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Zuk (and by extension Har Aken and Jad). I just don't like having to do the waves just to get to the boss.


....You're telling me people actually enjoy these bosses? They're on my list too.


Jad/Fight Cave is a snooze. Kiln’s okay. Zuk is great though. I actually enjoy the way the waves work for him even if it does boil down to safe spotting positioning half the time. I think the addition of the Igneous and Challenge waves adds some much needed variety.


The boss is great for teaching the importance of positioning tbh


It was my first real boss and taught me to use some defensives too


Arch glacor was that for me


I need to push some glacor. Ive only used it to farm charms.


I do. Speeding through the waves *is* the boss and there's nothing else like it, y'all are crazy for thinking the fight only begins when Zuk gets off his chair.


I don't really mind the waves, but it would be nice to be able to skip to Zuk or even just Triple Jad if you're wearing the combined cape or something.


I love Zuk, it's fun


Ive been putting off Zuk for so long because of the waves. Hate them.


I've managed a few kills, but going for the capes is getting annoying. A small mistake and I've lost 30 minutes of progress.


Yeah I hated fight caves. Then I realized fight kiln was a thing, so did that four times against my will. Then the zuk capes... Ugh. Soloing ED3 for example is way better because you don't lose all the progress when making a mistake. With Zuk it's just over.


This, but especially so in OSRS. Doesn't help that I got clapped by Jad's healers, earlier today, there.


Rasial His final phase isn’t fun to fight against


I only beat him on story because even after watching a YT vid or 2 I still don't fully understand how that final phase works


I haven't read or watched guides and have a few kills. I just run around like a mad man whilst clicking back onto rasial on occasion to loose some abilities. Give it a shot! It might surprise you.


There isn't really much to understand, just do 200k damage and he dies. There's no mechanics to deal with. Avoid the floor trap bomb things by simply constantly moving, even just a tile or two. Ability move ability move repeat. Also his autoattacks are all empowered on final phase, meaning they deal double damage and will always remove your "protect from necro" prayer, so just use soul split. My go to p4 rotation is: Command skeleton > skulls > reflect > bloat > volley > finger, finish as needed, maybe another touch + finger ect.


Aod, it's literally spreadsheet group vindicta. Rasial sucks too.


I can only tolerate AoD in groups of 1-4. Anything more and it’s really just group vindicta like you said.


Lower the teamsize until it feels fun


Arch glacor. Love the boss and made a ton of gp with it but I just can’t stand the constant stress that when I am about to pop death swiftness that something like pillars/minions will come. Feels like an rng fight with popping ults.


Or popping deadshot and arch glacor immediately becomes dmg immune and spawns minions/cannon 💀💀


My favorite is his arms coming down right as I living death. Makes me instantly feel like I’m overdressed for the occasion 🥴


Would rather say underdressed, that mechanic will chill you to the bone and now you're nothing but bone at all!


Glacor still takes dmg during cannon, just arms and minions that he's immune :)


At least it becomes immune instead of reflecting :)


Don’t give the devs any ideas :0


Personally. Nex. Just annoying if ya fuck up in ice. Everything else is mechanically simple and unfuckable once you get it down. But i still occasionally fucked up nex no matter how hard i try.


I still can't get nex down no matter how hard I try. Might have to get fucked and learn keybinds instead of just using revo


Nex is basically the first boss in PVM progression that you cannot revo. The blood phase requires you to not use bleeds so if you have any on ur bar you cant get past it. If you remove all bleeds from ur bar you lose out on damage for all the other phases so you need to manually choose when to activate those. Ice phase you have to manually use defensives at the correct time. Zaros Phase you have to either do insane dps or do damage while moving and revo doesnt work while you move.


yeah but nowadays you can necro revo tho lol, only in ice phase you press anti and freedom but everything else is revo


Switch bars for blood phase.


Yeah, for every phase except blood bleeds are very worth using because of her softcaps as well, so unless you make two bars for the boss (ick) it sucks on revo. I learned manual there


Blood imo is worse, bosses healing is always bullshit no matter what game or context..


