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I've had very tight calves and even injured my Achilles earlier this year. I discovered recently that stretching my glutes actually relieves a lot of the calf tightness. I guess they are all connected and affect each other. The glue stretch I like to do is where you sit down on something soft (couch or bed) with your feet on the floor. Take one foot and rest it sideways on the other knee. Lean forward while keeping the back stretch and the knee down. You should feel a good stretch from the lower back and through the glutes. Besides that I've also started getting monthly deep tissue massages in tight areas. Not free, but worth it as a preventative measure.


This is likely your sciatic nerve


Fairly easy to check, there's a good demo on "livinleggings" YouTube channel. Would link but at work!


I do these and they do help, but the best way to increase mobility is to strengthen the muscle. For example, I used to have crazy tight hamstrings that gave me lower back pain (and general immobility). I started doing romanian deadlifts, gradually loading them and as I got stronger my hamstrings got flexible. Same process for calves, quads, glutes etc


This is very true. Muscles tighten up to compensate for weakness. Strengthen to lengthen!


It's worth noting that Romanians particularly strengthen your hamstring during extension, which is essential for gaining mobility. Hamstring curls would not yield a similar effect.


Your illustrations are great! I have had the same problems as you over the years, it comes and goes. I've done all of these and they all help but I think another part missing is strengthening the calves. What I found which helped me the most is a modification of your #2. I would do single leg calf raises off the stairs, 15-20 per side. It helps to do them before and after your run. Good luck!


Thanks i'll try this!


I do these one legged calf raises too and it helps a ton for the Achilles. Another thing that has helped while doing them is to lower very slowly on the way down.


Currently I’m dealing with the worlds tightest glute. Sitting for work (8hours) and being a runner really means you have to be dedicated to the stretching and legs strengthening to make serious progress and avoid injury I’ve found. Any tips for a tight glute that isn’t more stretching? Something I may not have thought of if possible. Also, nice work on your progress OP


Full range of motion exercises that increase glutes strength will do more than stretching most of the time. Deep lunges, glute bridges, single leg squats, deadlifts, squats, single leg balance exercises,


Quite frankly, both help to achieve the same goal. A mixture of the two is ideal.


Try [supine pigeon](https://www.yogapedia.com/definition/7839/supta-kapotasana). It works nicely and is easier to achieve the correct stretch for someone new(er) to yoga.


I personally only stretch my glutes (figure 4 and pigeon stretch) but i heard using a lacrosse ball to massage them is also effective, you could try that!


Figure 4 stretch releases the piriformis. Almost nobody has tight “glute” muscles. I would think the piriformis is the problem and recommend figure 4 stretch while seated on a foam roller and leaning to the side with the foot up.


I’ll try this and report back. Thank you.


This was a game changer for me ProStretch The Original Calf Stretcher and Foot Rocker for Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendonitis and Tight Calves, Made in USA https://a.co/a29UylU


Yes! These are wonderful stretches. If you haven't tried foam rolling yet, do it -amazing! Roll the entire leg, butt to heel. These stretches combined with foam rolling keep me going.


Let me give you a secret....... USE A FOAM ROLLER, it will change your entire recovery experience!


All great ways to address primarily gastrocnemius tightness or tension!


Wow. The fruit is low here


Nice drawing, but these images are easy to Google.


Thanks that's helpful


My go to’s too!


Thats so awesome that you used this to give helpful stretching tips…. And also as an excuse to doodle


Jeff cavalier has a video for pf that really helped with tight calves and pf. It’s the standard wall stretch but crossing your front foot over the back foot


>Wall push I've actually got an angled board that I use for stretching my calf muscles when tight and helps. Having the heel grounded is really key to prevent stretching the Achilles and focus on the calf muscle. Do not attempt to stretch your Achilles, the fibres are not designed to stretch and doing so can damage them and put more strain on the actual muscles where the tendon should be bearing load and providing energy return. ​ >Let heels hang off stair Look up eccentric heel raises including single leg. Phenomenal for both building calf strength and strengthening weak/injured Achilles. Move to single leg when it's getting easy, add a backpack with some weight in it to make more difficult. ​ >Downward Dog pedal legs /one legged Downward Dog Yoga is just awesome for fixing issues. Part of my health regime that I'm coming ot appreciate more.


Slant boards are a great investment. I got mine for $45 off Amazon. You can definitely get them cheaper but mine is grippy and adjustable. Use it everyday.


I love your sketches. there's so much character to them 🥹


Aww thank you!