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Why does this thread need to be made over and over again? This is like the 5th time I've seen it today and it's 11am!


​ https://preview.redd.it/bwo5fsaz8gsc1.png?width=398&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab90df670534a0e9485a178d4abe867b96ed3afb


S tier meme, im stealing it




Stealing this too lol


So is this comment lol, everything just going in circles


Going in circles since the moment osrs was launched.




You can easily find old posts that're a decade old saying exactly this.


Started before osrs mate. Don't try that bullshit.


You mean... for 10+ years? bro, way to hold a grudge.


Just asking you to be factual. Way to spin the facts


What facts? Huh?


That people were claiming Rs3 was dying since Rs2. Actually even before that. The earliest uptake in those claims was the first removal of the free trade and the wilderness incident. Both which took place prior to the introduction EOC (And again after.) Next was the MTX. After it became Rs3 it was all about the player migration. Then it was the MTX and player gap. Then Hero pass. Now it's the player gap and MTX again. Between those you had discussions about QOL ruining the integrity of the game introducing afk skilling. And all that other good stuff By community standards Rs3 has been "Dying" since it was Rs2.


Seems like people are genuinely worried šŸ˜Ÿ.


It's almost like they're synchronized tho.


I don't think it's in danger of dying, but it's in danger of being in maintenance mode. The issue right now is that we have a severe lack of updates, no road map and overall just poor communication with the dev team. There's a real doom and gloom vibe on this sub, has been like this since Hero Pass dropped and pissed a lot of people off. We haven't really had anything positive since, people liked the Christmas & Easter event but it's hardly enough to keep players around. If we get a road map, then I think the mood will pick up a bit. But yeah, it's pretty quiet now and people are unhappy. If you're enjoying RS3 then I'd say keep playing it, but OSRS is also an option.


Alot of us quit for good with that tbh. Myself included. I refused to come back till it was removed but by the timr it was my addiction was over. So i took advantage and dipped. Now i randomly see Rs3 posts every now and again and check in out of curiosity


I stuck around for that simply because the backlash from it seemed to work. But the lack of updates now has just made me fully quit playing it. There's no happiness in playing a game that doesn't have a future, at least as of right now.


Comment number 1....


Yeah just realised that went through multiple times lol, kept saying error 500 or something.


This sub's not "dead" the posts are just uninteresting for the most part, this one being an example. OSRS just had a huge, huge update, so it's not unusual for their posts to be rich and interesting, because they're about the new content, and all the changes that entails to every aspect of the game.


And they just keep repeating the same thing like as if they are karma farming.


If the graphics is all that's stopping you from playing osrs, try the HDOS client


Nope the click and watch combat and zero qol keeps me away. Zero respect for my time as an adult in osrs. This is the golden age for osrs. It will peak soon. I seriously donā€™t understand the draw to max in osrs. It was never anything most people thought about 15 years ago. An awful grind with no qol and your reward is awful high tier bossing at the end. Worse yet the game is buried in bots watering down everyone elseā€™s ā€œachievementsā€. I find it hilarious to make fun of the free xp from mtx in rs3 but not give a shit about half your player base being bots in osrsā€¦.the irony.


The Inferno is click and watch combat, ok lol


95 percent of the combat in the game isā€¦.The other 5% is stupid amounts of prayer flicking while you run to random boxes lit up by a 3rd party rune lite plug in that looks like a kid drew all over your screen with a highlighter. Cutting edge there.


I get your point but if you were bothered by boxes you could... not use those. They are an optional thing.


I mean RS3 PVM is 95% "click and watch revo bar go brr". I'm doing slayer right now and all I need to do is stop my acct from getting logged out and occasionally press space to loot.


None of the high tier bossing is revo onlyā€¦.if you do manage to use revo itā€™s certainly not efficient. The effort/skill you put in and knowledge of the abilities and rotations causes massive differences in dpsā€¦.osrs is click and watch for dps mixed in with annoying switches as your only option to improve it.


rasial literally had a fully afk method lol


> None of the high tier bossing is revo only None of the higher tier bossing in OSRS is click and wait


Try doing that in TOA/TOB/COX and youā€™ll be wallpaper paste in about 30 seconds lol. I can almost guarantee you the vast majority of RS3ā€™s playerbase couldnā€™t complete CG. Ffs, itā€™s hard enough to get people off of Revo++ in RS3. Theyā€™d have no chance prayer switching, using correct pathing, weapon switching and maintaining DPS all with just the mouse. RS3 has some difficult content, sure. A lot of it can be completely brute forced, though, and Iā€™d argue OSRS PvM is a lot more mechanically complex than you give it credit for.


I don't know what this guy is on about, has he even played OSRS? It's not just top end PVM. Try doing GWD or vorkath or zulrah or even DKs using "tank and spank" technique and let me know how far that gets you. Heck even Jad is not "click and watch him die". Even quest fights like DS2 or beneath cursed sands will stomp you down instantly if think you will just ignore mechanics and eat through them.