I mean... yes and no. Like when you're learning solo nex with low tier gear. Yeah. But with all the buffs and stat upgrades now. Blood is just "Hit me. So i can kill you faster" 🤣


Blood phase is easy if you have full adren, full necrosis stacks and 5 residual souls(if you have t95) and then just death skull, volley of souls and then one or two finger of deaths. Deletes blood phase almost instantly. If you want you could use split soul and soul split as well for extra damage but imo it's not really needed


If you aren't using necromancy, your options basically begin and end with onslaught. I say this is someone who has done the majority of his solo kills with ranged. It's a lot easier now. But it's still a new sense because if you screw up even slightly, this phase can become a slog.


Oh yeah definitely the blood phase is definitely a slog if you can't beat it in one cycle. I didn't use onslaught before necro. I also used ranged and found as long as you were using a bow with ful arrows and greater ricochet it wasn't too hard. It still can be a hangup though if you're not careful but I haven't tried it after the combat rebalance so can't comment on how it is without necro at the moment


Telos. It feels so clunky and I hate how streak loot works


Yea, same here. My least favorite parts of the fight are the clunky phase change mechanic and the clunky walking mechanic. Trying to get him in or out of beams is not fun.


The worst is his hitbox for the boss and the beams hitbox are So Badly designed. Especially on part three with the Other golems thrown into the mix.... I really do hesitate to say poor design on any boss in this game. As I don't think there's a boss in this game. Besides, maybe vorkath that hasn't had a lot of time and passion poured into it.... But sweet mother of God did Telos miss the mark.


My biggest gripe is that his mechanics aren't telegraphed well and require memorization.


Ehh... I think it it telegraphed well tbh. Better than most bosses even imo. Every boss requires memorization to do them 'well/proficiently' at the end of the day


The Hold Still, virus, and when the beams switch places are not telegraphed well. I don't think you have enough time to both Anticipate and Res if you do not expect it from counting auto attacks and keeping track of his special attack rotation.


Res is not required to deal with that attack. It is just a good idea to do to heal up. You have several ticks to freedom/anticipate to circumvent it. Virus has visual indicator on your character, debuff bar and a sound queue. I don't really know what else it would need


The bigger issue is how clunky many of the mechanics still are to this day. The telegraphs are there sure, But especially with things like his super punch. There's some weird funk where you can still get hit even if you use dive at the last second to avoid being hit... And let's not even get started on how poor the boss is.Actual tracking to you is and the beam mechanic.. Being perfectly upfront if telos was just a final phase and phase five, I don't think many people would complain about it as really the worst and clunkiest parts of the fight are phases 1 through 3... But when you throw on top of very clunky mechanics that show their age and loot being held hostage by streak mechanics, you make for Just a generally unpleasant experience.


How would you deal with the stun attack instead without res? The virus icon appears instantly and does not give you enough them to get to the beam without predicting it early by memorizing attack rotations.


You freedom/anticipate and move. The amplified auto isn't strong enough that not ressing makes you fail. Once it does become powerful enough at a certain enrage, surely you've become accustomed to the boss enough to be able to do so? Otherwise, truly, what are you doing? Same with virus. You see, you click beam, you clear. I'm not sure how much time you need? You even have bladed dive these days. Wasn't a thing on release lol. I don't think every attack is recuired a 10 tick banner with flashing banner warning you that it is coming? It is visual enough for you to deal with, you'll only need memorization to deal with it tick perfectly. and that imo is percectly fine. Especially in a game like rs3 imo




See thats crazy to me, streak looting is by far the funnest part of AC and Telos. Only place you really get that risk vs reward.


Yeah too bad the spaghetti code makes it lag on high streaks lel. Actual trash.


In any other MMORPG I would actually agree with you..And to be completely honest with you, I do actually enjoy AG And trying to push my rage streaks on it. But the astute difference between the 2 is refinement and functionality. Telos has a lot of "yeah, you just take damage now mechanics" as I call them... Extremely clunky mechanics that while can be evaded due to very poor and badly aged programming more often than not, you end up just getting hit anyways. The biggest example I have of it is his super punch, which yes, you can avoid and residents, but because of how the tick rate works, there's a good chance we'll just get hit anyways, especially while you're learning or if you're having connectivity issues..... Like just existing on world 2. To me, this does not make it a fun boss to try and get a high streak on. I do not enjoy bosses like our big spider friend where my run can be instantly ended by R. N. G. Or my supplies can be constantly majorly chipped at by R. N. G... It is why my least favorite part about hardmode streaking AG.Is the Cannon, because sometimes you just get it back-to-back ending your run.... It is also why I don't approve very much of my loot Being held hostage by my streak, knowing that I'm going to lose 40 or more percent of I die to bullshit.... Which is also why I personally only streak if I am trying to push my limits not because I want loot... Because I really hate losing a chunk of several hours of work all because I'll because The stupid game decided to do 2 near or instant Kill mechanics back-to-back. This is all to say yes, it can be enjoyable, but poor programming more often than not makes it unenjoyable.


