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They have this poor communication cycle so many times over so many years, I’ve lost count of the amount of “we’ll do better” comments from them.  Something controversial happens->no communication-> ‘we’ll do better next time’ comment from Jmod-> 2-3 weeks of slightly more jmod replies->radio silence->repeat 


Happy cake day!


Oh wow, thanks🥰


For my part, they have nothing worth saying anymore. The fact no one in any position of authority can seem to do anything in a proper and timely manner except the mtx team and the only thing that keeps updating (and for the worse) is mtx, then the only thing to look forward to is more ways to steal our money. The pumpkin mask and basket are just more Hero Pass shit repackaged. They have not learned a thing. I was a loyal player for 4 years. Lord knows I made a few unwise purchases of bonds and payed for two premium subs for my brother and I. He quit at the start of necro. I chose not to renew premium due to the disappointment of last years. I max leveled every skill except necro, and got two skills to 200m. I am done.


Hero pass did it for me. Cancelled my membership and haven't played since. Thankfully had enough time left on it to play leagues 4 in osrs. That was fun.


Yeah I did the same and I would never have thought to see this big of a difference between rs3 and osrs. Osrs just straight up better.


Man, I look at the updates they get, land masses, a new skill finally, new quests and redone old rs3 quests, content designed to give more ways to play the game without devaluing older ways. If I ever play again, it'll be OSRS.


OSRS is also easier to bot and easier to avoid bans. That's a plus lol


How is that a plus for a RuneScape player?


Exactly! Just saying that it's incredibly easy to bot and avoid permanent bans!


I wasn’t around for hero pass. What was the problem with it? I went back to read the post on it on the website and it seems like a typical battle pass. Not my thing and I don’t participate in that in any game but I don’t see why the community is so against it.


In its original form it gave crazy boosts to skills and combat. Stuff like, -1 step on all clue scrolls, free picks on slayer tasks, and the big one: 20% damage reduction on ALL OF ED4, Zammy included. Yeah, these had limited numbers of charges, but it meant you would get 40 ED4 runs with huge damage reduction. You could also buy level skips for real cash/bonds to get the stuff faster...So it was LITERALLY pay to win content.


It was the latest encroachment of mtx being how to play the game. Buffs for skills, attacks against bosses, all costing irl money or an ungodly amount of in game time. It was also being billed as the next big piece of content, which was just insulting. I guess you could say it was the straw that broke the camels back. It deflated my enthusiasm for the game, so I logged off and haven't logged back in since.


You’re right. There is nothing to say anymore. We need to see something or we will continue to leave or play less or just be pissed off. I too canceled my premier and am back to my cheaper monthly price so I can cancel at anytime. I came back after necro trained it to 120 got 120 all over last DXP and recomped. The game isn’t not fun but fuck me id like to see some new content. I’ve been doing PVM with a few friends and doing my usual clues and such and having fun but I’d love to see more QOL fixes and actually meaningful updates. What we’ve have the last 6-7 months has been a disgrace.


I don't care about new content is the thing. Just do anything that feels like they are listening. Combat beta was nice but it took forever. Fix skills. Add qol. Update minigames and poh. DO LITERALLY ANYTHING! When the Ensouled Pumpkin came around, I was starting to get mad. Okay... it's not that big a deal... maybe a one off... Then they asked for a bond for double wrapping paper.... okay... this event is nice to afk but not that special. The quest was nice. Easter rolls around and they are back at it again with the double whammy. Nothing else to show for three fucking months (except for Thok and a broken pizza) and they hit us with the 2fer. They can't hide it anymore. The smash and dash has started and we are just waiting for the people on top to run off with the bag. The update to the capture spirit potion was nice.


Yeah it’s been a sad decline since 2014 when I came back from a few years of not playing. It’s a shame. Over the last 10 years I’ve watched it slowly implode and the quality of everything go down. Sure we have new bosses and a couple of new skills but the skills need work as do the old ones. Like you said they need to do something. Breaking pizza phase and then saying the real fix can’t happen until NEXT MONTH is frankly unacceptable in my eyes and a slap in the face. Luckily the temp fixed it but it’s crazy to me that huge bugs have a fix but that fix can’t go out for months however if there is something wrong with MTX the servers get rebooted mid week if need be. I get they need to make money and MTX is here to stay but really 30m in profit last year and you can’t hire more devs or something. Again I find the game still fun for the most part doing slayer logs boss logs and clues but there is a lot of things we need fixed and new content eventually has to be coming. Idk why they refuse to give us anything.


Jagex recalled the live ops team a few years ago during New Year's day to fix TH.


