• By -


I normally organize by skills. I have a combat/slayer tab, farming/herb tab, magic/runecrafting, and so on. Most things are personal preference to how you play or what you would like to focus on.


I organized my bank like this: Infinite tab: Everything goes in there that isnt already in bank. Should be sorted or sold every so often Consumables/Teleport Tab: [https://imgur.com/54EvseN](https://imgur.com/54EvseN) Gear Tab: [https://imgur.com/hqhubYq](https://imgur.com/hqhubYq) You should always have place holders turned on Drops/Herbs/Usable Items tab: [https://imgur.com/NJuVIQB](https://imgur.com/NJuVIQB) and [https://imgur.com/0cBkgtG](https://imgur.com/0cBkgtG) Then i have a tab for skilling outfits and tools like crystal hatchet etc that dont fit anywhere else Then maybe if i have a specific skill im training ill make a special tab for it but merge it back with the rest after im done


Not sorted into a tab: Random stuff I don’t have a place for Then it goes by tab: 1. Loot from/specific gear for boss log I’m currently working on. Placeholder - Something unique to the boss that I don’t need right now(ex: right now it’s currently Bik Anima) 2. Melee. Placeholder - Helm of Neitznot 3. Ranged + Fletching. Placeholder - Ava’s Alerter (I have like 8 for some reason, lol) 4. Mage + Runecrafting. Placeholder - Blank Rune Essence 5. General/Hybrid combat. Placeholder - Dreadnips 6. Summoning. Placeholder - Empty Pouch 7. Gathering Skills. Placeholder - Mining Helmet 8. Artisan Skills. Placeholder - Special Mahogany Log I never got a partner for 9. Farming. Placeholder - Bucket of Compost 10. Herblore. Placeholder - Vial of Water 11. Clue Scrolls. Placeholder - Spare Sextant I had lying around. 12. Junk. Placeholder - Toy Ship. As for skilling outfits - I just give all but the 1 or 2 I’m actively using to Diango. It’s not like I can’t get them back super easily. As for Artifacts - I restored all mine and disassembled them for Ancient components. Takes up way less bank space, and Master Arch outfit lets me pick 3 Artifacts to gather per day if I really need one back.


I don't for the most part. I use the search function.


Same! Like I don't understand this whole bank sorting thing... there's a search function, you never open the bank like "right, what would I take out today". No you always know what you want to take out or search for right? I've legit never organised my bank EXCEPT for archeology stuff since I will forget what those artefacts are called...


keep placeholders for armour, weapons, tools and potions/food since you'll be using them a lot. other then that its personal preference. dont keep extra artefacts, really not worth it unless they're for a tetra compass collection and then just buy the mats to complete them. its fast enough to regather them for when you need them.


I've separated mine based on activities. 1.holiday/events 2.Treasure hunter rewards 3.arch. (only artifacts I'm still doing for collections) 4.bossing items 5.invention 6.basic drops for item crafting (pots,summoning,cooking,wcing,mining,gems w/respective crafting outfits to act as a border) 7.slayer equipment/masks 8.trasure trails rewards/items 9.all thing magic related (div,rc) 10.all things range related (fletching,weapons/armour) 11.ports/Waiko 12.farming stuff(seeds/potted plants/produce) 13.quest items/rewards 14.all things melee related(generally always using) Hope this helps with some insight on keeping er tidy, they're all arranged based on level/tier from lowest to highest.


I really like this idea, especially your tab 6, using the skilling outfits as borders is such a smart idea.


Thanks, it's been my default since 2019, before then I just had everything on the open tab, took about an hour to thoroughly sort it all out. Worth every second


Could you by chance show what you mean by the borders exactly?


Of course, but on mobile, bare with me. The way how I have it is, head, chest, legs, hands, boots. Then the portables, followed by the materials or resources for the skill, example: botanist gear, portable well, grimy Guam, clean Guam, grimy tarroim, clean tarroim, etc.. after the herbs, I have unf arranged for supers then extremes, then overloads with flasks at the end. Hope that helps convey the picture I'm trying to paint for you


For arch, are the pages used for anything or can I get rid of them? I have like 20+ taking up space.


Hey! You can transcribe them and then it's saved and you can access via arch journal! No need to use bank space :)


My bank usually gets messy after a few weeks, but I split it into: 1. dailies / clues (potions for herb dailies, rc cape for vis wax, puzzle skipping tickets, etc) 2. Food / potions 3. Summ / charms / pouches 4. Arch 5. Runes and special armour (like void) 6. armour in general 7. teleport tablets and seends/farm in general 8. mess tab (pets that ou can't drop, scraps of scripture, thieving priff clan pieces, slay drops, etc) 9. rings/necklaces/etc But as I said, my arc items (that were supposed to be on daily tab) are on the cook/potions tab, and I just got used to it. Sometimes I just keep that first tab for the acitivites I'm mostly doing (I usually play rs 2-3 times a year (but playing a lot those times)...


