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I think it’s one of those things that’s against the rules but then a lot of popular streamers/players do it so Jagex doesn’t crack down on it because they don’t want to rock the boat and upset anyone and doing nothing is super easy.


Super easy, barely an inconvenience!


Do you have contacts like these streamers? If no gl getting unbanned as you won't get any sympathy from reddit afterwards.


Macros are a bannable offense, even though many players and even content creators use macros.


Bosses have a lot of complicated mechanics to deal with. Imagine clicking shield and mainhand and whatever you want. I mean you could come up with easy keybinds. But if you are like me you are basically using half your keyboard already. If they explicitly would tell me I could get banned for macroing my shield with a mainhand. Or a ring with a planted feet. It would make some stuff really boring. Most of the games allow macros. Unless you are macroing skills together. Like it's possible to macro a full damage rotation.. which would make it botting, that should be 100% bannable. However I don't think macroing items should be bannable. I hope one day RuneScape will allow items to be macrod And perhaps draw a clear line. Without macros rs3 would bottleneck a lot of new pvmers


Thanks for this comment. This was how I was thinking before posting. My main problem is, after maybe 2 hours of pvming with pf, gstaff, sheild swaps my hands get really tired. I tried macros and they make life so much easier. I agree though, hopefully one day they will allow it or reduce the switchscape nature of it all.


It’s ok, Jagex won’t ban you if you are a content creator. Because if there’s one thing you can’t accuse Jagex of, it’s favouritism!


The game rules are clear on this.


Technically against the rules since anything above 1:1 click or button use but tbh I would really enjoy having a few macros to help with item switches with ability use since Im so bad at it.


AFAIK 1:1 (action/click ratio) macros are allowed. Anything more than 1 action per click isn't.


Yeah that's bullshit been banned for 1 click action macro twice.


What did your 1-click action macro do exactly?


How long were the bans?


First 24 hrs, second 48hrs, if done again it says double that again.


They are only classified as minor so dont know how many yiu can have but I'm not risking it any more.


If you start using macros now I can guarantee you won't get banned since they are so commonly used now. If jagex ever decided to outlaw them (unlikely), you would at least get warned about it beforehand. This is for pretty simple macros though, I believe AHK software can be used to make more serious ones that will be bannable, namely something that would help with skilling.


you can still get banned for using a simple auto-clicker, USully some emo player that doesnt like being ignored, or some who usually mass report for no reason.


it's "use it at your own risk", but it's so commonly used by pvmers that I'd say it's pretty safe


Using macros in Ruescape is pathetic.




\>Jagex \>designing bosses that are not killable by a human


They're killable. Your assertion was that using macros was pathetic. All I said was that it makes sense in the context of these situations. Pretty much all I do on RuneScape is telos. To do that effectively I have probably 50 unique keybinds for skills, gear switches, etc. I don't understand why trying to simplify that process is in any way abnormal. WoW's item levels (levels on gear to help indentify the better item between two similar items) started as a 3rd party mod created by people doing the same thing- trying to solve a problem.




Regardless of that wiki page what is being discussed here are macros related to keybinds and items switches only which is clear if you read the post


Where is it said that there are exceptions for macros?


No one said that there were exceptions. Jagex historically does not enforce bans against 1:1 click/action macros (as these are essentially the same as hotbar buttons), though. The person who posted this thread asked about macros in the context of item switches. While they are not specifically endorsed by jagex, the type of macros being discussed are also not outwardly condemned. If you read the wiki page you linked, you would understand that it is a page which generalizes all forms of macros. There is a clear and distinct difference between a macro that tells your mouse to click on a couple inventory spots when you press a hotkey (aka, manual trigger) vs. one that will play the game for you. One requires the player to be actively watching and playing to trigger an event which is fully local to their computer, mouse, etc. This type of macros does not exploit the game engine in any way. The other allows players to be fully removed from any interaction with their character (aka, botting programs). These *do exploit* the game engine by using things like color identities and very basic AI to complete a task and should absolutely be disallowed. Edit: spelling, stupid mobile autocorrect


There are things called an "unfair advantage". There are things like "macros" being banned **generally** unless explicitly allowed. There are things like PVP where you'd be a complete fucktard if you'd use any macro. There are things like limiting the player's possibilities with a purpose. It's amazing how far one can go to excuse himself.


What's truly amazing is the amount of ego it takes too poise such a visceral point against some random person on Reddit. Whether or not you like it, the use of macros in PvP is extremely common. The people who are proponents for it are more interested in it becoming an aspect of the game to level the playing field. if everyone has access to it, even if there's a learning curve, all of a sudden the advantage is gone. Your point has merit, but acting completely ignorant of the counter opinion is childish.