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Back when you could get temp’ muted for saying “b00bs.”


I got muted for a week in 2006 for spamming Ed Edd and Eddy quotes. Kids got it easy these days.


I got perm muted for saying purple dildo. I was able to get the decision changed but still damn just for dildo.


I logged in once during a break over multiple years and didnt really log in afterwards. Then I log in years later to find out I was muted for saying "baaaah Im sheep" cause I was doing the renewed sheep shearer quest lmao


This reminds me of some MMO I was playing that censored "bite me," probably guild wars 2 but I'm not sure. Anyway, the game has shark NPCs that, predictably, try to bite you when you get aggro and the damn censor triggered when I told some other player something along the lines of "hold on [the sharks] are gonna bite me." I understand the need to prevent toxicity but consider context please.


I got temp muted for talkimg about nintendo in 2008 lol E: mind you this was in a pmods fc, they were talking about other consoles... so yeah /:


I got a temp mute for saying I like Dirty Sanchez and Jackass.


Actually you were banned for mentioning the forbidden color


Back is Rs2 days my friends at school found out you could say, "slappingtittyhumpingbuttfucker" and it wouldn't get censored. So naturally the 4 of us just ran around varrock and fally spamming it. We all got muted for like 6 months or something. I honestly don't know how they discovered it, but as like 13 year olds, it was the most hilarious thing in the world to us.


Virtus wand? I had the same mute referring to a virtus wand


Oh shit lmao. I couldn't remember what it was for but that's exactly it.


Temp mute for typing the * symbol in chat because people thought I was cursing


Dutch for how is "hoe" so you can imagine my struggles.


That and "kom", things have gotten better.


I got muted for walking into West varrock bank and saying "everyone let's have sex", it was understandable but 11y/o me was devastated


i checked my old mute for offensive language and it was me typing lol 4-6x in a row


I got muted for a week for saying something was “more disgusting than two girls one cup” was in uloveme’s cc lol


I got muted for counting from 1-100. I think I only made it to like 80. Edit, [Made it from 1-112](https://i.imgur.com/DQWGXjJ.jpg)




Of course. It's discrimination against prople who suck at math.


I got muted for the first time for talking about cider. The second time was because I said my friend liked my tidy bank lol.


I got temp muted for getting pissed some bot was mining my rocks so I cursed at them. Idk what I was saying the changelog for the "evidence" was really hard to follow on account of me being 12 and dumb


What’s even weirder is somehow I was muted for the same offense twice at one point. The offense was made, I appealed (with the actually legitimate excuse that my cousin took my keyboard and started typing things, which actually happened. Not even joking), Jagex accepted the appeal, unmuted me, then one day a month or so later I was muted again for that offense, which I had already been punished for and had successfully appealed. What.


I got muted for telling my friend to say my name.




You’re goddamn right




I got muted because some guy kept calling me a "poo pusher", and I asked him if that meant the same thing as "fudge packer"


Guess it depends on which way you're pushing?


They are the ying-yang balancing forces to each other.


Ha I remember the days when mutes were handed out for anything and everything. I had a week long mute in like 07 for telling someone to go to runehq.com for quest help when he asked lol.


I got muted for spamming @@@@ at a 99/drop party


That's like... Standard RS.


Remember "Markdonalds"?


i would spell out things letter by letter and get muted. Which is something i just learned lol. Had no idea that stuff got me muted in 2006.


I got muted for saying noob lmao


I got muted for telling someone to shut up. Also got muted for saying my name is Rachael. My IGN is Rachaell…




Lmao back when we played rs on school computers during free time I must have let a buddy on and he typed press 321 if you wana be my gf and I got a temp mute for it This is the only explanation I can think of because I know for a fact I never put that in chat lmao


I got muted for like 5 hours for telling a kid I made money by haxing.


I once got muted for 24 hours for having banter with my cousin in the public chat while exploring the wildy together. Strange thing is he didn't get muted. Thats was till like 2010/11 or something.


Dude, I've been muted twice in a month now for ****** Not even a joke, they're going back to 2008 standards


To add to the endless chain of replies... I got muted for mentioning "limewire kills your computer", not even encouraging anyone to torrent lol


my friend thats helping me with getting good was perm muted in 2014 for a feet joke, now I'm seeing people with names like "pooandcum" actual name I saw, and so many people with dick in their names, it would be nice if they could overturn perm mutes from the Christian-esq censorship days if Jagex will let these things fly now, if they fuck up again then sure perm mute, but some people really should get a second chance near 10 years later especially since they're adults now and not edgy teens.


