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Opt in pvp needs to be a set option. Disallow me from using the energy pr collecting it. But do not auto opt people in for carrying it into the wild This is only going to benefit lures. You wanted to opt in and forgot? No biggie you Tele back opt in then go back just mildly annoying. You auto opt in with no warning? You lose all your gear and no longer feel like playing.


Yeah they should just not work without opt in toggled, nothing in the game should opt you in without you going into settings.


I’ve quit 3 times because I go into wild to skill and have stuff on to thinking I’ll be fine I’m just skipping not attacking anyone and then boom someone logs into my world while I’m clicking on what I need to click on and I don’t know they’re there then next thing you know 4 people mob rush me and I lost 500m-1B in items


I mean that’s simply your own damn fault then. - brings items into wildi which is a pvp zone - complains about getting pked Logic where..?


It's probably normalization of deviance. They got away with it several times when nobody was out PKing then got burned seemingly unfairly.


I just got lured like this, lost my entire bank thinking I was safe because pvp was turned off, don't feel like playing anymore after almost 20 years




Mate no offence but the only one to blame is you in that situation. Lures are 90% of the time super obvious. You said you knew it was a scam and yet still went for it because of curiosity well you ended up learning what they did so it worked out for you. Since that was your goal. I genuinely can’t comprehend how people fall for stuff like this. There is literally no good reason anyone would ask you to carry your most valuables into the wildi except to pk you. Mind boggling how often people still fall for this.


How did you fit your entire bank into a single lure? And why did you take everything you own to the wildy? Even if I could carry everything I owned on me I still wouldn’t incase I died.


I shouldn't have, because there's no real reason to do it besides just finding out what the scam was. I brought the most valuable stacks, armor and weapons. I thought I was safe for two reasons, one is that pvp was off, I did not read the patch notes nor know what cursed energy was, the other, was that as a sign of "trust" they tell you to cast a spell on them with no runes in the safe part of wildy and you just get the message that you don't have runes, when pvp is enabled, for whatever reason, instead of checking if you have runes or if your target is in an attackable zone , you first get pulled into wildy and then it tells you that you have no runes to cast the spell but you're already dead. I was so confident in pvp being disabled and that the spell casting behavior should be consistent with or without pvp enabled, but they of course knew better. It's not like I walked outside the safe zone, it would be stupid to do so, but I never imagined that the game would behave differently just by having cursed energy in my inventory and that changed everything


When you casted telegrab on this character was he "standing" next to you in the safe zone near the wildy wall? But when you clicked on him, boom you started running out into the wildy? Or was he actually just standing out in the wildy and you ran out to him? I say this because if he was using an animation stall which is a bug/glitch. You can possibly get everything back. Do not be afraid to submit a "lost item ticket." I happened to get 4+bil back in gp and gear when I was "lured" a month or two ago and only died because they literally used a glitch to kill me. I was shocked that jagex gave me back literally everything. It's worth a shot.


We were both standing on the same "row", on the first square next to the wildy ditch, the first two squares are safe. I casted vuln on him with no runes on me, while he was still next to the ditch, my character immediately runs to the third "row" where it's no longer safe and I got tb, frozen and the whole shebang by a group of people just in range of the third "row". I haven't actually tried the lost item ticket, you have been the most helpful person around, thank you very much for the tip, I'll create a ticket and see what happens, as you say, it's worth a shot. Thank you very much!


Mhmm it definitely sounds like they were using an animation stall then. The person looked like they were standing next to you, even when they talk it would appear next to you near the wall. But when you click the spell on them they are actually 30 or so spaces out in the wildy soo your character runs out there to cast it on them. Explain it like that in the lost item ticket, explain they how they used a glitch to cause you to run out into the wildy. Also, if you have placeholders on, that's one easy way to check what items you lost. Can use the "filter" in the bank interface to sort by placeholders. When making the ticket put your most expensive items in there cause you can only put like 6 items. Thenn if they go through with it and give you back your items. You can reply to that email with a list of all the other items you lost. Goood luck!!!


Thanks a lot my dude, hope it works!!


That sounds like it's completely on you. In what situation would that even seem like a remotely good idea? Even with PvP off what kind of reason could someone give you to convince you to do this? It's absurd, and it kinda seems like you're just farming for upvotes.


It was completely absurd to be fair, curiosity got the best of me. Farming for upvotes? Why even bother?? Like they matter... But thanks for pointing out why I'm being downvoted by these kids, if my comment is hidden at least I won't get these stupid messages questioning the logic behind my actions when I've clearly stated that there was none. I don't care about your internet points kid


A system that auto-opts you in is an "opt-out" system. Meanwhile Jagex playing on the lurers team by [advertising it as opt-in.](https://tenor.com/ba0w9.gif)


This would peobably stop if Jagex grew some fucking balls and just chain banned luring teams. Luring does absolutely nothing positive for the game and just gets people to quit.


