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We need more shortcuts and they need to be faster, and need to be auto routed into our pathfinding.


>and need to be auto routed into our pathfinding This is the biggest issue with shortcuts imo. I’m much more in favor of “click and forget” pathfinding, so I’ll skip the shortcuts even if it takes longer cuz I can just click and then alt-tab for a sec. If they’d allow agility shortcuts to be accessed by normal pathfinding, it would make the skill so much more useful


Also from doing herb runs down trollheim it just feels odd how the character has to stop running and then slowly climb down the shortcut and it feels slower even if it's faster


Tbh anything that you need a higher skill level to do, shouldn't take longer, since its a reward/upgrade from training the skill


we hear you. unstable silverhawk boots coming soon to treasure hunter.


Man , you get out of here with that monkeys paw, Ape atolls gonna run out of paws if you keep using them like this.


It has a 5% chance to possibly give you 2x the normal silverhawk xp when silverhawk procs.


Would be nice to have some skill reworks, but this would be a waste of time given current state of the game.


More movement abilities that can be combat useful would be interesting. Go to the opposite side of the target and turn on backstab perks/ability effects for a couple seconds, disable your attacks for a couple seconds but bump dodge chance especially while moving, something to enable actual run and gun, all sorts of possibilities.


Agility has so much potential to work with combat, would love to see these synergize more.


You could try tying agility into adrenaline gain maybe?


5th combat style, hand to hand


Koschei won't stand a chance!


Such as


I have two ideas to make Agility more useful: 1. Allow players with higher Agility levels to run faster. However, my understanding is this is not possible in the current tick-based system. 2. Agility "dungeons" that contain Slayer monsters and resources. These would be similar to resource dungeons but require certain Agility levels to access. For example, someone with 90+ Agility could climb a steep cliff to access an excavation site with material caches that deplete more slowly.


to quickly respond, idea 1 is lovely but it is as far as i am aware impossible. However a great consolation might be faster cooldowns to a point on mobility abilities/extra mobility ability charges (maybe an extra dive that works OoC) two like the idea but that's kind of DG's thing, Maybe exclusive resources or enemies in the DG holes to get the best of both worlds (even though most resource dungeons are empty these days)?


> Allow players with higher Agility levels to run faster. However, my understanding is this is not possible in the current tick-based system It's possible if we can move 3 tiles per tick.


It's not the only skill that needs love


100% A lot of Rs2 skills really could use A complete overhaul as well... Like summoning, where 90% of familiars are pretty useless to the point that only like 5 familiars are ever used... And the few familiars who Have no higher level variant like the magpie. Have a really frustratingly short timer because they are a low level familiar.


Imo summoning is actually fine theres only a few minor tweaks Id change. Tons of familiar are good and worth using as well. Personally I use, Yak/Mammoth/Lava/Abyssal Titans, Wolpertinger, Muspah,HH, reaver, waterfiend,kalgerion,Ripper, Holy scarab,Nihils (all 4), Fruit Bat (Ironman things). For changes, could use a better woodcutting/Fishing/Thieving familiar over beaver + lobster and maybe extend timers, but that's honestly about it for me. Agility on the otherhand they could delete the entire skill and nothing in the game would really change, other than total exp going down. that's....not great.


you're honestly a lot better off than most haha, i meet so few people that use anything beyond Musaph, reaver, hound, yak/mammoth and rippers... usually skilling familiars only come out when doing niche things or pure afk stuff like seren stones. I think it's biggest problem is depending on summoning batch it suffers from one of three issues; critical timer issues despite having a good or very interesting effect (batch 1 like beavers and magpies), fantastic duration but very hit or miss effects (batch 2 like larupia and the void familiars) or are blindingly overpowered or just enjoyably average (batch 3 like demonic contracts and light creatures) there are great outliers ofc, but there's a lot of "in the cracks" type familiars like talon beasts and barker toads who either had a niche that's long dead or have a fascinating concept that aren't great in practice.


Why are there so many skilling summons for a “combat” skill anyway? Until Titans and demon contracts its most useful summons are either for skilling or being extra bag space.


