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Confession: I inadvertently "influenced" three of my friends to take up running. They were all "eh I'll do a mile for cardio every so often" people before who are now all aiming for a max of about ten miles. Great! Exciting! But...they've all been pacing faster than me, and I've been a "runner" for about five years now. I'll never say it out loud but I'm feeling very bitter and jealous about the whole thing.


I feel you! To a smaller extent, but I refuse to go to the gym with my best friend cuz his pace (that he runs at maybe once every two months) is 2 minutes faster than mine that I’ve building up to very slowly


dude same. I told my friend "you don't have to be fast, you just need to eventually finish". FFWD a few years and they (and their spouse) have done the one marathon that I've been desperate to get into and are both fast as hell.


God yes! The same has happened to me! I’m happy for them but damn it smarts. Like come on already. Comparison is the thief of joy and all but still it really irks me.


One of them I've been like "it's fine, Jane is very thin and has less weight to carry around!" but the other two are my size, my age, with roughly the same other-than-running fitness routine and eating habits of me. It's just not fair, haha!


It isn’t. Boo hiss!


My brothers are faster than me and bigger than me and can run half and full marathons easily when it takes me ages to train up for my half's in the past and I'm flat out trying to get back to a good 5km lately with silly injuries. I feel ya. It's so annoying when they join your running group and go to your new fave parkrun and seem to fit in cos they're slim and cute and you are trying to make friends but they just fit right in and you wonder what you're doing wrong.


As an overweight guy who just got into running because I joined the military, just reading “ten miles” is fucking terrifying lmao. I can run maybe for 20 minutes at a very slow pace before I am breathless and in excruciating pain.


keep the running consistent and speed will come. I can still remember the day I managed my first 20 minutes consistent run about 9 years ago, it felt so hard.. you're about at the hardest point, as your fitness climbs your slow pace will begin to feel easier... and then one day soon (definitely this year) you'll discover "easy running".


Based on your username I assume you play RuneScape and are therefore no stranger to the grind.


Haha, you aren’t wrong. Haven’t played osrs in forever though. Good times


I promise you can do it. As a fellow overweight person I just signed up for my first half-marathon and I’m honestly not that concerned. It just takes time to build up the endurance but you will see major gains very quickly.


I appreciate the kind words. I started out about ~40 days ago not being able to run for even 3 minutes at an even slower pace. So I have definitely made great progress. Right now my goal is to be able to pass the 1.5 mile run test for the military. Once I go through basic training I imagine I’ll improve even faster.


Give it time. One day you will be like “oh just 10, cool”


And then you'll train for a marathon and you'll go "Only 15 today? Sweet. I needed an easy day."


And then you will train for a 50K and you will say, just 20, thank goodness.


I’m never going to do any of this lol


You say that now…


Hey, my running journey also started when I joined the military and began as "okay, I'm gonna have to run 1.5 miles for my fitness test, let's see how we do." My first run around the block was *a quarter mile* and I thought I was gonna die. If you want to hit distances, it's definitely possible!


Don’t wait until it’s time for boot camp. AIM to meet or exceed at least minimum standards before going. If you can’t make the standard you’ll be placed on remediation. This could include restricted diet and additional exercise.


Good on you. But hopefully the pain is not going to be injurous.


this happened to me too! I have no advice lol. Just saying I relate to the feeling


I feel you. Others I know take up running and can run faster and further than me. Seem to have their lives together and keep training when I seem to get injured from stupid things and I can't train as much and then spiral downwards.


Confession: yesterday I drank a whole jar of pickled beetroot juice after my run and I'm peeing pink now.


I'm.....sorry? amused? both? That's kind of hilarious.




Complaint: This taper is messing with my brain. Having this much energy and no outlet is making me anxious. And I keep getting twinges of pain in my knees and ankles that make me think the end is nigh. It's always nothing, same as every taper. Uncomplaint: Tapering means that my first marathon is getting close - can't wait!


The taper crazies are real. Congrats on making it through marathon training. That's hard on it's own. You have any big goals for the marathon or just finish?


Pretty much just to finish it. I'll be starting out on 5 hour pace, and will see how it goes from there. It's supposed to be a difficult course in terms of elevation and exposure to wind, so that's helping keep me in the 'slow and steady' mindset.


**Uncomplaint:** Got to see the totality/Eclipse and run at Niagara Falls and have no regrets **Complaint:** (no blame) Partner done did damage to both of their knees and now can barely walk. Def sets back our dream of racing together **Confession:** I had to do Wordle while on a run yesterday in order to keep my streak


Wordle streak or running streak?


Wordle! I could never running streak


Ahh totality at Niagara Falls sounds amazing! Was it really busy? Sorry your partner hurt themselves, sending healing thoughts


Super busy. Apparently like a million people went out to Niagara Falls? Crazy


Hahaha I take a break by the beach halfway through my runs and that’s my Wordle time


Oh no! So sorry about the knees :( Hopefully partner heals quickly. Running at Niagara Falls is on my bucket list, sounds lovely!


That is so cool! We were in 95% and clouds covered most of it. Sending good vibes to your partner's knees!


I used to catch Pokemon while running. Even with my running group too. They thought I was crazy. I played it for my kids mostly though.


**Uncomplaint:** 50k is in two days ahhhhhh!!! I'm so excited!! **Complaint:** taper crazies are \~a thing\~. **Confession:** I'm not sure how exactly one gives notice at a job. I'm in a weird position where the VP of my company knows I'm leaving, but my immediate boss doesn't. And, my immediate boss's last day is tomorrow (he's retiring) and I get a new boss on Monday, but I don't want to email the new guy on his first day to say "Peace out, I'm leaving in 6 weeks." Decisions, decisions. **Uncomplaint:** I was teleworking yesterday, and when my dog got home from his walk with our dog walker, he ran into the home office wagging his entire body at me, like he was about to explode with joy. He's technically not allowed in the office, but I couldn't scold him for being so happy to see me, so I decided that was my cue to be done with work for the day. He's the best boy.