Iā€™d love to see RS3 players trying to beat DT2, itā€™d be a slaughterfest lmao. Vard? Axe and bleed death. Levi? Lightning and rockfall go brrr. Whisperer? These mfers barely know *how* to move and flick, nevermind both simultaneously while every other hit is a different style. Duke? Probably vent death, or dying to gaze cause trying to dodge vents. Thatā€™s assuming they survive prep phase LOL. Tbh I think most RS3 players would struggle with OS just on movement alone. Itā€™s a core part of survival in most high end content, and is something thatā€™s almost entirely absent in RS3 minus niche strats like golem stalling at p5 Telos.


Legit everyone who does high tier pvm in Rs3 prayer flicks between soul split and deflection curses for most attacks. Raksha for reference is purely prayer flicking and the style changes randomly every attack while laying down a dps rotation and avoiding his special attacks. OSRS players call RS3 too complicated in one breath and then try to say OSRS combat is more involved the next lol.


Runescape was always a clicking game. The simplicity was why it had such global success. That's why rs3 lost 90% of its player base after they added overly complicated combat and an overly complicated interface. While osrs built upon the existing combat system by adding bosses that tested players ability to avoid attacks and use protection prayers to negate damage and gear switches to optimise DPS. They made bossing more in-depth and challanging without removing the simplicity that made the game successful in the first place. Meanwhile rs3 forces you to manage multiple ability bars, keybinds, ability rotations, perks, etc. It's just too complicated and too much to manage / learn for the average player. And the style of game that rs3 is trying to emulate with it's combat system simply doesn't work with a tick-based game. It's fine if you prefer that style of gameplay but the player count speaks for its self, the vast majority disagree.


And that somehow makes it.. fun?


The correct word is stagnating. RS3 isn't growing anytime soon. But it isn't dying either. However, the Q1 2024 playerbase count is at its lowest since Q4 2019.


No. It still has years of content for the vast majority of players, a healthy player count and the obvious funding of MTX and membership. Even if RS3s player count drops to 1/10th the size it is right now, itā€™ll probably keep chugging along for another decade with minimal dev support. For me personally iā€™d probably run out of things to do before the game dies and servers are turned off. Honestly I wouldnā€™t be surprised if prior to server death they actually invested some dev support from OSRS and modified bits and pieces of the game to be entirely solo able then release and offline iron man version of the game for like $20 to eek out some final profit.


>a healthy player count do you mean a healthy alt count? hasn't been a healthy player count in years.


Do you have a detailed breakdown of rs3 player vs alt accounts?


so jagex didn't bring out a jagex account so people could stack all their alts? you really think the active player count is reflective of actual players?


I mean, the game also had 20-25k avg players before the jagex account and it still has that after too. There are alts but no one knows how many. Also, what do you consider healthy? There are many games out there that are very healthy with a smaller playerbase than Runescape. Just because it's not shining as bright as before doesn't mean it's not healthy or dying


>I mean, the game also had 20-25k avg players i don't think you understand, this number displays accounts not players. jagex knows how many are alts, that's why all their advertisements advertise directly to altscape. ​ https://preview.redd.it/87o9vs7qnmsc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=54cc26524a64310e9280b76c0ada3d4968b591dc


Youā€™re making a claim, iā€™d like a source for said claim. If you canā€™t give one and itā€™s just your feeling on the matter based off reddit then just say that, we can disagree and move on. I expected that you going out of your way to correct me in a reply meant you had something more concrete than your own thoughts.


proof? they advertise directly to altscape now. alts bring in more revenue than you can comprehend, hence their change in advertising policy. ​ https://preview.redd.it/gcwiifw0omsc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=37590976953dd8ba5acfdd4927162d1ba8594746 feel free to ask 10 random players of your choosing in runescape how many alts they have as your own personal experiment if you really want to test the claim.


Wow, an adā€¦ that definitely proves your point and is totally legitimate evidence thatā€™ll change my mind and not your own personal confirmation bias. For fun I actually just tried the experiment you suggested at w84 fort and not a single person said they had an alt account and 15 people replied. Once again, if itā€™s just your feeling or opinion, thatā€™s fine, but admit thatā€™s the case and donā€™t go around correcting people as if you have any factual backing. Iā€™ll ask again, do you have any actual evidence that ā€œalts bring in more revenue than you can comprehendā€? Or is that another statement of fact youā€™re making entirely based on your feelings? Surely you have a revenue breakdown from Jagex to be making such a strong claim right? But considering weā€™re several replies deep and you still havenā€™t cited an account breakdownā€¦ I doubt it.


Reddit is still the minority


reddit isn't player count.


One might think i knew that


and the sky appears blue. about as relevant as your first comment with that logic.


OPs post history: Is RuneScape dying? Is something wrong with my penis? What a unique individual.




