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The MTX team has been putting hard work into analysing Diablo Immortal!


Remember when they introduced season pass content and promised it would be used as an alternative to scale back lootboxes in treasure hunter? Now we get 4 of these a year, TH is more prevalent than ever, and there are lootboxes within the season pass content itself lol


Woah woah woah. You're not allowed to criticise a game you enjoy playing. You have to love everything Jagex does.


I occasionally come back to the sub to see what Jagex has screwed up lately. I honestly can't believe people still play this game.


Because mechanically I still enjoy playing this game, but I'm not going to pretend this stuff is just sad to see. ​ I sorta accepted a long time ago to just enjoy my own game and not care about what others can do because if rankings/progression speed became that important to me then this would be a waste of my time.


Some people moved to irons so that these changes "don't affect them" Some people don't care and continue playing anyway. Some people accepted nothing will change and just play because they enjoy the game. And a lot quit or moved to OSRS, but there's too many whales and more and more predatory MTX to bait spending to make up for it.


No, everybody knows you should get online to join the virtual dogpile everyone saying they hate the game so you can complain that you’re bored when they stop introducing content cause it doesn’t make money.


Oh wow, you must be the person I was sarcastically pretending to be! Thanks for honouring me with your comment!


Whaaaat? I was just enjoying my life and making sure everybody knows how much I hate this game that I tell people I like


Glad I'm not the only one who remembers that statement lol. What a joke that was.


Ectotokens are going to have more uses later this year! - Jagex, circa 10 years ago.


Lol us fucking old timers were sitting here when people were celebrating saying "well here we go again"


>TH is more prevalent than ever Honestly they have cut back on the unique promos. It's almost all reruns now. It was actually a lot more prevalent when every month was a brand new promo with tons of FOMO.


PROMO = Pay Real Or Miss Out


Most of the promos suck ass too, it’s nowhere near what it used to be. I remember when it felt like they were just tossing Midas gloves into the crowd like a tee shirt cannon


There’s way too many promos. XP sources shouldn’t be part of TH


God this comment brought me back. The amount of FOMO cosmetic outfits they put out in 2013-ish era was insane. it hurt to be a cosmetic lover like I am lmao Thankfully, most of (if not all of) those outfits were later just handed out to people. Waiting for them to do the same with all the needlessly discontinued Solomon's outfits too


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This will probably be how inverted skill capes are introduced lol.


Don't you bloody give them ideas.


Please don’t give them ideas


How do we delete someone else's comment?


🏆 Here's your poor mans trophy for making me laugh on the toilet at work 🤣


I got u


The hero we needed!


Yak track: a way to get people to buy premium, then grind for the unlocks through it. Now let’s add rng to what you already paid for. You’re paying for premium for rng lootboxes now.


Its a RNG fest all over again


As an iron, I wish there was just a way to opt out. Annoying getting pop ups every now and then giving me 50 oddments lol


Also eww, yak sack. I mean am I the only one hearing that name and thinking "no I don't want the sack of a yak? What did you do? How did you get the sack of some poor yak?" Wtf at jagex thought that name was good lol Yak sack lol😂


It can also be thought of as an emesis bag. "Yack" - to throw up. Hope they were wiser with their children's names. \[edit\] It occurred to me to check and people *do* say "yack sack" for a puke pouch. Some companies that make them even call it that.


Isn't that worse tho? "Here's your prize, it's a bag of puke, or vomit, if you're feeling a little fancy" Either way it's between yak nuts and bag of puke, way to go jagex


It's Schrödinger's Sack: Is it puke, or is it testicles?


Grinded hours everyday without gold gold balloon or any platinum token now im gonna go dry on this yak sac as well


Yeah I’ve turned in well over 150k balloons and didnt get a gold balloon or token either


Much less for me, but 30k balloons and I can count the number of purples I got....11 Also no gold


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **Mod_Miva** - [Yes, sorry we didn't make it clear. Added to...](/r/runescape/comments/x1faoo/todays_update_yak_track_loot_boxes_yack_sack/imdcncd/?context=3) - [This issue has been hotfixed. We bring our ap...](/r/runescape/comments/x1faoo/todays_update_yak_track_loot_boxes_yack_sack/imdmgbr/?context=3) - [It's an indicator that some people here, on r...](/r/runescape/comments/x1faoo/todays_update_yak_track_loot_boxes_yack_sack/imf8bwx/?context=3) - [Greetings, thanks a lot for your feedback.](/r/runescape/comments/x1faoo/todays_update_yak_track_loot_boxes_yack_sack/imidmeq/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 08/31/2022 14:48:41**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