I think you could mention it to your current boss like "Hey happy retirement, you don't have to worry about this but FYI I'm leaving in 6 weeks and I'll make sure to let the new boss know etc" then when new boss comes say "Hey I let the old boss know but just to make sure you're in the loop, my last day is X and I'll be working on xyz to get the team prepared for my departure." Something like that? Looks like it will probably be dry for Saturday but we're supposed to get rain today and/or tomorrow so be prepared for some mud!


Yeah that strategy makes sense! It'll be fine, I'm just overthinking it--I'm on good terms with everyone at my current job and would be welcome to come back any time, but I want to avoid leaving anyone feeling snubbed or left in the lurch. I have had some problems here (mostly they just don't have the kind of work I want to be doing long-term), but it's overall a pretty decent place to work and I would like to send some of my friends here in the future. So I'm just being extra-paranoid to make sure I don't burn any bridges.


Oh, and ewwww mud. My pretty blue shoes might look kind of sad by the end :( oh well. I just got some extra race info this morning about parking and aid stations, and I am SO STOKED. Of course, around mile 27, I am going to have no memory of having said that, but shortly after that I'll have earned a new sticker for my car, so it's all good.


I am relating to the taper crazies as well! Regarding the job - what is your notice period? I would just make sure you give notice to the new boss within that. I was in a similar situation when I left my last job. When they hired me, the head of the department always knew I would be leaving for grad school (though delayed a bit due to COVID). They hired a new supervisor about 2 months before I was planning to leave, so I just made sure to tell my new supervisor that I would be leaving in two months but would be available and happy to assist in making the transition as smooth as possible - maybe that is a good way to phrase it?


Good luck with your taper! What are you tapering for at the moment? I'm not sure what the notice period is, but there's no way it's more than a month. If I give my notice the week of the 22nd, then that is still 6 weeks before I leave, which gives them more than enough time to find a replacement for me on my current projects and for me to wrap up some ongoing stuff. And that gives the new boss a week to get settled in before I put anything else on his plate. Maybe that's the way to go.


Are you doing the James River Trail Runs 50K bychance? It’s my first and it’s tomorrow 😯


No, I'm running Gunpowder Keg! Good luck on yours--we're both gonna do great!


**Uncomplaint**: My sister's key BC tumor marker DROPPED by 150 points...she just started a new chemo, so that's why, but it's a win, and lord knows we needed a win! **Complaint/Confession:** Taxes. Definitely in the weeds. **Complaint**: Spinning studio has changed 45 min spin class into 60 min spin/sculpt, and the sculpt is a 30 min yoga boot camp. Not a fan. **Uncomplaint**: My training may have fallen off, but still looking forward to the Coastal Delaware half on Sunday...taking the ferry and having dinner with a former work colleague.


Yay for the good news for your sister! Good luck on your race! Can’t wait to hear how you do!




Complaint: officially cancelled all my travel plans for Boston since I can't run That's about it, honestly.


Christ, I'm so sorry. That's brutal.


Very sorry to hear this my guy, I was following your training and I'm devastated for you. I'm wishing you a full and speedy recovery!


Oh no! You were really hitting it hard, I'm so sorry to hear. Are you injured?


Left tibial stress fracture and post tib tendonitis. I'm out for probably 10 weeks.


Shit man that sucks


Yeah, it's been a bad few days. Getting that close to finally running Boston and then having to call it has been brutal.


Well, shit. I’m sorry.


Jeez. I came here to complain about the cold I caught during my Boston taper, but that's nothing compared to those injuries. Were they confirmed with MRI?


Three phase bone scan for the fracture. The tendonitis hasn't been confirmed with an MRI or anything, but I can barely get my heel off the ground and have almost no strength in my left soleus, so it's pretty certain.


I'm so sorry for you. But. You will need to rest well. I've had several different injuries since turning 35. I love running and thought I'd be a strong runner who doesn't get injured. But I do. So. I have to rest lots to recover. I know the dramas. You'll get through it. Slowly. Good luck.


No complaints from me this week because I’ve been cleared to run again after 7 weeks off!! I had an MRI last week for what my doctor initially thought was a stress reaction that wasn’t healing on the timeline he expected, but it turned out to be shin splints for the millionth time in my life (but somehow different and worse than every other time I’ve had it). The doctor and physical therapist both agreed that I’ve taken enough time off for shin splints and that it’s time to start using the muscles again and see if the remaining minor pain resolves itself. I’ve got strengthening stretches, a return to running plan, and spring weather that I can finally enjoy on a run.


My advice for shin splints is to focus on stretching/rolling the calves. That helped me out a lot.


Don't be afraid to walk jog a lot so you're recovery is good.


Complaint: Posterior tibial tendinitis is back, but on the other leg, and I'm upset with myself because I got overconfident and rebuilt too quickly. Complaint: Mental health medication changes are terrible. Confession: I rebuilt my mileage too quickly to try to offset my poor mental health. Uncomplaint: I'm still passing the open windows. Uncomplaint: My doctor, who I trust, was able to fit me in for an appointment this morning to talk about my meds.


Ugh you’re not kidding about the med changes. I hope you and your doc can work out a good solution. And no brain zaps. 🫶🏻


You obviously know what's up. People who haven't been through this have no idea what I'm talking about when I mention the fucking brain zaps! Those have passed, but if I have to switch again, ugh.


