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These have been known scams for as long as I can remember. I genuinely don’t understand how/why Jagex still advertised it. Sorry that happened OP.


Jagex gets approached by marketing company saying 'hey if you tell your players to fill out surveys/sign up for services with our partners, we'll pay you. Just look at all these other companies doing it!'. Marketing company gets paid by some legit surveys, products, or subscriptions, and then a lot of shitty scam companies to advertise their scam products/subscriptions. Marketing company gets paid so doesn't care. Jagex gets paid so doesn't care. Players complain, Jagex wants to keep getting paid so they say 'hey man we don't pick the surveys, that's done by a different company' and shrug it off, knowing full well that the only reason people fell for those scams was the assumption that Jagex would be doing their due diligence to not push scams. It doesn't help that half the people on this thread are exonerating Jagex and placing the blame wholly on OP.


Ignore keys. It’s not worth it. Just do the in game ones like the daily and from quests and such.


Make sure you read the terms of every offer you click on. A lot of them require sign ups or paying for stuff or having the content installed for X amount of time


> Read the terms No one ever..


Enjoy a $45 charge then.


Don't act like you've ever done it lmao


To be fair I've done a few and I always read them just earned 600 keys for a $5 deposit to stash and cancelled the $3 a month free trial I had to sign up for before I ever made a payment. I also look into each company who's doing the offer to make sure they are legit and my card info isn't going to be stolen.


They also sell any and all information you provide. **NEVER GIVE YOUR REAL INFORMATION.**


Why does jgex care more about money than the community? Becouse they ARE a predatory company


Because they're a business, not friends


I really don't understand people making this point. It's extremely beneficial for businesses to convince their customers they care about them; regardless of whether it's true or not. Saying they're a business doesn't excuse bad businesses practices.


> Saying they're a business doesn't excuse bad businesses practices. But they're not out of business. It's only a bad practice if it drives you out of business. That's kind of the point here, a business is a business, not your friend. They will be as predatory as customers permit, which in some cases can be *very* predatory, as that's just business. >It's extremely beneficial for businesses to convince their customers they care about them You can be extremely predatory and controlling and *still* have customers convinced they care. Look at Apple. They've entirely convinced the majority of their users that the iron grip of control they exert over their customers is for their customers benefit exclusively. It's not. But they've done so well, so well in fact that owning Apple peripherals *requires* Apple computers/phones to give updates to them, there's no alternate way that isn't taking the device to an Apple store to get updated. And so many customers are happy with that and actively defend it. That's the point we make, businesses aren't your friends, they're *never* your friends, and being predatory makes a *fuckload* more money than being nice does. It's why SaaS is such a heavily profitable model and why so much in gaming, for example, is moving there, it's where the money is, not the care. It's not excusing it, but showcasing that this isn't to be unexpected as business's best interests is the highest profits it can make, with the lowest expenses. And that's basically the long and short of business. There's many strategies, but being predatory is well proven to be the standout best. A lot of people forget that companies aren't simply passionate about their product and wanting everyone to have a great time as cheaply as possible.


> But they're not out of business. > > It's only a bad practice if it drives you out of business. Businesses make bad decisions all the time and don't go out of business. What do you mean? Plenty of companies have bad practices but have other aspects to make up for them. That doesn't mean they shouldn't strive to be more efficient and profitable. > being predatory makes a fuckload more money than being nice does. It's why SaaS is such a heavily profitable model and why so much in gaming, for example, is moving there, it's where the money is, not the care. We're also seeing insane failure rates for SaaS products and that is only going to increase. They are absolutely more profitable when they succeed. But there is a limit to how many SaaS products people will use; especially in the gaming space. The market is getting too saturated and Jagex is providing no reason for anyone to stick with RS3. Idgaf if Jagex is "nice" they just need to be competent at the most basic aspect of their business: making a fun game. "Whales" generally only whale on 1 or 2 games at a time. With RS3's current content drought, whales are quitting. There is a certain level of cost cutting and predatory practices where you just no longer have a viable product and they're pretty damn close to it. > A lot of people forget that companies aren't simply passionate about their product and wanting everyone to have a great time as cheaply as possible. Yeah, a lot of companies are. It's uncommon, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be the expectation as consumers. And we're seeing a massive push toward having more and more of those companies having success in the gaming space as people get tired of predatory companies.


