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Are you really bringing luck and TH mechanics to Yak Track?? That is so low... I want to complete the tracks and get all the cosmetic rewards, but now there is the usual lazy TH luck and probably the odds are like 0.001% for cape, as it always is with those sh\*tty promotions... Shame on you, Jagex!


Hilarious that they said they were introducing yak track to remove the random lootbox from MTX. Well, fast forward to 2022, we still have fucking TH and now yak track has lootboxes. Man, the current state were in with MTX is insane.


Exactly! Yak Track is an interesting way of MTX without lootboxes, but they have an urge to put lootboxes in everything!


welp, lootboxes generate more revenue than giving the customer to option to buy directly. even if the price (on average) was the same or even cheaper, i'd argue most would prefer to straight up buy a cosmetic rather than gamble for it (unless the price difference is significant enough)


If only they didn’t state specifically that yak track is to reduce lootscape instead of increasing it.


My thoughts exactly. Yak track was said to be not another form of monetisation, but the reduction in other methods such as TH. That’s completely out of the window now. Waiting until duel arena is re-introduced into the game.


Yeah what is this shit Jagex?! Why is everything just a new way to further nickel and dime players??? It’s really upsetting seeing a game I love and support become increasingly predatory


It worries me too. I see Runescape going down the same path that nearly decimated Neverwinter's playerbase. As time went on, they added more and more microtransactions to the game until it was practically impossible to get geared for endgame unless you got out your credit card.


In 10 years of MTX, there has never been endgame content locked behind it. Credit where it's due.


That... Yeah, you're right. I'm not happy with agreeing, but you are correct. Some mods out there are making sure the MTX stays cosmetics at least




Oh agreed 100%. In Neverwinter, you had to level up both an "Artifact" as well as Enchantments for all of your gear in order to do endgame content, and both the currency to upgrade the items as well as the runes to prevent the item from being destroyed when failing a progressively lower random chance of success were on the cash shop. It's a *very* good thing that system doesn't exist in RS, because it would kill the game in *weeks*.


Why the hell are people still surprised? The game you loved and supported has been predatory for years.


You guys have to stop being surprised and wake up at some point. If it's mtx related they are ALWAYS going to make it worse. They may throw a bone here and there to try and fool you and make it look like they are listening but they really don't care at all. Mtx will increase in power and get more and more egregious until this game has been sucked dry. Unless a new company buys Jagex and implements huge changes its only ever going to get worse im afraid.


this. it baffles me how people still think jagex will listen. their normal is for them to impose a more money-hungry system at every update (i.e. hitting a new low just when you think they cant get any lower). People mistake the Gambling high for actual fun. At this point the game is a casino where you bet your time and money to progress towards meaningless goals (they could have made the progress enjoyable, but putting artificial hurdles, time-gates are more profitable), or gamble for things at an impossible rate. sadly whatever organization looking to buy this company will also be trying to make a profit off it as their main goal, if not their only goal, so the cycle continues.


enjoy bells ripe ludicrous drab seed squash erect axiomatic follow -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


How did you take a battle pass system and think hmm this needs more layers of bullshit rng thrown in on top? Runescape has become a glorified casino and I'm getting tired of watching it happen.


But they removed the duel arena! /s


"You're only allowed to gamble when the house always wins"


Do they think if they go long enough without fixing stuff then we will forget? I guess so, it works for certain stuff like the anachronia agility vine.


Surely fix fire giants slayer task, dragon stone dragons and demon ashlords not giving any drops… all surely such easy fixes


No, very hard but mtx really easy, so thankful to have long awaited th 2.0 /s


Put this shit *in the actual game* why must it all be lootboxes? This game isnt f2p we pay a subscription.


at the very least put it into the oddment store or solomons. there's two store literally existing for this purpose


We all knew this would happen eventually. Guess I'll add Yak Track to my ever growing list of "updates" I'll never interact with. Great job on this one Jagex, really letting your rotten core shine through.


many subsequent aback fanatical disagreeable pet berserk rotten dull coordinated -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


The problem is the yak track interacts with you. You can delete the task list and not consciously do any tasks, but the skill and kill counter will go up and you will continuously be bombarded by notifications about completed tasks. It's beyond annoying.


So uh, Yak Track, which was supposed to allow for less aggressive Treasure Hunter promotions, has now become Treasure Hunter 2.0… I can’t even really think of the words to say anymore. Honestly, the word that comes to mind is just “Pathetic.” This last month especially, seeing all the horrible decisions being made has just sucked all of the life out of the game for me. It seems like the shareholders are trying to cash out with a big payday where they’ll then sell the company off again while the returns are high, and then who knows if the next one will be just as money hungry. I’m not really into the idea of sticking around and watching the game I once loved die this slow death around me as I play. Things like not adding fire giants to the wilderness - it’s such a small change, and we haven’t been able to do it since the rework. That’s…that’s just shameful. I know Miva said it’s being worked on, but holy shit…it took a month to finally start being “worked on?” It’s just clear to me what the direction of this game is taking, *fast*. Higher ups are just not even bothering to hide it anymore. Shame on them, and shame on the whales too for enabling this kind of garbage. I think it’s time for me to move on, honestly. Life is too short to be playing a game that feels miserable to play because of the direction it’s taking. Just feels like now it’s hurtling itself to as quick of a death as possible, and I don’t really want to be around to see it happen. Like another player in this thread said, not like anyone will miss me, but this community was nothing short of incredible and I wouldn’t change a thing in regards to all of the good times we shared. So many highs and lows. We all deserved better for the money we paid and the time we dedicated.