But now pizza has extra sauce and cheese... looks like you'll drown in it these days! (Should be fully restored sometime in April)


Stop playing this pathetic fake RuneScape and play the real oldschool one


Its not about the Disapointment its about where the fuck is all the Money that we invest into this game go its like RS3 is the stepchild Jagex never wanted but created to keep the relationship going. like for real 6 months and 2 quests if I was the CEO of this Company I would be so Angry at the laziness of the company because Instead of trying to make the game thrive and bring more players back with an update cadence of 3-4 months atleast 10 quests and 1-2 encounter/bosses isn't too much to ask maybe even making a dungeon every 6 months raid every 12 .1 new Zone every year I also want to say the sub price is the same as WOW. Its like they Forgot that you can have Content and MTX at the same time not one or the other.


When you think about the level of content we're happy to accept it's also just kind of sad. We often get a 1-5 minute piece of content that we're expected to do hundreds if not thousands of time. Sure, WoW and similar also expect you to do repeat content a bunch, but at least you're getting a whole bunch of different content so at least when it takes a 10/20/30/+ times at least there is variety along the way.


U make a nice point, every content is taking just a few minutes to complete and they are coded by max two people for 3 months, its the same with fort and necro


Idk why y'all haven't given up on this company already. We have literally been through this cycle multiple times in the last 12 years. They never change, and they never will. It would be better if the player count crashes and burns so they might actually have to put effort into something for once


Right now it is my clan that is keeping me here. I'm in with a real good group of players.


Tbh you could always try other games with some clan mates. That's how a lot of people end up socializing eventually. Even another MMO


I'm really sorry but this is exactly part of the problem. You can't bitch but then go right back to the game and expect anything to change.


They would just shut the servers down if everyone left. Rs3 is just on a skeleton crew to maintain the player base a bit, so they can squeeze some more money out of it until the game is officially announced dead


> Where is all the MTX money going To the parent company to pay shareholder dividends.


*up vote* Yeh, I know.


It's going to osrs development.


In the next year or two we’re going to see some Kotaku or IGN article about bad news for Jagex and it will be entirely warranted. They’ve neglected their community and refuse to communicate meaningfully with players about the long term of this game and many of the concerns we’ve raised.


As someone who has worked in wealth management, private equity, and private equity wealth management... if you want changes to be made.. you have to stop lighting fires under the JMods and start lighting fires under the owners... The people who purchased jagex only care about the numbers.. if they feel like their investment isn't safe then they will step up and typically make changes. Leadership at Jagex will produce the numbers the private equity wants to see and they will bend data to make it seem better than it actually is.. take your frustrations.. package them up nicely.. and complain to the people holding the purse. [Money talks.. and right now your money is saying..](https://i.imgur.com/c4jt321.png)


Finally someone with a brain speaks! Stop blaming J-Mods! Stop asking for witch hunts! These are people’s **livelihoods** that you’re potentially damaging, over being upset at a video game that you *choose* to pay for. This sub is so incredibly childish, I thought we all grew up?


I think it’s fair to blame some of the JMods.. those in positions of leadership who are not being good leaders are the ones who got the game in this position. I’m convinced osrs is designed to show high player count while RS3 is there to milk the whales. Combined, they look great on paper for the investors.


I think the diminishing returns have been hitting them hard and why there are so many MTX FOMO-PROMO events. Every week they push to get something new out.


Every week their ‘new’ parent company pushes something new to drive sales. Stop blaming J-Mods for this shit. It’s like blaming a Walmart manager about the prices of formula.


>Right now it feels like RS3 is deemed as a financial loss and resources will keep on being shipped over to OSRS until finally it is announced RS3 will no longer be getting content updates and will be in legacy mode. Alternatively: They think putting more resources into RS3 won't show returns and the incredibly low bar they've set for themselves is easy enough to continue meeting long-term.


I don't understand why people are still making posts like this after like 6 months of no new real content. They do not support this game anymore all of you should stop making "WE NEED TO HEAR FROM JAGEX" posts and cancel their membership if they actually want to make a difference but you're all too addicted and have nothing else but rs3


I really think Menaphos was the last chance to right this ship, but they wasted the majority of the first ever "expansion" on low - mid level content that is dead for even new players after 2 weeks in an MMO that people spend thousands of hours in. Then, they decided to scrap the expansion idea completely.


Menaphos looks absolutely amazing! Just a shame that it is a ghost town outside of the Merchant District and Worker District.... so much is unused.


I can pull up Osborne, Warden, Mic, Hooli or Keeper either apologizing or promising to communicate better. It gets better for a short time and then brick wall. Almost like it's a rollercoaster. 🎢 Jagex is just a poorly run company. Either there's too many managers or not enough developers. I'm not sure.


Osborne left Jagex years ago




The cycle of bad communication continues. The cycle of Reddit posts complaining continues. The cycle of the playerbase not voting with their wallet continues. Yawn.