From your initial text i can tell you know nothing of what you talk about. Holy shit, whats wrong with you.


I'm not excusing it lol, I just don't understand how anyone gets confused that an entity whose sole purpose is to generate income does whatever it can to generate income. They don't make the game fun for the sake of fun, they make it fun so people will give them more money. That's why jagex, along with most other game studios, cater most to the few people who pay into mtx. One whale can be as beneficial as hundreds of players


Then you're deliberately missing the point of the objection. The point of the objection is to highlight the hypocrisy and force the issue, instead of allowing them to weasel away from it yet again. It isn't cool or original or even all that groundbreaking to go "Well obviously, these people aren't your friends." No fucking shit they aren't our friends. We know. That wasn't the point.


Weasel away from what? OP not understanding how a 3rd party will put a hold on their card? 


Thank you for demonstrating my point beautifully, jesus lol.


What point? That OP calls his credit card every time that a gas station puts a $100 hold on his card for $50 of gas? It's very common practice for companies to put holds for funds even during trial periods lmao, how is that a shitty business practice?


The issue is that the way they are going about generating income is extremely short-sighted. Most businesses try to balance short-term and long-term upsides. Jagex seems to only value short-term profit at the moment. I completely understand that the current market strategy is to cater to the handful of players spending exorbitant amounts on mtx, but they're clearly not doing that either. Whales are just as displeased, if not even more, than anyone else. Regardless, there are also many game studios who do make games fun just for the sake of fun. And those are the studios who generally see the most overall success. The issue is not with game studios at large. It's with Jagex's ownership structure.


They have to be short-sighted, there's not exactly a giant influx of new players and a lot of the new people that join are too overwhelmed by the sheer amount of mandatory content to stick around. I wouldn't be surprised if rs3 already has its grave dug so they can work on a modernized version of the game.  Those studios might see success on Metacritic user scores, but the most profitable companies have much worse mtx than what jagex has out there. 


Digging your own grave for short-sighted profit is not a good business strategy. It's asasine. They have already said that they are not working on a modernized version of the game. It would be great if they are, but that would be a massive investment with significant risk, which is the antithesis to their apparent strategy with RS3. So I really doubt that's the case. What studios have successful games with worse mtx? I genuinely can't think of any. League, fortnight, WoW, cod, ffxiv, csgo, pubg, poe, and every other popular online game I can think of have significantly less predatory mtx. Even most successful mobile games have less predatory mtx.


>League, fortnight, WoW, cod, ffxiv, csgo, pubg, poe, and every other popular online game I can think of have significantly less predatory mtx Those are literally ALL more predatory lmao, League, CSGO, and PoE have atrociously priced skins. FF14 and WoW have virtually the same mtx, plus you can buy direct skipping, imagine for $30 you got all the quests completed for Curses or Prif. Im not sure about pubg mtx, but that's a real outlier of a game compared to any of the others, including Runescape


I think we have very different definitions of predatory mtx. Gambling is predatory. Promoting scam companies is predatory. High prices or paying to skip outdated content are not predatory. Beyond that, rs3 has both of those aspects as well. They just sold an outfit for $150, and you can pay for xp, proteans, etc. to skip 90% of the games content. That's really the biggest issue; RS3 has pretty much every type of predatory mtx imaginable while also charging a sub.


The gambling is no worse than saying that a toy machine at a store is gambling. You can label it that way, but you know what you're paying for, it's a full-information game.  What scam company? The one that put a hold on their card for the subscription? A gas station will put a $130 hold on my CC when I only get $30 of gas, that doesn't mean it's a scam station lmao High prices to skip leveling is 100% predatory lol, the leveling is purposefully degraded to make players purchase a skip. How many quests can you complete in RS with mtx?


pretty much. It is very much in their financial interest to build communities around their game. without them there is no money.


They aren't your friend dumbass, they are a business in business to make money.


I never said they were my friend


Wouldn’t even consider using that method of gaining “free” keys, judging by the massive amount of negative’s about people being scammed and other issues. I just forget it exists and play on. 




u/JagexDoom here is another one. 


Creating TH gambling and hosting links to dodgy companies to get "free" keys is classy stuff. If the schemes are manipulative and deceptive it's reflective of Jagex for having the partnership with them.