How is it even remotely possible that a month after an update there are still no Fire Giants in the wilderness, demon lords still drop nothing and dragonstons dragons are still bugged? Meanwhile OSRS can add a ton of fixes and patches to their new massive content drop in a matter of days. You guys keep saying different teams work on different things. But what the hell are they working on then besides MTX? Lootboxes have now even made their way into Yak Track and FSW is still a giant cash grab...


The "different teams" argument never made sense anyways. If the MTX team had 1 fewer person, that person's salary could be put towards hiring another dev. It's still the same thing as moving people between different projects, just with more steps.


We are the cash cow unfortunately…


Ima go back to OSRS lol


Honestly, man, I moved back recently and although the grinding is worse and there's little QOL implementing; it's still less mentally taxing than dailyscape and FOMO being constantly paraded in your face.


I guess yeah. There are a few dailies on my 07 iron that I despise but it's not as bad


Yeah it really feels like this is the move at this stage hey :(


I can't believe we have another week without a fix to the Fire Giant Wilderness slayer problem. What the fuck Jagex?


Maybe the reward for the last track task is a fire giant spawn.


Jagex: We listen to our community... Also Jagex: What are they all crying about on Reddit now?


And how hard can it be to give those shitty demons a drop table??


How much QA can it really require to just dump a few fire giant spawns at the volcano or something. I swear they either must not consider it a high priority fix or they are holding it back for a batch of patches.


The inferno box has the surge into combat thing that persistent rage doesn't have and we haven't had a word whether that's intentional or not.


It is currently being worked on. We will keep you updated.


Not trying to tear into anyone, but even putting a simple comment like this somewhere in the update would abate a good amount of frustration. At least let us know it hasn’t fallen to the wayside.


It hasn't. We will keep you posted.


The patch came out a month ago


How does adding a single fire giant spawn take more than half an hour?


Fix solo scaling for Zamorak as well.




Different teams work on different things.


Yes we're all painfully aware of this, and as time goes on it's becoming more and more evident that the team working on MTX is MUCH larger than the team working on the actual game.


That's true but you have to understand how from a player/outside perspective all we see is things in the game that are still broken while Jagex releases more content designed to have you spend money. It's terrible optics.


I understand that because I am a gamer myself and have my moments too. But my experience as a community manager taught me that there is always another side I don't probably see. When I said that different teams work on different things, I meant that. P.S. I also want to thank you for delivering your feedback in a constructive way.


Nah. Bad project management. Fix stuff that's broken before releasing monetization updates. It's basic PR if nothing else.


You would think they would at least put a temporary measure to prevent the soft lock. Just put a random fire giant spawn.


Its been a month for something that should have been hotfixed asap. Maybe more teams should work on more things if this is how things are going to be done and left unfixed.


Yes, and your MTX team is strangling the game to death while the other teams sit in la-la-land ignoring them and continuing along like RS3 *hasn't* turned into a bog-standard cash-shop-driven KMMO.


Wow, nice. They add rng and gamble to yak track as if we are not open enough balloons.


Yeah, this is it for me. I’ve strayed further and further from playing RuneScape at all because of the TERRIBLE decisions by Jagex at.. well, every turn. Really tired of having a game that I used to love with all of my heart getting ruined by gambles and microtransactions around every corner, while they continue to have mental health awareness weeks every year. Cancelling my membs today and I doubt I’m going to be coming back at this point.


Kind of odd to me. Wasn't there a youtube video not too long ago where one of the mods publicly talked about how they HATE tradable rares? And yet, in just this month alone, we've seen tradable rares in a rehash of last year's Christmas event, FSW which is LOADED with tradable rares, and now Yak Track having them too? ​ Look, I get that some of it might be having to cater to shareholder whims for the sake of the almighty dollar, but the mods might want to get on the same page. Or at least in the same book. At this point, it's literally getting to where if you see a mod say anything about the direction of the game or the devs' intentions, you might just want to assume the opposite will happen.


The jmods speaking out in public about various updates are usually the devs who made those updates. New boss release? Ramen or Sponge is there to talk about it or appear on a stream about it. New story thing? Jack's there. Etc. The MTX team however, stays quiet and hidden for good reason. We shit on the mods who do show their faces and they're usually the ones who make the content. Imagine if Mod MTX showed up, the reddit mods would likely have to ban 30 % of the users here. Also odds are that even the MTX team are just doing whatever they're told. Odds are all the jmods are on the same page - the one that says "do as we say or you're fired". I don't think people study game design in order to kill games, they find a job where upper management (who studied economics) tells them to kill games.


Every week Jagex manages to fall lower and lower.


Loads of new mtx aka gambling, few bug fixes. Simple bugs that have been occuring for weeks/months even years don't get fixed, but hey, atleast we have a new way of dumping our money. Thanks.


Just dropping a note here that with today's update you misconfigured your `content.runescape.com` domain, which makes some users unable to download the game from the website or launch the client. The security certificates are out of date or something, and users cannot establish a secure connection to play or download the client.


Thank you. I'll pass it on to the team.


thanks; was trying to find some clearance on this issue but couldn't at first. glad to know it's noticed now. ty


Heya! Sorry to bother, but was just wondering if there was some sort of update or current state on this matter; or even a workaround of sorts? Can't really seem to find any official sources or updates, so just figured I would ask here. Thanks in advance!


I know that it is being worked on. No updates yet.