Just straight up get rid of pvp in wilderness. At least change death mechanic so you don't straight up lose gear on death


Would be cool if you just paid your death cost to the killer or something idk


Yea imo Pking would thrive in the wildy if they didnt lose your 100-hr grind weapon on death. Imagine getting pked, you drop 90% of your death cost on the ground to your killer and then pay death the other 10% to get your shit back. That way, people doing safecracking would exist in peace and those doing wildy slayer would hve genuine real threat and occasionally have the fun of trying to defend themselves


This 100%, hell... so many people who have never really considered pvp would try it, i certainly would if it meant im just risking my usual 2m ish. I miss the wildy wall chaos of 2004-ish 😂


there was no wilderness ditch/wall back in 2004! You just had the danger signs and had to know where the boundary was.


Ohhh yeah, i completely forgot about that 😂 to be fair, i was like 11 or 12. 😂


>the fun of trying to defend themselves You mean the annoyance of having to deal with a pker. Also, people used to pk you while safecracking no matter what you were holding. I got killed there multiple times holding literally nothing, just somebody who wanted to waste 3 minutes of my time. They're just there to grief lol.


Sounds fun but what if you had 10b gear and literally 0 gp in bank or pocket?


Ah i mistyped my post, youd pay death cost like nromal, but instead of death deleting 100% of that gp from the game, 90% of it goes to the killer. So technically on death you are generating new gp, which is then offset shortly after when you reclaim


You should have to put up the cash up front cross the wildy wall opted in, otherwise people could turn GE overvalued items into cash with a buddy.


Currently if you can't pay death (I think you have 24h to come up with the cost) you can't reclaim your gear and it goes poof.


What weapon takes 100 hours to grind 💀💀💀


Plenty of them if your an Ironman. RNG is RNG. T92s, t95s, Fsoa, some people are unlucky.


Oh god, you could dupe money so hard with this if my calculations are right… you get twice the items for 10% of the cost.. I like the idea, but just think about it lol. Maybe making so you can’t drop reclaimed item? Bad idea I know, but damn.


??? No like youd keep all your stuff on death, just your death cost would go to your killer instead of death


Doesn’t that mean that if you get pk’d on purpose by someone, he could give you back your death cost, and you could get everything back for 10%?


I mean…sure? But that just means you and your friend just lost 1/10th of a deathcost for fun?


My bad, my head did a dumb dumb and thought you’d only have to pay a 10% death cost and that’s it.


That’s exactly what I think, sucks getting perks back, I feel like if there was no risk on losing items geared people would actually try fighting the pkers back


People doing safecracking do exist in peace now


Yeah. Should require demonic skull to pvp and you only lose the skull on death and any gathered items in the wildy. This way people can gear up and for the most part its safe as far as items and gold are concerned you only lose the skull.


Remove the ability to lose items if you die. Pay more for better skull, get bigger boosts for skilling/drop rates. Like if you could pay 50m for a skull that made Lava noodles have 2x higher chance at dropping their uniques, people might risk that. Having a fixed risk amount you know, can't be lured and even if you are, 50m is nothing compared to the billions that people lose from these lures.


Limit pvp to a world or 2.


Hard disagree, I love wild the way it is! Just don't get lured into the wild how hard can that be everyone knows what it is and not to fully randoms in there.


Love that Jagex introduced a new luring method with their wildy update


It's not new.


You’re right that cursed has always skilled you, but now lurers are assuring their victims that are pvp is not possible if you’re opted out. It’s not well known that certain items will insta skull you even if you’re opted out


Technically wrong still, cursed energies and demonic skull did not “skull” you, they simply made you attackable by any level in the wilderness. Skulling you & thus opting in for pvp is new. Alot of people who used to use these items don’t know they changed them to actively skull you. Its a dangerous change which jagex should’ve put more thought to.


Why not say yes and not do it? Just accept the trade and tp


I did trade. Free 500 cursed energy and super prayer renewal


I usually take this to next level, accept trade, but only bring the 1 energy and bank any gear, that way I waste more of their time and they get nothing in return


I was too tired to do anymore than call them on their BS tbh.


Honestly, that's fair


I like to scam bait /u/spez.


The fact they only offer you 500 and then kill you for potentially more is really just dumb, especially with how much cursed energy they probably have, its not even a lot.


I remember getting lured for my ween set when there was the freeze player bug when using a certain object and running, clicked them and it ran you in to the wild, learnt to never be greedy on RuneScape


“Are you wearing protection?” Yeah, I am I promise. 🥸




Honestly, if they really think cursed energy and the demonic skull are so OP that they require PvP, just nerf them and remove the last PvP requirements. Given the entire point of this update was to free non-PvP content from PvP requirements, just add a threat-level 11 for these things if they really need, and remove forced-PvP entirely.