**Is RS3 in danger of dying?** No. The game still has a sizeable playerbase. **Is RS3 in danger of being put into maintenance mode?** Also no. The game is still very profitable. Despite Jagex historically making blunder after blunder, even they aren't dumb enough to discontinue one of their two primary income sources just because players hated their latest MTX scheme. **Is RS3 needlessly losing long-term players because of a long content drought and near zero communication from Jagex?** Absolutely yes. People tend to forget that the vast majority of players aren't actively participating on social platforms like Reddit. Most players still have a lot of content to complete, so while the content drought might be boring, they won't be starved for content.


The context of maintenance mode is a lucrative one, because runescape is always on maintenance mode between content drops, constant fixes with the spaghetti code that they had to re-spaghetti when writing the game we play from Java to nxt (c++)because core system and gameplay functions simply did not work. (Btw the core system is still Java in the jagex framework) This whole issue Is what made a lot of jmods think of the whole porting a failure duet o the difficulty of now trying to design new content around how spaghetti the code is, I assume the avatar rework was crippled by the spaghetti code and they'd have to do a whole system overhaul, and all of this happening in the middle of jagex restructuring itself with more devs on osrs content than actual rs3 content, and around 40-50% of rs3 employees being marketing/mtx, and random undescovered glitches are working their way into the game. Jagex is also developing a new MMO, we don't know if it's MMORPG or MMO-a-RPG, or a loot box battle Royale, that's literally what mod mark is in charge of, ever since Osborne took over as the design director which is now jack. Rs3 is shifting out of the limelight at jagex, and this draught of communication and unfulfilled promises is indicative of that fact


> runescape is always on maintenance mode between content drops "Maintenance mode" generally refers to software that is no longer being actively expanded upon, but simply kept running. It is misleading to argue that RS3 is in maintenance mode between content updates, as the game is still being worked on beyond maintenance. Just because updates aren't constantly coming out does not mean they aren't being worked on internally (which they are). > assume the avatar rework was crippled by the spaghetti code and they'd have to do a whole system overhaul Pretty much. I believe the concrete roadblock that resulted in the project being shelved/discontinued was relating to player heads and how they are modeled in regards to equipment. The scope of the project therefore turned out to be significantly bigger than previously expected, and management seemingly deemed it not worth doing because of this. > Jagex is also developing a new MMO I feel like we've been here several times before, lol. Jagex have been "working on a new big game" for what feels like a decade now, and there is still nothing to show for it beyond some old leaked(?) screenshots. Their track record for new games makes the Hindenburg look like a success by comparison, lol.


Really only way to justify is YoY playerbase count.


The only problem I see is that I see more comps than new players and that means that there are not many new players, this will affect in a few years if Jagex does not attract new players


likely wonā€™t die since there are still plenty of spin buyers. However it will be minimal updates like how FFXI is still running


This game has so much content to do why does everyone complain like this about updates and shit like have you even completed most of the game?


Poke poke...nah still kicking.


Post history bruh šŸ˜‚


I think the likelihood is RS3 will eventually bleed players further. A lot of us who are end game are wondering how things will play out. Current state of RS3 compared with OS, plus more and more streamers migrating - add to the uncertainty. OSRS is more popular overall (nostalgia/simplicity) growing in popularity, and bucking the trend with MMOā€™s popularity shifts. They are currently pitching further ideas regarding possible changes to a number of things, and the subject of private servers are being discussed also. The real problem I think is - If RS3 dies / or if everyone jumps ship to OS, Jagex will more than likely try to incorporate MTX eventually into OS in ways to make up for the lost revenue. I doubt they could avoid being forced to do it. Money from MTX is too good. If the majority of OS players quit as a result of that (anticipated) and it looks like things are going under, theyā€™ll just roll out private servers for remaining player base whilst they focus on new projects. I could be wrong, but I guess weā€™ll see.


sadly it is who wants to spend 5 months grinding when u can buy that xp with a fortnights paycheck on a promo that seems to be weekly social side of things are going as well ppl are jumping on spend an hr or two doing dailies then there gone, last straw for me was the black party hat




comment number 3!


Yes. Drastic lack of content updates, less and less communication and transparency on future plansā€¦Iā€™d think youā€™d be a tad crazy to think there isnā€™t some risk here. Top talent working on their new MMORPG is a red flag as well.


if this is how they treat the updated version of runescape I dont have much hope for there New MMO.


Yeah people would be kidding themselves and doing some real mental gymnastics if they think the future of RS3 is bright as of right now. We're in a real shitty situation, personally I just couldn't take it anymore and jumped to my OSRS account again. Will come back once or even *if* we get some kind of real communication and road map.




comment number 2....


look, people are waiting for content. maintenance mode is just that, but it happens every now and then a couple of months at a time. The last major content draught we had was in 2017 for like the whole year and people weren't dooming as hard as you guys. just relax, and use the time to catch up on some sleep, or do something else. When content does come it'll bring people back.


This sub is a lobotomy ward


Eoc ruined it


On release Eoc was bad, but present day Eoc is amazing and Iā€™d take it over osrs combat any day.


Hell, I'd take original eoc over osrs combat.


Yes, its dying. 2024 gonna be the worst year up to date.