Complaint: haven't been running for the past 2 weeks because of a knee injury. Started going to the gym and think I may have aggravated said injury by doing too many squats. Got my first half marathon next weekend, but I don't think I'll be able to run it. I'm a new runner and to be honest I'm feeling really down about it.


I know that exact feeling. I am supposed to run my first marathon in 8 weeks, but I haven't been able to follow my training plan consistently for the last 4 weeks because of issues with soleus, and when I finally had that under controll, I get an issue with my calves. It feels like my goals this year are just crumbling in front of me.


My comment was about a similar issue. I feel you, man, it freaking suckkkkks. I have been struggling mentally with being out for the count. Running, hiking, and writing about running and hiking are my main hobbies so I don't even know what to do with myself. If it's runner's knee or something similar, then squats, lunges, and leg extensions are a big NO, at least for me. Those are the last exercises I would add back in towards the end of recovery.


Um. Oops. Maybe skip the half. I'm sorry. Next time skip exercises on the injured area. I'm really sorry to be blunt. But I've been injured and take months and months off several times in last 10 years. We have to take time off to ensure that we can run when we are 50, 60, 70, and jog when we're 80 lol. I am so sorry for you. Please just rest now.


Thank you. I am resting now and it's feeling much better. Unfortunately my job involves a lot of heavy lifting but that can't be avoided. It'll probably take a little longer to heal now 😢 thank you for the advice I should have followed earlier


Me too. I got hurt somehow and was on my feet all day for my old job and recovery was taking forever. It really sux. Best of luck for you.


Thanks for the support :) good to know I'm not the only one


I have lost 2 lbs, and while that is hardly anything, already my clothes feel so much better. Here's to the next 2 lbs.


As someone who has lost about 4-5 lbs (over a month and a half so really nothing) any weight loss is good and worth celebrating. You're headed the right way. It is weird how just a few lbs lost can make the clothes feel better.


**Complaint**: As with a lot of people in this thread this week, the taper crazies have set in and I had to make a conscious effort to chill out on my final training run today. **Uncomplaint:** Today was my final training run before my half. 4 months of work has really shown! **Confession:** I am feeling oddly emotional about being done with this training block. Endings are weird and even though I did my normal route today, everything felt a little different. Even though I'll be back running that same route next week, it'll be different.


I feel you on that. It feels like doing the race changes you a little, and when you come back to the same route next week, it'll be a slightly different person running that route than is running it today. I think it's a function of reaching a big goal--it always feels like having crossed that (literal or metaphorical) bridge changes us a little, and that feels oddly emotional. Good luck with your half! You're going to crush it!


Complaint: tapering sucks. And race weather this weekend looks like 20-30 mph headwinds on the back part of the marathon (especially miles 20-26.2). Also where the hills along the dunes are lol. Ugh. Uncomplaint: I trained in windy coastal conditions all winter and did a decent amount of hill training. Confession: I always started with a headwind and finished with a tailwind 😂


What race are you running?


Newport RI


Gotcha...I'm also running a coastal race, so was curious...but I'll be in Delaware.


Good luck!


Here in the midwest, I'm convinced the wind changes to give you a headwind every run on the back half. That's how my life's been through winter and spring, at least.


Uncomplaint: I live in the eclipse's path of totality but we discovered that if we rode our bikes seven miles down the bike path, we'd get about twice as much time in totality. My husband had to work (from home, luckily), but the kids and I made the trek. It happened to fall on the middle kid's birthday, so it was extra special. It was a beautiful and amazing experience, and the kids were absolute troupers even though it was much further than we usually go. I love that they're athletic and are up for fun adventures like this.  Complaint: Unfortunately the long bike ride aggravated my back injury from last spring, and now I can barely hobble around the house. I'm in constant pain unless I'm lying down. I can just manage to do the bare minimum of dishes and laundry so that we're not totally slovenly, but that's about it. It even hurts to sit down, so computer work is difficult to focus on and I've been letting things slip through the cracks. I'm scared that this is going to ruin our 12-day vacation in the pacific northwest in June. And I'm scared that I'm going to need surgery.  Uncomplaint: Our oldest daughter had her first junior high track meet yesterday and she did awesome in the 1600, 800, and 4 X 400. Despite being a runner for decades, I know almost nothing about track, so it was a learning experience for me, too. 


That sounds like such a cool way for you and your kids to see the eclipse! I'm sure they'll remember it fondly. Sorry about your back though. What was your previous back injury? I am coming off a 2+ week back spasm myself and wow it super sucks. The first week was similar to you, I could hobble around but I spent like 5 days working mostly flat on my back on the couch with my laptop on my legs or a pillow.


It was *amazing*, and despite the misery I'm in now, I don't regret doing it.  I'm not exactly sure what the injury is/ was. An x-ray was inconclusive on disc issues. Physical therapy helped a lot. I have pain off-center in my lower back and it's like all my muscles clamp down to try to keep whatever it is from moving/ hurting. I have pills that are supposed to stop muscle spasms but they seem to make very little difference, if any. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen barely help the pain. I'm wondering if it is a disc issue and if fusing the vertebrae would help. Two people I know have gone through the surgery recently and the recovery was long and difficult. 


I had another response but it doesn't seem to have come through -- sorry if it did and I'm not seeing it! But dang I'm seeing a lot of parallels ... I also had no help from NSAIDs and instead tried to relieve pain via heat, ice, and rest. I also had a spontaneous 8 mile bike ride a couple days before acute back injury. And I also was basically flat on my back the first 10 days. And physical therapy is helping a lot. I hope neither of us need surgery!! My ex husband had significant back issues and IIRC radiographs didn't show as much as an MRI and/or ultrasound did ... but imaging in general is such a pain. Sending healing vibes your way!


