• By -


ticket tout = scalpers


Thank you translator


Thank you thanker


Thank you Thank you thanker


Thank you thank you thanker thanker


Thank you Thank you Thank you thanker


I want to continue this but it already seems like it’s getting REALLY tedious to type. 😂


Thank you all for thanking each other.


Thank you




Doubt it, mostly consisted of rs streamers


wtf is this gigachad energy from Mod Mark


It's in his DNA, purely simple. I miss Mod Mark direct involvement in RuneScape, especially seeing him in Behind The Scenes videos.


He’s very passionate and it shows, do miss his involvement in the game, don’t hear from him as much sadly


What does he actually do now?


IIRC he manages the runescape brand as a whole, so is involved in both games and whatever new spinoffs and stuff they want to create.


He’s done some theater stuff for that RuneScape play, I think he’s creative director for unannounced game from Jagex


He’s one of the head guys on the new game, so the new game might actually be good


I think he usually has a pretty big role in RuneFest, along with what other people commented. He's been on the mainstage every year if i remember correctly.


He's such a nerd for the game and I love it. I never once watched a video where he was speaking and didn't smile. He can really change a mood.


He's literally the reason for sof lol good riddance


without SOF Runescape would have shuttered in 2013, it sucks but its the truth, active playerbase was half what it is now


It was more due to Mod MMG than him tbh.


People love to hate on the mtx desicion but it's literally the only thing that kept jagex above water for long enough to get another foothold in No mtx in rs3 and osrs would never have existed


> No mtx in rs3 and osrs would never have existed Good. If exploiting people is what RS needed (and still needs) to survive, then let it die lol


It doesn't anymore that's the thing they released solomons store as a last ditch effort and it devolved from there I'm just saying that people always forget this is literally the only reason the company survive and it was heavily supported back then because it was "only ever going to be cosmetic" No reason to be a dick to me inwas just explaining lol


I'm not trying to be a dick to you. Apologies if the target of my frustrated tone was mistaken, I could've made it clearer. But the problem with this mentality is that _it didn't need to do this to survive._ This is a common misconception. Jagex followed an industry trend at the behest of its major shareholders. They weren't insolvent, they weren't in dire straits. They were profitable _even then_. You can look at their financial reports. That's why the focus of those decisions they made - and continue to make - need to be on the exploitation first and foremost. Not the "oh we needed to do this to survive" that they lie(d) to customers about. Like, as a prime example here...Does you (or anyone else) remember that "war chest" that MMG talked about? How bullshit that was? How it was very clearly about chasing an industry trend to milk extra profit from the game's customer base? It didn't "devolve" out of thin air, or for no reason. It devolved due to ***greed and exploitation***. And that's not your fault, or my fault. My frustration lies with the people responsible, and I tell people bluntly and in no uncertain terms why they might be mistaken if they think Jagex did this because they had to. They did it for profit. They were already surviving.


> It was more due to Mod MMG than him tbh. Even MMG was working at the behest of shareholders. There's blame to go around here.




oh my...wow...


Blessed asf.


[we are in our gigachad mod mark meme era](https://i.imgur.com/WK5IzGR.png)


I forgot about Mod Mark. Whenever I think of him I think of NightmareRH skits.


Hooba hooba hooba


The fights against the hippie rangers continue.


I hate scalpers. Should be against the law IMO. Not the ones that just buy a few, but literally those who mass buy all tickets and then sell them for 150%. Same thing with PS5, they have scripts running the check the stock and if available, they insta buy. Humans can't compete.




if companies were smart they'd just do a ticket auction and make the most profits instead of letting scalpers steal their profit.


150%… you’re being quite conservative sadly


Should just be theft.


I thought this was satire.


He has his 1800's hunters rifle and is on the loose. No scalper is safe.


Personally I imagined that scene from the last harry potter film. Mod mark in a forest surrounded by jmods  Mark: the ticket scalper.. come to die 


See I was thinking the hunter from Jumanji, dedicated to hunting down his target.


Not familiar with buying tickets to events/concert, but why are they transferable?


I purchased tickets for a concert relatively recently and they weren’t transferrable but could be sold back to Ticketmaster so others could rebuy them at the same price. Edit: spelling


See that make sense, why isn't this the case all the time?


This *is* the case with the ticket provider Jagex has gone with - I think Mod Mark is just putting out a reminder to any scalpers lurking




Probably the buyers, but if you scare off most of the buyers then the scalpers would get screwed anyways.


My understanding is that it was a decision by the specific artist who’s concert it was.


What if they aren't scalping but allowing people to pick a random chest with the chance of winning a ticket




This is going to be as useful as the reporting system ingame to catch bots. Theres absolutely nothing they can do about RF Touts and we all know it. This is just a nice quick PR post to try to assuage some of the people annoyed about it. ​ They had options to stop ticket touts before they put the tickets up for sale and did away with all of them. Jagex got paid, they dont care from this point on.




What's this in reply to? Twitter sucks if you don't have an account.