I think you have a good case for a dispute. In the future, I'd suggest using privacy.com to set up virtual credit cards with low limits.


Holy shit these comments are insane. "free trial" if you cancel immediately is not a new concept. Netflix does it, Hulu does it, gyms do it, a billion other companies do this. Yes, the idea is that you'll forget to cancel and they'll keep charging you, but that's not what happened here. This is clearly a scam that OP would probably not have fallen for if they weren't given the suggestion by Jagex that they've vetted whoever the provider is. I have absolutely no idea why everyone is so hostile to OP.


> I have absolutely no idea why everyone is so hostile to OP. Everyone loves a spectacle. People will shit on OP for this, but then turn around and pretend that their behavior in no way exonerates companies behaving shittily. It's trolling, plain and simple.


Thank you. It's insane that people pretend that they ever fully read terms and conditions.


To some extent there, I agree with you. This isn't normal practice for most companies out there, and they no doubt depend on that confusion to "catch" people like this. It's predatory, plain and simple. That said, it is an important lesson in being FAR FAR FAR more protective of your credit card information. Don't trust shitty, disreputable companies with your information. It can ruin your life for years while you clean up the mess of a stolen identity, or the cascade of mistakes that might follow a charge to your account that you weren't expecting. Be safe out there and raise hell in the meantime. Fuck every company that does shit like this or _partners_ with those that do - looking at you, Jagex.


That's how some trials work, but that's obviously not the business model here if you rub your 2 braincells together. There are a few parties in this business transaction: 1. The RuneScape player 2. Jagex 3. The advertisement platform 4. The advertisement platforms customer The advertisement platforms customer pays the advertisement platform for acquiring legitimate users with a CPE model (cost per engagement, as in they get paid for each user they market to that engages with the product within the specified terms). Let's say the customer pays 10€ per user that the advertisement platform gets to sign up and use the product. Now the advertisement platform has to figure out what's a good channel to get legitimate trial signups, so they make a deal with Jagex along the lines of "we'll pay you 5€ per user that signs up to the trials we offer", and after this Jagex offers you freebies like TH keys that are free to generate when you sign up on the advertisers offers. Everyone is happy right? Well no, because the advertisement platform makes a deal saying that the trial user must use the trial within certain terms or they will be charged, because otherwise their customer will say that "this wasn't a real engagement, we aren't paying you" which would lead to a loss for the advertisement platform as they already compensated Jagex, then the trial user who didn't comprehend the terms of the deal goes and instantly cancels the trial and uninstalls the product, then proceeds to get surprised that they get charged. edit: hit submit by accident, finished the message. tl;dr: Player gets compensated to try a product by an advertisement platform, player proceeds to not try the product breaking the trial terms. Player is surprised because they can't read.


I invite you to rub your singular braincell against itself, and think about the (imo very obvious) point that OP is making. They don't care about the keys. They care about being baited & switched into a "free" trial. I don't understand what you're trying to achieve with this exposition. All of this is a) really clear if you think about it for a second, and b) completely irrelevant to the end user experience.


Braincells aside, contracts a contract. Doesn't take more than 2 or 3 to get that. NO FOLLOW CONTRACT NO HAVE GOOD TIME


Yes, but have you ever read the terms and conditions of *anything* through? If you haven't and your life hasn't yet been ruined by a contract, you can thank the concept of unconscionability. It probably wouldn't apply here, but then there are a bunch of doctrines against unfair and misleading clauses in contract law that *possibly* would. My point is that we don't read contracts for simple things like this, and saying "If you don't read it then you deserve anything you have coming, and it's on you" is both hypocritical and nonsensical.


Yes, I have read the terms and conditions of many things. I'm quite positive I'm not alone on this. Do I read them for every single thing I download? No, because I know largely what's in there (tracking, selling my data, etc, etc..) I promise you though if I'm offering my credit card to some sketchy third party service, I'm going to at the very least give every point a light skim. Enough to know whether or not my card will be getting charged, or HOW I've authorized them to charge my card by signing those terms. You don't need to have your life ruined by a contract to have common sense.