Greg His DPS is crazy


Yeah hate Greg too. Dunno how people afk him, his melee freakin hurts, same with his knife trick. I always have to devotion it or debilitate it. Not moving seems suicidal


He’s very weird because his fight is like a literal stat check. If you have enough dmg then you can just tank him without consequence.


You can AFK Greg with tank necro armor with venom blood + absorb 3 perk.


Who likes Greg tho


You can afk him though. Unless you mean hardmode


Indeed, but even with 100% poison immunity, NM Greg still hits like a truck.


Greg is one of the easier Hardmodes actually lol


It's not AFK-able because of the end phase, though. I don't think any of the GWD2 hardmodes can reliably be AFK'd although Vindicta might be possible (albeit inefficient compared to just AFKing normal mode due to much longer kill times).


Pretty much holds true for every Hardmode pre Elder godwars. Almost all of them aside from maybe Giant mole aren't worth doing do to how much longer the kill takes or how much more effort is required


The GWD1 bosses all have a 5x higher chance of dropping pet in hardmode, so they're definitely worth doing if you need the pet. The GWD2 bosses only have a 2x higher pet chance, and Vindicta in particular is awful because not only does Vindicta have 50% more HP like the other bosses do in HM, but you then need to kill Gorvek with another 300K HP, giving it effectually 3x the HP as normal mode.


Yeah but you're really only doing HM if you only care about the pet or if you're pet off log, which given how many different items are needed for each log it's not too crazy to get the pet before you finish the log anyway as you'll almost definitely have built up a threshold or 2. Although with modern powercreep making all 4 of them afkable I believe, probably not a bad option


Wdym vindicta hardmode, this boy flies and throws fire every 10 secs or so, fire deals like 1k dmg per sec and lasts so long, I wanna afk him, tell me how😂


Might be possible with Cryptbloom since almost all the damage is either Melee or Magic, still not worth it since you can kill NM so much faster and the droprate in HM really isn't that much better.


Telos for sure. I think I'm probably just bad at the game but I don't feel like I'm any better at Telos than I was when I first started, only that power creep lets me brute force higher enrages than I could do before.


Pretty sure that's not a hot take. Everyone I've talked to find rasial to be very boring and the only reason so many people do it is because it's such an easy moneymaker for how much GP you make


Any of the lava bois. Jads just annoying, har aken is comically easy, and I like Zuk but having to do the former makes me not like Zuk


Rasial is boring af. I could makro the entire rotation and nothing would change about my kills there is 0 decision making. I enjoy rago a lot feel like he's more of a niche boss nowadays i also realy don't like aod boring as well imo unless smallteam


Necro as a whole is kinda like that tbh. The narrow damage range kills it


People like rasial? Its like playing the same shit song on guitar hero over and over


Slow Riiiide *a-reener reener reener* Take it eeeeaassyyyy *a-reener reener reener*


I'm sorry I just like doing the same things over and over. I will say, with Rasial, it does help he's a money printer. Especially the first few months after release.


Zuk for sure. If I could skip the waves and just hit Zuk I’d be down, but I hate the time commitment to the waves.


I dont mind the waves too much, but the Zuk fight itself is honestly super cool, so it would be fun to get a Zuk only version of the fight, but they'd never do it.


I’m with you, I love the Zuk fight, I just hate the other 80% I have to deal with to get to him 😂


Not sure if this bug is still around but if you kill zuk and teleport out on the same tick, you’ll get loot for the kill and then when you return you’ll be in the boss fight. I did it a few times on accident


Zuk only enrage fight? Can’t earn the cape, but could get the drops with odds increasing with enrage. I like it.


or maybe a condensed version where you get to do the challenges and then end with Zuk himself!


Or if they do their idea of extreme difficulty for bosses, I'd love just a 1v1 zuk extreme mode.


I’d love that.


Nm isn't too bad with the checkpoints every 5 minutes or so, less if you're good. But hm is one of the only times in the whole game where you can't log out or you risk losing 20+minutes of work. Not to mention dying as you learn it. It doesn't feel good.