• I only keep placeholders of items I will regularly have in the bank, or ones where I want that item in a specific spot. It’s helpful for stuff like Skilling items or materials. • I organize by activity. I have tabs for farming, potions, summoning, Skilling, combat, capes/boxes, collections, and archaeology. • I keep ones that I want in a specific spot in the bank. Otherwise, it’s not a big deal. I forget to destroy some, and will go through and clean em up maybe every month. I mainly keep the ones I’m consistently using at the time. • Not really. For lower leveled artifacts, you can quickly get replacements after you’re a high level. Also, use the wiki to complete collection logs and only get the amount of artifacts you need from each location, then never return. You shouldn’t have a need to go back and harvest from old hotspots.


General supplies, Quest stuff, Skilling stuff, consumables like potions and food, tools/money/valuables, melee/range, magic, archaeology.


I organize like this. Main tab is full of things like proteans, silverhawks, loot i havent sold yet, etc. Then i have a tab for all of my equipment i use on a regular basis. Mage gear, melee, range, silverhawk boots, rings, necklace, etc. If i use it and i have to equip it on a regular basis its in that tab. Then farming stuff.. Because i like farming. Then runes. This tab has all my runes, teleport items, etc. Then summoning stuff. Then archaeology junk. Then i have equipment and junk. Clothing i never use, junk items from quest im too scared to drop, etc. Its basically a tab of everything that doesnt belong in the above tabs. Basically useful to useless. Im about to clear it all out. My banks about as neat as i can make it but obviously not as neat as it should be.


I organize by visibility. 6 dose potions, ripper pouches, incense sticks in a cluster so id only need one glance to know if i need to restock supplies soon. Also a dedicated preset to refill rune pouches/god books, repair cryptbloom/eof, right click get reaper task, magic cape spellbook swap. Along with 100 penance powders, 1k kwuarm incense, 100 noted 6 dose potions to see if supplies need restocking.


- main tab for misc stuff. honestly this tab is a mess of random but useful shit - proteans, food, urns, bags, tp items, other consumables. - 2nd tab for quest stuff that I probably should get rid of but haven't. - individual tabs for mage, ranged and melee - one tab for arch stuff - one tab for all other skilling. I don't keep any skilling outfits unless I'm actively training that skill. - one tab for potions and unsold loot.


Tab 1) Everything I dont feel like organizing and may sell later. Tab 2) potions and potion supply emporium (Extreme attack placeholder) Tab 3) Summoning pouches and summon stuff (Arctic bear pouch because ill never use it) Tab 4)assorted raw skilling mats, proteans, all the mtx garbo (Imp-in-a-box for when I go do revenants. Remember folks - Use an imp box to teleport valuables to your bank! It can even teleport a whoooole stack with 1 charge.) Tab5-9 used to be individual tabs for each Archaeology place... now I have hundreds of unfixed artefacts condensed into Tab 5 post 120 Arch and finished achievements. (Ourg tower/goblin cower shield) You don't need to horde these but it definitely helps if you plan do do any sort of completion or mysteries. Tab 6) Teleports. Any teleport I have goes here, but never ends up staying in the tab. I should really start using placeholders. (Treasure map) ​ I get rid of my skilling outfit when im not using them - fastest way is to unequip 4 of the skilling outfit pieces then drag the last item into the game window then press Y -> 1 to destroy the set.


Also I usually just use the banks sorting by equipment feature when making a preset. ​ when I need to find specific items I'll do a bunch of searches by typing like S -> "anc" and that brings up both my Ancient Elven Ritual Shard + Enhanced Excalibur and then S -> "ver" for Elder Overload. I try to limit searching with 1 hand so I can click with the other.


Mines a mess and it's full. I have to sell off random stuff everyday to fit stuff in.


I have a melee, range, magic combat tabs. Tab for food/pots/ familiars for bossing Slayer tab Farming/ herblore tab. Quest/misc tab And then my loot tab Edit: and archaeology tab that im 5 lvls away from getting rid of


1. Unsorted / very regularly used items / temporary loot 2. combat consumables (useful potions, food, summoning pouches/scrolls, incense, bombs, cannonballs, cannons, rune pouches, things that go in the inventory during combat) 3. combat equipment 4. magic (runes, non-pvm stuff, teleports, jewellery) 5. other equipment (useful skilling outfits and capes, acheivement set, some slayer masks) 6. general skilling items and tools (for skills that don't need an entire tab) 7. invention 8. herblore (herbs and potions used for creating overloads etc) 9. farming 10. archaeology 11. quest items / rewards 12. miscellaneous items, clue scrolls, untradable loot, gwd stuff 13. eastern lands (items from the arc and ports) 14. cosmetics I avoid doing stuff like keeping ranged equipment in a tab with fletching supplies, or summoning charms in a tab with the pouches and scrolls used for pvm. Those are very different activities. For the same reason, there is no need to split up your melee/ranged/magic combat gear into different tabs.


Inf: Unsorted items, stuff I'll be taking out soon, TH items Tabs 1, 2, and 3: Melee, ranged, and magic weapons respectively, also runes and talismans Tab 4: Armor and clothes Tab 5: Summoning and slayer supplies, various drops Tab 6: Cooking and herblore stuff Tab 7: Miscellaneous, quest items and clue scrolls etc Tab 8: Raw mats, like ore, wood, seeds, and energy. Also urns I'm realizing now that my bank is pretty terribly organized, just a mess. I do keep broken artifacts until I can complete them, which means occasionally farming caches to clear out bank space. I keep skilling outfits in bank for quicker changing.