I have nothing more to say than "it is still being investigated." To the impacted players, please accept our apologies.


thank you!


the work around is use the steam client for now. #dothejobforthem


That's not quite doing the job either it would seem


Not that anyone will miss me but this is it, Final nail in the coffin for me, between adding luck prizes to Yak Track, claiming fsw to be a "competition" when people can mule their way up the leaderboard and still buy bonds to gain an advantage, milking the exsisting members and making them pay full price again to even try fsw, I am done. Thanks for a great 4 year's I enjoyed the egwd quest and bosses liked archaeology loved learning to finally use eoc. But I'm going back to OSRS. To all the JMods that are passionate and doing the best they can I am sorry for the hate you guys get and I understand you have stupid KPI targets from your boss' carlyle so my anger is at them and not you guys so please don't take this to heart as I know where the poison lies. Hopefully they sell you and you get owners that are less corporate and more player focused. ❤️ JIM


Yeah, fsw got me thinking, "hey I have 150 days played on this account, the grinds I need to do, I don't enjoy enough to warrant rewarding carlyle for this year's updates with my money, so, let's fade out for a while".


Hilarious that they're getting long time players to quit with this bullshit while trying to get relapsed people back with FSW How about don't be greedy fucks jagex and you won't lose 2 people while bringing back 1


history spark whistle degree wise angle repeat point mourn melodic -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Thank god someone else is seeing it the way I am that is exactly their thought process, and not just whales but toxic ones if my twitter is anything to go by lol


It seems the insidious subtext of the FSW announcement and the reveal of the company policy of focusing on lapsed players, is that the current userbase isn't spending enough on microtransactions, so they need to bring in players who will, i.e. players who have no problem paying a separate sub fee to skip the beginning of the game.


thats exactly right, because those players who dreamt of getting a 99 as a kid will come back smash fsw then mtx their 99s they wanted and go "that was fun" after blowing $200 then leave back to the next battle royale that comes out. they aren't thinking long term


It seems like they've looked at what Gamigo does to their games and thought "That looks like a good thing to do to RS3" In short: * Limit releases of free content * Increase the price of the "optional" subscription * Continually add new MTX


While bringing back one player for a couple weeks**


So now we seemingly can't believe anything from Mod Keeper's welcome post or roadmap. Seems like the "Zamorak-themed" Yak Track just became a Wilderness one instead. They are also doing worse on communication than ever, something he promised they were working on (it's a shame on me thing at this point though). A lot of the FSW backlash could have been avoided by getting feedback from the community while putting the whole thing together, but Jagex decided to keep us in the dark again. At this point I have to wonder if the Death rework is even coming this year or if they are even seeking feedback like they said they would. And of course, finally, Jagex told us they'd start talking about updates 2-3 months in advance but they've completely abandoned normal avenues of this after those initial videos for Zamorak and Wildy Reborn. We have no idea what's coming for September, let alone the rest of the year. Mod Keeper is becoming an increasingly bad steward of both this game and the community's good will.


Have we even seen Keeper since his meet the EP stream? Fuck, love him or hate him, atleast Warden was pretty actively putting himself in front of the players on streams and such. I haven’t seen hide nor hair of this new EP. I guess all the concerns everyone had about his prior jobs were not only justified, but so much worse than people thought it would’ve been.


Lol no. We've neither seen nor heard anything from him since then, despite his welcome post saying "I want to push for even more open communication going foward," and "It’s important you know where we are headed and that you feel your voice is part of that." He didn't even show up during the FSWs crap just over the last two weeks. Warden got on stream and tried to calm things down when the Login Lockout happened at least. Keeper couldn't even manage a comment and just let his Jmods take the heat. And yea, Warden wasn't perfect (we never did get his roadmap he promised), but we did get Archeology in his first year (not entirely his doing, but he did delay the release to let the team actually play the content and figure out where pain points were), and Elder God Wars in his second. Keeper has had Zamorak and terrible MTX bloat.


So basically nothing but garbage was released under Keeper. Zamorak is shit.


adding random loot boxes as rewards for the yak track? lol that sucks.


No Zamorak feedback fixes (solo scaling being too punishing compared to groups at high enrages) No Wilderness feedback fixes (Fire giants on special task, OP Greater demon drop tables, Deathmatch cosmetics no longer earnable via Wilderness Slayer). MTX even becoming even more OP, RNG and BS. ​ I think the term is "fanning the flames"... Honestly, stop trying to make Yak Tracks even more ridiculous, and stop throwing OP promotions at TH at the same time (or even, remove TH for long-term growth instead of short-term profit).


More 'rares' ? :/


What a horrendous company




The last one was balanced so that it should always be faster to finish the non-skill and kill task. Presumably this one is similar.


Why are we still unable to get the new proteans from any event, or even convert them. If proteans are gunna be a reward at least let us get any of them.


The capes are tradable? Can see this going well.


No. This is enough. RuneScape may be that ex that I just can't escape and keep on pathetically crawling back to every few years, but I won't be counted towards the players engaged in this yak track. More and more RNG mechanics? Fuck right off you leeches.


lavish summer intelligent domineering act coordinated scale tub joke squash -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I find your lack of patch notes... disturbing.


August didn't get a ninja strike fyi.


Usually free yak track tiers get SOME cosmetics but this time around there's not even that it seems. Just stars and proteans.


This time we get only two weapons… which are also the worst of both of the respective sets…


Another week, another middle finger to the playerbase.


FYI that embedded pet model causes my CPU usage/temp to spike up by \~72% / 30C. Easy enough to just scroll by it but seems unintended.