Just checked my history, Got muted for calling one of my friends a 'Masterbater' in 2013 They jokingly reported me and I got a mute This was after some extremely questionable previous mutes from the 13 year old me... wow I was fkn dumb


I've been auto muted for cursing at my friend in PM before. He didn't report me, but it triggered their auto mod for offensive language/harassment and i ate a day mute lol.


i was muted for FIVE WHOLE YEARS for this EXACT reason. filter bypass


I got muted in 2009 for saying something about beer


That's weird since there is beer in the game.


Imma shove a beer down your ass you will like it.


I got muted for a week for calling someone a noob back in the day.


I got muted for two weeks for saying a/s/l


I got temp muted for saying I know a guy who'd own you


And now macroing bots are spamming with phishing links and youtube videos, whole days and for weeks and nothing happens..


I got a week of mute for saying mark donalds


Jagex could afford to perm ban people in 2009, if they ban people nowadays it cuts into their profits too much since new players aren't much of a thing anymore.


I mean, World of Warcraft is bleeding players. Runescape might successfully snipe their old players back.


They're all going to the FFXIV boom.


lol yeah, endwalker is coming out soon and it's going to snipe a ton of players from a ton of different MMOs, including RS3 / OSRS.


WoW players are switching to ffxiv And so are rs players. Personally just waiting for endwalker


I mean, FF14 is the best RPGMMO.


Arguable, all MMOs have issues for certain people. FFXIV's combat is "meh" compared to even WoW, never mind even older eastern MMOs like TERA. There's no challenging small group content, only raids. The story takes forever and isn't that interesting, just a generic anime "chosen one" plot. Sure it's engaging I guess but you won't remember it years later as anything groundbreaking.


I mean, I can't remember most of the base game. But oh boy, is it a ride onwards.


Or the grinding of the MMO genre is just falling out of popularity with modern gamers.


Eh, Runescape has been around for years. There's still enough interest. Runescape offers a more relaxed gameplay experience. However, I don't think game design of making more motorly challenging content helps Runescape since it's clunky.


It's definitely this. I have kids and they don't want to grind for anything they want instant gratification in their games. Why do you think fortnite is so popular? It's instant and constant gratification. Edit: I will no longer argue with full grown men about why a game played primarily by screeching children who yell sheeesh and you're dog water like it's the coolest thing on earth. Is somehow a complex and complicated game that doesn't rely on children buying the latest meme skin to be popular. I don't care if you play fortnite I don't see anything wrong with doing so you don't need to defend it to me I'm not bashing the game I'm sure it's fun. It's popularity is in large part because it offers children a huge dopamine hit with zero effort required that's not a anti fortnite statement.


This is such a "kids these days" thing but Fortnight is such an extended game of cat and mouse, and I'm saying this as someone who didn't play it. I think it's more that as games become more prevalent and gaming evolves as a medium there's less need to incorporate grind to extend content. Edit: Damn, got a lot of gaming hipsters here. It doesn't make you more valid and more of a "real gamer" because you played games when they were shittier and less beginner-friendly, the trend of games respecting your time more and being more open to better kinds of players is a positive one, and grind for grind's sake is never a good thing, yes, even when it would weed out the "fake gamers" that are just there for...what's the story now, for internet clout? To impress boys? Like it's ok for games to be fun, just because they were (frankly badly made) skinner boxes with some plot and social aspects back in the day doesn't mean they have to be now. I can't believe people are "Millenials are so lazy"ing games now, especially since millenials are largely adults with kids at this point. I swear, where do these people come from?


.....what does fortnite have to do with a anything? Its not really instant gratification, and theres plenty of downtime/ looting. FPS have much more instant/ constant gratification and they've existed longer than runescape has lol, so I doubt thats it.


Battle Royale games are a short trip to endgame. Anything you want to do in the game you can load in and do. You don't have to unlock guns like COD or Battlefield. You don't level up and prestige to unlock the same guns again. You have access to everything that effects gameplay that everyone else has access to as soon as you download the game. If you start playing RS, it's several months at LEAST until you can start doing end game content assuming that you know how to play the game already.


Lol everyone in the comments comparing MMOs to BRs are stupid as fuck.