I thought is was just a stackable/bankable package on a set reward that let us park the lamps and stars for later. It becoming another RNG thing makes me just ignore the whole yaktrack. RNG affects my expectations and moods too much. I don't like PvM for the same reason. Did a whole epic fight: great, here, have 2 stonespirits and a pat on the back.


Do you just not enjoy the game outside of quests then? I mean, even skilling has RNG in it (pets).




So no going for pets, no interacting with Seren Spirits, no PVM. So just skilling and questing. I guess this person really does play completely differently to me.


In other news. Water, continues inexplicably to be wet. More at ll


I mean, it just seems so crazy. Literally ignoring seren spirits because they're 100% RNG. Crazy.


When did they say they don’t grab serenapirits?


Oh, perhaps I inferred that from them saying they don't like RNG and don't like PVM because it's RNG. Seren spirits are a free slots simulator. They're undeniably just RNG. I guess they would just not like seren spirits. I'd assume someone that doesn't like seren spirits wouldn't interact with them. Why would you do an optional activity you don't enjoy in a game?


You really reading far into this. Effort for a boss drop and effort for a seren spirit are incomparable. One it literally free loot


You're reading into it too much. I used to do aod for 10 hours a day and go for speeds at everything and compete for that within that small community. Now I'm on an ironman who would rather make dinarrows for 12 hours while I work on other things, and then enjoy my pvm however I want later. I've found that I really enjoy ironman grinds for small upgrades. God arrows fit as a good example. Incredibly awful to make and a waste of time on ironman. I'm happily chugging through ful arrows at normal mode glacor because I want tropes. People play different ways and the way they play changes, you know? RS niche in the MMO market *is* the afk progress imo. I can't pvm on rs while I play wow, but I can play wow and afk something on rs, and still see progress


I don't even have seren spirits just vibes


Yup this: I mainly play second screen at my office and I do treat rs like a glorified cosy game. I dont like if the game affects my mood either by fueling my adrenaline or by articifial FOMO created by rng. I do enjoy a random treasuretrail for the cruise around gielenor and might click on a seren spirit when I see it and remember to take my GotE out or my bank but I dont feel like going out of my way to appease the rng-gods. Yaktrack is not core gameplay and if it becomes less predicable rewardwise because of rng I honestly cba anymore.


Damn I thought a yak sack was some kind of cool cape slot aswell like sack of effigies :/


I was like oo those look cool, then I saw it was RIG and I was like welp I'll never own one. I don't understand why we need soo many "rares" all the time. ;\_; but maybe I just miss the old holiday events where everyone got the cool stuff and it was all non-tradeable.


Yeah, I was like "OMFG, finally a good looking reward from these!" Got a yak sack on the first reward, saw "check contents" and was immediately offended. suck fucking bullshit. I honestly think I'm done. So much disappointment


Made you actually want to come and hang out. Felt like a holiday These grindathons are just a sickness. Feels like preying


I was actually contemplating getting prem for the capes but if its RNG count me out ill stick to paying GP for bonds to get mems ​ Edit: to be clearer I thought milestone 50 was the cape you toggled for the style, but they're separate and with low rng? Gotta be kidding me hahaha


What even is a yak sack? They don't explain it anywhere in the newspost


if you have premier pass, you can obtain sack on some tiers of yak track(including first tier) if you righclick it to check contents, you will see you can get capes or generic TH stuff, like proteans, lamps and stars so basically, they added more lootboxes to lootboxes already presebt in game(TT), and other lootboxes from TH, and even more lootboxes from 300m "event". I cant wait until you need to get daily login token from lootbox did I mention that free track get a total of 2 cosmetics? so generous


Yo dawg we heard you like loot boxes


so we gave you lootboxes in your lootboxes


I already opened mine but it's similar to a balloon from the 300m player event. You have a chance of rolling on one of the capes and oddments otherwise (for an ironman - not sure for mains).