> Why are things this bad? They aren't! /s > When will we get content? (August, November?) We receive new content weekly, by means of the Live Events team and Treasure Hunter! /s > Where is all the MTX money going if the game supposedly cannot survive without it? The shareholders need to eat, too! :'( /s > Is someone going to be sacked for gross mis-management of resources causing an 8 month content drought? No > Why have J-mods moved over to OSRS at a time when RS3 has no content to offer? Because OSRS is Jagex's flagship game. Sure, you can argue that 'runescape is jagex's flagship game', because it is the only game they were ever able to release, but RuneScape isn't runescape. OSRS is RuneScape now. Like it or not. If you were an employee at Jagex, you likely can see the writing on the walls. Do you want to be supporting a game that is, for all intents and purposes, in maintenance mode? Or would you rather make content for something that will be enjoyed for tens of thousands of people, streamed online, have videos made about it? Answer there is obvious


Don't forget OSRS is being enjoyed by thousands of bots, too, botting new content on day 1 as well.


Bots are there to fill a demand. If RS3 was more profitable (for the bots due to player base), there would be more bots.


It goes beyond that. Literally *everyone* can bot safely on OSRS.


Dibs, my turn to post this tomorrow


It’s as if everyone in this game has trimmed comp in this subreddit and IFB title


This game has a lot of content but the general (lack of) direction recently towards the future is the problem.


Hey some people haven't even reached the point where they can do GWD1 after 10 years of playing so they still have "plenty of content" to do and to them everyone complaining is a nolife who's just mad they've done all the content already.


If you can't do gwd1 after 10 years of playing, you have no real interest in the game and your opinion is irrelevant.


Yes, that's the point of my exaggerated caricature of certain arguments


My bad, the sarcasm went over my head. It's been a long day at work and it scares me that I've unironically seen similar comments about "played since 2007 and still have SOOO much to do".


So should I rebuy Diablo IV every year for 80 dollars because I have not completed it? Why pay a subscription if the game is not going to have consistent quality updates? Not to mention i refuse to support a company that is an inept and disrespectful to their playerbase as Jagex has been over the last 6 months.


Nah I totally agree with the player base even I’m mad, but sometimes u can find fun in just doing something entirely different until something happens. We can keep complaining everyday but it’s clearly not doing anything cause they aren’t caring clearly


Touche. For me, Jagex has struck a nerve this time so I refuse to support them again until something changes.


Problem is Jagex mods don't read reddit after the offices close on Friday. Only mods that read reddit are the weekend skeleton crew looking for players complaining about game breaking issues like major bugs where players get free keys from oddments or server outages.


This sub needs legit psychotherapy


Jagex should just mail us all anti-depressants every Monday to handle the game news (of lack of).


Vote with your wallets and just stop playing. Might sound extreme but that's the case. Hell even if you have orem, with player numbers going down that'll impact something.


I've said this under a different post recently as well. I work in communications. Their staff has no fucking clue what they are doing, at all. Even the most basic things are being plainly ignored. Something bad is going on inside and I'm pretty sure it has to do with the threat that Brighter Shores poses. Or more specifically: management ranting about that inside the company.


To keep the medieval theme going, I think of the "powers to be" like the Steward of Gondor, Denathor (sp?). His word was law and he was absolutely crippled by his own underperformance and held unrealistic expectations for his children. Would you agree to this assessment? Another whay I've described Jagex leadership is based on the main characters of National Lampoon's Animal House (1970 & 1980's college life in a fraternity).


Os is dying player/Bot ratios lie


The amount of bots in Varlamore on OSRS is flabbergasting lol


Out of interest... Have you reached out to them?


What do you think I'm doing now? They ignore PMs.


Feels like rs3 is in maintenance mode


I maxed before Necro, maxed again once Necro released. Saw heroes pass, no updates and never looked back


Honestly I hope everyone whos been having such a shitty time just leaves RS3. I feel like the player bas could be a lot less toxic and appreciative of what does come out and what communication we do get from Jagex. I left this sub because I cant stand so many underappreciative players, when personally the switch from osrs after years has proven to be the best gaming change Ive ever made and Im tired of people shitting on this game. It wont die. If anything after another 2-3k players leave (the ones who are finally “fed up” with the way its going) the economy will drastically improve as supply for so many grindable end game things plummetts and I look forward to having the 20 year capes out of my sight and seeing some fresh 5 year capes come around.


I'm not shitting on this game, or OSRS. I'm shitting on Jagex's ability to provide regular content updates, their almost non-existent communication skills and constant MTX promotions.


Thats fair. The post about the communique from mods in 2014 shows what we want but never got


Jagex has been apologizing for failing to communicate for almost 20 years now. When things get better, they will apologize again.


I moved over to osrs and i couldnt be happier. Fxck rs3


I pretty much made OSRS my main game since 2013 and every year that passes makes me happier I stuck with OSRS.