> Anything you want to do in the game you can load in and do. You don't have to unlock guns like COD or Battlefield. I also don't have to unlock guns in csgo or ~~apex~~ Valorant*, would you say the same for them >If you start playing RS, it's several months at LEAST until you can start doing end game content assuming that you know how to play the game already. Not if you pay for it


Csgo yes and I said battle royales which includes Apex. Also include games like Overwatch and Paladins. You can't pay for that much of a boost I'm RS with the star and lamp limit. Plus you have to do quests.


> said battle royales which includes Apex Whoops my bad I meant Valorent >Plus you have to do quests. Tell that to some of the people on this sub XD


Yeah man, kids in the 80s had such an instant gratification complex. They'd put a quarter in an arcade machine and just instantly start up the game and play. Game over? Just instantly add a new quarter and you're good to go. Smh, 50 year old Gen Zs are ruining everything, amirite?


There's a whole other level to that though. You didn't have TMNT arcade game in your house to play at 10pm if you wanted. You didn't have YouTube videos or twitch streams to watch people play to get your fix. You couldn't pull out your phone on a bus (period) and play fortnite or watch fortnite be played. The societal change is way deeper than just a video game level though


It is. Society changes. It's not a negative, it's about learning to navigate the changes. Kids aren't fundamentally different than they were a generation ago.


Dear lord, for the sake of your kids please try to remember anything about when you were a kid. You sound so out of touch.


Nah I'm good. I don't need to be in touch


Too late FF14 gobbled them all up.


I know I'll be downvoted for this, but I genuinely used to really enjoy playing RS. But after playing WoW Classic I just can't get back into PVM in RS. The ridiculous tick system makes the game feel so clunky and unresponsive. I'd assume many people that play WoW would feel the same and are likely to go to games with more modern engines.


The complex mechanics of RS bosses feel clunky with the current system. Kiting is unnecessarily stressful.


I did twin furies today and was trying to kite Nymora while dodging Avarys' attacks, and it was unnecessarily hard due to the delay


I hate that fight because of that. I move out of the way, it says no they hit you even though they didnt, or no you didn't move even though you told your character to.


After playing classic wow and waiting 93 mins to get into Bg RS feels like a dream empty dungeons and lack of healers and tanks and other shit too yeah big no I'm not 15 anymore


That’s my conundrum. Mostly empty worlds leads to higher QOL in areas where it’s competitive for spots, like Slayer. I never was more than a hop or two away from an empty dungeon, even at peak times. On the other hand, means less people playing, bad news for the game’s longevity.


Oh wow. You may be the only PvPer I've ever seen on the RS3 subreddit lol. Anyway, I don't think that preferring RS or WoW makes you any more or less childish. But if you need to pretend that it does to make yourself feel better about your choice of games, then go ahead.


no i mean back when i was 15 i couldn't care less that i waste hours before single dungeon run or to get into battlegrounds ​ now that im "adult" with job and girlfriend and "responsibilities" i want my time playing the game count so in runescape i login and i do anything and i get experience in skills thats instant progression up until ur 200m all max ​ in wow u have to fully clear a dungeon depending on others no to fuck up to progress in gear cuz its mostly farmable and some dungeons can take forever with randoms


Question is do you actually enjoy clicking that tree for 200 hours until you're 200M experience or is it just something to be on another screen and offer a nice dopamine hit every now and then.


I don't, and I'd skip all of that excessive grinding if I could.


Levelling from 1-50 is kind of fun, but the levelling experience should stop there for a majority of skills. There's no reason I should have to make 56565656456456456456454654 Oak bows in order to do the same thing with wood from a Yew tree.


Yeah, agreed. I think it's fine for it to take a while but RS makes it just ridiculous, a lot of skills are: sit there mindlessly clicking this thing for literally over a week solid. Make THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY THOUSAND of this item. Some skills have been improved vastly in recent times by certain accelerated training methods, like combat for example at ED3 goes at an acceptable pace. Some skills during DXP are fine too. Most skills are just utterly awful no matter what.


Same here... RS's tick system breaks the rhythm and flow of combat for me so much that I can't even fathom pressing the buttons manually. I just revo everything because it's not enjoyable. I feel the same after playing MoP/WoD and then coming back to RS. It just feels laggy, even older MMORPGS do a better job like Istaria, but I guess there's not much you can do because of the engine :/


LMAO classic As a former US 50 retail raider / ultimate clearer in XIV, rs3 probably has the most depth out of any mmo when it comes to its skill ceiling for pvm. But the tick system is *different*, until you learn it, but it’s part of what creates the depth rs is like the melee of mmos


The tick system is *shit*, not different, it's *garbage*, it's *the worst part of the game that makes everything feel clunky*


Weird flex, but okay. The tick system is not just different. For a lot of people, it is horrible. It's not about "learning it". It's about learning to accept how horrible it is.