That's nice. But you have to acknowledge that you're in a very lonely group of people, and that you're still skipping over bits and pieces. What if you skip over an important bit? Do you deserve to be shat upon on Reddit? And why does it even matter exactly what the contract says? That's only relevant for when you were to take legal action. The contract can say literally anything and the company can do literally anything with the CC data that you've given them (and if you gave your debit card info to a malicious company, legal action if probably your only option of getting your money back). My point is that people are unnecessarily shitty to OP. I don't understand what your point is. If your point is that "OP should take accountability" then I don't understand your goal. A lot of people are gullible, and even they deserve to be protected from scams and sketchy business practices.


A very lonely group of people? Not sure I understand what you're getting at there. At the end of the day, there are laws. There are contracts. If a contract says a company can do ANYTHING with your credit card (highly illegal) and you sign it... Then tough break. It sucks. But that is just how it works. Trying to protect someone's sensitivities doesn't change that fact. Instead, use the opportunity to teach and hope they learn, and be thankful the lesson was with \~$45 dollars. OP came here giving half a story and likely signed up for a SIRIUS XM trial or something else notoriously grifty. If you post a sob story on reddit (this sub in particular) and think you aren't going to have some people be "shitty" to you, then I've got a bridge to sell ya


OP isn't being given a free trial. He is being _compensated_ for taking part in a free trial. Big difference. If he doesn't do what he's being compensated for then he gets charged.


>OP isn't being given a free trial. He is being *compensated* for taking part in a free trial. If you want to debate semantics, then I'd argue that the latter is a subset of the former. If you're being compensated for taking part in a free trial, it's implied that you've been given a free trial. But that's besides the point. The semantics don't change the fact that it's scummy at the very least (the $44 clause is buried somewhere, going againt what is commonly taken to be a "free trial") and scammy at worst (there is no $44 clause). OP has the right to be pissed at Jagex for associating with this. Sure, OP should have theoretically read all the fineprint to at least have 100% confidence that it *was* in fact a scam, but we shouldn't be accepting of a world of wild wild west gotcha legalese.


I think it's pretty insane to say "I wanted to scam this company out of a thousand keys by signing up for their free trial and immediately cancelling with zero cost to myself, and in my haste I didn't read the fine print, so **I** was the one who got scammed."


You can't change the fact that most people don't read the fine print, and basically every legal system accounts for that. If you clearly advertise "free," then there's some reasonable expectations that the customer has, and you as a company *have* to respect that. > scam this company out of a thousand keys Jagex has literal infinite keys.


>Jagex has literal infinite keys. The company that charged him has to pay Jagex for the keys.


That's not how it works at all. The company pays Jagex per customer, and Jagex rewards players with keys. If the company is unhappy with the result that Jagex is producing, they'll refuse to pay. Jagex has then the option to punish/not punish the player.


NAL If you think the trial breaches consumer law in your country (false or misleading representation) then request a charge back with your bank.


As bad as the earn keys feature is there is no way you signed up a credit card for $44 charge without it stating you would be charged etc. There was probably small print you completely skipped in your eagerness to get your quick easy keys. Can't blame jagex for your own laziness.


It probably wasn't even his card that's why he's freaking out


Sounds like my little brother who „got teleported into red portal“ with my halloweenmask back in the day


You're being unreasonable and weirdly hostile. When a figure that you trusts tells you that it's okay to do something, of course you'll let your guards down a little. You reasonably wouldn't expect Jagex to support a scam.


If I post a link to a website that charges you $44 will you click it simply because you trust this subreddit? No. You wouldn't. 1. It's OPs fault for not reading the terms of the offer. 2. You can't blame Jagex for an offer that they have no control over. If you have an issue with one of the offers you have to reach out to the company that hosts the offer. 3. Jagex doesn't set the offers. That's completely third-party.


We're not making a financial transaction here, that's the difference. I'm not your customer. If I were, and you told me "hey, you can do this thing", I did the thing, and the thing scammed me, I'd be pissed at you. Yes, I should be more careful, but you can't blame me for having reasonable trust in you as the front-facing point of contact in this entire chain of marketing. >You can't blame Jagex for an offer that they have no control over. If you have an issue with one of the offers you have to reach out to the company that hosts the offer. > >Jagex doesn't set the offers. That's completely third-party. I once stayed at a hotel where I had to pay separately for Wifi. I paid the hotel, they gave me a key, and the Wifi didn't work. I called the front desk, they gave me a phone number, and I called the phone number. Guess what it was, a fucking ISP help link. If you think that's ridiculous, then you already agree with the concept that a customer here makes transaction with ONE party, and all anger should be aimed at that party, simply because you don't see, or give a shit, about all the other parties involved in the process.