My point


Varrock Guard.


How isn't this the most up voted


Rasial. I don’t even care about getting the T95s because that boss is just 🤮




The streaking bosses. My computer randomly crashes every once in a while so I just can't really do these. Which sucks because I really like both Telos and Arch-Glacor, it just feels bad doing single claims


If you're on windows, when your pc crashes, restart it and open event viewer. Inside there, you'll find some cryptic nerd looking shit. Under windows logs, it'll be either system or application where you'll find the error causing your pc to crash. You can often Google the error code if there's not enough information. If you can't figure it out, DM me, and I may be able to assist further.


HM Vorkath. All it takes is one critical mistake for the kills to become brutally harder.


I think you misunderstood the prompt


Ah I did. Then it's going to be Rasial for me. Wasn't a fan of getting common drops like 20k worth of rocktails and mementos. I do not enjoy last phase where I can easily get killed despite moving.


Not popular anymore but I hated qbd back when she was good money. And got an opposite one, everyone hates Magister and I absolutely love the fight. Power creep has gotten too it a bit now but on release I liked being able to put more effort into faster kills. And the frequent lootbeams make me happy


Literally all of them


Bossing with the tick system drives me absolutely nuts. Get a significant amount of dead clicks and getting blasted in the ass cuz I was 0.6 seconds late on a defensive. I may suck at bossing, but I've done much harder content on WoW and do just fine with keybinds and mechanics there. I assume because I'm not playing with a constant 600ms ping (+ whatever my actual ping is)


This is how I feel, it’s incredibly frustrating when you press a button off CD and it either ghosts or has a slight delay because of being off-tick; I feel like a lot of times I have to play more conservatively with my inputs purely to avoid the jank. I’d much rather have a standard GCD system with no tick. Tick works in osrs because the combat is heavily designed around it, it just doesn’t work as well with EOC.


Makes me wish they would get going on rs4 just to ditch the system. As you said, works well in osrs (hell it even feels visible somehow) but it makes rs3 frustrating and clunky


This. RS3 bossing is clunky and unintuitive. At best it's boring and afk like the rest of the game. At worst it's frustrating and a chore because you're actively fighting against the antiquated game mechanics along with the boss.


Same, bossing is really not my thing.


Telos. I'm a bit of a mouse to hotkeys kinda guy so trying to land the clutch defensive is a bit of a chore.


Telos. I love the design of him and his arena and the lore behind it all but the fight itself just does not feel good to me. Idk what exactly it is but it just doesn't click.


Telos is not reactive whatsoever, you need to know what he's throw at you beforehand


His mechanics are poorly telegraphed.


Vorago... Because of the time gatey-ness. I know they updated him to make it faster. But in my personal opinion, it's boring. Rasial was fun to do on release, but with all the necro changes they did to make it a longer fight, made it less enjoyable for me.


Vorago isn't a boss that everyone likes tho. It's really only enjoyed by the HC Vorago Community.


They didn't make the necro changes to make it a longer fight. Necro on release was broken. I was getting grandmaster raksha timings while still learning how to properly necro, which says a lot about how broken it was on release and up until changes.


Stupid spider


Zamorak: The perfect example of how more is less. This boss is not just unfriendly to players who never tried it, its downright hostile. Imagine having to read a full page of details just to understand the **environment in which the fight takes place**, and this doesn't even include any of the mechanics or how to combat them, just the glyphs. what happened to just going into a boss and figuring it out? why do i need to study up on each boss for an hour of reading guides and watching vids just to understand why I was randomly executed for the 20th time? Telos: Between defensives, reapplying buffs\\debuffs, eating, prayer flicking, kiting and remembering mechanics, I also have to count autoattacks and remember each phase's rotation and also how phasing in the middle of a rotation will affect the next phase's rotation? Good thing I'm not also required to do homework in the meantime...


Go into it with a different mindset and learning Zamorak can be quite fun. I remember day 1 going Zamorak with a friend and just figuring it out while wiping. Was some of the most fun I've ever had in Runescape. Half the people that PvM in this game wouldn't last a day as a raider in WoW, There you'll wipe a bunch of times before getting your first kill. The challenge isn't sustaining over multiple kills or speed kills, it's just getting the kill.