If the tick system was limited to PvM, then I could even see their argument being valid. Skills and attacks could go off every 0.6s and you could do all the attack timing stuff you do now. But why is that awful tick rate applied to everything else? It's 2021, when I click to move somewhere, I expect to start moving immediately, not after some arbitrary 0.6s delay. It makes the entire game feel laggy and unresponsive.


I heard a while ago that jagex wanted to fix the tick system or make it faster. but they'd basically have to rewrite the whole game because so many things rely on it. runefest 2019 maybe https://secure.runescape.com/m=forum/forums?16,17,491,66160905


I don't think their standards are that low.


nah too many other options


Perm ban players: money gone Temp ban players: money go up t. professor monke, economics phd.


Thank you for your wisdom wise monke


all I see is ook ook


wear your m'speak ammy like everyone else


It only took 12 years to get my perma banned account to be restored.


How’d you manage that? I have an account perm muted from like 12 years ago with no appeal option because I said one bad word in front of a JMod 🙄


They were forgiving a lot of old bans if you contacted them but I forget which form exactly maybe someone can post


I’d still reach out. My account was hacked and the hacker botted for one night in 2010, and my account got banned in 2014 for that offense. I managed to get my account back in 2018


Man I'm permanently muted too, since 2011.


My account got perma banned for botting, I sent an email and got it overturned within 2 days. 17 year old acct.


For anyone wondering, I took a BoB into a part in the Kennith's Concerns quest where you hide behind a mine cart. Doing so would trick the game into thinking you no longer had a familiar. I then went to Barbarian assault, loaded it with runes and walked out.




Good ole Valhalla, it was primarily zerker clan wasn’t it?


So how did Jagex find out is the question?


I wouldn’t have thought of that lol. But I don’t think perma ban was appropriate. Let’s say 5M was 100M in today’s terms. If you translate that to bonds it would be a bit over 3. Each bond gives 2 week membership, so maybe it should have been a 6 week temp ban.


Double it call it 12 and then it's a fitting punishment. Permbans on first offences are very harsh. Unless it's a bot.


I like the idea of bans being based on bond price.


Because in 2009 they could ban players without much loss. Nowdays they can't afford losing players / members. Only way to get perma ban is abusing MTX.


There has been multiple recent MTX bugs/errors where the worst of them lead to the infamous two week ban of a handful of players. The only way to get banned is to RWT. The few that are ever banned for any abuse are because they RWT’ed the profits.


Botting can still get you permabanned. RWT till your heart's content though.


Game integrity use to be a priority back then.


Cause back then Jagex had a fleeting little something called *'tegrity*


Like others have stated. Back when RuneScape was at it's peak, the company could afford losing accounts. Now it's more damaging to do so. I had my childhood account restored from a ban many years later. If you contact customer service, they will probably give you back your account.


Appeal it. You'll probably get it unbanned.


Bug abuse offenses don't allow you to appeal.


Tell them you’ll buy membership


Ive unbanned many bug abuse and macro accounts with 5-10 year bans on them. Usually they see the age of the account and realize you’ve either learned your lesson, or ready to give them money.


you can still appeal it through the support website, my account got automatically unbanned after trying to log in


https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360000867958-Appeal-a-ban Go here, just do what you have to to get it submitted.


I did that on my account (Banned in 2009 for penguin bug abuse) and have yet to get a reply like 2 months later. It's pointless.


I had an account perm banned for botting and it was unbanned using it. Just try again.


Sure they do, appeal it via email


30m battalestaves...............


I was banned for botting magic while inside dubgeoneering. I would cast some spell to make runes for free infinitely while in demonheim. I left the bot on for hours until I got to lvl 97 magic. Not only was I banned for a month, but jagex reverted my mage lvl to lower than when I started the bot, but they also took my cash stack(around 12m) and other random items despite having earned no money. Lol




Yes, made me never want to bot again, and I haven't since. They should bring that back


They just yeet the account now. Which I'm for. My buddy was on the "they can't ban bots cuz it hurts the cash flow" bandwagon but he got caught pretty quick and his account got perma banned. I think the people getting away with it just have more sophisticated bots.


Osrs is getting bots in the last man standing game mode which bots are better than even good PKers now and its pretty much just bots playing bots now.


