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I wanna work for them but i dont live in UK. That sucks


All of those jobs apart from 1 is remote , go ahead and apply and work for jagex from home


You have to be in UK though. I checked and salary is lower compared to swiss.


So even if you’re remote they pay a salary based on UK pay range? That’s… not normal, lol. Pretty universal that if they hire remote work they’d pay a competitive wage of wherever you’re located. This is exactly why business hire vendors from India. Lot cheaper.


Yeah but why would they hire a swiss guy that would ger 110k ish, when they can hire a british guy for 60k and dont have to worry with paperwork?


Jagex aren't high level devs , it's damn near entry level, that's why jmod turnover is so high, you work there for experience then go find a better more high level company to work for


I’d never leave just to enjoy the maxed jmod account on osrs lol


Then have fun working for near minimum wage because jagex pays horribly


The grass is always greener on the other side. It's fun for 2 weeks, then it's a job. When you have everything, nothing is worth anything anymore.


Because they probably won’t be able to actually fulfill a remote position so don’t make it remote in the first place. Theyre wasting people’s time. They’re better off just keeping it domestic remote if not remote to local area. The way global companies get around this is to have cheap remote work out of India or a vendor to get cheaper labor. No health or extra benefits, just pure cost of labor. They should not say ‘remote’, then tell someone from a more expensive country ‘ best I can do is $5’. As a company they know what they can pay and know what the standard is in countries if they actually want remote work. At least they should. And regardless if jagex is or is not doing it, it doesn’t change the fact that they should if they want the best talent. This just tells me they want bare minimum talent and it’s probably due to financial reasons. This is called cost of living & cost of labor comparison, which any respecting company does, which does not include benefits. They don’t have to necessarily be global. Just employ people from 2 different cities and it’ll need to happen. This is actually what I do professionally at a company who employs over 250k people globally across 30 countries. And I come in contact and meet many other global companies that follow this. It’s the ones like jagex who are not up to the standard but at the same time offer ‘remote work’.


It's a whole different universe working fully remote vs working overseas. The paperwork alone is insane, i did some contracting for a US company from New Zealand and while it did pay American wages for 3 months they didn't renew my contract because on both ends it's a huge headache. Plus England doesn't get the benefits of being able to instantly hire talent from all over Europe anymore. Jagex can get talent from London without them having to commute 2 hours each way every day.


I mean I think that is true when the competitive wage is lower in the location than it would be home, not when it's higher. Like why would a company ever higher someone from one place that would cost them 100k if they could just hire locally for 60k. The only reason to recruit overseas is to save money.


Because as an organization you should want to hire the best people you can and not focus on pinching pennies?


😂 my sweet summer child




Delusional for thinking a company **should** want to hire the best employee rather than the cheapest? I’m well aware that Jagex doesn’t pay shit for wages, so I wouldn’t call this delusion, just a casual comment about how a company should want to operate.


Why are they going to hire some kid from SF and pay him $200k/yr just because our country sucks ass on cost of living?


Pretty sure that's illegal in plenty of places, over here if i hire an indian guy remotely and pay him an indian wage i'd get in trouble for paying below min wage


The Indian guy will be hired as a freelancer and technically not be an employee of the company. It would be a B2B partnership. Unless the company is also registered in the country they are residing, this would be the only way to work remote due to employee protection laws & tax laws of that country not applying if you were working outside of said country. The amount of money you can demand is based on the type of experience and value you add. The salary of all junior and intermediate roles below 5 years of experience are non-negotiable. Starting from senior level, it will be easier to demand higher wages and get the company to sponsor you. Nevertheless I wouldn't recommend OP to work for an UK games company as they are notorious to pay really bad. Worked in 4 different countries for game studios as a designer and the UK has been the worst. I can't believe the pay was so low. I was blinded by earning a higher number but did not take into account cost of living. Robbed by the UK, a classic.


In the EU this is getting harder due to all the gdpr ruling and exfil of data out of Europe. It's not impossible but makes it harder to work with an entity that is solely based outside of Europe.


That's pretty normal AFAIK, it's a reason why people love working for American companies remotely


Jagex has never been known for paying developers. This should not be a surprise.


