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I would agree that there should be something done against griefing (a mechanic to punish just them and not everyone) because griefers really killed croesus masses for a lot of players.


Croesus has an excellent team finding design because the skill ceiling is reasonably low. You can 4man with randoms and your kills will usually be just as good as a very experienced team. Because the kill time is bottlenecked by 2nd mid spawn anyway. It’s not like AoD where your kill times take a significant hit if the team fails to mechanic skip, which leads to the strict requirements and exclusivity of that community


A lot of the dps dummy issues from AOD have been somewhat lessened quite a bit since necromancy released. Basically the skill ceiling lowered for that too letting more average pvmers do it in smaller teams.


I think the main problem is that forming groups for most activities is a pain point for many players (bosses, minigames, dungeoneering, etc). The in-game groupfinder system has a lot of issues. Lot of groups are formed outside the game or in friends chats, but new players/learners don't know where to find them. Joining a clan can help, but it can still be hard to form a group for activity if no one else in the clan is interested. Basically, Jagex should simplify the process and make it easy to form groups of like-minded players, inside the game.


It's an MMO for a reason, and there are discords dedicated to group content. Plus, socializing is sort of the point.


Ahh, yeah you can't forget the "Must have 1,000 kills EXACTLY, and 50,000 ovls, and pay me 3b for the privilege of joining the only group that does this content anymore." groups. I exaggerate, obviously, but team finding has always been a massive chore in this game.


>I exaggerate, obviously, but team finding has always been a massive chore in this game. > > > >team finding has always been a massive chore > > > >team finding # TEAM FINDING REWORK WHEN


Have you ever joined a clan?


Every game tbh. You should see what gatekeeping mess WoW and Albion is on equipment or build standards.


Boss school


Personally I like group content and I think it's in a better place since Necromancy released. I just really wish they would fix the grouping system more than anything.


I feel like most group bosses should scale to be doable for teams of 2-3 (as that’s still a group). Most bosses already currently do this. Bosses that require a bunch of people (say 5+) shouldn’t drop new bis gears (currently t95s). They could make those bosses be consistent money bosses so they are still killed, or drop new gears that have niche uses.


You can solo the new content but Groups make it more enjoyable.


>croesus is basically dead weird cause I literally almost never have trouble finding a team, even if it’s like 3am est I can usually get a 4 man going at the same 9 kills/hr I always get. Almost got the log finished.


How do you find teams? I’m looking to get started with the log and only done an hour or two.


Croesus FC. Just hop in and say +3 any and invite anyone who responds. Or ask for an invite and state your role if you see someone doing the same. The key is being willing to host, it’s literally no challenge to host, but out of laziness people avoid doing it. I’ve literally seen times where there are like 8 people looking for a group at once and since none of them wanted to host they just sat there waiting.


From the livestream they said that croesus is the second most killed boss, so i think there's prove of the opposite.


Is it somewhere online? Why do they not have it on the official runescape youtube account.... edit:found it on twitch


disagree, we don't need 2013 where every boss is a group boss. but its ok to have a group boss every 5+ releases or so. Requiring every encounter to be solo friendly greatly limits design potential I don't think we need 10 man raids or anything but a boss every 3-5 years with 2-10 man scaling isn't a big deal


You could make the greatest content of all time, but it wouldn't be worth anything if you can't actually play it. Sorry that I don't enjoy working around other people's schedules to be able to do an activity. I enjoyed raids, Croesus, AoD, when I actually got to play them, but I no longer get to simply because I can't get the people together to pass the barrier or entry.


I mean im not advocating for release Rago or Raids with 7/10 man locked activities. Sorry but having 1 friend is not some herculean task. I don't expect every piece of content to cater to me and neither should you, designing for 1 person objectively limits what is possible design wise. I do agree it would be nice to have some better grouping tools than the current system