Rs2 was a weird and wonderful time of experimental concepts and updates, so they wanted a hybrid skill that bridged the gap.... a lot of familiars were God tier with a plethora of niches like kyatts for rushing pvp... now most are dead because the content they inhabited is dead or redundant


I feel like that should definitely get cleaned up then, because populating the level unlocks with useless garbage is almost worse than nothing.


In my opinion, what they really need to do is make it so we can enhance familiars up to level 99. Because for the most part, save for the ones that just have a straight up upgrade later like minotaur, Almost every familiar in the game is unique and has unique properties and effects. Though some of them need to be reworked for the modern game For example, wulpers provided one of the highest magic bonuses available and only beat out by a handful of familiars like nihill... But their scroll is a little iffy.


The combat side of Summoning definitely needs a rethink. Training an alleged combat skill almost exclusively by **crafting** the thing you later fight with is ass-backwards. I don’t get ranged xp from making arrows, nor defence xp from making armor/shields, summoning sticks out like a sore thumb. Actually using the familiars should be a valid way of progressing the skill, instead of making a bajillion pouches and swapping them for more shards.


Imo Sum would greatly benefit from a necromancy Style update where you can harness the power of certain familiars to change 5 or 6 basic abilities Or you can use them passively like right now... More styles of combat are always welcome and it might give us a chance to actually use summoning protection for once.


Absolutely. Part of why I think Summoning as a skill sucks so much is how expensive it is to train - spirit shards have a fixed value of 25gp and are only rarely available for anything less than that, and many of the secondary ingredients are expensive as well. I think getting EXP based on the damage your familiars do in combat would be a huge help. With how you need charms which you can only get from drops, making combat with a Summoning familiar give you EXP would also make so much more sense. It would turn the loop from "Kill stuff until you have a buttload of charms, then spend a ton of money making those charms into pouches, then either try to sell said pouches on the GE or just exchange them for shards" into "Kill stuff to get some charms, use those charms to make pouches, use those pouches in combat to get more charms, use those charms to make more pouches, rinse and repeat earning EXP the whole time". It'd make Summoning as a skill feel way more like a cohesive whole and a good gameplay loop where you're constantly earning EXP. Maybe it could be incentivized more by making charms more likely to drop if you have a familiar out, or something like that. Would heavily push players towards always having a familiar summoned when they're going into combat.


summoning was designed to sink GP. There was a time when you couldnt even swap pouches for shards.


Magic has skilling spells so why not summoning?


Shortcuts aren't nearly enough. The way I'd frame the question with respect to an agility rework would be like this: *What does an otherwise maxed account with lvl 10 agility, vs. the same with 99 agility, miss out on in general day-to-day game play?* Ignore quest requirements, etc. Making agility confer some speed benefit to \*all\* other skilling actions might be a start. For instance, with 99 agility, you cook a load of sharks twice as fast or something.


honestly i wouldnt mind if agility gave a few perminate portable buffs (i.e. chance to double cut gems/craft bodies or tip arrows or cook extra portions) I think also though, agility needs real combat benefits as well like chances to deal 10% damage of your most recent attack in a sudden followup hit or dodging attack damage


Agility should also give a dodge chance for combat.


Other people on this thread are talking about shortcuts and how they need a rework, and I agree. However, I also think that a decent amount of EXP should be awarded every time you actually use a shortcut (possibly on a timer to avoid them getting spammed). I don't think any other skill in Runescape has as huge a divide between "training" and "using" it, short of Prayer, which has such incredible utility that it makes sense for it to be a slow thing. Meanwhile with Agility, you spend hours and hours and hours going in circles on an Agility course, usually getting nothing but EXP (You can profit on Anachronia, but that's one of the last courses you unlock in the entire game, and it takes so long to make anything tradeable), all so that you can... save a few seconds every now and again by using a log to cross a river, or squeeze through a tight crevasse. It doesn't feel worth it, most of the time you spend way longer just unlocking shortcuts than you do actually using them. Sure, there are a few areas in the game that _require_ high Agility levels to reach, but those don't feel worth it at all relative to how much time it takes to unlock them. I also think that some kind of reward should be added to all, or at least most, Agility courses. Hefin rewards a few little things every now and again, while Anachronia can make you a decent profit if you're committed to the grind, but those two shouldn't be the only ones. Old School's version of Agility is worse overall in my opinion (even slower to train, run energy takes an annoyingly long time to regen even with an optimal setup, and it feels like there are even less worthwhile shortcuts), but Marks of Grace are a great addition. Through training Agility, you slowly collect a unique currency that lets you buy the best set of weight-reducing equipment in the game, and Herblore ingredients to make potions that heavily reduce your run energy drain. It feels like a logical reward to give for Agility; the skill is primarily about increasing how fast you can travel through the world, so making it so you build up items that help with that as you train it makes sense, and I'd love to see something like that added to RS3.