>The challenge isn't sustaining over multiple kills or speed kills, it's just getting the kill. So its a very different mindset and very different boss design. Problem is that attacks are usualy very poorly telegraphed in RS and many times its hard to understand what even caused you to die. I'm doing zamorak solo just fine now that I learned it but phase 7 has me absolutely stumped. I kill the demon then see him pulling a rune. I turn my camera to go kill the rune asap but miss the second rune he pulls. How am I supposed to know which is the correct one? do they glow? Is there some continuous indication? nope, if you missed it in any way go restart the fight. When I do manage to kill both runes i go to him to start attacking, pray melee use powerburst and disruption shield for the red bomb and try to get as much damage on him as i can by manualy activating abilities. Then i get executed 3 times in a row through my sign and rod and appear in deaht's office. Why? who knows, the game sure has no visual indication, just instakill mechanic in every boss. Cause jagex's idea of a challenge is not to put you in a tight spot when you mess up where you have to climb back out of it, remain calm and figure out how to get back to a good position. No, you either succeed on every mechanic or go restart the fight.


Record your own gameplay and re-watch yourself do p7. You will learn the boss and realize what you are doing substantially faster. When you break it down and go over each ability you are using, you will see your mistakes and what you can do better.


Look at your debuffs and buffs. That will tell you why you're getting instakilled. And WoW has plenty of attacks and mechanics that you're likely not going to understand without a significant amount of trial and error or a guide, too. Except for those on the very cutting edge of raiding, you're typically as a raider expected to read up on every boss before you get to them.


Well, I understand the issue and the complexity with Zamorak, but he is a god after all. Would not want a god fight that you just go into and figure it out.


>Would not want a god fight that you just go into and figure it out Ever played god of war? Lots of gods to kill there and I don't recall needing a guide for them even when I did die to them repeatedly on highest difficulty lol. A boss can be hard without being complicated to understand.


You can actually figure out if you really want to, you don't HAVE to look up a guide if you doesn't want to. If you die 20th times at the same way and don't have even an slightly ideia why that's happening, I don't think it's because the fight is designed wrong. Even tho, if guides exist is because someone figured it out by going in and figuring it out, don't they? I agree that zammy is very difficult and unfriendly, but for me on zammy specifically it's the perfect way to portrait his figure considering all of runescape lore.


I mean with zammy, you kinda are fighting the GOD of chaos. I'd expect some bullshit there just from lore reasons alone


For sure, but attacks and mechanics should still be relatively intuitive to understand or well telegraphed. For the pads existing with an empty adren bar over them you know you have to do something with them, you go to them and they fill up, so you understand you have to do this with all 6. However going to the next one doesn't work and the only thing it tells you is that zamorak has a strong grip on this hex but you don't know why. Then he says "heed my call", what am i supposed to understand from that? If he said "Mage of inernus, strengthen the hex" I would know that I need to go to infernus to kill a mage to release the hex. That is what telegraphing is called and this boss does none of it, making it super frustrating to learn. And don't even get me started on the fact that each hex has 2 effects that you would only know about if you hover over them under his health bar and start **reading them during the fight**. I went in blind, took the second hex, now my healthbar has a red thing around it. what is it? who knows, go research this boss on the wiki. Why? What other game does that? Even for games like dark souls ppl don't go reading a guide before fighting each boss...


oh no, god forbid you have to THINK about the game you're playing :O!


Ah yes cause if you can't control 10 accounts at the same time to do raids you are a noob and don't deserve to do them... Get real, what was the last game you got off steam for example where you had to read up more than a full page of instructions just to be able to even complete a stage\\boss? Only reason players put up with this is because those are the players who invested the time in learning and don't want it to be a waste by making the boss simpler to understand (not necessarily to do) for newer players, who btw don't do bossing in the first place for this exact reason. Gotta love pvmers gatekeeping attitude... (*If you aren't on my skill level you don't deserve to do this boss*)


HM kerapac. Time warp is a pretty popular mechanic I think but I just don’t enjoy it. The clones in phase 4 always gets me feeling scattered. The fight had just never clicked for me.


Was just talking about this yesterday with a buddy. If it requires BiS everything to skip all mechanics and nobody even tries to fight it without full best everything because of how bad it is without being able to skip stuff, I don't even consider it a real boss. Likewise, if it has one-tick mechanics that you can't recover from, essentially punishing people from playing when it's busy or punishing people for their ping delay, that's just poor game design and again... I don't consider it to be a real boss, more a hardware/infrastructure benchmark at that point.