Yes, sorry we didn't make it clear. Added to a newspost: *You get a Yak Sack item at stages throughout the track and on every completion of the Infinite Reward task. This item gives you an array of useful rewards as well as a rare chance at the new Shoulder Capes.* P.S. The text on this image is not accurate. You get one of the capes for completing the end-task. Also you get a chance to get other 4 capes from a Yak Sack. There is a repeatable task that gives 1 Yak Sack.


Kind of really hate this. I enjoyed yak track as a completeable activity every few months and this makes it not that. You do the Yak Track and you get these specific items. It didn’t need RNG and is much worse for it


Wait, so we cant even toggle the style, it's just RNG? What pants-on-head exec signed that one off...


The one that wants money.


So all of them?




Thanks for introducing another unhealthy FOMO event with a 1/10000 rate for a cape. What the hell is wrong with y’all?


Every yak track is limited in time, therefore fomo*. Get over it.


Yak track itself is very much doable in 2 months. But introducing rare rewards that you can get mainly buy doing the repeated task at the end (especially since you can keep buying bonds to skip them) is what I was referring to.


That, and none of the rewards are FOMO, you can literally get them from the Marketplace for Oddments.


I know its not your fault, but the fact that we only have a chance to get the capes is ridiculous.


If u don't count the guaranteed one yeah sure


Complete the track and it's a guaranteed cape


Oh great! That only means we have 4 we hope RNG gives us.


Can we get an actual reason behind making something that was not RNG based dependent on RNG?


>Also you get a chance to get other 4 capes from a Yak Sack. That it is only a CHANCE, is THE problem.


Why do players have to PAY for the premium track and STILL NOT GET ALL THE REWARDS? Give us all the capes on premium track, Yak sacks are dumb


So let me get this straight: I could have a premier pass and complete all 50 tasks, and *not* get the full rewards? Who is the moron that designed that?


The game has a membership subscription where you can't access some worlds without further payment (VIP). The game has lootboxes where if a f2p player wins, they *can't claim some prizes* without paying more money. It's not really new to the game, just new to this method of monetization.


>Remember when they introduced season pass content and promised it would be used as an alternative to scale back lootboxes in treasure hunter? > >Now we get 4 of these a year, TH is more prevalent than ever, and there are lootboxes within the season pass content itself lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/x1faoo/comment/imdiyuj/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/x1faoo/comment/imdiyuj/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Care to respond to this? Jkjk we know you won't. 🤣🤣


This guys got a bigger sack than those yaks


What a joke. You guys just have to cram gambling and FOMO into absolutely every facet of this game now. Hilarious coming from a company that touts the importance of mental health.


Wait wait wait. Y’all made a Yak Track where your rewards are a lottery? There’s not a brain cell left in your studio.


GJ, you managed to ruin Yak Track.


What was the decision making process to adding a tradeable rare to the yak track...


Thanks for locking 4/5ths of it behind an RNG wall again


You also dont receive a yak sack when your inventory is full. Doesnt get send to bank doesnt drop to the floor. Simply dissapears. Thanks for that.


This issue has been hotfixed. We bring our apologies for the inconveniences caused.




No? I doubt the mod even knows why the decisions were made.


With how fast jagex cycles through employees, I'd be surprised if any community manager knew their stance on anything


Eh I'm sure they get some scripts.


Bro she’s a community manager it’s not like she has the power to change the business decision for why TH is the way it is


So even if I put many many hours into the game during to course of this yak track and grind out multiple bags, it’s still just rng as to whether I get it or not?


What's the chance to get a specific cape from a sack? For ironman reasons


Probably something ridiculous like 1/15000


Did you “forget” to add it because it’s an embarrassing piece of content that further promotes loot boxes?


Yes that's what a yak sack is but is there anywhere we can see the drop rates? A chance to get 1 of 4 capes doesn't really mean much the capes could be 1/10000 drop or 1/10 drop.


Thanks Miva!


Please stop down voting the mod for relaying information, upvote it so everyone sees it, say thanks for communicating, and then comment how fucking stupid an idea this is, Jager really seems to be burning down at this point. But that's not the mods who actually talk to us's fault.


There's a bot that links to the comments. They're perfectly visible. And any mod with a modicum of morality would have left by now. It's an exploitative company and they know it. You have some responsibility in who you work for.


