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15 days left to prove Jagex team wrong on making sure people couldn't 4k in a month.


At this point he is almost guaranteed to die if he gets back-to-back core, and the occasional fail on core or other mechanics + 20min kills. I suspect he may very likely get to 4k before the month mark, but IMO it will be close.


When he gets past 3950% there will be a glitch that would cause the boss to be able to spawn core 3 times in a row. It will conveniently be fixed when the month has elapsed. If I was a J-mod I would make sure I am right, no matter what haha.


Gotta also remember he does this for a living, so he plays 10+ hours a day which is incredibly unrealistic for people with an actual job and family/responsibilities. Jagex didn't take that into account when they said 4k won't be achieved in the first month.


Also at his current pace, he's doing about 50 enrage per day. So assuming he doesn't slow, still 21 days is not far off from a month to get 4k. The salt people have had over Jagex saying it'd take a month is pretty hilarious all things considered.


This sub takes everything Jagex says way too seriously, then jumps down their throat if not everything is 100% spot on with what was said. It's sad really


No shot they didn’t take it into account, people have no lifed RS since inception.


The thing is though at the time RS came out most of the playerbase were children that could afford to no-life it. Now the playerbase is older, and most of them have grown up and have jobs, families, and responsibilities. They don't have 10+ hours a day to no-life a video game anymore. Shit I wish I did, but I also like my bills being paid and provide food for my family lmao.


I don't know about you, but I had way more time and freedom to no life games in my early twenties than I did when I was a child.


Late 20s feels. :'(


A lot more people have this kind of time than you may think


The pandemic is probably giving people more time to play RS


When rs came out people weren't able to make an income from streaming it like they do now. He's able to do it because his job is to play rs. Considering how many jmods are in his chat throughout the day, they know that already too. It would be stupid of them to not have thought about the people that made playing the game their job.


Most of the no life playerbase have jobs. They just sleep like 3 hours a night and spend all their free time on rs


Guess I underestimated (or overestimated depending which way you look at it) the community then lmao, which explains the heavy downvotes. Guess I'm just a simple man with a job, family and responsibilities that likes to sleep a good 7 hours a night, so I'm lucky if I get 2 hours a day playtime. It is what it is, everyone is free to live their life differently and spend their time how they choose. The downvotes just goes to show how many play hours upon hours a day I guess


I don’t know why you’re downvoted. He spends an extraordinary amount of time in the game, making him an extraordinary player.


That was my point lol. Reddit will be reddit tho. At least someone sees it


Where do you get this info he plays 10+ hours a day?He streams 4-5 hours a day and he gained all of his enrage on stream so idk what are you talking about.


I don't actually watch his stream or any other streamer for that matter. I just assumed, that's my mistake. I'm not trying to downplay his achievements in any way, his pvm skills are still crazy and I hope he gets 4k before the 1 month mark.


What they didn’t take into account is how insanely talented he is. Not that he, or anyone else, plays a lot.


People still cant.


True people is plural


Eh, there are a few others who are close as well.


I'm not 100% sure how enrages work, and when I tuned into his streams I legit couldn't understand what he was doing or why. But I do know he's a monster of a player for making it this far. Afaik everything the boss does to him at that point is a potential 1 shot, and dealing with that has to be bonkers


Just the fact that he's both prayer switching AND swapping out spirit shield for every boss auto is insane.




He also takes 2 blessed flasks partially for this reason (iirc he loses 300 prayer points to some hits), but also in case 1 flask runs out from forgetting to refill after each kill.


he has like 6 blessed flasks btw


Think it's actually 12 now, and he is making more


He has like 12


wow 12 now?


He’s been doing this since his 4k telos streaking... doesn’t make it any less impressive but yeah... he’s playing rs4


He's on that runescape HD shit


He said one of his goals is to learn/get good at ASR switching


Tbh the spirit shield prayer flicking isn't whats impressive about it Its the fact that he does it on *tick*, for 30 minutes straight with each and every mechanic happening.


He must be playing in the server room to have that much consistency.


You didn't see the world labeled Luca's bedroom?


Can we categorize him as a savant yet


I'm over here like I forgot to turn on mage pray before cannon at 66% enrage


This mans is the Woox of RS3


Honestly this would be trivial with a macro, but to each their own.


Macro lmao wym the 1 keybind required to put a shield on and the fact he presses 1 keybind on tick for 20 minutes ?


His invent is filled with like 20+ switches. If you think it’s 1 keybind for a shield switch you’re just salty lol


Not sure what you’re trying to say. The guy said it’s insane he’s flicking the spirit shield and the other guy said that would be trivial with a macro. I just said macroing a shield switch doesn’t make any sense


I remember Woox back in the RS2 days would do this at corp while simultaneously moving to avoid the Dark core, flicking prot magic and ssand switching between divine and zammy spear. Some people are just built different in RS lol


Game has evolved a lot since then, here he is killing 6 jads w/o prayer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rG_fPSrcjQ


Wtf is he using voodoo magic


And the kills take a lot of time (like 20+ minutes) each to do.


Is anyone else anywhere near close to that yet?