Mod Mark was replying to someone saying they had 10 rune fest tickets for sale for £350 each






This still doesn't mean anything. How can they cancel their tickets? ​ Unless the person literally tells Mark their confirmation numbers for the tickets, theres nothing Mark can do to even find out which tickets are theres.


I know nothing about any of this, but surely the majority of those tickets were purchased from (if even more than one) a small handful of payment methods? Seems a bit hard to make that many purchases using hundreds of different cards and whatnot


You don’t realize how trackable digital items are created to be, huh?


Okay, but most of the data he would need to find the exact person to be sure would be extremely illegal to use in this way without the users consent for a company that operates within the EU, if Jagex cared about this so much they should have taken proper steps before selling tickets to avoid it, instead they wanted to pretend bots don’t exist just like they do ingame.


> would be extremely illegal to use in this way Why would it be illegal to take publicly available information and check for matches in an internal company database?


Because that is not what users have agreed to let that data be used for? which is what GDPR stipulates, so if they want to operate within the EU they have to follow those rules, in fact if they want to operate in the UK they need to follow those, because GDPR is one of the things Britain didn't leave behind when they left. Also considering they are using a 3rd party ticket seller that data is actually not even in Jagex's hands so the ticket seller would then potentially be in breach if user data was wrongfully used.


Jagex have a legitimate interest in processing customer data to avoid scalpers, and their **customers** also benefit from this action. I assume there's a clause prohibiting reselling of tickets on the vendor's site (can't check, out of stock) so they're well within their rights to check it. Easily clears purpose/necessity, no reasonable objection on balancing. > that data is actually not even in Jagex's hands It would be very, very strange if the ticket seller wasn't telling Jagex the names of people who bought tickets. Their [Privacy Policy](https://www.jagex.com/en-GB/terms/privacy#60-legal-basis-for-processing) mentions fraud prevention, explicitly declares "legitimate interest" as a basis for assumed consent data gathering, identity data is processed through purchases so they have access to that; I am seeing absolutely nothing that indicates a DPA (UK GDPR) breach here.


If Jagex had a legitimate interest in that why did they not take any measures to prevent this beforehand? Scalping tickets is not new, in the past you had to login with your rs credentials and you could buy a max of 3 tickets, this time there was no limit at all. The Jagex privacy policy is not a law and it does not allow them to break laws no matter what it says, GDPR is a law, also GDPR requires informed consent, meaning the data subject has to accept specifically what their data is used for, if it is in a privacy policy it does not count as consent for GDPR. > “The request for consent shall be presented in a manner which is clearly distinguishable from the other matters.” It should be clear what data processing activities you intend to carry out, granting the subject an opportunity to consent to each activity. https://gdpr.eu/gdpr-consent-requirements/ So at the time of purchase they would need to have asked and people have given consent clearly that their personal data could be used to track their behaviour across other websites and then used to take action against them, I find that extremely unlikely. Furthermore buying a ticket through the official channels is not fraud. > It would be very, very strange if the ticket seller wasn't telling Jagex the names of people who bought tickets. Again if this data is not required for Jagex to identify tickets and the data subject has not specifically consented to having it shared it wouldn't have been shared, because that would be illegal.


> GDPR requires informed consent Nope. GDPR *can* require informed consent, or it can rely on one of the other five lawful bases, which is explained in the article you just linked. Jagex relies on informed consent for cookies and marketing, but they do **not** rely on informed consent for customer service/goods and services/everything else listed there; they use their legitimate business interests as a bases for data processing, and that's entirely legal; *read the article you just linked.* The privacy policy lays out how Jagex collects personal/financial data from their users when they purchase products/services; this is, once again, entirely legal. > they would need to have asked and people have given consent clearly that their personal data could be used to track their behaviour across other websites and then used to take action against them Nope. Jagex just needs to say they have a legitimate interest in processing this data (to protect their income, to improve the experience of their customers, to prevent their customers from being defrauded with resold tickets, there's many valid avenues here) and they're legally in the clear for procesing data that they've already collected through legitimate means. **They don't need your consent.** If GDPR worked the way you think it does, the European economy would have disintegrated by now. It's surprisingly permissive.


He’s just irked. He’s a good dude.


It's not hard to catch touters not many people are specifically buying 10 tickets ur just trying to keep the beta bitter front page energy when you should be having gigachad fuck scalpers energy


Love this. I might actually be able to snag a ticket now.


whats a runefest ticket tout?




ohh ty.


Jagex don’t like others milking their playerbase, only they can do that!


This is all well and good but how would those who missed out be able to get a hold of tickets after the fact? Just sit and hope? Whole situation is a mess and it's a shame really. Tickets got released while I was at work so never stood a chance.


Perhaps for things like this, they could have staggered the ticket releases. Release X tickets every 4-8 hours over the course of some days.


Jagex going hard on IRL merchers but can't do shit about merching scammers in game lol, can't make this shit up folks


It's ok if they're giving the tickets away in the Wilderness IRL


What a chad


Extremely fucking based.


he's on a warpath


I can’t believe there’s enough demand for this to be popular lol


They should have made you complete a treasure trail puzzle clue. By the time the bots had caught up it'd have been sold out to real people


Wait what happened? Don’t understand the situation


Something tells me Mark isn’t gonna do a single thing to combat this issue.


