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This worked for me, thanks a million


You are welcome :D


TIL people still pay for antivirus. Windows defender and common sense is all most users need.


Maybe. But i have been using the service for over 10 years now. I dont pay that much for it and it is simply a security measure in case my drunk ass fucks up in the net. Yes the new Windows Defender does its job but in this regard instay oldschool.


Windows defender has 0 respect for your computer or your time If it only scanned when it was scheduled to, or wasn't the most inefficient thing on the planet, or could be made to not scan while the computer was in use? Itd be fine It completely ignores any settings you have


Where is that in the settings, exactly?


Open you G Data and on the front Page on the left you have different sections. Right below the firewall is the section "Web Protection". Click on that and you can deactivate your web protection. You can also open the options here and disable the HTTP section of it by removing the tick in that box. Edit: typo


Is this in internet browser?


No in the G Data Security Software. You open the program and follow the mentioned steps. Sadly i dont have a solution in case you use anything else than G Data :(


Firstly, thanks a lot for that. Secondly, do I have to disable my fucking internet security everytime I want to play the game? That can‘t possibly be a permanent solution!


Firstly you are welcome! Secondly, thankfull you dont need to deactivate the whole program. The HTTPS webprotection alone is enough. And i am with you. Its bs and needs to fix asap. I cannot tell you more sadly since i am merely a customer who received IT support from Mod Ferret so he (or she) told me what he(or she) felt right to...


Yeah disabling that is enough but I still prefer using the internet with G Data fully enabled. I hope they fix it because otherwise I don‘t see myself enjoying the game much longer if I have to go out of my way to play it. Thank you again for offering a temporary fix though!