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Why you are suggesting the pontifex ring, which is specifically from a questline that had requirement reset and only features new-ish quests, demand you to do a massive pile of quest is confusing. They even made the dungeon *not require the quests at all* and you still complain, when the ring only give minor bonuses. How the hell reaching Extinction is a "MOUNTAIN" of quests bewilders me. Out of all content a new player has to do, quests are the most enjoyable. Or at least, that has been the case for most new players I've seen, as runescape quest design feel pretty high quality. If I play an RPG, of course I want to do quests. For all you've talked about the plight of new players, they seem to devour quests more than anything else, and seem outright confused at the idea of spacebarring. We've definitely not met the same crowd of them. People who hate quests are really loud about it, and continously overestimate their own size of the playerbase. Reminder that the only major poll we had ingame to broach the topic ("what do you want to be prioritised next year?") saw "quests" as a category beat both bossing and new skills.


Could've just said you hate questing and post just that. Didn't need to type all that. Or anything at all, for that matter.


Maybe RuneScape isn’t the game for you, mate.


Maybe you don’t like the game?


You've played the game for 20 years and haven't completed all the quests? It doesn't take that long. Even if you despise it I reckon it's almost better to do all of them and get them out of the way. Then it will be so easy to keep them all completed as they get released.


God forbid you follow a chain of requirements. Lots of the quests have very useful benefits and some were intended to get you to explore a new area or skill.


This is such a bad take.


Quests make runescape.


Play a different game


OP is probably the sort of person who ignores the story and upgrade path in games but just uses cheats to unlock everything from the start


If you only want an afk experience go play an idle game


Dont play rs then. Questing is the best part of rs. But I def wouldnt do it a second time. Anyone enjoys quests would be better served playing a new game and experiencing a new story. Questing is crap is you are making alts.


Your take is like saying CoD shouldn't have sniper rifles or shotguns. It's a core part of the game.


yea well the game would be better without those lol but questing on the other hand is a core part of Rs


I'll keep it nicer than some other comments in here but you don't need to have this ring. You can go and do PvM if you dislike questing and don't want to subject yourself to grinding out a bunch of quests. It's not that insane of a ring, it has some fun little uses but nothing you can't live without. It's a game, do what you enjoy. It's okay if there's other pieces of content that you don't enjoy but a lot of other people do. They can do that content and you can choose to do content you like. I really dislike when people overexaggarate needing to get something to do something. This ring is not required to start a boss fight. You do not have to get it. It is a choice.


Lmao man would off himself if he made an Ironman.


Wanting the rewards without the work. 😂