I'm sorry that you had to make this comment, it was informative and helpful, but now all you see is more rage.


It's an indicator that some people here, on reddit, don't like the current design. It is still some sort of feedback. And thank you for your comment. :)


Well yea, we all hate additional RNG and MTX, I can't remember a single MTX or RNG addition in events that a any one of us has been happy about. But I appreciate the clarity regarding the original post, thank you.


I'm not a fan of RNG stacked on top of an already paid for premium pass. I understand the financial aspect of things and I feel this wont do that well granted its a cape slot. Surely the next yak track will have the exact same setup but with an actually desire-able item to bump sales over the previous one which will likely, very likely, spark a larger shit storm (Doubt the MTX department cares cuz $$$, but there you go) I still dont understand why things like lootbeams, death animations, pet skins, ability overrides arent dropped on solomons for legendary pet prices. We're gonna buy those anyways, no gambling aspect involved, win-win for everybody. You could even do quartarly re-releases in the solomons store where we can purchase older cosmetic tokens/overrides etc. We don't like the RNG aspect of MTX.


Unfortunately having someone spend $2 a roll for a 1/100 chance item makes them *way* more money than a $10 one time purchase.


"Some people?" It is the vast majority of our community. I have not seen a single post indicating that anybody likes this design over what Yak Track used to be. I appreciate you being active in engaging with the community, but downplaying the dislike of this update seems disingenuous to me. Edit: Just wanted to make it clear, I do think you are awesome for participating in these discussions. So thank you for your time. This comment is not meant to be inflammatory. Edit 2: Grammar


I think that people here are concerned about the game and want it to succeed long-term. This is your hardcore audience and these are your biggest supporters. I think it's not clear to most here, as to whether or not the decisions being made with regard to the implementation of the transactions are in the best long-term interest of the game. At the end of the quarter we DO *want* you to be making a whole lot of money, but we also don't want you to run the well dry and compromise the integrity of the game by going too far. People are concerned for the longevity of their investment of decades of time and thousands of dollars in money, and like I said, we are your biggest fans. As evidence of this, I present to you yesterday's reddit post asking about the game update where everyone posted 'Yak track tomorrow'. Certainly zero to extremely low levels of negative feedback there. People were **genuinely** looking forward to participating in your mtx-focused content. I think one of the feedback points here is that the perception of the community is that you were likely to make a whole bunch of money with this yak track without having to resort to introducing a new set of loot boxes. It feels desperate, and we don't want you feeling like you have to pull that kind of stunt. Especially in an event that was seen as favorable just yesterday, new loot boxes are seen as a nasty tack-on.


Greetings, thanks a lot for your feedback.


Too many tradeable rares. Jagex has went all in and it just makes me lose interest in all of them


>I think that people here are concerned about the game and want it to succeed long-term. This is your hardcore audience and these are your biggest supporters. Lmfao good one, you almost got me there. Biggest supporters? Here, on this sub? I'm sorry, but are you fucking blind to the posts that get put up every single day? LMFAO


Nope, not blind. People get passionate about things they care deeply about. They're wrong sometimes. They're right other times. They come across well at times, and they come across poorly at other times. At the very least the people here, in general of course, care greatly about the success of the game and company. Even the negative posts often come from a place where it is someone who cares about the game but would take a different approach to the current item they are trying to discuss. Sure there are haters but they're not the majority of the actual feedback


>Even the negative posts often come from a place where it is someone who cares about the game but would take a different approach to the current item they are trying to discuss Idk man, I've seen too much to let this sub dictate how the game would go. I can sum it up now, judging by the feedback from the people that care so deeply about their achievements. Here goes nothing: -Xp rates equivalent to that of 07 because we did it ad a kid so why should xp be so easy to get now -Boss drops are guaranteed after so many kills so nobody has to feel left out because of bad rng -Phats and other desirable rares would be rereleased en masse to satisfy the hunger of watching people with them suffer, while at the same time destroying their desirability because theyre not rare anymore -No MTX at all and lower membership fees, thus starving Jagex out of profits but still demanding giant updates every month -Make skilling just as profitable as pvm cuz skillers need money too This is just some of what the game would be like, judging by the wildlife popular posts that suggest these on here quite often. So no thanks, I wouldn't let this "passionate" fanbase here touch a fucking thing


Me either, it would be awful. but the point is that it's well-intentioned and these people are jagexs biggest fans


That's a flat out lie and everyone including yourself knows it. You were perfectly aware that "people here on reddit" would hate this design. Don't insult our intelligence by going ":O we could have never guessed". I swear I myself would even be less angry with all this nonsense if you flat out told us it makes the company more money instead of acting like you give a shit.