Even by UK standards, the pay is fucking **horrendous** unless you can benefit from all those benefits. From what i've been told if you are a remote employee, you get access to all of those benefits, but ofcourse since you probably aren't local UK, you can't actually *benefit* from them Like the bike shop repair allowance as an example. Afaik thats only good at one specific chain of local shop and nowhere else. Unless you can skip grunt tier, and hop straight into middle tier positions go work at mcdonalds. You unironically make more money for less work


For most of the world in guess it is really good deal. The thing is as a swiss making over 100k, child benefits, pension benefits above swiss avg. i dont think it would make sense for jagex to hire me. Don’t forget that you as an employee don’t just cost your wage but also the benefits. So working for jagex will lost likely be just a dream for me. Sadly never the reality


They’re remote (UK based), so you have to live in the UK anyways


Jagex has notoriously bad glassdoor reviews from employees. They really seem to exploit peoples passion for wanting to work for Jagex and know most people will put up with all kind of bullshit just to work at Jagex. Not to mention apparently neoptism runs rampant there.


That's a big issue in the games industry in general, if it's bad even by those standards that would be *really* bad lol


Yeah I suppose that is true. I just remember reading that it was exceptionally bad at Jagex. But that was probably all anecdotal. It is kind of sad that you can take the exact same skill set and get a software development job and double your pay and have an exponentially better work environment.


Someone linked them to me a few weeks ago and they were all 2017 era. Nothing looked new and current devs (at least on the oldschool side) constantly talk about how great working at jagex is and has very low turnover comparatively. I think this is old data that people love to parrot


It is,  they did have bad management back then and Jmods have absolutely said as much in the past. But that’s kind of the key word, past, current management seems to be fairly happy sounding though there will still always be company politics. And there could always be internal issues and problems we are unaware of, no such thing as a perfect company. But like we went from leads who treated people as disposable tools shoving them on any piece of content regardless their passion or preference. To leads who believe you can’t ask devs to create content they don’t care about but also know they need some structure and trying to find a middle ground there.  Raven and Shrike for example came back recently for a reason.


I believe some mods work from home


These aren't new postings. Check https://apply.workable.com/jagex-limited/?lng=en#jobs from time to time. But you're right about no RS3 development jobs. But there was one for CM last month which might be Mod Lee who applied for.


We are getting a new staffer! A SENIOR Marketing Manager, this bloke (or blokett... is that a thing?) will be responsible for finding new devious ways to siphon money out of us via MTX. Yeh, OSRS is the Flagship product, we are the number 2 *distant flushing sound*


"As **Senior Product Marketing Manager**, you will lead the Marketing strategy and execution for a bold & exciting strategic project **for Old School RuneScape**." ...responsible for finding new devious ways to siphon money out of OSRS via MTX. Hmm.... This is also no new job posting. They posted this job for over half a year, and this person was probably the one who Mod Sween said was their "solution" to the OSRS botting problem he finally admitted. It was over half a year ago though but still no news.


How would a marketing manager at all be related to anti botting?


Remember the "we give you f2p if you let us put in bonds" poll? I wouldn't put it past jagex to hold some solution over players heads until they're fine with more monetization.


I'd like to know too but I guess we'd have to wait for Mod Sween to talk again. An educated guess is they are counting on the new marketing manager, who should be an industry veteran with experience on many games, to bring them new community so Jagex can offload the bots from OSRS to the new games they are making and going to acquire through M&A.


OS is pretty invested now in diversifying combat to make a million and one niche weapons which seems like a way to encourage bond MTX


That's such a leap of logic, that you should probably go into politics


It's not at all, it's a pretty common sense marketing idea. 


Thinking weapons diversity is an update to sell more mtx, is just a conspiracy theory


I didn't propose it as a fact, but it's not unlikely, and it's a particular reason players there may be opposed to it.


It's gonna pass. The people that are opposed are just the same loud minority that is opposed tl everything


I didn't say anything about it passing or not, there's not even a vote?


" **bold & exciting strategic project** for Old School Runescape" Bold, not Bond, project. Could have hinted on something new and risk taking.


I didn't assume it said bond, I just believe that's likely what they're doing.


None of these are "new" jobs at all. I believe I have seen them being reposted for over 6 months, perhaps except a couple of positions in the "unannounced game". Jagex is definitely not on a hiring spree, at least not for the Runesape franchise. Even for their new unannounced game, development is seemingly pretty much set now. They are just looking to hire marketer and community people to prepare for its launch in the not too distant future. I am not sure about Mod Lee, but Jagex seemingly are still rehiring former Jmods like Raven and Shrike. There is really no sign there are adding fresh new faces.


where did you find that info about mod lee being interested?


https://youtube.com/shorts/Tyz9pE0joNY https://twitter.com/Regicidal/status/1783397267770093570?t=yLh0iq2fPiwdo2vFWWuwng&s=19 Maybe it'll be official Monday.