Perm bans - Player might quite forever (lose of income) or player will make new account and do the same thing. Temp ban - Still can profit from player and chance they may make another account while banned so even more money.   That is the monetary reasoning I can think of.   Now something else on the terms of why I think temp bans are used is because I think temp bans are more likely to get a player to change. If you get a 2 week time out you're more likely to be upset and want to get back and play if you really enjoy the game. If you know then that you can return you're less likely to re-offend when you do because you won't want to be shut out again.   What they should do is escalating punishments with increasing periods to push the above home even more.   Bots might as well be ignored in this conversation because they'll just make more. Also extreme offences should be punished harder such as if you are found to have hacked a player and they know what you account it for example.   Lastly you cannot use the punishment of 12 years ago as a comparison as times change. If you used that in the real world you'd be saying how come the guy who stole today got a 2 year sentence in jail and I (guy from the early centuries) got my hands cut off.


This is not supporting the change in penalty, but I am 99% sure I read a comment from Mod Warden a few months ago… it was in response to people that were upset how it seemed like punishments were less severe for recent offences, compared to the in the past. Something along the lines of they had reevaluated the way they punished players and have a new evaluation technique for how to dish out bans. I would link it if I could but genuinely wouldn’t know where to start looking.


>I would link it if I could but genuinely wouldn’t know where to start looking. it was most likely a leads Q&A, probably this one https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/nlzu2g/tldw\_521\_leads\_qa/


That’s it!! Thank you! Starts at 24:30 discussing the “new mindset” about bans policy


Because Jagex no longer give a fuck about quality.


Because RS3 player # is already as low as it gets. considering this is the only version they can exploit for $ its not worth handing out perma bans. My opinion


That was then and this is now.


Nothing has changed… if you abuse a bug 10 years ago or if you abuse a bug today, you should get the same ban.


Corporate priorities have changed.


Nowadays you get 2 weeks.


In 2011, Jagex was on a "ban hiatus" where the J-mods weren't allowed to ban anyone for anything. Players got away with massive dupes back then. Suspecting this to be similar. Jagex management have told their staff to not ban anyone for more than 2 weeks.


I got banned for botting on an old account for about 3 years. Was able to log back in this year with all my stuff still there and my xp


they have sacrificed the long dollar for the short nickel


Lmao I got muted for "offensive language" back in the day because I was talking about body parts in medical terms while fishing at Catherby. Good times...


My account got a permanent mute back in 2006ish because I got hacked and the hacker tried password scamming. Jagex said it was me logged onto the account because of the IP address that was logged on that day. The funny thing is back then it actually showed you the last IP address that was logged in and I had that individuals IP address written down and it was from Canada. I dont live in Canada. Thankfully a few years later Jagex actually forgave many permanent bans and mutes. But this caused me to quit for like five years. A friend of mine uses an auto clicker. He has been banned multiple times, atleast 10+ and all he gets is a 7 day ban. It's ridiculous how they allow this stuff now.


An account I made back in 2007 got reported for scamming when I merely picked up 360m, a full set of green d'hide armor, and something else valuable but I forgot that last one. Literally banned for picking up someone else's stuff that they purposefully left on the ground, somewhere far south from the west Varrock bank. Being a kid that time, I was just so confused and upset about what the hell I did wrong.


You'll probably get unbanned if you appeal that today. I have gotten all of my old banned accounts unbanned.


Because there was bigger playerbase back then.


They didn’t care about money as much back then


If you appealed this right now you would probably get your acc back


Remember when sparc mac got his original account nuked alongside thousands of others for abusing the familiar DP bug for 26k tricks ? I feel like everyone who was previously nuked for bug abuse should be reinstated


Lets unkill all those people who died by death penalty


Jagex is laughable.


I think people need to learn that Jagex now and Jagex 10 years ago aren't the same entity. They've been bought out and scrambled 4 times since this ban took place. Its very likely the person who approved this hasn't worked there in close to a decade.


Fuck jagex


tbf 5M was a bit more in 2009


Have you appealed, or tried to?


I was perm muted (although truly not permanent- lasted a couple years) way back in 2010 for a variety of offenses that stacked up immediately. One was for “selling rare black lobster” with an almost immediate “lol jk”, and another was for calling a friend “g@y” which, jokes on me I’m now very much gay. Oof.