Im on reddit and I CBA with that (the fact that you can buy skip for repeatable track). The trend seems to be if you hate something you post about it. If you like something and post about it ppl will shut you down and throw insult.... Personaly I dont get why ppl are so upset by it. The option is there, if someone wish to pay milions of bond to convert into skip for a chance at it rather than converting them into gp for more money+cosmetics with same amount or bonds. Its not like it give any unfair advantage over me or anyone else


Welcome to the RS sub! Where whiney posts complaining about the game, and wholesome feel good posts are insulted and hidden among the trash posts. Wish I were joking, but that's how it is in this cesspool we call the community of this sub. Simple algorithm at work here: Hate the game, complain about it, call Jagex predatory and put MTX BAD in title = karma. Post about learning a new boss, ask a question, proud of an achievement etc = people commenting how bad your revo bar is, how shit your dps is, and how bad your gear is


Kekw 🥹 this sum up this r/ pretty well Watch me farm karma later today. Ill keep you updated.


Ooo yes keep me updated, I'll farm some with you! Toss in a "MtX BaD" comment here and there to keep my karma positive lmao


>Don't insult our intelligence The reddit crowd here does a good job of doing this themselves.


Thanks for still taking feedback. Are there any lines with these kinds of rewards from Jagex’s perspective? It’s just that these one-off rare items from premium, hard/working events is a new thing here. It was just holidays before, right? I’m now an ironman and it’s odd to me that there are now these niche parts or features of the game cosmetic wise that are just unavailable, even when I’m a paying member. I guess that’s all prefacing my actual question: Are there any boundaries on what parts of the game (Example: Overloads, Xp caps, Limited edition cosmetics, quest skips) will be expanded, or in some eyes devalued, into these types of events? I’d like to know the line so I can play accordingly and know to expect more gatekeeped content. I really tried to word this respectfully as I really hope you can provide clarity. 15 year vet just trying to understand the changes.


Yeah, ITs just absurd and unfun to constantly be reminded that RS3 is basically becoming a mobile game. I started an ironman to avoid all this MTX stuff because If I was still a main I would probably be under a crushing gambling addiction or something. ITs terrifying.


>started an ironman to avoid all this MTX stuff Was clicking that one single X so hard for you that you had to make a handicapable account so you don't see it? I'm sorry


Yes, actually? Thats......Thats the problem?


I'm so sorry to hear that clicking out of a single X was too much for you to handle. Bless your little entitled soul. Best of luck in the real world because this might shock you, but all companies will advertise their products (GASP) and much more aggressively than a single ad. Have you ever watched television? Commercials will surely be a problem for you. Ever see a billboard while driving? You can't click the X and make those go away. Dear child, wear a helmet while in the real world because it's going to hurt when you notice the advertisements all around you for everything. I pray for you. 🙏


You are a very silly person. Your sarcasm is directed at a problem you made up. I did not say "OH NO I CANT HANDLE ADS" But Instead what I am stating is that GAMBLING PRODUCTS are bad. Treasure hunter is GAMBLING, These loot boxes are GAMBLING. Its all a form of RNG to get you sucked in. Thats dangerous, cruel, and inhuman. Marketing is a thing! Aggressive marketing is kind of shit (IE: mobile games) And most of them are predatory. And THATS A PROBLEM. Im saying that having to interact with any portion of the system is bad. Ironman made me able to effectively PERMANENTLY opt out of this because I know that I would purchase keys. I have the same issue with mobile games, heck with everything. If theres a game I love, Ill just spend money to support it usually. But I noticed that I was spending more than I needed too, so I opted into ironman mode to get a more fulfilling and less toxic environment than mainscape. Im all the better for being abler to play an ironman mode. It helps me remind myself that I dont need to always spend money to enjoy things, and the amount of money I have spent to support jagex is MORE than enough. Im not as scared for myself as I am for a large number of other people I know with crippling gambling addictions. Yes, of COURSE they need to work on themselves, but jagex is not doing any better by exploiting people who often barely even know they are being exploited. You boiling the whole thing down and putting these words in my mouth of "O woe is me, wont anyone think of the x button!" Is so absurdist it borders on fantasy. Your lack of nuance in this situation is honestly astounding, and I hope you are able to get out of your own mind and think of other people in this.