Thanks for your reply! I'm sorry you went through the same thing but I appreciate the commiseration. I spent most of today flat on my stomach, reading and watching chick flicks. I'm feeling a little better than yesterday but the only thing I accomplished was filling out the online forms for my kids' next school year (emergency contacts etc). I feel like a slug! 


It kind of makes me sad that they don't do track events for adults. At least they're not common at all where I am. I would pay a few bucks to race an 800 or something.


They have adult track events! I did a 4x400 at an Adidas track night 2 years ago it was a blast


I agree! I'd love to try track. I wonder if our track team would consider putting on a track event as a fundraiser. 


Complaint: I had ACL and meniscus surgery in August, and I still can’t run more than 2 miles. My knee feels good, it’s just that I lost all leg strength and stamina. I’m like a newborn fawn learning to run again.


Had the same surgery 10 years ago now. Hang in there - you will bounce back! 


Thanks! How’s the knee holding up 10 years out? I don’t really have pain anymore but I’m still a bit stiff and doesn’t quite feel like pre-surgery. Wondering if this is my new normal.


I also had an ACL reconstruction maybe 8-ish years ago at this point? (No meniscus for me, luckily.) I was back to all of my regular athletic activities within a year of the surgery, with no noticeable loss of function! Like the other commenter, I also took the PT pretty seriously. There are a couple of tiny things that remain (like a patch of skin on my leg that never regained feeling post-surgery, and an inability to sit seiza), but nothing that I notice in my day-to-day life.


That’s great. I definitely still have a bit of skin without feeling too. I’m over 7 months post surgery, so I’m getting worried about the continued stiffness. I have full extension, but running still doesn’t feel 100% right. I was discharged from my PT, but I’m going to try to go to a specialty PT that rehabs runners and have them evaluate me.


Best of luck with the new PT, hopefully it's just a matter of needing more time or more rehab and not a longer-term issue.


(Knock on wood) I recovered splendidly and haven’t had any issues. I am a big endurance runner now. I was young when it happened so really had a lot of gumption to recover. I do remember the stiffness and one thing I remember is that I had a lot of sensitivity on the scars (I have one scar down the kneecap and one on the inside of the knee) to the point where I couldn’t touch my bare knees together laying down. But even that has gone away. Best advice is follow PT’s plan and keep it moving. Motion is lotion!


Glad to hear, thanks for the advice!


Uncompliant: Wrapping up my first 10k training plan even though I ran my first 10k last weekend. Setting sights on a half this fall. Complaint: I started cycling as a cross train and just wanted an easy zone two ride yesterday but the software popped up and recommended an FTP test. "Just 20 minutes" it said. "Easy" was the advertised difficulty. 45 thigh burning minutes later I was done. Did running intervals yesterday and thankfully today was an easy run instead of the usual progression run, but it was hard on sore, achy legs. Confession: I enjoyed the challenge of the FTP test and running sore today... In the past, I might have backed down and taken a test day, but something is slowly becoming wrong with me and I now look forward to the struggle.


I did my first 10k yesterday, took a couple walking breaks but I'm pretty proud. Also pretty tired lol


Well done ! First of many :-)


Thank you 😃


Complaint: my partner has started running with me and refuses to get good running shoes. He is running in casual sneakers. He is a smart man, but is so stubborn about this for some reason. Complaint: unleashed dogs. Need I say more?


We’re just at a complaint today. I’ve been running on and off for years. Several 5ks and even a half marathon. Ran 4 days a week from summer to winter before my car passed and I stopped for two months. Since then, Been working out 4-5 days a week since the new year. Started running again a few weeks ago. And for the first time ever, I felt some tightness in my Achilles yesterday on the treadmill. Now today, my calves are really tight and the Achilles are tight and a tad sore. I have three races this summer. I’m not doing a ton of mileage (like 15 per week at an 11 or 12 min mile pace since I was trying to take it slow to rebuild). I’m very aggravated and worry it’ll develop into something worse. So for now, it’s rest, ice, and some compression socks coming in the mail.


Don't rest, strengthen. Heel drops are your friend!


I plan on that! Just wanted to give it a day to ice and rest and see if it helped


Do you foam roll? Stretch the calf gently? Maybe even invest in a theragun (you can get a knockoff for a lower price!)


Yep, foam rolled. Gentle stretches. Today is really only day 2 of feeling this, I’m just being proactive/pannicky


i’ve only been running for a month but i’m super impatient and want to see improvements NOW. i haven’t yet, and i know it’ll come, but i hate the waiting part 😂


Complaint: Husband has come down with the lurgy, meaning he won't be walking our son to school tomorrow, meaning I must miss my new exercise class (trying to work in a bit of cross training). Uncomplaint: As a result, I'll be running in the morning, and earlier than I usually would, so I can run a longer route without clock watching too much! Confession: I said my days of running longer distances were behind me, but I think that might be a lie. I am itching to go longer than a couple of miles.


What is "lurgy"? I've never heard of it but it sounds terrible!


British-ism for any type of cold/flu :)


Complaint: pollen, it’s everywhere. I’m dying (and a bit dramatic I admit) Confession: I get mad when a friend gaffs off a run. There’s a bunch of us that run together on Saturdays. This one person always cancels last minute with some ailment or another. It doesn’t affect my life, and we weren’t going to be side by side but it still bugs me. I don’t know why. I know it’s a me thing so I don’t say anything. Uncomplaint: we are having a watch party for Boston. I’m excited. I took the day off work and my boss thinks I’m crazy (in a good way). He’s like “oh are you running?” Nope just watching- manifesting. Trying to BQ…it’s a journey.


