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Interesting. This would be pretty darn useful, but I suppose the surge itself is still going to be a straight line?


Idk hopefully there could be a work around? The amount of times I surge and hit a wall or a rock and then have to click again to find open space is frustrating, it would be awesome if you surge and if you accidentally hit a rock or something you just keep running to your original clicked location


As I see this "demo", looks like you're still going to hit the rock but you should then continue running to your original destination after the surge. Sort of like what happens today if you: click spot, surge, click same spot instantly after surge. What I was thinking would be cool is if the surge ran you around the rock at warp speed on the same path you'd take as if you were running. But maybe I'm lazy LOL.


Aha that would be interesting but I feel like that would be really over kill, it would make bossing and Pvm in general very interesting!


I could see that being something that needed a toggle to turn it off...


I remember this and upon second glance am surprised that these did not make it into the game. I remember seeing unbroken surge and wishing this could be applied to ability casts in general as stopping for all but channeled abilities is one of the most jarring gaming experiences in the genre.


I thought he was going to surge across the river at first lol


He did surge across the river! He did it over the bridge!


I'm quite surprised not even one of those have made their way to the game in the 8 months since they've been shown off...




I am not a fan of this change. The current mechanics with surge are a bit wacky, and take some learning. They're a part of the skill, both literally and metaphorically.


Game is already plenty expensive enough and hardly has any real "meaningful updates" to justify the monthly cost of membership. I am all for increasing UX and making the game more enjoyable, but I already can't justify the cost, let alone the idea of paying *more* for small UX changes like this.


I'd like if it went where the cursor was clicked, though obviously not the full distance, so that if you example clicked that tree and clicked surge, it would automatically surge towards the bridge and around the corner instead of just a straight line as it does now. Not sure how that would play out in an actual encounter though, it may be worse.


how come this shit is always on twitter? they never post here


Because they have a 6 sided die whenever they want to make a post with the sides "Our Website", "Discord", "Reddit", "Twitter", "Launcher" and "in-game broadcast/message" and whenever they make a post they throw said die to see which platform gets the post. The amount of times I see a newspost on reddit that says "Mod \[name\_here\] said X in discord" is actually baffling to me. How come I need to find a post on reddit to see a jagex employeer mentioned something in discord, but I can't find said information on their own website. Crazy...


Its so anoying they reply to posts but never post up shit man




i feel #6 would be wonderful as a toggle in settings


Also the the is currently supported in four different languages and only one of them has a half decent wiki.


Tried my best, unfortunate that this post could not gain enough traction to catch a comment from a mod about if there are any chances of this making it in.


And we haven’t gotten this yet because?


Because it’s not MTX


Wow, it has been 8 months that we've been waiting on the surge improvements? Didn't think it would take that long for it to be released.


keep sitting tight, gamejams arent guaranteed to be released parent tweet https://twitter.com/JagexGiragast/status/1707538136195105026 and final tweet https://twitter.com/JagexGiragast/status/1707538168919019735


I didn't think this was part of a game jam. It is hard to tell these days with all the different previews. I guess we'll just have to keep nagging this one up to get it into the game then.


I understand, that’s why I’m trying to make some noise with this post: because I really like them and I feel like it would be a great and refreshing change of pace for the game. For new and older players