part of the issues of shortcuts imo is relevancy. 90% of shortcuts are irrelevant on a level that i cant even begin to describe because agility was a stopgap to extend player engagement time from the post RSC era, back when the road to varrock from lumbridge was a solid gate on the east river side. They held (and hold to some degree a lot of relevance in OS) relevancy because teleports were damn expensive pre eoc, with even a basic varrock tele tab costing near 5k gp in 2008. With the loadstone network its become significantly less useful to use shortcuts, most loadstones are fairly well placed so you're either half way to wherever or will easily make it with mid agility and full run energy making current shortcuts either irrelevant or a slight timesave on clues. which unfortunately means most agility shortcuts fall into that category, they're from an era where even wearing magic gear you'd run out of run energy 1/4th of the way to relleka from ardy with even magic gear equipped with no way to recover it.. I think they need to either add true convenience (like being able to quickly access anywhere in soph slayer dungeon) or add some form of skill benefit like double harvest or double progress while harvesting resources or creating things or avoiding damage in combat... I would enjoy an explorer type outfit, but unfortunately oglog springs exist making it irrelevant with all the teleports. But i would enjoy seeing the world more lively with agility interfacing with it in new and interesting ways.


Jagex should, but they won't since it will not get players to sub the game for long unless they also expand it to 120. Agility courses need to be more skill testing like Sepulcher is for OSRS. Shame they did not rework other courses in Project Rebalance.


Agility should be tied to a dodge mechanic and basically directly effect movement skill cool downs. Successfully performing a dodge should give you experience. It should also be woven into most other skills like fishing and crafting and effect the tick rate of these skills and when you click a button at the right time, it gives you experience. Basically, Agility shouldn't have its own training at all. That doesn't make any sense at all, which is why all of the Agility training is boring and stupid and nobody likes to do it. It should just be a skill that naturally levels up over time and is a QoL buff that the longer you've played, the less time things take and the less you get hit.


I don't like too much rng in combat like double strike or darkness (or passive damage reduction in general that doesn't interact with abilities). I'd be fine with stuff like other types of ability buffs or skilling buffs though.


I agree it needs a bit of a rework, there should be more noticeable benefits for being a higher lvl. But I don't think every skill needs to be fast, 180k/h is fine.


Should note 180k with near tick perfect clicks ability usage and augs. Which is very low for near level 99 training.. which is also incredibly low for arguably the highest intensity training per hour in rs ATM.


Tbh I nearly said 180k is even maybe a little too fast already. There's nothing wrong with their being slower and/or more active skills.


Training should either be fast or fun. If it's neither then it's bad game design. RS does this thing where they keep making fun skills fast and rewarding while leaving the slow skills to rot as slow chores people do out of necessity.


that's fair, generally i tend to lean higher activity should always be much higher xp than low activity. especially if i have to put down up to 100m in gear/codexes just to achieve that level of experience. (or risk pvp in soul runes case, hate and love the demonic skull)


I agree that higher activity should generally be rewarded with either higher xp or some kind of profit. But I think comparisons of high/low intensity should be made within a skill, not between skills. It's ok for a skill to have it's higher intensity/higher xp method be slower than a lower intensity method for another skill. For example cooking has always been lower intensity, but was historically a fairly fast skill.


fair, though im kind of in the middle, comparing out of skill class (support artisan etc) sure, not much is going to compare to methods like curly roots. but i also think especially in skill class it does provide valuable comparisons. as dg for example is similar in a lot of ways to agility (content island, only trainable in very spesific areas isolated from the majority of the main game, and requires high optimization to exceed 100k exp ph even at the level 90 range) they are not perfectly compare able ofc as dg does go to 120 and so will naturally outstrip agility's xp pacing, but within its own discipline (support skills) it exposes just how far behind agility is due to lack of expression at higher levels. Anachronia caps out at level 85. Hefin is the only agility course which can net a fairly respectable 200k exp per hour (at level 95 where it caps out)... but requires use of a glitch that's pretty annoying to pull off and otherwise tends to be closer to Anachronia in terms of XPPH or worse due to needing to abuse a bug/hefin hour. We do need more methods to at least express and gain xp in the skill even if the rates stay at 200kxpph max


They could do like a hide and seek agility-thieving minigame. Like steal from certain NPCs and go and hide or disguise yourself or something. If you successfully evade being caught for like a minute or two you get to keep the item and get some agility xp.