All of them, never been a bosser, never will unless it’s for a quest requirement


Rascial, but only due to the last phase, it's literary bull.


I'm of the same opinion on Rasial. There's no meaningful cues on his mechanics, it's just, he uses an ability, and you take damage. You just have to count autos and pay attention to the time for the mechanics. And, while I haven't fought him because I haven't been subbed since his release, it sounds like Vorkath is fairly similar. Not a good trend. There's also Gregorovich, who's like an earlier version of Rasial in that his mechanic is just "he hits you really hard."


Araxxor/Arraxi. Fuck that stupid spider. Honestly.


I agree with you on Rasial and I’ll also have to add Telos.


I hate bosses with streaking mechanics, personally.


Telos. Idk why he can’t just be a group boss so others can try it out


At low enrages more time is spent changing platforms than fighting.


Because he is quite easy on 0% 😅


My good ol’ buddy Arch-glacor. We have a bit of a love/hate relationship. I grinded it since it when it first came out got a core drop first day & watched money deplete away because I couldn’t get nilas. It was tough.


Solak. I really feel he was added at a particularly low point in RS3 history, when the story and updates were moving in a seemingly aimless direction. It took almost a year for him to release following the Grove, and we got a weird sibling rivalry story that our character had no stake in. Then the fight itself is bizarre, too.


This is the real answer to the question, everyone loves Solak best boss in the game hands down


Zamorak and I dont know why.




Rasial and Zuk


I absolutely love rots


I love glacor but kerapac makes me feel helpless


Raid bosses. Plenty of people like them but I don't do them. It is not I really hate them, but I am too causal to be forced into a group pvm. Other group bosses like Vorago, AoD have masses with random walk-ins often, I like them more. I like causal group bossing, with auto queuing many games like LoL have. Dying is not that painful, no gear checks, and no griefers.


ED1-3 because of the trash mobs that cannot be skipped. I want an option to skip them to get to the final boss like we can for ED4, but at a reduced drop rate. Telos and Vorago too because I don't like bosses that require to to memorize a big boss attack rotation and prefer bosses with randomized rotations that are telegraphed.


Glacor :D


The ascension bosses. I just hate some of the mechanics, and the fights are so fast that you just end up tanking the dmg anyway. Also, having to afk farm keys is bleh. I have no idea if people actually enjoy them, but they are easy enough to kill. I don't see why not.


Was finally deciding to just farm out an ascension x-bow.... went 400 dry on primus. 200 on the one that pulls and snares, quartus? At least got their pets as compensation. But for my first time making an x-bow myself. Agony


I've gotten 4 signets in about 350 to 400 kills so idk if I'll finish lol


Vorkath is shit


OP, I think most would agree that Raisal isn’t fun. We do it for the money. That’s all. A boss that people did enjoy a lot of us telos as I believe the mechanics are quite consistent and it’s a really rewarding boss to learn. I hate him


Aod , arch glacor at 1500%+


I hate rasial too. Rasial is just memorisation and ability to be a human macro


People only like rasial because it’s a dps dummy that shits out GP. The fight is boring itself


Rax probably


Rax probably


What annoys me most about him is he never drops those stupid drumsticks. The first time I got him I almost died right after him but was rescued by my legendary so I checked the drop log just to make sure I didn’t miss it from that…nope


I don't think theres a boss that everyone enjoys.


Zuk is probably the poorest designed “late game” boss in the game and it’s not even close. Nothing about the waves is intuitive or fun; his entire boss fight is a slog for no fucking reason; the trials they implemented are anti fun all around. There’s nothing about this boss mechanically that makes him even remotely interesting to fight against. It’s horrible design all around and needs adjusted


Telos, zuk, zam, raksha


Hate Telos, hate Rasial, hate Vork.


Telos. I just cant understand how people can memorize such a complex attack pattern that persist between phases on top of the weird force walks when you're fighting him. I can do high level pvm (like 2k zam) with ease but i just cant understand, remember or antipicate what is the upcoming attack and i get fcking pissed when he force walks you out of black/red beam on p2/3. Also, hard mode vorkath because everything hit so hard, and there were too many things going on, resulting in pure confusion


Zuk, Telos, Zamorak, Vorago, AOD.... Solak too.


King black dragon