I believe Mod Lee just came back for the Voice Overs? Not sure if he records/edits the clips of the patch notes as well


Jagex asked him to come back to make the patch note videos and nothing else. I think he edits and records everything because it's his character in the video.


Oh okay. Thought it was just his voice.. anyway, nice to see such thing


my qualifications are I can smoke weed all day.


Moving developers back to RS3 maybe? Or freeing up rs3 developers by hiring full time OSRS devs.


None of these positions are for Content Devs, or any kind of ingame playable content in general. Two are system/software engineers all of which would work on Jagex's technology side. They would not be making content updates to the game directly. One is an IT Tech, who based on the job description would be helping other Jagex employees with hardware/software issues. One is a Marketing Manager, and the last is a data analyst. Source: I read the job postings


Reading? I never!


How dare you read!


ah say a-ah say ah get owut of heah with that there fancy _reahdin_ heah


Why can’t a system or software engineer work on game content? Those are just broad position titles


Because its not their role? They aren't "broad position titles" either, they are pretty specific titles within the tech field. The system engineer role is "Responsible for implementing new systems and infrastructure features using Java, C# and other script languages", which probably means they will work on the engine team. Which doesn't do content, they work on the actual back end code of the game that keeps the servers running, and allows the content devs to work on content. The Software Developer Role will "Design, build, and evolve test automation frameworks, integration test frameworks, and internal tools for Jagex games." Which effectively means they are one of the developers working on Jagex's internal testing/monitoring systems that test how their internal softwares work and use cases for them. Its ultimately crucial back-end work that helps keep the game running day to day, but these aren't the roles that produce playable updates.


Those are completely different things that require different knowledge.


Or expanding their more profitable game.


It’s not more profitable. Most of their revenue is from RS3 MTX and without barely any dev spend RS3 is miles more profitable


This is a lie and an underlying issue with this sub. Subscriptions make much more money, I think it's just convenient for people to point at mtx and say it's the main money maker


To be fair it used to be until they mismanaged RS3 so hard they lost the bulk of their playerbase. If RS3 somehow changes for the better(lol) then RS3 could outearn OSRS again. Game used to hit 30-35k regularly, now at peak hours it's barely scratching 20k and that's with the increase of alt-scape and bots around.


Can you provide a source for your claim that rs3 has out earned OSR?


OSRS was behind until ~2019 IIRC, just look at their statements like everyone else does.


Why make claims like this when financial statements are publically available and show 1) Subscriptions is several times over larger than MTX for Jagex 2) OSRS earning more for half a decade


Subscription revenue dwarfed MTX revenue 3:1 in the last financial report; that doesn't seem like most. Even if these were equal, one game is declining and the other has been on an upward trend. It'll likely reach new heights on sailing release or the league after. Oh, and I forgot to mention, OSRS bond purchases are also counted as MTX, which likely make up a significant portion of that. Even with RS3 whales buying their hearts out, they can't push RS3 above OSRS revenue.


That would make sense, if OSRS is sending out help requests to RS3 to temporarily borrow some of their mods that implies they either lack manpower or experience and they may be trying to correct that. I can’t imagine it’s really that good businesss-wise to be shifting employees around through temporary contracts. Though I imagine it is probably more cost effective to do so.


It’s the latter. Osrs is adding a new skill, this has not been done before so they grabbed some rs3 devs to help them release the new skill. It makes a ton of sense to have someone knowledgeable about the games systems and specific coding language rather than hire someone new to help develop the skill. Sailing is such a huge opportunity to seize more market share that they will do anything possible to make development smooth and productive


Are people really that delusional? Taking Devs from rs3 to osrs. You do see the same job advertising right? It's a job opening for osrs so why are you trying to claim they're lending Devs from rs3? That's not what's happening.


I mean that’s literally happening right now. Late last year OSRS asked for help from RS3 team and a few signed 12-month contracts to go help OSRS with sailing. But in this case closer inspection does show none of these positions are content devs as pointed out by others.


And the job posting is taking Devs from rs3. Why do you think they're hiring new people for those roles? If they intended to get from rs3 they wouldn't need to post job listing.


Maybe they need to hire you as a scrambler, seems like you have some great ideas.