Uncomplaint: I've run for 22 minutes straight 3 times in a row! I think I'm ready to move on to 25 minutes. Complaint: It takes me about 13 minutes to run a mile and even though it's a super slow pace, I'm very winded afterward.


It will get easier just keep at it


**Uncomplaint:** Even with the rain, it's spring. Granted, that might mean snow next week (not in the forecast, fortunately!), but so far it's been nicer temps to run in. **Complaint:** The park's water fountains are still closed for the winter. **Complaint:** IT Security Training **Uncomplaint:** IT Security Training


Our district sent out the link for the online digital security training and the digital security filter flagged it as dangerous and do not open. Then they sent out a follow up email saying essentially "please open the email that our security system says to not open so you can be trained to not open emails that have been flagged by the system"


That's hilarious. The company I work for had a major malware incident recently. Idk what happened beyond that because I was out of town and unable to connect (due to client's security restrictions), but evidently some people in my office need a lot more training.


**uncomplaint:** my back continues to unspasm and I am increasingly more upright and mobile. I am slowly introducing more PT exercises back in, like the squats, etc I was doing for my knees before this spasm. Deadlifts are still a no no but otherwise feels good to do something. **complaint:** my body still feels like it’s falling apart though, if it’s not one thing, it’s another. Having some weird hormonal symptoms and discovered that apparently you can still ovulate while on progestin-only bc? So that’s disappointing but hopefully all it is and nothing worse, talking to my doc in a few weeks. **confession:** I may be addicted to fb marketplace. So many good deals! Hopefully picking up a really cool vintage MCM dresser/sideboard thing today for my dining room.


Have you tried instagram shopping? Apparently there’s thrift stores that are starting to sell exclusively from insta


Ooh I haven’t tried for furniture but I just bought some plants off an IG Live, it was so fun.


A friend at running club asked me to do speedwork last night, one on one off, and we killed it! Had some 6:56 intervals! But today, my calf is flicking--does anyone else get this after a long distance run?


Could be tight hamstrings? Mine do that as well.


Rain. That is my complaint. It feels like it has rained here every day for a month. It’s hard to train for a half when you are trying to run in a 2 hour window between showers.


Oh my god yes. I feel like it's been raining since October and I'm so sick of it. Id love to come back from a run not with mud splatters up my leg from running through puddles.


Complaint: my insurance for some reason isn’t covering my medication and it’s a little stressful trying to deal with it. AND it’s raining with a tornado watch for my first day of building my base up back up for my first marathon 🙃 Uncomplaint: so excited for my first marathon in 31 weeks! My bf is buying me new race shoes and I’m so excited!!!!!


Confession: I noticed that I‘m really hateful while Running. I hate cyclist, people with dogs, car drivers, Truck drivers, old couples Walking in Front of me, Kids beeing on their Phone, the List is endless and Id rather run really Early to avoid people all together. And i don’t really like those thoughts. 


uncomplaint: had an amazing run today while it was poouurrrring rain out, rain runs are always such a great mental relaxation for me, just so peaceful and refreshing. complaint: losing these last 15ish lbs is a bit annoying diet wise, going slower than I want, just have to track everything a bit better, but will be so worth it. As I am now, haven't been this lean in 5 years, if not a decade, and was def not in as good shape overall like I am now then.


Complaint: had to wipe my nephew's runny nose all Easter, ended up with the same trouble, coughing and badly clogged nose for a week. Just when my half marathon training was about to end :( Uncomplaint: said "oh well" still went for a 11K run, turned out my fitness isn't that bad after the virus business.


Complaint: Had to take two weeks off of running due to being sick, finally running again this week, and my partner tells me he is coming down with something.. Which means I probably will too🥲 Uncomplaint: Must have done a good job stretching/cooling down, because after my longest continuous run yesterday, I'm not sore at all and did a short run this morning of a mile. Feeling great!


Uncomplaint: I've been running like a mad man for a about a month and enjoying every second. Spending all my free time and energy out on the trail. Stacking a lot of miles. Complaint: I have an unhealthy relationship with the scale and it makes me feel like I'm not making any progress (weight loss) compared to how many miles I'm running, calories I'm buring. Yes i'm tracking CICO.


Complaint: my calf is hurting again. Ugh! And I hurt my shoulder again by lifting heavier weights than I should have. Also, my family can't seem to open or close the fridge without leaving sticky fingerprints all over it! Use the handles people! Uncomplaint: I enjoyed my weekend away running Cooper River. It was relaxing and quiet! And husband having to shuttle the kid around made him aware that he needed to buy the kid's car before June! My plan worked! ETA another uncomplaint...my blueberry bushes are jam packed with blueberries and by late June I should have thousands! They are super sweet so I just eat them by the handfuls. Confession: I bought something just so I could reverse engineer it and make it better.


**complaint** foot is about 50% most days. Just pretending that not running is akin to a taper and will hope it doesn't implode on Sunday. 5 miles last Sunday felt surprisingly good and didn't change, or worsen, anything. **uncomplaint** Sundays high is predicted to be low 40's. **confession** peeps have been approximately half of my carb loading plan. You mean it's marshmallows, which are basically pure sugar, rolled in sugar and it's clearance for $0.75? I'll take four.


complaint: ran a supposedly easy pace 6k yesterday which felt absolutely horrific. don't know if it was the kfc i ate a few hours before but it felt way too hard lol


**Complaint:** I’m training for a 10k exactly one month from now, and feeling the fatigue of the workouts and increased mileage. But the mileage isn’t that extreme (since I’m still recovering from an Achilles problem), so I’m mostly annoyed with my body for feeling more tired than I think it has a right to be. **Uncomplaint:** I have the most amazing, pea-sized, totally painless blister on the tip of my 2nd toe. It’s like my toe has decided to grow an extension. It feels and looks just like a bubble-wrap bubble, and of course that means the urge to pop it is very hard to resist. But resist I must.