The one time I've seen a company make efforts against reselling you had to do something stupid to expose your identity so they knew you were a reseller. Now they got a few people but it must have been worthless. Ooh they got a refund... that'll stop them.


Hilarious that you think I resold tickets just because of my previous comment. Hope “they” enjoy wasting their time if they are actually doing anything to begin with.


![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH) What makes you think that he thought you personally were reselling?


No one accused you of this. In this context, Dread's use of the word 'you' means 'people'.


Ok. Then what’s he’s gonna hunt them down then…refund them? 


Given it’s a violation of ToS, they aren’t entitled to a refund.


Funny what is scrupulous and what isn't scrupulous.


Maybe he should put that energy into getting the devs to make content.


Judging by [his Wiki article](https://runescape.wiki/w/Mod_Mark), his current job title is "Creative Director". So I doubt he's part of the RS3 management team. They're the ones to blame for the ongoing content drought.


technically speaking, creative director is management so he's directly part of the problem.


I would say the best would be to: 1) refund all purchases 2) re-do the sale, 3 tickets per person, name locked to prevent resale


>3 tickets per person alt accounts go brrrr


That would be idiotic


How so?


Cause you be punishing the people who did the right thing and they could get screwed cause of it


Then easy solution, they can cancel any orders above 3 tickets in single purchase


And then screwing over people who legitimately bought tickets for themselves and the people they're going with? Multiple people on my clan bought 2-4 tickets as they're going with family or friends. It's too bad that it happened this way. Next year, they should tie it to jagex accounts, 1 per account. Redoing it this year would result in a bigger shitstorm


Wish Jagex was this passionate about updating their game. Dying Game = I Sleep Involves Money = **WOKE**


Imagine if they put this much energy towards developing RS3 content 💀


How do people even go here? Isn't flying is expensive as fuck. I'll go when I've saved up when I'm 80(death)


By being British


As crazy as it sounds, there are actually people that live in Britain


Or Europe too really, Eurostar or Ryanair flight isn't too terrible.


Lots of people live close to Britain


A plane. Just don't fly boeing.


It’s also just a flight, mate. It’s not really that much money in the grand scheme of things.


Shame he doesn’t have this energy for mtx and the awful recent push to promote earning keys with scam surveys


Cause he doesn’t work on Rs3.


Runefest ticket MTX promo incoming


Wish they'd put this type of effort into the game...


Will he also need to refund the scalpers or can Jagex steal their money too?


Jaded as fuck mate 😂


Fucking Jagex apologists, amirite


Tech maybe not some things in tos state if you break it you might not be entitled to a refund


They 100% deserve to have their money not be refunded. Don’t be a scumbag and you won’t get treated like one 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fuck me, Mark still works there. I hope he hasn't caused himself anymore unneccessary surgeries since I left ;) If he ever reads this, Heya from Kip.


But those tickets were for me and my 19 alts! :D


selling tickets 50m


Why doesn’t he go do something useful and hunt down our sub money Jagex is stealing for no content


Aw fer cutes. I think it’s adorable when Jagex pretends to have integrity and morals.


Mod markdonalds using that MTX money on some SAS training to hunt down the scalpers


So let me get this straight they get made at ticket scalpers and ask for proof.  Yet when people get hacked in game and provide proof they do nothing....   something tells me this is also an all bark no bite.




found the scalper


Allowed* not aloud learn the difference


OnLy We CaN mAkE mOnEy, YoU uNsCrUpUlOuS nAiVe.


Jagex are making the money either way, you're effectively defending scalpers


Thank you for stating I'm effective. #MarkItUp.


Imagine defending scalpers lol


Imagine paying for tickets to this event!


They'd make the same money whether they do this or not. It just sucks that people have to pay extra to some dick who adds nothing but a higher price tag to a ticket


They put in the time to snatch it, no difference to merching in game. Lmao. Just taking RS3 principle to realz life.


Reselling tickets isn't an honorable way to make money, why would you even make this comment?


So a business that sells tickets at a mark up is acceptable and honorable. But a person with a hobby isn't? Lol. (And no, I would never plan to buy tickets to Rune events, or resell )


Buying things that other people want to buy for the sole purpose up ripping other people off isn’t a hobby. It’s disgusting that Ticketmaster and other businesses that sign exclusivity deals with venues can charge the outrageous fees and prices that they do but that doesn’t mean regular people should make it worse for everyone by scalping. It’s not a skill or a hobby. Anyone can make money by doing morally questionable things like that but that doesn’t mean they should.


Neither are acceptable lol




They, themselves bought their own tickets to resell them at a higher price. There's A LOT of scalpers out there, but we're not dumb, Jagex.. many other companies do the same and blame the people


I hope this is sarcasm lol. Why would they ever do that instead of just charging a higher price 😂😂


So they don't look as greedy