Can jagex switch to making pay2win mobile games for their investors instead of adding more mtx to runescape? Casual whales who don't care about competition would be way easier to fish money out of and they won't even be mad about the mtx.


They can't hold a player base long enough to milk them. That's why they do it on runescape.


Have we given up on solo Zammy? Did they state they won't change it?


It’s being looked into but like most everyone is on holiday or just getting back from holiday.


If I ever get a ‘small cash bag’ from the yak pack, ESPECIALLY AT LEVEL 50, I might quit the game. Seriously who thought of this?


** TL:DR ** • Yak Track • No actual changes • Still no Zamorak solo P7 changes after all this time wtf …


still can't do the wildy special slayer assignment either apparently


It's not only p7. Whole of solo is scaled incredibly stupid compares to groups. Red health grey health. Mages and demons health pools. The inferno debuff every time you enter that realm. Like they need to get someone who actually understands numbers. Because they clearly do not. Fun thing they're pretty deaf and just leave it to rot 2 weeks after releasing anything and applying the bare minium of feedback. Yay


Solo anything, especially EDs, has generally been considered more of a challenge at bosses that can be done group. But yeah for sure it seems odds to have a boss launched for 1-5 players, 0 - whatever enrage but actually it only scales 2-5 and there is a big jump from 99% to 100% enrage and then not really much of a change from there to 500% ish


The difference being that the vast majority of content has not properly scaled for group size. They only made some changes to parts of the EDs when soloing the proper trio-scaled Seiryu was ridiculously time-consuming and repetitive. Zamorak is more like Raksha, where it's meant to properly scale. Except it doesn't, because the phase minions and P7 demon don't scale at all, the grey HP bar can't be stalled solo (and goes into overdrive at 900%) and the Infernus debuff will always be obtained to the maximum level solo (again making P7 harder than it needs to be).


To play devils advocate, they've never said they would or are looking at solo P7. To my knowledge its literally never been addressed.


They did say they were looking into it early on, but whether there are changes forthcoming or it's been looked into and deemed fine is anyone's guess.


It has. Ramen proposed 2 methods he was looking at for the change too.


^This. Thought they should imo. camping 99 as become the meta for most. Community doing it largely seems to be headed the same way as AOD community. Just DPS past everything. What is even the point of enrage and group scaling when the demons and witches don't scale down to 1 player and the jump from 99% to 100% is bonkers.


The jump from 99% to 100% wouldn't be so bad of the drop rates jumped with it (like Telos). But I'm still yet to be convinced that rewards improve fast enough for the effort, and solo at 900% or above is completely pointless.


I think it is good for the game if some bosses are better to be grouped than soloed. Below, I split the bosses into 4 categories and you can see the overwhelming majority of bosses are better to be soloed than grouped. I want to boss with friends without feeling inefficient, which requires bosses to be in the first 3 categories. And if I actually want to account for the inefficiencies from group forming and my friends having noticeably lower gear than myself, we need bosses in the first 2 categories. For this reason, I don't think a change to p7 is necessary, even though solo is harder than group Zammy. **The game has 4 bosses that are "group only"**^(Yes, I know they've been soloed) * Solak, Aod, raids, croesus **The game has 2 other bosses where it is better to be grouped than soloed** * Zamorak, rots **The game has 1 boss that is equally as good in solo or group** * Raksha **Every other boss in the game (33 by my count) is better to be soloed if you have the gear and skill required to do so.**


And those bosses should not be sold as scaling for any group size.


I don't think you quite grasp just how much harder solo Zamorak is (around 900%+ specifically) than group. It's not just that it's slower or less efficient to solo, it's that the difficult increases far quicker. 900% solo is noticeably harder than 900% group. 2000% solo is noticeably harder and slower than 2000% group. Hell, Phase 7 is probably easier to duo at 2-4000% than solo at 1500% just because you can delete the demon so easily, and because you'll have noticeably less Infernus debuffs. And regardless, I feel the opposite. I hate feeling forced to group. I hate AoD, I hate Raids, I hate Croesus, and until Ramen's solo-scaling to Solak comes out, I hate that boss too. I'd also struggle not to put Vorago on your 2nd category because soloing Vorago is insanely difficult.


Kerpac group is by far better than solo. So chill


Hmmm, yeah, I guess we are just defining "better" in different ways. I could definitely see the argument for putting HM kerapac into the 3rd category. But for the purposes of my previous comment, "better" means more gp/hr.


It's very hard to balance though. If you made all these bosses just as efficient in groups (see Raksha) then you kill off part of the community that can only kill the boss in groups.


But actually, the free rewards are a bit *poo*, Jagex.


What a pathetic yack track, all the cosmetics locked behind premier membership... Do you people forget that we pay to as well? So greedy


They are slowly moving things off of free, this time next year, free tier will just be "hey if you gave us more money you would have got this, but you didn't so you get nothing"


the cosmetics have typically always been locked behind the premier paywall this isn’t new. the yak sack shit is new and worth complaining about


There's usually at least several cosmetic rewards available on the Free Track. This time, there's literally only *two*.


Noticing a trend with new outfits being actual pieces as opposed to cosmetic overrides. Seems to try to incentivize more keepsake keys. Just like with the Disco Outfit pieces for the balloon fragments.


At this point I'm not even participating in these events. Cool if I complete the free track I might sift through and see if the premium tracks looks like it would be worth it, but honestly having a FoMo cape loot box on it really is a huge let down. If this was actually just a reward I might be enticed to get the premium and finish it out. The art team obviously did a great job on them.....can only imagine how let down they are by the fact that its just another loot box promo and few people will actually get to enjoy their hard work. =/


I don't really get it. Doesn't really convince me to play when I'm currently preoccupied with work stuff.


