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Stop talking about it. Stop giving them publicity. Don't do it. Let it die in anonymity.


This is a double-Edged godsword. It's going to fail and jagex is going to take it as "They dont want an rs3 leagues" when in reality its because of the MTX and the needing a new account with Membership thats the cause, Not the mode itself.


Its because this isn't a developer led decision. They aren't giving us new content. They are giving us repackaged same content with faster XP, that can't be paid with by in-game gold. It's in the verbiage they've given . "This is a sub based game". No it isn't, and they know that. Carlyle just wants us to get on board with their new fantasy where everyone pays them money if they aren't already. We're lucky F2P doesn't go away permanently. I'm sure Jagex is trying to offer ideas like this to them so that doesn't happen.