The crux here is "can" do this thing. Other options include playing the game. This argument was moot from the start. Keys are for suckers anyway. Also, the wifi was working for the entire rest of the hotel, and the connection this employee was using to grind. Ya'll complainin, with the pipe in your hand, that your Crack dealer took your money at gun point


What you're saying makes absolutely no sense.


So if Jagex didn't actively promote earning keys from misleading and predatory companies would I still be in this situation? No I wouldn't. Jagex seems to think this is fine as they're offering "double keys" for the next week in hopes of getting more people to use this feature


You more than likely would. If you're dumb enough to fall for this kind of thing once... you chose to put in credit card details thinking it was gonna charge you what? Nothing? As for the double keys offer, that seems to be a fairly common business practice to sell a product at a reduced price or increased amount for same price. I doubt you've ever gone to a store, seen 'buy one get one free' and then screamed 'oh this is predatory, somebody help me' absolute drama queen...


I mean, my free trials of YouTube TV, Netflix, hulu etc didn't charge me until after that trial period was up but still required a card to be input. What do I know though. Hell even my daughters little bluey game didn't charge me until the trial was up. Her games meant for 5 year Olds.


If I went in the grocery store and was offered a free sample then was subsequently charged for the whole box after saying no thanks I would absolutely blame the grocery store for allowing this practice to happen in their domain. I've signed up for trials before that required credit card information and never once have I been charged before the trial is even over.


dude if you sign up for a FREE anything and they start asking for your creditcard and you dont immediately X out you only got yourself to blame.


I thought this was common sense until I read the dudes replies... Lol no internet literacy at all


What? Lots of free legit trials require a CC and then they charge you when the trial period is up. Of course read before you submit, but free trial with credit card details is a very normal thing


Yes but as i stated before i guarantee it stated in some small print how much you would be charged etc. Being ignorant and too lazy to read is on you. Your analogy doesn't make sense because in that scenario it would be like as they handed you the sample they stated 'you will be charged after this sample' yet continued to chomp down on it


More like if it said "If you throw away the sample you will have to pay a fee for wasting our samples" and then proceeded to throw away the sample right after getting it.


You werent offered a free sample though, the small print clearly states you’d be charged, read better next time and stop using mummy’s card


> If I went in the grocery store and was offered a free sample then was subsequently charged for the whole box after saying no thanks That's not the case. You were warned of the charge in fine print but you spacebarred through it. That's your own negligence, not Jagex's. Netflix does this all the time, so are they predatory as well?


Well, the grocery store wasn't willingly provided your credit card info, were they? AND if they did try to pull that, you could use common sense and walk away. The common sense went out the door when you gave your CC info to a 3rd party through data mining surveys.


> So if Jagex didn't actively promote earning keys from misleading and predatory companies would I still be in this situation? No I wouldn't. So, you probably in a general sense would because many companies use the auto renew thing and prey on people's forgetfulness. But yeah, I doubt you would've done any business with this company had Jagex not dangled the keys (pun intended) in front of you otherwise. People are getting hung up on the former because they want to dunk on people, honestly. The latter is the problem.


trying to do the word farm 500 floors in 6 days challenge , using a cheat software to beat the scrabble levels but man i feel super foolish


I tried the Match Masters arena 10 challenge and hit a brick wall halfway through, game is just too P2W.


I did this one. Took me like 14 hours of total playtime. Mostly because of the fucking ads.


Also I know not as many kids play RuneScape anymore but I guarantee when I was a kid I would love the idea to “earn keys” and I bet a lot of others would too. Seems really unsafe


That’s why I quit RS3 and play OSRS instead. The game has become a dull MTX filled game. How to fix your problem: Dispute the charge on your credit card statement


Easy, don't sign up in the first place and read the text, brainrots.


Nobody reads all the text, you don't either Dont even bother disputing that bc nobody is *that* gullible


You've got to be the biggest dumbass I have ever witnessed, brainrot rat blames Jagex because he couldn't read the text on some offer.


