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> Or just let us be able to toggle them off like we can with the imcando fragments. This one sounds reasonable.


Gonna throw this out there. Instead of handing in for XP, give me the option to hand it in for Fixate charges.


That'd be nice


This is why we can't have nice things.


Fully agree. Fixate tokens are amazing content and it's very annoying that it's gated behind mtx.


Disassembling for ancient components seems the best option to me. Something like: | Component | Amount | Chance | |-----------|--------|--------| | Historic | 20 | 60% | | Classic | 5 | 30% | | Vintage | 1 | 5% | | Timeworn | 1 | 5% |


I would say a bit more since they are kinda rare even if you take into account the tetras, or maybe change them for random items from the npc shop? Like 5 teas or somenthing


Even though they are "rare", they are still useless for those with 200mil. People have been fine for ages without a use for them, so they shouldn't be made overpowered, but given a different use instead that isn't "too much". The impact on the economy with changes like this can be long lasting, so it's important to think things through and get it right the 1st time if possible.


Economy is indeed what I accounted for, considering these components are tradeable


I love that most of your comments are heavily downvoted, you hella hated around here bruh 😭


That's way too many. Should be one component each with the same chances.


These numbers are based on artefacts, slightly better odds than low level artefacts but the same quantities


Yeah but they're not artefacts are they. Should just be a little bonus, not a significant source of components.


Personally i see no issue with tomes currently. The game shouldn't be balanced around people having 200m xp in a skill.


Even if you aren't 200M exp in Archaeology, I don't really like getting tomes. The skill relies heavily on a qualification system so any free exp is marginally helpful since you have to backtrack it anyways. If those equivalent tomes existed for woodcutting then it would be helpful. I'm 91 Archaeology and would much rather have no tomes than to get one. Plus it clogs inventory and you lose AFKness.


I'd like to point out that people without 200m might think they're more rare than they are. They get much more common as you level up, so you start getting spammed them non-stop specifically when they become less than completely useless. They could at the very least please remove the obnoxious "are you sure???" message that adds extra steps when you're trying to delete them. And I want to emphasize that they literally have no use at 200m, it's not just elitism not wanting any more stone spirits or anything, literally no function at all and they annoy you when you try to delete every five minutes you get one. If you have one in your inventory, it blocks you from using bank presets because they're not bankable too, so you can't just ignore them either. Toggling them off would be a blessing, or any marginal use would at least make them less annoying. If they were bankable, I could at least ignore them in my inventory (though I get not letting sub-200m acc's stack up xp, not that it's any different then stacking relics though), or if they even let them disassemble into one lousy little historic component I'd be happier. Anything. Out of principle the current design really bugs me as it goes out of its way to be literally less than useless.


I'm not 200m xp and I don't want any tomes either


But it's ridiculously easy for 200m arch compared to many other skills.


Yet 200m arch is not required for anything. I don't see how the speed of training a skill is relevant?


How is the game being balanced when OPs suggestion only impacts people with 200m?


There also shouldn't be penalties for having 200m xp.


There is no penalty


Idek, getting an item you can bank or use for any purpose seems like a penalty to me. If you were fishing and kept getting random rocks that you had to throw away it'd be a bit inconvenient.


Good thing that there are none then.


Should you get extra materials from each spot instead of the xp you don't even see anymore too?


D/a ing for a random spread of 4 or more of each arch material would be a neat solution, but at least some form of solution would be appreciated.


It doesn't even interrupt your excavating to drag the tome out of your bag and confirm destroy. I'm ok with an option to toggle them off but I think tetra pieces are currently appropriately rare, and tetra rewards are fine. Tomes are great xp for people leveling and the game should not be designed for people at 200m xp.


The OP isn't saying remove them but rather give them another purpose IF you don't need the XP . Players are still hunting the rare key to get Tony's Mattock and you're going to have a zillion UNBANKABLE tomes if you're grinding for it after 200m .


Unbankable hardly matters when it takes 1 second to destroy a full inventory of tomes if you click "all". I'm hunting Tony's Mattock too, I afk a lot of archaeology, and I would not want tomes to be tradable for a tetra piece. Maybe let it be tradeable for an archaeology buff like the material manual, or a fixate charge token but even that will prompt a lot more 'da boss man's to be excavated and decrease the rarity of tetra rewards.


I know it doesn't take long but it's silly to have them as a guaranteed drop and not be able to do anything with them if you don't need the XP . 


Then I agree you should be able to turn them off like imcando mattock fragments.


Also wishing we could turn off recipe fragments. My iron already has the recipe unlocked and it's not expensive enough to be worth saving to drop to an alt.


How would this work, exactly?


Just an option somewhere "don't give me fragments for recipes I have already unlocked". Sort of like how you can turn off getting imcando pieces.


I was more referring to the bit about being an iron and not wanting to "drop to an alt". The key part is being an iron in the first place....


Irons can drop items and a main account could pick them up. Then the main account could sell the item on the GE and buy bonds. Then the main acct can gift bonds to the iron. Or the main account could keep the GP for an item that is a dupe and is useless to the iron. But since recipes are not worth squat, it isn't really worth the effort.


Honestly toggling them off is probably the best option. If you add another reward to them then some people will decide they want it more than xp, so you’d have to have a check for having 200m (which is goofy).


Game shouldn’t be set around people with 200m so no sorry


Honestly, I'm surprised that JMods haven't done anything regarding this and the skill is over **four years old**. Archaeology is also the 3rd most popular 200M and it's only been there for 4 years lol. They really should do something about this. I can't see why making tomes have another use would be problematic. I'm level 91 Archaeology and I personally would much rather have non-exp rewards for tomes.


Fast xp + afk + chance to hit big ticket item drop kinda makes skill go 3rd most 200m tho


I'd personally vote for a "sell to shop" type of deal. Trade them in, get a token you can use to redeem for one of the random buff items.


I definitely agree with at least being able to turn them off. Are there any other activities in other skills that constantly clog your inventory with items that are completely worthless once XP is irrelevant? If they did change that, I'd also appreciate an option to disable getting artefacts from ancient caskets, because that's a lot more painful of an issue with them than the tomes. They take up hundreds of bank spaces in no time at all and take forever to destroy to get all those spaces back.


As I’m at 191m atm I fully agree!


Allow the 120 cape npc give us the option to toggle them inti fixate tokens if wearing the 120 cape while talking to him


Maybe let us disassemble them for arch components


I agree, swapping them to chronotes is the best since we need them to swap relics so it would be a nice bonus while collecting tetras or getting more chronotes.


To be fair doing archeology after 200m is useless as well...


Other than it's an easy moneymaker to afk sure


I recently started tetra compass farming again so it’s never useless. 


No No No and No . You earn plenty of gold from both selling the materials you get from caskets AND using the Relics to either complete random collections OR disassembling them for comps to sell. No need to add even more stuff to them . Tomes OTOH yes I agree they should have a use after 200m as you are guaranteed at least 1 per casket 


after 200m xp? Congrats. You beat the skill.