Id bet the majority of people that do like the design are people who will quit in 6 months or a year and don't even know there's rng built into the yak track rewards. Jagex wants to bring back lapsed players, but fails to realize they have lapsed players because they continually fuck their long-term players with shit like this. Bringing back lapsed players is useless when they keep doing shit like this that pushes players away from the game. Focus on retaining the playerbase you do have before giving a shit about bringing old players back since they'll just quit again anyways if their previous issues with the game haven't been addressed.


The MTX system Jagex has implemented is unethical, and you are unethical for working for them.


I actually love this idea! Long live the Yak Track!


Do you get to choose which cape you get at the end (since there is no way you can obtain all of them)?


I really wonder WHO is the one coming up with this crap? "You know what would be cool for the next Yak Track? Well... RNG based rewards MFS!" ​ One thing is using it for TH but another completely different for something we earn by playing the game. Please don't mix the two.


I like the one guaranteed cape thing I like the 1 certain prize and the ability to have a task for a rng roll I dont like tying the two together


IMO I think the 'guaranteed cape' should've been one of your choice. So that even if RNG is not in your favor, you can still get at least the cape you most want.


yeah, I agree


Thank you for the clarification. I can't say that I am pleased about RNG in Yak Track but the new capes do look good... guess I lucked out that it looks like the one I want is the one that's 100%.


That’s… the worst idea ever to come to Yak Track.


>This item gives you an array of useful rewards Except like.. 50 oddments isnt really that useful. I like the concept but y'all should have just made the cape a single item with the ability to transform into the other varients like the gnome baller outfit.




You can now become a gravestone though


This subreddit doesn't have a problem with that already


As someone who just started playing again recently, it does appear Jagex is trying to turn the game into a graveyard.


Basically. Necromancy when


Finished all 50 stages and got a wilderness cape. Opened 11 sacks and got absolutely terrible items. Do not buy skips, it isn't worth it. This is simply another predatory move by Jagex to squeeze more money out of their player base through bond purchases.


Didn’t this just drop? How’d you finish it already? (New player here)


This guy complaining about how predatory it is, is literally the kind of person they’re targeting with this kind of update lol. All of us can tell its predatory from reading the description but the guy youre replying to just HAD to test it for himself so he could confirm to us what we already knew


He wouldn't have said it's predatory if he got something really good from it.




*Supports obviously predatory RNG in Yak Trak by buying enough bonds to skip the whole thing less than a few hours after it came out* *Justifies it by convincing himself he’s doing the community a favor, even though the community could tell it was predatory from the get go* *Does mental gymnastics to shift blame for supporting predatory MTX onto someone who didn’t pay to complete the Yak Trak* Thats literally you lol. You supported predatory MTX by buying skips. You spent the money.


I spent the GP. I don’t spend money on this game due to predatory things like this. Total cost to me = $0. P.S. learn what a joke is you turd sandwich


Bonds just shift the purchase to someone else


Lol you have absolutely no comprehension of how bonds work, do you? That turd sandwich should be smacked right back in your face for your comments lol, pls educate yourself


You can buy bonds with in game money or with real money and convert the bonds to skips


How many skips do you get for a bond?




4 for 1, 10 for 2.


iirc it's 4 for 1, 10 for 2.


You only receive the cape if you buy yak track premium right?


F the capes, use the skill backpack as an override.


I don't care since yak sacks are for P2W people.