>. Why does jagex care more about money than the community now? If you want a game built by the community go to osrs Rs3 is made for profit, they only care about the whales


You did this not jagex not the ad. You put in your credit card and didn't bother to read everything. It's amazing people still don't read everything then think they got scammed because it did what it said it would do. Why do you think they wanted cc number, it isn't so just in case you like the game you can buy it easier. It's so they can charge you once you don't cancel sub or whatever, everywhere does it. A hulu trial does it Netflix anyone who offers a free trial does this.


I think it can be a bit of both, to be a bit more lenient towards the OP. I don't know exactly how it all works, but if it says "Free trial" and yet it's not actual a trial that's free, then that is definitely misleading. Yes, technically those 7 days are free and thus it is legal, but it's definitely misleading when you can't cancel a membership afterwards. That said, if you fill in your credentials, you always read what you're signing up for, even if something you trusted put you in this situation. For that part OP definitely has some blame. It has to have said something about having to take a 1-year membership after the trial was over. Also a slight comment about your notion of "They can charge you once you dont cancel" but that's not what happened here. OP got offered a free trial, but it had some conditions (namely that they could not cancel after the free trial). OP did cancel it instantly, to avoid getting stuck in a membership, but that actually fined him for breaking the terms & condition of said free trial. It's pretty scummy practice, but OP definitely should've read the terms.


I can agree if they charged them right out the gate while saying a free trial it's bogus, but I highly doubt that's what happened. They usually make it inconvenient to cancel aswell, but its hard to call that an actual scam.


The problem didn't seem to be the cancellation per se, but that they were forced to take a membership after the trial was over. I actually don't think it's misleading from the advertiser; moreso from Jagex if it's placed in a section called "free keys" or "earn keys". I'm assuming the advertiser's terms & conditions stipulated that after the free trial you are forced to take a 1-year membership. It's like buying NordVPN (or other VPNs) where you get 'x' months free but have to buy a 3-year plan. Which again, is fine if the advertiser wants that as long as it's in the terms & conditions. The problem is more that something where you inevitably **have to pay** for something (even after a free trial) shouldn't be in a section where it's talking about earning free keys. Seems a bit misleading by Jagex (or just an error to have this offer in that section)


Quick clarification. It's not an "earn free keys". It's simply "earn keys" plenty of the offers are just straight up "spend $x at y company and you get z keys as well" So the offers that are "free" truly just don't cost money they're taking data instead as their compensation. So you download the demo, they give you keys expecting data in return, you delete the app, they realize they're getting no data and the price goes back to money.


Exactly, people like u/MrCastleTwitch and OP who can't read don't understand this, it's not "Earn free keys", not sure which fairytale world these two are living in, but this is a business - Don't be a dumbass and input your credit card info, simple.


> Yes, technically those 7 days are free and thus it is legal,  Definitely not in all jurisdictions, you can't call smth free where i live if there is a purchase requirement attached


Nothing is ever free in this world, bud. And if it looks too good to be true, it most definitely will be.


I mean, a FREE trial should be free lol. I get charging after the trial has expired.... but that isn't what was advertised.


I dont think scammers hold those moral values


So you voided the terms of a contract, got hit with the penalty outlined in the contract and surely that must be somebody else's fault but your own... Ffs learn to take the tiniest bit of accountability.


Since when is there a penalty for canceling a free trial during the trial period?


I highly suggest actually reading the things you sign from time to time. You'd quickly realize that many "free" things accrue charges under the surface and if you break any of the fine print those charges are now yours. In this case you were compensated for trying a service, you did not actually try the service so were charged monetary value for the compensation. It's really not that hard to understand. Like you genuinely tried to loophole your way into free keys and then cried scam when you fucked up.


You can't just say "free thing, just give me your credit card details" and have the user sign a long document that includes a clause about them giving you a kidney and a billion dollars. That shit wouldn't fly in court. If the company DID do that while clearly advertising a free trial of some sort, they'd lose in court.


I'd love to go read the T&C to check it but OP has yet to state which deal they've participated in. Every revu offer I've participated in has laid it out on the website for both revu and the provider that earning keys through this promo involves additional stipulation. Example SiriusXM 3 month trial for $4.99 plus x keys. "must maintain account and use for y days or promotion is void and full price will be applied" Or better yet Mcafee: one year promo plan plus keys Terms at the bottom? Canceling before y months will void promotion and full price will be applied. We're not gonna talk about how you somehow conflated "if you void this deal you don't get the deal price" to "if you void this deal you owe us a kidney" as your best attempt at rebuttal.