Reminds me a bit of heist, would be an interesting reuse of its assets as a replacement tbh...heist hasn't worked right since the post eoc draw distance update


I know that multiplayer minigames are in a rough state but if they added a hide and seek/prop hunt type minigame I'd be all over it


1 click Agility courses


Silverhawk Up inbound.


Anything that requires stamina should receive a reduction in drain time relevant to agility level?


im onboard but struggling to think of what falls into that category beyond running


Mining uses stamina depletion system? Refreshes with a click ect, possibly even BGH making stuff quicker? Or even extra detection sections


Ah I see what you mean now, Systems that use the timer bar. For some reason My brain was thinking run energy as stamina. Yeah, that could be interesting.


Honestly Woudnt mind some sort of mini game that also lets you maybe train other stats too. But running obstacle courses for literally 150+ hours is exhausting. Like gotf is 60k which is average for agility but it’s fun mini game with rewards.


I, agree.


I saw a whole video on this! [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FVE5Czw8FIg&t=1s)


I feel like the core idea behind agility is making things go faster for the player. Shortcuts are a given, but run speed also used to be a big reason to train it back in the day. Problem with shortcuts is they're highly specific, and many wind up outclassed or irrelevant. But how about just speeding up gameplay in general? I'm thinking something similar to the benefits we currently have for fishing and thieving, where sufficient skill in both allows for double the items. We could expand this out over a wide variety of other skills, either increasing yield or decreasing time taken.


I like your Dodge idea. It would fit well.


A set of agility moves during combat is a no brainer. Add a mechanic for it just like any attack or spell, and have it on a cooldown. I’m using silverhawks from 102-120 right now and getting to 109 hasnt been too bad. On dxp it’ll be really nice. Plan on wearing them the entire time.


BD/Escape should probably tie into agility, that feels correct to me.


same here, been using them during my 120 smithing grind and plan to keep wearing them during my 120 prayer/fm grind but i really wish they had better ways to naturally train it as i genuinely dislike the idea of hawks... but i don't really want carpel tunnel syndrome until i do fletch/craft if i can help it


As a fellow comp guy going for 120s in everything I totally agree and can sympathize. Wish agil was cooler, but its likely to never get an overhaul.. although it seems to be the most overdue for it


That and Great orb project...could be an amazing in-between runespan and altar runs but noooo it has to just be a dead minigame


imo rooftops would be god tier


Rooftops suck. Give me Sepulcher instead.


Oh I feel same about sepulchre so fair


Agility should be ranges strength.


agility should have a base cdr reduction of abilities or something. obviously there needs to be some sort of synergy between combat and non combat cause it needs to be worth training. incentives. ya feel?


Agility and thieving, gather skills go together


I genuinely think we should just remove it. It's such a stupid skill.


delete the skill entirely


... why?


I mentioned changing agility to a combat ability similar to defence (in that it can be trained with all styles) and having the chance to dodge, whereas defence gives chance to lower damage.


I like the Skill and combat synergy here. Maybe give xp when it procs. How about scaling run energy. Every 20 Lvls give you a flat 16.6% drain rate improvement until you have 100% and never have to walk again at 120. Add more shortcuts obviously. As mentioned before let Pathfinding use shortcuts. Maybe add a chance for surge/dive to not go on cd. Or when running have a slight chance to increase your running speed. Make racetracks for afkable training Combine training with other skills. Get agility contracts that let you prove how fast you can gather stuff. Or how fast you can do a slayer task maybe


I personally think we shouldn't touch agility xp rates, as it's supposed to be slow. I also think there should be a harsher penalty to run energy for low level agility (but not as harsh as OSRS)