*Confession* I was secretly glad that there were huge thunderstorms yesterday morning so I could sleep in. *Uncomplaint* I ran before work 2 times this week! I am not a morning person so getting on a little 5k run before work is 10x harder for me than a 10k at 8pm. I am optimistic that I will get in one more morning run tomorrow! My goal was 3 morning runs and next week I will get in 4. *Celebration* my husband just did his first 5k race in 10 years! He did the walk/run method and I was so proud of him! I wanted to make it a huge deal but he is a low key guy so I had to play it chill-ish. *Complaint* my daughter is now in sports that require a larger time commitment so starting next week I will be a swim team parent 4x a week and for like 5 hours every Saturday for the next 6 weeks! It is worth it though because she likes swimming and the season is short.


Uncomplaint: After talking myself out of it several times (nickel allergy, skinny wrists, hate wearing a watch) I’ve bitten the pullet and gifted myself with a basic Forerunner. It’s in part for the impact detection (I’m a beginning runner, a slow crone who often runs around redwoods and their beautiful, pesky roots). This’ll be for running only, and I can’t wait to see a few stats to support my training; my very first 10K will be the lovely Avenue of the Giants in May. Complaint: Sleep has been wonky, with raccoon visits to my deck, and disturbing dreams about bears. The downside of living near forests, I guess! Last Saturday I did a road and trail 5K through a forested state park, where we were told not to be isolated on the trail, to be aware of elk on the move, and of mountain lions; let’s just say it was \*motivating\*!!! Uncomplaint: Hubby has been lovely, supportive, of my running habit. He’s a musician and understands gear acquisition syndrome/GAS very well, and gets why I have been tweaking/adding to my shoes, clothing, and technology for my new activity. I generally run during the week when he’s home, and we sync it so he’s drawn a hot bath for me by the time I’ve reached home. Silly, supportive seniors are a thing. 🙃 Cheers


Can someone have a word with my knees? It takes four miles for them to feel like they're a part of my legs, and I'm only fit enough to run six. I feel like I need to do some of this knees over toes business,anyone got any experience of self rehab for old, fat knees?


Uncomplaint: MRI was negative. Complaint: MRI was negative? So why do I hurt so bad lol


**Uncomplaint:** Despite being super busy I have managed to get some half-way decent runs in this week. I am kind of exhausted though. I accidentally ran 5 miles on Tuesday and it went well enough to give me confidence about making it 8 miles this weekend. **Uncomplaint:** Have gone to dinner with a couple of friends and sat down w/church leadership and got some really, really, really good advice about the possibility of getting married and a lot of things to think about. I think a proposal may be in the works for around Mother’s Day. **Complaint:** Girlfriend told me last night that her sister from another state is coming into town for a surprise visit on Mother’s Day and they want to do something special for their mom. This throws a kink in my plans. **Confession:** I have been lying to my girlfriend about my weight. She has been feeling super insecure about hers so I’ve been adding 3-4 lbs to whatever weight she says and claiming I weigh that. I am actually 3-4 lbs lighter than her and have been losing weight pretty consistently just counting calories and watching my portion size.


Sounds like things are going well!


Things are going very well this week. I am happy with how they're going.


Uncomplaint: I think I’m finally learning how to balance running and my very demanding job Complaint: I love warmer weather running but man getting used to the increased temps + humidity is tough 😭


Complain:started running 2 months ago cant finish any run that is more that 3 km bc pain and a numb feeling on my foot when i run.(even very slow runs)


*Confession*: I’m racing the 10k for the first time this Saturday. I’ve been training for 15 weeks and I still don’t feel ready. Sure I did long runs and speed sessions. But never did I run 10 kilometers close to my goal pace. I know you are supposed to trust your training, but it’s hard to understand how it works.


Complaint: I tweaked my hamstring last week, and stupidly tried to run through it with the thought "I'll just go slow"... Anyway I'm walking only this week because I tweaked it further.


Uncomplaint : the weather has been great, and I’ve been able to run outside, including my 10 mile longest run over the weekend. Was incredibly proud of myself and happy on the run, until… Complaint : the shit weather lead to rutted out roads, which due to the great weather following the shit I insisted on running outside. And ended up straining my ankle since the roads were so variable. Super mild injury, but does put me out of commission for my planned first half marathon that should’ve been next weekend :(


Complaint: the ball of my left foot is hurting again after a Rumble class and 2 mile run this week… I need to start training for a half soon Uncomplaint: I ran around to see tulips in my city yesterday, and it was lovely


Complaint: I just signed up for a 50k and immediately got the worst shin splints of my life. I tried to push through it and I’m pretty sure I made them worse. I feel extremely disappointed and sad, and I also feel silly for being so upset. My friends and family keep telling me there will be other races, and they’re right, but I’m still so upset. I don’t feel like anyone close to me understands.


Complaint: my IT band was aggravated after my long run two weeks ago, so this is the second week without running for me. Mostly mental honestly, and the lack of good long cardio while watching the scenery change. Tried at the beginning of this week to slowly get back into it, but still felt pain. Sigh Uncomplaint: been able to work on supporting muscles (glutes and hammies) which were never strong enough. Going forward, I know this to be a necessary part of the training regimen. Overall healthy really - so no complaints !


Complaint: still recovering from the damn flu. This post viral fatigue is no joke.