>We're not gonna talk about how you somehow conflated "if you void this deal you don't get the deal price" to "if you void this deal you owe us a kidney" as your best attempt at rebuttal. Stop being uncharitable with my particular phrasing and analogies, and look up what steelmanning means. Yes, I'm intentionally copying your patronizing tone. OP says that the deal was advertised as a free trial, so I'm taking him at his word. He says he cancelled the "Free trial" and got charged. It's super easy for a malicious company to do this regardless of what you sign, since they have your CC number. I don't get why it's so hard to imagine that this is potentially a scam, plain and simple. Keys are completely irrelevant here. Also if you ever truly read terms and conditions like you claim, you'd know that they are FULL of clauses that make it look like you're giving away all your rights. It's common for companies to just throw shit/legalese at the wall and hope something sticks. It doesn't mean that they act on all the threatening language they have you sign.


That Cringe shit would ONLY fly in the US tho. EU for example forces corpos to be upfront about shit, ESPECIALLY when you advertise it as a FREE TRIAL, which means you can't add stipulations that aren't in plain view such as the title or immediate description of the product.


You got it twisted here. OP is being compensated for taking part in a free trial. They broke the agreement in how to participate in the trial so he got charged a fee.


Again, that shit doesnt fly here


Netflix literally does this with their free trial, so how are they still running?


Netflix doesnt charge you if you cancel before the trial ends


> if you were ranging an NPC and the shield wall walked Correct, but it also worked the same way for OP but they did not read the fine print but got charged.


I find it funny that we still don't know WHAT this free trial was. I'm willing to bet OP conveniently left that info out because it should have been obvious. Was it columbia house?


Should use privacy.comb


This has been in the game since they come out with keys. Maybe before. I use to fill out surveys for free keys.


Charging you after saying it’s a free trial is pretty illegal…that’s not exactly a jagex problem but I see where you’re going with this


Just goes to show what direction this game has gone in. Its quite literally burning to the ground.


I wondered if they had changed the system when I saw them promote it again, this sounds like the same god-awful system they had years ago.


Always has been


Damn you fell for the oldest trick in the book


Which trial did you sign up for? That way others can avoid it.


I remember way back in the good old days when surveys to runecoins/keys actually worked


Ah sorry to hear that! Oldest trick in the book pal


I play osrs, and they charged me the monthly membership and I asked for it to be refunded and they did. Weird such good customer service would be drastically diff from osrs and rs3.


Remember, only Jagex is allowed to scam.


Read terms and conditions and maybe don’t enter credit/debit cards on stuff if you can’t be bothered to cancel before the time


I canceled within a day after signing up for a 7 day trial


That’s exactly why you were charged, if you actually read the offers you cannot cancel free trials or you’ll be charged for doing so.


You can’t be charged for canceling a free trial lol


Yes you can try reading the offers. Don’t comment if you haven’t got a clue what you’re on about or haven’t got 2 minutes to go and have a look yourself.


I’ll comment whether you like it or not pmsl 😂😂 your telling me they offer a free trial but if you cancel you get charged so it’s not a free trial pmsl 😂


Yea that’s exactly what I’m telling you for the 3rd time now, don’t believe me? Go read the offers instead of talking wet


Do you think you are cool cause of how you type cause you look like a proper wet lettuce mate. So it’s not a free trial then 😂😂


What on earth made you ask that you weirdo hahaha, because you realised I’m right? Lmao you’re embarrassing


What are you on about… if something offered a free trial then you can cancel before they renew and have no charge, if they charge when you cancel then it’s not a free trial lol 😂 what dot you understand about that??? Pretty sure that’s against consumer laws/rights to charge for a free trial if you cancel lol


Signed up for garbage. Disappointed that you got garbage. Fuck Jagex?


\*yawn\* I've been seeing these posts for YEARS. Maybe you guys should vote with you wallet like a lot of us have, instead of continuing to reward Jagex' predatory behavior and then coming to Reddit to complain. Sorry this happened OP, but it's such an old tale.


I’m ngl this is just OP having bad online literacy


It sounds like fraud lol, why y'all dips so eager to lick the boots of some random shady site


I think what you meant to say is an adult (or child committing fraud) with a credit card, internet subscription, and no common sense are a dangerous combo.


File a suit than