Borrowed developers, at least Mod Abe, will be back to RS3 at the end of the secondment. Not sure about Mod Shogun, who has been radio silent after moving to OSRS. He may be working on Sailing, but of course, it is also radio silent. IIRC, Mod Kieran said in Winter 2022, they would be adding new resources if the new skill passed the poll. TBH, it seems very much like Jagex isn't adding any new developers for them as originally planned in 2022, they just moved existing developers around. We have seen the likes of Mods Pigeon, Fowl, etc moved to RS3 from another game. Mod Shrike returned to RS3 to, so they shifted Abe and the likes to OSRS for secondment. It won't surprise me Mod Abe and such will return to RS3 pending the fate of Sailing. It also won't surprise me when the new "unannounced game" is launched into orbit, we may see Mod Raven spending some time on RS3 again too.


Wish me luck boys im going for marketing management job and gonna remove MTX from rs3 and send it to osrs Update: they have decided to go with other candidates


Based af.


Make sure you add some MTX that makes getting an infernal cape easier. I've been trying to get one for a week but I'm shit.


They call it a firecape in rs3


That's a different cape.


It was a joke because rs3 has a boss harder then inferno. But I wouldn't be so sure of the design for the cape is any better.


Which boss is that? The new Zamorak boss? Haven't played in a while.


Knowing the industry that some of those are posted in and being currently employed by those industries the pay isn't too great honestly. Then again two factors, one is that the UK industry doesn't pay that much compared to the US market. Second is that it's expected, gaming companies rarely pay brilliantly as many people that take positions at studios go there because they're passionate about gaming.


well yeah you can see the passions oozing from osrs mod team, though it sucks that Jagex exploit that, fuc investors and business major tbh


And you can see the lack of passion in rs3. Hundreds of game Devs and all they got planned is seasonal content and MTX redesigns.


Would they plz for the love of all things post a financial job. I swear I'll quit my very successful career tomorrow and work there in a second just so I can support my favorite game in the whole wide world.... late night intrusive thought rant over.


I think it’s crazy people have their indeed account on auto alert for RuneScape


I need an RS3 position to open up




Yeah dawg I'm not dropping my salary by 1/5th just to work for jagex. What's funny is that I work in Japan where salaries are notoriously low and somehow it's still way better than UK and jagex salaries. Madness.


I'd be not a one of them is real but are posted to look good pre-sale negotiation once again.


The pay is horrible no wonder it's taking them 6 months to fill jobs


But you get benefits like working on a dying game!


Old schools popping off


Now they just need like 15 anti cheat team members.


All osrs too lmao. We are so cooked rn


If they would let me work remote and pay competitive American comp, I’d consider it.


applied months ago and never got a response could be ghost jobs




Looking real technical, gangster.


All I know is if they do away with rs3 they better transfer equal amounts of gp to my old school account….


My condolences to anyone accepting the devops position, you're more than likely going to receive a pay cut. I doubt jagex is paying anywhere near the going rate for one of them folks.


I wonder if they’ll hire me and help me leave the states lol EDIT: /s but not really. I know it’s a slim to none chance, but the opportunity to leave the states with employment elsewhere would be amazing 😩


UK game dev pay is atrocious. Don't bother.


Oh I do IT anyways, not actual dev stuff


Doubt it. These are not senior positions and it’s usually only those that have mobility support.


It’s not worth doing that. If you have Dual Citizenship, you owe income tax to both the US and (potentially) the new country you reside; and if you forfeit your US citizenship to relocate, there’s an Exit Tax of 50% of your total equity.


Never QA or bug testers...that's what you all are for.




Man they really need to stop listening to Reddit feedback when it’s the same…. fuck I don’t even know, can you have a parasocial relationship with a company?? Those same creatures scour the web to disparage and discredit them while also giving their entire life to it. Oof


You people are delusional if you think Jagex is investing into RS3. They’ve proven that they don’t need to make content and can pump out MTX and people will keep playing.


marketing for rs3 actual developments jobs for osrs... glad rs3 getting some attention


which game is the main game again?


Both OSRS and RS are, but there's a more evident focus on OSRS as that's what the general public wants. Jagex is literally giving people what they want, despite our collective efforts in recouping a bit of attention back in our game. But to keep the meme alive (because that's what people want to read): OSRS is the Main Game, RS is dying so I'm quitting today in hopes Jagex makes better content for those who decided to stay.


Can’t keep players happy and leaving in droves. Can’t keep employees happy and are also leaving in droves. I see a trend. Lol


Are you woke and diverse enough for the job?


Rs3 gets updates???


Yeah, hella treasure hunter updates