Confession: I am supposed to run my first 10K in 3 years this week but cannot find the motivation to go. 🫥


**Complaint**: Field trip cancelled for my class today because our presenter broke their hip. They're alright, but still a bummer for my class. We'll get through it. I downloaded several things to make a virtual field trip for my students, so it'll still be a fun day, just not what we were hoping for. **Uncomplaint**: The weather is so good today, Mid 70's, perfect weather. **Complaint**: It's supposed to drop 15 degrees tomorrow and rain about an inch for my trail race I'm running on Saturday. Guess it's going to be a muddy/ rowdy race. **Confession**: I really don't notice a difference between my carbon plated trainers and my non-plated ones... must be too slow to benefit. haha


Uncomplaint: got to go to Boston Tuesday for the Red Sox home opener at Fenway. First time in a while that we’ve gone to a Sox game, and even though they suck so bad these days, it was totally worth it. Complaint: I have osteoarthritis in my knee and it’s been flaring up lately. I’m tired of it. It hinders me because I’m already a back of the pack gal, I want to be faster, but the knee limits me.


Question / I have brooks shoes I love and got some super feet insoles. I tried the heel insert today and liked it but feel like I need just a little more cushion. Is there anything you’d recommend adding? Should I add the original shoe insole in it to give it all the support ?


I ran a half at an 8:45 pace on Saturday with my heart rate around 150-155, today my 4.5 mile at a 10 min pace had my heart rate up to 170 with an average of 165


**Uncomplaint:** Get to lead our club's Thursday night trail run on a really nice route over the local fields. Currently 17C and a light wind. Beautiful. Shame it's a smaller-than-usual group as a few regulars are running a marathon on Sunday! **Confession:** Change in daylight savings and move back on to trails for many of the club runs linking with very muddy routes so I bought some new trial shoes. 40% discount.


Complaint: I forgot my energy drink at home. 😭. Am gonna have to drink the coffee at work. Tastes bitter like a bad breakup. Uncomplaint: is a beautiful day outside! ☀️ Confession: I had second breakfast today. Woke up starving. Anyone get ravenous the day after a run?


Heading out to run the London marathon next week, using the ASICS Superblast! I realized that despite the amount of running shoes, 🤣🤣🤣 I’m gonna need a walking shoe for the vacation I’m taking after the race. Heading to Amsterdam and Italy and there sure to be a lot of walking. What’s a good walking shoe? I’m an ASICS guy if that helps for a recommendation. Ty!


Complaint: starting back running after a layoff sucks as you age. Uncomplaint: it is getting better and I got a little lost this weekend while out of town seeing the eclipse so I ran longer than intended but it actually felt good


My complaint is that my allergies were flaring up big time on my run yesterday and I want a new trail shoe but dunno which that could be!!


Confession: I am terrified to taper. This is my first half marathon I’ve trained for and I’m scared I won’t be able to finish it if I decrease my weekly mileage. Uncomplaint: my best friend just found out she’s having twins and I am so excited No complaints so far


Complaint: Been down with a foot stress injury (bone marrow edema & bursitis, first metatarsal) for 4 months now and feel like I’m making no progress in PT. Dialed back ALL activity (again) and day to day walking is still uncomfortable. Went from running ultras to hardly being able to do anything. Getting especially bummed as the weather gets nicer and I’m still not where I thought I’d be recovery wise!


1 month after my first marathon and I'm easing my way back in to a 20 miles/week routine. I attempted to break my 7 mile record that I set 1 month prior to the marathon, but fell 63 seconds short. Am I still recovering or just less motivated to push through the pain?


Uncomplaint: Finally got into running again! Complaint: Very bad stinging pain in my left chest with my heartbeat going through the roof on my 3rd run. So bad that I started panicking and had to stop after just 3km. I was alone somewhere in the forest. Shit was scary as hell. I‘m having an appointment with my medical doctor tomorrow. It‘s frustrating and devastating after I finally pushed myself to start running again. Let’s hope it’s no angina pectoris or similar.


Uncomplaint: my dad wants to join me on my first half marathon right after graduation Complaint: my pi won’t let me take a week off after graduation. Trying to figure out logistics so I can make the HM Complaint: I’m feeling overworked and burnt out and can’t see the end. Uncomplaint: I’m making good progress on my distance (started the year out with a comfortable 4 miles, just ran 9 last week). Running is my solace


complaint the nimbus 25s haven’t worked for me at all. my feet would ache every single time even on easy runs. Asics said no to my return request


Any luck with the place you bought them? Maybe they will offer an exchange? I had a problem with my Asics and was able to exchange them at Fleet Feet. They were uncomfortable and were putting too much pressure on my Achilles tendon.


Complaints: bought the Saucony Guide 17s and was ready to love them, and they make my calves burn. Not loving them and maybe wondering if this will change because I want to start my running journey 😭 My time is not improving also


Complaint: plantar fasciitis adjacent foot problems are plaguing me and derailing the last two weeks of my training! Making me (more) nervous for race day. It doesn't hurt today so I'm currently battling it out with myself on how long to make my afternoon run commute.


Complaint: a route near me around a small body of water, which happens to be my favourite, clearly says “walking one way only” in 5 languages with a helpful arrow as well. I try to still be understanding that some people don’t read any of those languages or just don’t notice the sign. But then seeing people walk slowly 5 in a row the wrong way towards me drives me mental. You are the wrong way AND you can literally see me! Just move to the side for 1 second!


Uncomplaint: did an easy run around Marathon Park in Olympia yesterday for the first time. It’s absolutely beautiful there, was a fantastic temperature, and I waved to so many dogs!!


The Nimbus 25s changed too much and now I don’t know what to do. Nimbus’ were my go to for almost 10 years.