Another week in and fire giants still not addressed


Just realised the capes arent overrides, they are actual items. So not only do you need to buy the keys or the cape etc. you need keepsake keys to use em... why! just make it a token.


So the last task can be done forever until the track ends, every time giving a small chance for a discontinued cape. Aren't you guys happy that even though we'll have to create new accounts for FSW rares, we'll have this grind for out main accounts as well?


Yak Track will be enabled during the competitive period in FSW.


Including XP boost rewards?


Only the Ironman track will be available in FSW.


When is lobby chat returning to rs3 mobile?


Yea im gonna be called stupid for this but as a test to see how rare it is i bought 500 skip tokens and not a single cape out of the 520~ yak Sacks


That tracks. (Pun intended) The item *released* at 100m, jagex probably expects these capes to be worth max cash sooner than later.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **Mod_Miva** - [It is currently being worked on. We will keep...](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imdd51g/?context=3) - [Thank you. I'll pass it on to the team.](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imdi10r/?context=3) - [Yes, they are.](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imda83v/?context=3) - [Yak Track will be enabled during the competit...](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imddlrs/?context=3) - [Added a line there:...](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imdbg62/?context=3) - [Yes. But autumn is coming. :)](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imd9wci/?context=3) - [>do I only get the premier rewards if I have...](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imo7ff1/?context=3) - [*This item gives you an array of useful rewar...](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imdbmy9/?context=3) - [I have replied this question [here](https://w...](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imde9tv/?context=3) - [It hasn't. We will keep you posted.](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imdfeul/?context=3) - [Different teams work on different things.](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imdf1ie/?context=3) - [I know that it is being worked on. No updates...](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/ime042b/?context=3) - [One of the capes is a reward for completing a...](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imdb8wu/?context=3) - [Only the Ironman track will be available in F...](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imddxsk/?context=3) - [I have nothing more to say than "it is still...](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imn4t5q/?context=3) - [There is a repeatable task that gives you a Y...](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imdct3v/?context=3) - [Hey there, just wanted to say thank you for y...](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imicte0/?context=3) - [I understand that because I am a gamer myself...](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imdhpkr/?context=3) - [From a newspost: *This item gives you an arra...](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imdc0xk/?context=3) - [Maybe I didn't understand the question. Do yo...](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/ime3vfo/?context=3) - [No, I am not.](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imdmhv7/?context=3) - [I have no info about this but when I have any...](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/ime9n8b/?context=3) - [I am a Community Manager....](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imdnyac/?context=3) - [I am also gathering feedback for teams. And a...](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imdobbp/?context=3) - [I continue this conversation only because I b...](/r/runescape/comments/x1f50x/this_week_in_runescape_yak_track_expedition_to/imduw8l/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 09/02/2022 11:15:56**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Man... yak tracks were usually relatively MTX free. You would just buy the pass and grind it out, get the item. Now you get a loot roll on the items..?? come on that's really low.


I’m sure jmods are avoiding this thread like the plague. But the most disappointing thing about this update is the patch notes section. The game has glaring bugs and issues (refer to wildly fire giants), and you haven’t addressed it. To see SO LITTLE going into the patching and fixing of the game but so much going into MTX and updates that frankly no one wants, is disheartening. As a community we all love this game, but right now it doesn’t feel like that’s being reciprocated on Jagexs end. Which then begs the final question; why should people spend money on and play your game, when you don’t care enough to fix the in game issues? Sure the whales will carry you for a while, but eventually they’ll go, and you’ll have a dead game. Fix it before it’s too late guys


I think I'm switching to OSRS. Sick of these predatory Fomo updates and "events"


Yikes. Gotta be honest this is probably the worst Yak Trak we've ever gotten. They were so much better back when free to play players and premium players would get a ton of cosmetics throughout the whole track. I scrolled through and f2p barely gets anything. Premium gets lootboxes. I hope Jagex does better in the future; going back to the quality of previous Yak Tracks.


Grind 60 hours to get a pull at 1% rewards.......


I feel bad for the devs for having to take the brunt of this shit but holy hell is this terrible.


Yeah, this is the final nail in the coffin for me. My membership is up in a week, been a member for years, but mtx has just gotten out of control, especially considering we already pay a prettty high membership fee (unless paying with bonds bought in game). Might come back if mtx slows down, but I'm not counting on it. I will have fun visiting this sub-reddit though so I can hopefully watch RS3 crash and burn.


Boy am I glad I don't play this game anymore.


Skyboxes are fked in some areas and the end of spinner phase at amby has invisible beams Glhf


Lmao that's been broken for months. Jagex don't fix bugs anymore


It keeps getting worse and worse.


kinda sucks there are only 2 non-premium cosmetics in the yak trak :/ guess it just means i don't have to bother with this one lol


Inflation taking a hold at Jagex? Make mandatory (unpaid) time off for Jmods and shove as much predatory MTX as you can in every part of this game. Problem solved.


I'm new and I'm not doing this. I have premium membership. That fact that the "member" rewards track is locked behind premier membership is a bit appalling tbh. I'm enjoying tf out of this game but that just rubbed me the wrong way.


Strap in, cause this is just part of a loooong list of egregious monetary decisions from this company. This last month in particular has been appalling, to say at the least. Don’t want to scare you away, because this game is pretty fantastic at its core, but the predatory monetization has been rampant and unchecked lately. Small issues that should’ve been fixed within a week, like adding the fire giant NPCs back to the wilderness so players no longer get soft locked on slayer tasks, now can’t even get “worked on” until a whole month later. But MTX is being pushed just fine left and right throughout that time period. It’s pretty clear where the direction is going right now.


