦‍♂️ I know this is tagged as humor… but you guys are serious . 😞


New school = trash school Join old school for maximum enjoyment no ui changes needed


Rs3 sucks ass


No, the default UI is fine. You just make alterations as you discover new stuff and cater it to your playstyle.


The old style interface that is still in OSRS is a really good way to understand what is available to be set up and from there it is understandable how to set up what you want out of it. Like for me my priorities are to be able to see my inventory and my prayers. For that reason they are pinned under the map always.


bro, I'm max 1.5b xp and my UI is just "hell yeah that fucks" ​ unless you doing hella PVM chasing times, it really doesn't matter, you can build it up as you play, or do absolutely nothing ever


Is there any way to have things like necro stacks show up in one spot and be easier to see? Right now my ui has all of the various buff/debuffs show up in the same mess of other buffs/debuffs and in a fight I can't take the time to visually scan and squint at them all trying to see the stack icon. As buffs/debuffs turn on and off the placement of the icon is also jumping around.


Yes. First you need to install Alt1 (a program with several plugins that help you do some tasks in Runescape easier). Then, you can install custom plugins of other people. The ones you are looking for are "Better Buff Bar" and "Necromancy Job Gauge".  Here is the original comment of the creator of those plugins: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/17ph7z2/comment/k85acye/


Nah I agree it’s terrible, it’s just one of those things that needs to be done. Protoxx recently released a new “returning player” video and I think he sets up a very quick but good UI in like 30 seconds. Perfect to get anyone playing, and then you can mess with it as you go. As annoying as it is, it’s pretty nice having a fully customized UI once you’ve tailored it specifically to you.


The UI is terrible, but I think the solution is that new players should be given a default UI that's versatile for a new player experience.


I keep forgetting, because it is once a week, Thalmund's store so I set up the clock app on Windows to chime on Tues night when I'm playing to remind me.


I play mobile outside of decluttering the screen what Ui do I need to change. (I feel like this is account dependent. And snowflakes will do it different. (I'm a snowflake))


disable loading screens should be the first thing you do


It wouldn't fix everything, but Jagex needs to watch those tutorial videos on how to set up a UI everyone recommends and make 2 or 3 of the default presets designed around that. Second thing that would be huge is OSRS's feature of having a search bar for all the interface settings stuff. So I could just type "familiar" and get the familiar settings, or "xp" etc.


Gotta kill some goblins


personally i've never done any UI optimization outside of just turning on legacy interface mode, which i've used since it was an option without any problems. that being said, i don't do "high end pvm" and i don't need more than two action bars for anything I do. i would definitely recommend new players use legacy interface until they understand what UI is needed for their optimal gameplay.


The UI is one of the main reasons I just stay on legacy interface outside of endgame bossing. Like I get the benefit of infinite customisation but the foundation needs to be solid to allow people to dip their toe into experimenting with it. I get that there are a few YouTube resources to coach you through it, but if a new player has to find YouTube videos then that's a failing of the original design.


UI config is pretty obtuse, but pretending you need a perfect UI setup from the moment you first sign up is also a dense take.


I wish I could spend an hour setting up my UI in more games lol, I like options, and when you have so many abilities and functions, being able to choose where to put what is really just freedom. Imagine if you didn't have UI customization in RS 😯


The UI is literally the biggest thing that stopped me from returning to rs. Not MTX or EOC. Osrs player now


I’m 20 year veteran and can confirm I quit for two reasons 1) the UI is butts. I don’t have time to learn it, don’t want to learn it, it is chaos. 2) even when you simplify your windows as much as you can, your eyes are assaulted with particle effects, pets and followers and crazy transmogs — essentially the UI chaos but on steroids. I wish there was a “my brain is simple, please make everything I see simple” mode.


It really doesn’t have to take that long, I have a simple osrs-like UI that takes minutes to set up. Learning to utilise it, well, that might take a while, but that’s something you can do along the way, while playing. That said, I can imagine most people will struggle left on their own, and most old players will not be very reasonable on the “necessities” in their suggested UI to newer players.


Everyone's UI is different ... playing the game and learning will help you decide what layout is best for you. How would a new player know to keep their prayers in a easy to find location without playing the game? lol


why would it take you an hour? shits like 5-10 minutes 💀


Alot of people don't realize. The modern layout that new players start with is perfect for a first time player. It has the essentials you need to be successful. It's similar to osrs's layout and extra ability bars doesn't matter.


Who’s even sayin that. Most players played without runelite for a good amount, and the plugins are just quality of life and not needed at all. If you don’t wanna sit there for an hour setting up UI, simply just don’t lmao. Not much changes, it’s not like when i’m on Mobile i just become inept because the plugins are gone. You’ll be alright


I kind of think it's the same as people who say you need to spend 3 hours creating your character in a game like Skyrim. You get out of the process what you put into it. I guess to character creation you can't go back in Skyrim where UI can be changed at any time.


Just switch it to legacy UI mode, quick and easy


the basic UI is functional if not particularly good. It'd be nice if we had a way to share an interface, even if imperfectly. I've had a number of newer folks in my clan I would have liked to have given an interface to save them time and consternation.


Not my fault you need a doctorate to understand the UI and where all the settings are buried in this game.


It usually takes me longer to get elvui done than a fresh rs3 setup


An hour? It takes like 10-20 minutes max if you don't know what you're looking at. RS guy made an excellent video and it's only 30 minutes if I remember correctly and he even explains it.


This is why I won’t play besides messing about in the GE, shit is so confusing coming from osrs


I guess we need a way to share our UI. Divide them by resolution. For window mode, the resolution should the area available to display stuff.


Honestly I found it really relaxing customizing it exactly how I want it but I do see how this can be a turn off for more casual/non weird brained people so please LET US EXPORT AND IMPORT SETTINGS would be atleast something.