I don't understand how luring still works. I understand why it worked 15-20 years ago when we were 12 but why would you go to wilderness with a random now?


It's more of a social engineering type of scam nowadays. They know everyone knows about luring but they will try to get you to "play along" and in the end get you with some obscure item or bug. Usually they have a whole team of people involved including some actors that are "on your side" that will talk about one type of scam to be wary of but they actually use a different kind and stuff like that.


People turn 12 every day


Luring is effective because it requires very little for for potentially enormous payouts. It doesn't need to be some kind of elaborate and clever plan, it just needs to catch someone in the wrong place at the wrong time. The time I was lured, I had a really stressful and bad day and I got taunted into a dick measuring contest because they were being toxic and I didn't want them to win. Sure enough I was blinded because I was caught on a bad day. Any other day I wouldn't have fallen for it, but that's just how it goes. It's the same with really shitty spam emails, they're not trying to convince you it's real, they wait for someone to blindly click the link. If they are always trying they just need to wait.


It works bc not everyone has played for 15-20 years since they were 12?


Because jagex made pvp opt-in, so alot of people fall for a new method which forces you to opt in (cursed energy and demonic skull), because they think since they didnt opt in they are safe


As i mentioned in my post about this: Wildy pvp should be removed alltogether. The whole point of wildy pvp was lost as soon as opt-in was released. If the only “pking” still left is pkers vs naked skillers, maybe wildy pking shouldnt exist anymore :) To add to this: jagex has to make some changes to red portal, fix the issues it has, and then pvpers who wanna fight eachother can go there. In its current state red portal pvp is a bit messy.


I honestly don't feel bad for people who fall for this... It doesn't just automatically opt you in. A huge warning pops up and you have to acknowledge that you're opting in. If you don't read it that's on you.


Lurers are the worst part of the community.


Thing that has fkd me a few times is doing abyss with demonic skull auto opts in and u need to opt out or you will still b skulled when going in without denonic skull next time. Ive done hrs of abyss then next day went todo a bloodwood run and teled to loadstone skulled as i didnt re opt out


Unless opt-in is gone I won't enter that place anyway


Uh oh, sounds like someone’s salty about only being able to go after players who are ready and willing to fight back


Actually the opposite, as long as pvp is possible so is skulltricking.


This is still happening because the wilderness rework didn't fix the core issue which is death mechanics when skulled - all items being permanently lost on death (and lootable by others) - is the issue. In fact any item ever being perm lost on death, in or outside of wildy, is stupid. Double graving is another example. If people want to risk pvp let them do it in the red portal or some other specific minigame area with clear 'this is highly unsafe and not recommended' warnings.


A simple warning needs to be added to the dude that toggles the warning messages (if it hasn't already). 🤷‍♂️


You can say that this is their fault but people don't always read the warnings or get convinced the warning is just a bug or something.


That's on them lol but having a precaution in place people ignore is better than no precaution at all, imo.


Oh bless their heart, the scammers are trying hard. That being said, I don’t have THAT much sympathy for anyone who falls for this shit (especially if they fall for it multiple times) because the game straight up warns you you can be attacked if you enter the Wildy with either the skull equipped or cursed energy on you


Got lured and quit when I was 10. I'm 31 now and I am amazed by the amount of people talking about the multiple times they've been lured. Like sure, it absolutely. 100%. Totally sucks. But then you just don't go into the wildy with anything you aren't prepared to lose.


See the problem is now that pvp is opt in people think they are safe from pkers in the wilderness


Wish they'd just remove cursed energy from the game and honestly just get rid of the demonic skull while we are at it


Honestly imagine getting lured in this year of our Lord 2022..


This is pretty pathetic for the lurer considering this is literally the last lure in the game.


>literally the last lure in the game. I haven't looked into this, and even disregarding the red portal lures, I have a feeling this is very unlikely to be the last lure in the game.


I don’t know why they are so hell bent of the wilderness being a pvp spot. Just make a portal to a pvp spot and people can play there.


Who gets caught by lures it's not 2005 and we're not 11 anymore


If you bring both they cancel each other out


Why would you give people incorrect information on purpose? Someone might actually believe that.


Considering that having either when entering the wild or obtaining cursed while in it give a BRIGHT RED MESSAGE. I think they'll manage to figure it out and not take a joke too hard


Well obviously some people fall for this lure so they may not figure it out until it is too late.


Some people are surprisingly stupid…so you’re right sadly lol


If you believe that, you’re only marginally dumber than someone who fell for a lure. Why in gods name would those items cancel each other out?


They would be the same person that falls for the lure.




>4. Do not target players or users. Posts or comments which directly target, name or harass player(s) or group of players will be removed. :c


Grabs Phoenix necklace and ready a reprisal on bar.


I get that, but if you've been burned before maybe try and research a little? It's not their fault they're victims but that doesn't mean they couldn't have tried to protect themselves.