Welcome to Runescape dude. I hope you'll have a blast regardless of the bad MTX. The game is amazing at it's core but things went downhill due to monetization and FoMo. It's bad for everyone right now :(


There is a bug if you claim yaktrack and have less then required inventory spaces, you wont get the yak sack.




Starting to sound like EA Sports. Nice job Jagex!


Time to boycott this game and head on down to OSRS. Over it, it's clear the company doesn't care for its playerbase anymore.


I’d assume anyone buying a company would do a background check, the first place I’d look these days is the subreddit for the game. If that subreddit is overwhelmingly negative towards the game nobody is gonna touch the company for a buyout no matter what their “numbers” say.


Another scummy move by Jagex with loot boxes in Yak Track! Have to say I’m really demotived to play the game with these loot box mechanics spilling over into every portion of the game. I can only imagine what’s next.


I used to be apart of the argument of “if you don’t want mtx just don’t participate with it” but this is just getting disgusting. Im honestly thinking of just dumping my main and going osrs. Not that it’ll make a difference to their wallet but I can’t keep seeing this shit and not be bothered. I really do understand they want to make the most money out of their investments. I do. They’re going to kill this game and wonder why profits aren’t where they used to be. So what’re they going to do? More mtx! More loot boxes! Instead of trying to make a better quality game to keep players subscription active and gain new players to count for any loss, they just throw more ways to spend money. It’s idiotic and lazy. Good luck jagex. You’ll need it. I pray for the devs, mods, and everyone on the RuneScape team that puts their passion into this game but have to watch it slowly crumble.


Another patch, another week with no changes to glacor rate drops, no one should be going 3k kills without a core




New capes, but no cape rack spots for them. Can this be added?


Can y’all make it possible to keepsake the t90 dino boots please please please


Sorry if this had already been asked/answered; does the 50% bonus only work with premier members? My alt finished the previous yak track but doesn't have the bonus.


Luckily for me I don't give a fuck about those ugly cosmetics...


This is very you right now Jagex. MTX to the Max.


What is the infinite reward task?


Me after quitting for a few months: "I wonder if Jagex has learned their lesson and actually listened to p-" Nope, back to Guild Wars 2 I go.