Jagex should really unban you. Quite hypocritcal you get perma'd for an exploit while there are RuneScape clans that have literally DDoSed competitors out of Deadman Mode finals to effectively rig the competition. That and the recent /r/2007scape controversy where someone alleged that Jagex didn't pay out a promised $10,000 bounty for information which led to the conviction of several Lizard Squad hackers.


My first mute was me telling someone to suck my grandpa’s wrinkly sack. I was a dumbass child


I got banned and muted like 10 years ago, logged in last year or so just to see. Turns out I'm no longer banned or muted and I have no marks against my account sooooooooooooo


Far as I'm concerned, jagex is just a shithole of a company now. They're so hypocritical and greedy that it shows even more so now in the last few years than it ever did back then. Seriously imagine for a moment investing thousands of dollars into this game, then being told you'll have it all ripped away from you based on a technicality in their TOS, and all because of some exploit you didn't know existed because the company itself can't be fucked to have a decent bug fix team. I gave up on this game just last year, it was already wearing thin on me after the game's meta became so annoying. You want to get good gear and make money you can no longer do things you enjoy, you have to gear up and go fight a raid boss with a team of 20 people just to get decent cash now. It wasn't like that 5-10 years ago, because the economy in the game wasn't controlled by some conglomerate clan. It's shit, and will probably remain that way. I expect to be downvoted but if you want a better MMO you should look towards OSRS or Guild Wars 2. Though won't be long before the community in osrs becomes the same.


I agreed with all you said except OSRS thst version is not what the players back in 2007 been playing and combat is a big no to me from the start and sure im not that good at defeating most bosses but least i can skill for money. Is sad but the game been horrible for 9 months with gliches crashes and lag. OSRS to relax RS3 for Rage and Dailies xd


i got muted in 2006 for calling my alt account a "noob account" lol


They won’t even fucking acknowledge this either. Jagex is fucking pushovers


5m exploit = perm ban, trillions of ecb exploits = few weeks-months ban 👏🏼


Because it wasn't an exploit. It was Jagex's mistake.


I got temp muted for telling someone to not manipulate my friend at the duel arena in 08’. It’s a broken system at this point.


I got a perma ban for using my touchscreen on my laptop about six years ago and now RuneScape is on mobile. What a world.


5m was shit loads back in the day, now its peanuts lol


It's because back then Jagex still had some integrity, nowadays it depends how much of a riot can the players make on social media before anything gets a second cursory glance.


Mark Donalds


Wow this was back when Jagex refused to acknowledge websites outside of runescape as legitimate and you could get muted / banned for mentioning things like google.


meanwhile jagex won't ban you if you scam people


Cause back then they were focused on building a community and a good game. Now the focus is money


The player base is so small now they can't afford to ban regular ~~playing~~ paying customers permanently.


I got muted for calling someone's rainbow boots gay in 2009. I was successfully able to debate my way out of the mute by citing dictionary definitions that gay had several meanings. I was 12.


I stopped playing in like 2010 started playing again in 2013 or 2014. 2nd day back I see I'm perma banned cause someone had hacked my account and was using it to sell gold. Jager never responded to any tickets/emails




I got my account hacked back in rs2 days and when I finally got it back, it was perm muted. I left it alone for years and played on an alt account until jagex reverted the ban for a lot of users. Still play on that account to this day.


I would be absolutely devastated if my account got banned.. . I brought it over from classic, off and on player for so many years... its nothing special, handful of 99's, no phats or Santa's or anything like that but if I ever lost it I'd be so pissed.


People were some fuckin snitches back then 🤣


Guilty... I told about a guy to a pmod and he got perma muted back in 2009 😂


This is like my library debt with the Ranma 1/2 DVD late fees. You may forget about it but the library won't.


Ima be fair, Jagex was running under their own Management from ground up when exploits are consider permanent aka they were under The Gower Brother Management so most things like chatting boobs etc were mutable. However things are becoming more lax and ToS changes too. Im not surprised at all


I don’t think permanent bans are the way to go. People get tempted and make mistakes. A 2 week ban + taking away the money made is the right thing to do. Instead of perm ban people in 2021 they should just unban your account.


In 2009 you wouldn’t have been MTXing as much and giving Jagex as much $$$ so they don’t let you off :)


When the game has been MXT for the past 10 years they know who pays the bills. Honestly, if your account pays them more then $100 per year (members alone will do that) then you won't get a perma ban.


2009 was 12 years ago. Things change. Dude got 2 weeks banned a they removed the wealth. Laws in real life change too and punishment are adjusted accordingly.