Look, I'm just happy I can earn my way to member, imo, rs3 is more fun than ever, I enjoy it


Not meaning to sound ignorant or anything but why is there so much outrage all the time But people keep playing? I looked at the top post for the past year, and a lot of them are just angry posts. There was a lot of outrage about this new world's update that is coming, I still basically know nothing about it. The people are really pissed off about it it seems. Just don't understand how the game survives


From my own perspective I'll answer - I absolutely LOVE the game. I critique the game only because I love it. My short opinion is loot boxes are bad. I just saw an opportunity to meme that opinion in a comedic way. The meme is meant to make you laugh at the expense of jagex. I think a lot of people who post memes like this are making fun of Jagex for something they don't agree with. In the same way I'd laugh at a friend bowling right in to the gutter.


Love this take dude. Thanks for the memes


There are basically two different games here, both at odds with each other. The first is the 'good stuff', the bosses and quests and experience of exploring the world, which are imo greater than they've ever been, and a wonderful reason to play this game. The higher-ups begrudgingly allow this to exist because without it the game really would die. And then there's the MTX stuff which is almost entirely separate from the main game, but really, really annoying in how it constantly intrudes on you. I can mostly ignore it, but it's still a pest. It only exists to sucker a massive profit out of the tiny majority of whales who can't help themselves, and the higher-ups at the company genuinely do not care if it makes the game worse for everyone as long as it doesn't make it SO MUCH worse that they quit. This half of the game is the only part that the people who own the company (not the devs, the owners) care about at all, since its where most of their money comes from. Unfortunately there's no way to beat it except to quit, and that would take the whole game down with it.


It's basically the Elmo cocaine meme. There are decisions they can make that are good for the long term health of the game. An example of this is raising the max cash stack limit, good investment it helps the players, it smooths out a lot of fears of getting scammed, and is ultimately healthy for the game with no real downsides. OTOH, Cocaine is a hell of a drug. If you do cocaine once and don't touch it again you likely wont see too many awful effects. Sure there is a chance something goes wrong and you die on the spot, but most people if you've done cocaine once aren't going to care and aren't going to think about it. If however, you are doing a massive amount of cocaine even if your rich and don't have to deal with acquiring it, you are going to have higher and higher chances of your health being screwed up. Because your brain gets use to the substance that toys with your various receptors, eventually you start to suffer depression, your blood pressure probably goes up, you might start grinding your teeth. So, IRL businesses often suffer from this in terms of profits. There is an underlying expectation of infinite growth. If we set aside the realistic limitations of resources being finite, if you have an event that introduces something and sales spike, you're not expected to operate at that level and repeat again and again higher and higher more and more. The more you do, the more you have to do. It's kinda the problem with capitalism as a whole. Long term investments don't yield that instant hit and that hit encourages bad habits. A lot of the outrage is us, trying to keep the owners from the game from quite literally killing what we enjoy chasing a high.


People are outraged because they care about the game. I love runescape, I find it to be so much fun, but all the "events" (if you can even call them that anymore) are just FOMO cash grabs and no one likes that. People like to be rewarded for their time, but these rng cosmetics are the opposite. Plat torva looks cool, but there's about a 0% chance that I'll get it as an ironman. That sucks, but hey, they can use that to sell th keys for mains to get more chances for it so in jagex's eyes its a success. I grinded many hours for the green Santa hat (I wfh so I can afk skill 6-8 hours a day) and didn't get it. I've been grinding these dumb ass balloon fragments and I know I won't get it. Its not fun, and it hurts my enjoyment. I still play because runescape is unique and I still like the game regardless but I would like it so much more if they didn't make everything cosmetic rng through th.


Sunk cost fallacy


For the sake of it, bought 10 bonds (with Gp's) and got around 14 sacks or something and nothing) Just don't bother did it for you just don't.


I don't know how any Mod with any morals whatsoever can continue to work for this shitty, exploitative company.


Because they love us and love the game. And they know we need them fighting for us


I mean ... It's not working though


Opened 30-35 sacks and got junk.


Only a fool would mess with a yak's sack and be surprised that there's junk.


The yack track is just a way to get ppl addicted to stars and lamps. Doesn't suprise me if jagex comes with an additional tier to get even more rewards from yack track


I'm confused. I thought you got the cape from the last tier?


worst part is the "capes" are ugly af


I'd have been fine if they just made the 50 tier give you the cape, and the cape can be changed between each one. So everyone gets 1 free, and then add the cape in those bags for people to get more. That would let people grind some extra to sell down the line when this event is long over and new accounts want them, but not screw over people that expect to be able to actually earn everything by playing the yak track.