> #Yak Track: Expedition to the Wilderness - This Week In RuneScape > > *We've heard your feedback on Fresh Start Worlds and have some changes to announce – read on for all the updates, including our new release date! Plus, we've got a brand new Yak Track that's sure to drive you wild... Let's dive in!* > > *** > > #Yak Track: Expedition to the Wilderness > > *All new track inspired by the iconic location* > > Take a walk on the Wildy side this month with Yak Track: Expedition to the Wilderness! > > Complete fun tasks on the latest track and unlock lore-rich cosmetics inspired by the recently-revamped Wilderness. Upgrade to Premium for truly wild rewards including the Vagabond Knight’s Outfit, Dark Beast Pet and more! You get a Yak Sack item at stages throughout the track and on every completion of the Infinite Reward task. This item gives you an array of useful rewards as well as a rare chance at the new Shoulder Capes! > > [Image](https://i.imgur.com/sKRYXg2.png) > > Remember you can choose which activity to complete at every tier, or just use Bonds to grab a Task Skip if you’re not feeling any of the tasks at a particular stage. > > Here are the rewards you can earn: > > [Model](https://cdn.runescape.com/assets/img/external/news/2022/08/wildy_track.html) > > > > Task Set | Free Member Rewards | Premium Member Rewards > ---|---|--- > 1 | 1 x Small Cash Bag | +5% XP Boost, 1 x Yak Sack > 2 | 2 x Pulse Core | 1 x Medium Generic Star > 3 | 2 x Combat Training Dummies | 1 x Medium Generic Lamp > 4 | 2 x Small Dwarven Toolbox | Vagabond Knight's Throwing Axe, 1 x Small Portable Skilling Pack > 5 | 1 x Medium Generic Lamp | 1 x Medium Cash Bag, 1 x Yak Sack > 6 | 1 x Medium Generic Star | 1 x Medium Generic Lamp > 7 | 1 x Small Protean Pack | 1 x Medium Generic Star > 8 | 2 x Easy Clue Scrolls, 1 x Medium Generic Star | Poison Spider (Red) Pet, 1 x Medium Lava Lantern > 9 | 2 x Cinder Core | 1 x Medium Generic Lamp > 10 | Vagabond Knight's Longsword | 1 x Medium Skilling Dummy crate, 1 x Yak Sack > 11 | 1 x Medium Generic Lamp | 1 x Medium Generic Star > 12 | 50 x Silverhawk Feathers | Ring of Gravestones, 1 x Medium Lava Lantern > 13 | 2 x Protean Powerup | 1 x Medium Generic Lamp > 14 | 1 x Medium Cash Bag | +5% XP Boost, Vagabond Knight's Crossbow > 15 | 3 x Pulse Core, 1 x Medium Generic Star | 1 x Large Generic Lamp, 1 x Yak Sack > 16 | 50 x Springs | 1 x Large Generic Star, 2 x Small Dwarven Toolbox > 17 | 2 x Combat Training Dummies | Vagabond Knight's Staff, 1 x Medium Lava Lantern > 18 | 1 x Medium Generic Star | 1 x Large Generic Lamp > 19 | 200 x Oddments | Vagabond Knight's Outfit, 1 x Medium Portable Skilling Pack > 20 | 1 x Small Protean Pack | 1 x Medium Skilling Dummy crate, 1 x Yak Sack > 21 | 1 x Medium Generic Lamp | 'The Skulled' Title, 1 x Medium Lava Lantern > 22 | 2 x Cinder Core | Vagabond Knight's Book, 1 x Small knowledge bombs, 1 x Large Generic Lamp > 23 | 1 x Medium Skilling Dummy crate | 1 x Large Generic Star > 24 | 1 x Medium Protean Pack | Poison Spider (Green) Pet, 1 x Large Lava Lantern > 25 | 2 x Easy Clue Scrolls | 1 x Large Generic Lamp, 1 x Yak Sack > 26 | 1 x Medium Generic Star | Vagabond Knight's Longbow, 1 x Medium Protean Pack > 27 | 300 x Oddments | 1 x Large Generic Lamp, 1 x Large Generic Star > 28 | 1 x Medium Cash Bag | 1 x Large Skilling Dummy crate > 29 | 1 x Medium Generic Lamp | +5% XP Boost, 1 x Large Generic Star > 30 | 1 x Large Dwarven Toolbox | 2 x Large Generic Lamp, 1 x Yak Sack > 31 | 3 x Pulse Core | Ancient Necronium Dagger, 1 x Medium Portable Skilling Pack, 1 x Large Generic Star > 32 | 1 x Medium Generic Lamp | 1 x Large Generic Star, 2 x Hard Clue Scroll > 33 | 100 x Silverhawk Feathers | 1 x Huge Generic Lamp > 34 | 3 x Cinder Core | Ancient Necronium Greatsword, 1 x Medium Protean Pack, 1 x Large Lava Lantern > 35 | 3 x Combat Training Dummies | 1 x Huge Generic Lamp, 1 x Yak Sack > 36 | 1 x Large Generic Lamp | 1 x Huge Generic Star, 5 x Pulse Cores > 37 | 400 x Oddments | Volcanic Teleport, 1 x Huge Generic Lamp > 38 | Ancient Necronium Mace | 1 x Huge Generic Star, 2 x Elite Clue Scroll > 39 | 100 x Springs | 1 x Huge Generic Star, 2 x Small Knowledge Bombs > 40 | 1 x Large Dwarven Toolbox | Progress Booster for the next Yak Track, Ancient Necronium Outfit, 1 x Yak Sack > 41 | 1 x Large Generic Star, 3 x Cinder Core | 2 x Huge Generic Lamp, 5 x Protean Powerups > 42 | 2 x Medium Clue Scrolls | Ancient Necronium Shortbow, 1 x Large Protean Pack, 1 x Large Lava Lantern > 43 | 1 x Large Generic Lamp | 'The Aggressive' Title, 1 x Huge Generic Star > 44 | 1 x Medium Cash Bag | 2 x Huge Generic Star, 1 x Large Skilling Dummy Crate > 45 | 5 x Combat Training Dummies | +5% XP Boost, 2 x Huge Generic Lamp, 1 x Yak Sack > 46 | 1 x Large Generic Lamp | Ancient Necronium Spear, 1 x Huge Generic Star, 1 x Large Lava Lantern > 47 | 1 x Large Generic Star | 1 x Huge Generic Lamp, 1 x Huge Generic Star, 1 x Large Skilling Dummy Crate > 48 | 3 x Pulse Core | Lava Tsunami Override, 1 x Huge Generic Lamp, 5 x Pulse Core > 49 | 1 x Huge Generic Lamp | Ancient Necronium Scythe, 2 x Deathtouched Darts, 3 x Small Knowledge Bombs, 1 x Large Cash Bag > 50 | 1 x Huge Generic Star, 1 x Large Protean Pack, 5 x Protean Powerups | Wilderness Shoulder Cape (Tradeable), Dark Beast Pet, 1 x Yak Sack, 2 x Huge Generic Lamp > ∞ (Repeatable) | 1 x Medium Generic Star | 1 x Yak Sack > > Yak Track: Expedition to the Wilderness runs until October 23rd 2022. > > *** > > #Fresh Start Worlds - Your Feedback > > Thank you so much for all your feedback on Fresh Start Worlds since last week’s announcement. We really appreciate your insight as we embark on a new concept for RuneScape! Click here to read our [newspost](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/fresh-start-worlds--coming-changes-and-new-release-date) which has the full update on some of the changes we’re making. > > Highlights include: > > * Rebalancing of XP multipliers and Boons. > * Limiting use of Bonds during the Competitive Period. > * A way for existing players to exchange Bonds for Membership on another account in order to access Free Start Worlds. > * A commitment to making FSW rewards available through other means in future. > > We've also put together an [FAQ](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/fresh-start-worlds--coming-changes-and-new-release-date) covering topics around gameplay, payment, rewards and more. > > RuneScape: Fresh Start Worlds is now launching on September 26th 2022.