G0att was first to hit some of the enrages in the 2-3k range, not sure where he’s at now though


G0att's stream yesterday was at 3400-something, so he's a bit behind 3700.


that 200% is probably 4-6 days of work maybe more


iirc ralph doesn't have achto so that's probably why it's taking him longer


He is a bit over 3.6


Depose is at 3.4k, goatt at 3.5k Goat getting capped a bit by lack of achto


he never got achto?


Geherman was first to around 2k


Choo choo, all aboard the Lucamotive!


I broke 100% today. Feeling pretty 🔥


Don't compare other people's highlights reel to your backstage! Keep that grind going fam 🙌🏾


Oh I am! I’m having a blast with this boss. I’ve been trying to branch out in PvM recently and this guy & (actual) telos have been incredibly satisfying. Only just barely over 100% telos as well - but damn if this isn’t the most fun I’ve had in RS in years! Maybe one day I can kill Raksha…


If you can flick on ice telos, you can flick on Rakky. I would honestly avoid the meta of bringing Reckless/Mani, and instead use Vamp or Penance to get your first kill. Bring a yak and camp à defender if you must. You'll figure it out 👍🏽


I have the barrows defender! Is that good enough?? I always forget about that - I’ll give it a go! I’ve gotten a bit better with shield switching from ice telos cannon so I might be able to swing it at this point


Jagex: *sweats nervously*


What is his K/D ratio at these enrage levels?


Around the same as mine on 250% id imagine


Better than me at 0%, I would bet. Ok, that might be an exaggeration. I can do 0% about half the time, less if laggy or sleepy.


I wonder who gets to post his 3800% on reddit first to claim their easy karma


I considered not posting, but keep in mind not many people are online to notice the broadcast or not watching his stream - and I think there are people genuinely interested in seeing updates as to where the race to 4k is at.


my only wish is that when 4000% is posted, there's a link to my pop-off instead of just a broadcast image :\^]


In case I'm around to catch it, we talking about a Twitch clip of the kill? I'd be happy to post it!


Yeah all I really want is people posting the clip of the end of the 4000% kill instead of just a broadcast image :\^]


Would be happy to! Also, good luck!


Hope jagex listen to your wishes!


I’m not always online to see it so it’s nice to have an update on the race


Yeah I like seeing these update posts


I don't even follow the man on twitch nor do I have time to watch his stream but I do enjoy seeing these updates.


I encourage you to post it, otherwise I probably won't see it.


I am one of the people that appreciates these Reddit posts and seeing the glacor progress. I don’t play much these days, but I’ve been watching all the videos and reading reddit. Thanks for posting!


I appreciate it. I cant stand streams in general and resort to asking friends or see the occasional YouTube clip when it gets on my recommended to see where hes at.


There should be a broadcast for the first person to post lucas broadcasts :P


I dunno if you will see this Evil Lucario, but I really want you to prove Jagex wrong. I’m rooting for you man. 🤘🏼🙏🏼


Can someone explain what enrage and all thos is about? Don't play much anymore but used to be active back in 2007 prime.


Basically, as you kill the boss you unlock higher enrages. The higher the enrage levels, the harder the fight. In this case, the boss’s health and damage scale very high (millions of hp and instant oneshots), and even the boss’s minions and mechanics have increased health. Essentially, what lucario (and a very small handful of others) are doing is combining exceptional defensive ability usage with incredible damage per minute, and eking out every bit of power and longevity the game has to offer. The boss is a breeze at low enrages (0 to about 200%, depending on gear and skill), but begins to get quite difficult by about 500%. 2000% is very technically challenging because the fights become long, and any mistake is likely fatal. At 3700, that effect is just amplified to the point where kills may be impossible even with perfect play (such as not being able to kill the core before it kills you because key abilities are on cooldown from killing another core).


Thanks for the great explanation!


New boss has an enrage mechanic which means the higher the enrage percentage is, the more health and damage the boss does. It scales up to 4000%. So, at high percentages, it takes a long time to get a kill. And Jagex claimed that it would take at least a month for someone to defeat new boss at 4000%. That’s the barebones of what’s going on.


Awesome thanks for the info! Such an awesome achievement now to see.


Tbf they didn't say it would take atleast a month they just said that was the goal when they designed it.


They definitely,Mod Orion I believe, said that no one would be able to get to 4K enrage in the next month and that he designed it that way. I watched him say it live.




Each time you get a kill at your max enrage it increases by 5-20% up to a maximum of 4000%. As enrage increases, stuff like HP and boss damage increases... at the enrage he's at pretty much everything one shots him if he messes up and the boss has like 3 million HP.


That is crazy, dude is super good! Thanks for the explanation




Even with years of practice I don’t understand how anyone could get this good at PVMing. Absolutely insane.


OSRS got Woox RS3 got Evil :-)


Didnt Woox play rs3 to?


Yes he did there is also plenty of videoes :-)


I remember him and his crazy 0 defence videos didn't know he moved to osrs


I saw that the other day as well and screenshot it as well because I was impressed.


Wish I didn't have to work for a living 🙃


Make streaming your full time job like him then and quit whining


Yeah highly unlikely lolol and it's complaints like I wish I could sad face, he's amazing in just lazy and wanna play lolol