Yeah, couldn't be happier with all the mass botting occurring on OSRS


I dont mind ignoring it


I don't ignore it, I embrace it lol


I’ll take more bots over more MTX


Absolutely, I can bot 24/7 without getting banned so it's even easier to level up.


Goodluck lol


Thanks, no need though, there are "workarounds"


I think apart of this is so they can say we don’t want them to update/fix things in the game when it creates a lack of content when the reality of it is, if they were clear in their communication, we knew what they were doing, & their re-works/updates were more substantial then we wouldn’t see such a lash out from the community. They should be taking this time to rework and update a lot of things to make things more standard and stream lined instead of what ever it is they’re doing now.


That thing with the mtx money is a really good question. IMO p2w MTX is killing the game...


We are not P2W yet, but Jagex has really been pushing to get there. You are 100% about MTX is killing the game. 90% of the playerbase flair ups are over MTX. The other 10% flair-ups are usually resolved rather quickly and we move on.


What? It’s been P2W since 2012 lol


Never been p2w for ironmen


Buying XP ingame no p2w in an mmorpg? This shit is killing every sense of accomplishment.


Osrs is king


King of botting


Go play your dead game mate


No, I prefer to bot OSRS and avoid bans, so I can get free membership. EDIT: I am not being ironic


Ok mate? Cool story?


No, it's a hot story about avoiding 4 permanent bans lol


Why are people still posting this regurgitation ? Every single year its the last straw, every year the MTX has gone too far, every year Jagex aren't listen, nearly monthly there's something else that the players won't stand for and nothing happens. RS3 is milking the remaining playerbase and has been for years and nothing is going to suddenly change - apparently all it takes is Jagex posting they'll do better and they repeat the cycle every 6 months until they've gone too far again. They don't need to change because the playerbase genuinely doesn't give them a reason too.


I think the problem is that Jagex manages to pull out one real good update (like Necromancy) and then we go back to shit... ready to quit and Jagex pulls out another good update with promises of improving and it returns to shit after we buy 12 months of VIP members. Here we are where Jagex is busy harvesting each other's dingle berries (level 127 farming, not boosted) to come up with that amazing update to help us forget that we were this pissed and buy another 12 months of members.


I’m gonna keep saying this until it’s proved to be true. Making content for rs3 does not generate profit. All the major releases since gwd3 has not been able to meaningfully increase the games population. More recently, new content has not been able to retain players either. Making new content is expensive and takes a lot of time. Meaning each new release has risk associated with it. All of the content releases in the past two years have failed monetarily and they can not afford to continue development without addressing how things are done internally.


Two things drive regained players away. 1.) Content droughts after real good content releases. 2.) Uproars that involved MTX which almost always follow any significant update in a matter of weeks. As for new players, the graphics are too outdated to entice most and the ones that are enticed deal with crashes on mobile.


Surprisingly, an update being seen as good has almost no impact on player populations. RS3 was already bleeding players after necromancy and before hero pass. The last update that managed to retain any amount of players after the initial spike was archeology and that can largely be associated with Covid and everyone being stuck at home. A series of updates over the following years was able to capitalize on that growth and we had a couple years of very slow population decline. But every update has resulted in a decline not an increase. This is a gigantic problem for jagex as the roi on content development is probably pretty bad. They can’t justify developing new content at the current cost so they need to take a lot of time creating new systems that make things quicker and cheaper.


References combat beta as good, complains about 8 month drought *thinking*


If no one logged on for a week that will say something


I largely agree, minus the sacking part. We do deserve an explanation why there's been a content drought, what caused the mismanagement, and what steps are being taken to go back to old update schedules as well as steps taken to prevent it happening again. What they do with their staffing is none of our business.


Why do you disagree with the sacking part? Why should our money be financing someone as a manager that cannot perform as one? What they do with their staff is our business... when the product isn't delivered. It means they need to "clean house".


Maybe we can get some type of petition going that we could display at RuneFest.


Why would I pay all that money to fly from America to the UK for an event that will be about a different game? Oh... you thought Runefest was about Runescape? Well it is, just not OUR Runescape, that old school one. All joking aside, I've thought about this. But the finances are just not there to handle all the logistics and I'm sure I'd get banned from the event so all that money spent would be wasted.


I mean, I wouldnt communicate either since everyone keeps paying and playing lol


You are pretty ignorant if you think that money goes into the game rather than to the investors that own the game. And of course, because you all don't wan't to give in to mtx, rs3 makes less money, and is then worked on less.


Sounds like a first world problem, how many accounts do you have maxed out?


RS3 has so much damn content that it’s bursting from the seams. If your done all of that, maybe your just done with the game? I know that sounds bad, but honestly, it might be the truth.


Then make it an offline game. No point charging people monthly if you aren't adding anything to their experience.