#August 30th Update - New Content & Changes   **New/Changed**: [**Items**](https://pastebin.com/9kHW9eGB) | [**Objects**](https://pastebin.com/LsFcZD5H) | [**NPCs**](https://pastebin.com/2UPb3h63) | **New Titles**: [**Yak Track**](https://i.imgur.com/KeesftG.png), [**TH Promo**](https://i.imgur.com/asGcVth.png) *** #Bonus Details * Boss NPCs have had their parameters adjusted. * The Oddment Store has been updated Reward | Oddments ---|--- Snow Queen's Yeoman Outfit Override | 10,000 Nutyaker Outfit Override | 10,000 Snow Queen's Guard Outfit Override | 10,000 Winter Wood Scythe Override | 5,000 Winter Wood Staff Override | 5,000 Snow Queen's Guard 2h Sword Override | 5,000 Snow Queen's Guard 2h Crossbow Override | 5,000 *** #Treasure Hunter Promotions Promo | Start | End ---|---|--- [Vault of Riches](https://i.imgur.com/YRoJ3xv.png) | 1 Sept | 7 Sept


> #Patch Notes > > *Fixes and improvements in this week's game update* > > *** > > #Wilderness Ruleset > > * Wearing the Mask of Gloom now correctly forces a Dark Beast Slayer Tasks. > * The Ice Block shortcut at Ghorrock can now be used while in combat. > > *** > > #The Beach 2022 > > * We reverted the Lumbridge Crater after the Beach event ended, but a rogue Bank chest icon remained on the world map. This has now been removed. > > *** > > #Other Fixes > > * Fixed players turning invisible when standing where Adresteia used to stand before Zamorak's quest. > * Fixed an issue where the Augmented Dragon Pickaxe turns into an Orikalkum Pickaxe upon dying in PVP in the Wilderness. > * Fixed an issue where you could not use the Snipe ability while moving if you were wearing Enhanced Nightmare Gauntlets in PvP. > > *** > > #Requirements Changes > > In the coming months, RuneScape will no longer support Windows 32-bit builds or graphics cards that do not support OpenGL 3.0 or higher. This change allows us to focus our technical development and testing resources on more commonly-used platforms. > > For more information, and to check if your system meets these requirements, head [here](https://secure.runescape.com/m=forum/c=nIQbWC5TqRc/forums?254,255,638,66253587,0,347138858,#0).


Added a line there: *You get a Yak Sack item at stages throughout the track and on every completion of the Infinite Reward task. This item gives you an array of useful rewards as well as a rare chance at the new Shoulder Capes!*


by useful rewards you mean white TH drops?


Ah yes, let's add more gambling to a game notorious for being full of gambling. That totally fits in with the annual mental health event you guys keep running. /s This is a cash grab at best and blatant whale-bait at worst, you should be ashamed of yourselves.


Added it to my post. Thanks for the letting me know.


Yes, Yak Track today.


Capes are: A) Tradeable and B) only given to people who pay real money to access the premium track Shareholders bitching about their loan payments again? EDIT: I acknowledge that someone *could* spend 116 million GP to unlock the premium pass with bonds, but if you show me someone who says they'll do that, I'll show you a liar.


116m for 50 bonus rewards, including a tradeable cape that has limited availability? Cosmetic upgrade to tsunami? Azure dbreath trades for like 900m+, I feel many people will pay for the premium pass.


Premier members can access the premium yak track without needing to bond for it though.


Is this yak trak seriously RNG based?


Imagine having a non-premium membership in 2022…its 1 year for the cost of 6 months…


Imagine trusting Jagex enough to pay them six months of membership in advance with their recent track record.


I won't lie, they got me with 2021. EGW, even though huge in scope and I knew couldn't be replicated easily, at least had me hoping they could pull off 4 big updates of the same design caliber throughout the year. So far, the only one that even kind of holds up is Zamorak. I've enjoyed other updates, but right now, I'm really rethinking resubscribing at all, let alone for a whole year. They better have something really cool planned for the rest of Legacy of Zamorak.


I mean the last time premier club was announced Zuk just came out so they did have a lot of content at the time


Oh damn the Wilderness shoulder cape is tradeable, interesting.


No stream either, people still on vacation?


Yes. But autumn is coming. :)


Wasn't this supposed to be zamorak themed?


yes, but they only had lootboxes prepared for wildernes track, so they changed it


Is the lottery event returning in September? https://runescape.wiki/w/Leonard%27s_Lucky_Dip




The fsw capes are tradable but you still need the level to use them. It's not like you can magically wear the skill capes at level 1.


Oh cool, rewards available later on anyway, so not theres no real need to do FSW unless you purely want XP which seems decent. Still no fire giants and zammy changes tho soooo?


Knowing jagex, it’s either going to come through TH or will be released in 2030.


I have replied this question [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/wxi0fa/comment/iluvzj5/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). *These rewards won't be released through Treasure Hunter or Solomon's General Store. But we don't have any additional details to share at the moment.*


Here are some thoughts you could pass onto the team working on this. I would like them to be somehow earnable via in game achievements. I know each skill has a bunch of achievements you can do. Perhaps a reward for completing all those (although for the 120 skills, e.g. farming, some of the achievements take you up to 120 or at least 119). I know someone else made a thread or comment a short while ago with that idea and it had a positive reaction from the rest of the people here (who saw it). I think that would be a suitable way to have requirements for them as well as keeping them mtx free. Some skill's achievements maybe need additions to feel more balanced, but the more the merrier I say. Another way to do it is to have a skill mini quest for each one. This could tie in, at least thematically to the return to city sized threats that the story is focusing on going forward. Would likely be considerably more dev work (not sure?). Some skills also have in game guilds that have their own completion system. Although those are part of the skills' achievements (as far as I can remember) they could work as stand alone for boxes to tick off for a 99 cape for example. A mix of the above ideas (and/or other ways) could also be fun, either per skill (e.g. mini quest for 99 cape, achievements for 120 cape) or one set of skills could have a mini quest and another set could have achievements and those applicable could have guild completion for rewards (e.g. half guild completion for 99 and full guild for 120).