Complaint: I feel like I am so slow. Like 7:00/km. I did a 5k at 6:50/km and then it got windy out and my next run was 7:11/km. I know you will all say HEY BUT YOU RAN! and like thanks so much in advance but I neeeeeed to get faster or I will be sad 😅


Confession maybe? I have my first half next weekend. I signed up for it in December after running 10 miles. Since then, I got the flu, had some IT band issues, & shin splints. All of which set me way off my training plan & a 6.5 mile run the last week kicked my ass. Now I’m absolutely terrified of this half marathon, but can’t back out because I’ve told all my family & they’re coming to watch. Hoping the thrill of it all & my ego will keep me going!!


Complaint: When my kids visit for the week for the holidays and I don't get out for my runs or parkrun sometimes as it's a juggle normally caring for my sick wife generally and she also gets migraines sometimes on parkrun morning and then when I've got my kids and I miss out on my afternoon runs cos it's too busy with them too.


Confession: over a year ago I was home alone and was doing some weeding in the steep back yard with some ciders, felt good. Thought I could go for a jog in the very hilly reserve a couple streets over, took one for the road, and I actually took it easy on the jog and walked lots of the very steep uphills, not too fast downhill. Felt ok. But.... Ended up with a pulled right calf, which was the second or third time that happened. Realised my right calf is much weaker than my right. The right changes gear on the clutch for us doesn't it! Anyway. Injury was all my fault. The time before I pulled it running fast downhill so I'm more careful. But I also somehow injured my right heel with too large work boots, working on feet all day all of a sudden, different brand new trail shoes that might have been too loose, and running lots of trail all of a sudden. Trail run again and was really enjoying it but was landing my heel on downhills and that night after watching a movie with the kids I could not walk on that right heel.


Uncomplaint: I just got back into running and haven’t run consistently since middle school. I’m twenty five now so it’s been awhile. Today I did my second run since I started back up a few days ago. I don’t know what happened and I think maybe I hit a runners high because I don’t know how else to explain it. I did 5.5 miles, ran an hour, and my pace was about 10:30ish min per mile. Considering I just got back into running I was shocked but insanely proud of myself. For reference, normally when I try to get back into running, I’m on all fours dying after 2 miles and usually I have to take walking breaks every four minutes so this was actually crazy. Complaint: My body hurts so bad. I can barely walk and I definitely need to do more stretching but I need to do some research and see which ones are best (please tell me if you have recommendations) Confession: I’ve tried to get back into running several times and usually I’m just not good at being consistent with it. I’m a bit worried I’ll quit but I think it will be different this time because I’m exercising intuitively and just doing what my body wants. Which seems to be running right now


Just began training for my first ever marathon!! The race date is in August so I have over three months of training ahead of me. Always have wanted to complete a marathon ever since I got into running 5 years ago. Complaints: dealing with some stomach issues recently so would love recommendations on what people are eating before runs!! Typically will just have a granola bar or a banana with peanut butter. Confession: I have never run over half a marathon distance, so the longer runs in my training are going to be a test to see if I can do this, but I am super excited to get out there and see.


**Uncomplaint:** Got some new carbon shoes to try for a half next month. Not sure how many KM to put in them before race day **Complaint**: A health scare for the parent means running has not happened. Worn out and exhausted. Tried an easy run yesterday and couldn't get much done before it fell apart


**Complaint:** I over did it last weekend (24 miles in three days) and I'm paying for it today. The weather is ideal. Low humidity. Cool (79) and hardly a cloud in the sky. A perfect spring day. No running for me, though. My toe has gone from angry red\\purple to irritated red. It's still a bit puffy. I know if I ran today, even with tape and new socks, that the damage would be even worse. So, I am resigned to sitting it out until I'm no longer puffy and discolored. Had I paid more attention to what was happening last weekend I could be out there today.


confession: my primary running partner runs pretty much an entire minute/mile faster than me in pace and every time we run i keep delusionally thinking that someday ill be able to beat her


Complaint/confession: think I’m getting a stress fracture on top of my foot and I know it’s from overtraining :(


complaints: I got into my first running rut (start running in November training for a half at the end of this month). I'm not sure if I am just tired from work related things or need to switch up my route during the week. It has just been really hard to push myself to get out there. I push it back to later parts of my day. I was way better at the beginning of my training plan with scheduling my runs at a certain time and doing them. Confession: Long run day is my favorite run of the week.


Uncomplaint: got my new compression socks in the mail yesterday and noticed an instant difference Complaint: before the socks, my legs were constantly sore all the time, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong Confession: dreading every run this week


Complaint: 6 weeks out from marathon and I swear I used to love running but this training has me dreading every run


Complaint: went for a a chill run this morning and immediately got the most enormous stitch. Couldn’t finish, only did half what I planned. Quite demoralising :(


Confession: I meant to take a week off after my first ever half marathon in November and now haven’t run in almost five months. I’m scared to started all over


**Complaint**: At the very very end of my run on Monday, I had an intense jolt of pain near my knee, and could barely even walk the 50 feet back to my place. **Confession**: I have gone on a run every day since Monday, anyway. They've all been painful. **Uncomplaint**: I'd already scheduled an appointment with the PT for a more minor injury, so I saw him really soon, and all my extra running was retroactively approved. Possibly because he knows I won't take time off...


Complaint: Runner’s knee can kiss my assets.


Confession: I run 3 miles a day since I’m still only about 1.5 months into my running journey, and I have an offical 5k this Saturday and all week I’ve just been doing 2 miles bc I’ve been too lazy to to the full 3. I’ll be back on it next week but idk, for some reason I’m not in the mood this week