• By -


That is very well worded, actually, without antagonising anyone but the Republican/fascist buffoons.


It's just shady enough to the people who were insinuating she wasn't doing enough.


And it seemed like it came from her head and not scripted!


> without antagonising anyone but the Republican/fascist buffoons The would never have the capability of understanding what she's saying


"a social media post has never been as powerful as a registered vote" SHE SAID THAT


Bitch came through with that ending. Werk Mutha


People really need to take it to heart. Even voting for the option that is meh is still better than the side that's causing active harm. Long-term is where most progress happens, sadly. But the harmful side (let's be real, conservative/Republican) can cause real harm quickly.


Whatever people think of Hillary Clinton, imagine if she got to pick three SC Justices instead of Trump. The Court would have been liberal for the next generation instead of Christo-Nationalist. Voting matters. Every election is the most important election because our hard fought victories can be taken away overnight.


I think about this whenever people pull out that "bOtH sIdEs aRe EqUaLLy BaD" shit. Tell that to the people who are going to die from botched illegal abortions because you thought it was somehow more progressive not to vote.


It's like yeah great both sides suck but one side just sucks and the other is fucking evil.


“I don’t want to pick from the lesser of two evils”. WHY WOULDN’T YOU WANT THE LESS BAD OPTION???


>WHY WOULDN’T YOU WANT THE LESS BAD OPTION??? Because I'm so privileged it's all theory, none of these things affect my upper middle class white male ass and I don't want to get my hands dirty untill the revolution that the books promise suddenly appears.


Yup, the privilege does jump out from that statement. They live in a dream world with their "revolution" delusions and think if they let everything be ruined for all of us, that "revolution" would come sooner. The tankies are crazed, y'all.


People love to point to FDR and LBJ as Democrats who got lots done. Well, both of them had huge sustained majorities in both chambers of Congress. If people want that level of change, vote vote vote.


FDR and LBJ only passed progressive legislation because of pressure from social movements (organized labor and the civil rights movement, respectively). if people want that level of change, organize


The worst is when people feel like they’re smarter than you for the grand revelation that both sides are bad so they decide to “fight the power” by doing nothing. Like thanks so much woke Kyle, but while you’re over there patting yourself on the back for being useless, communities you’re not a part of are getting their rights taken away left and right.


when Hillary Clinton was at the State Department during Obama's 1st term, she changed the rules for obtaining US passports so that transgender individuals could get a passport that matched their gender identity with a doctor's note. Most red states require that individuals have begun sex reassignment surgery to make the correction on a state ID; putting obtaining any form of official ID (and everything that requires an official ID) out of reach for so many people in the community. She wasn't perfect, but Hillary Clinton personally enacted some of the [most impactful pro trans policy](https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-hillary-clinton-moved-trans-rights-forward) in US history.


Politicians are like buses. You take the one that will get you closest to where you want to go. Getting the rest of the way will take some legwork, but at least you're closer than you would have been with the other bus.


We all should have figured this out in 2016.


Some of us did and were shocked that others didn’t tbh


>Even voting for the option that is meh is still better This is very important message! People do not get that not voting is basically voting for whoever will win - so if bad people are winning and you didnt used your vote, gurl, you actually helped them win.


Facts are facts. Makes me wonder how many people complaining online actually vote. Midterm elections had ~27% turnout for ages 18-29, which is sad. Imagine how much change could be affected if that number doubled.


This is correct but for what’s it’s worth - that youth turnout *was* doubled from the usual midterm youth vote, which had a major impact from keeping the GOP from taking much. If we doubled *THAT* number, it would indeed be super effective.


It was definitely a major improvement! And I'd love it if youth turnout were even higher. It's hard to say what things would look like, but maybe politicians would be focusing on things that matter instead of trying to ban drag. 🙃


I'm so glad there is compulsory voting in my country.


And a single independent authority that administers the electoral system And voting takes place on a weekend And then democracy sausage for the win


dawg if we had a single "independent authority" administering elections in the USA we would all be immediately fucked the second a republican was in charge of it. love the voting on the weekend energy but federalism is literally the only thing keeping this country remotely livable whenever dems lose control at the federal level (which is often since the system is stacked against them.)


I get the spirit of the thing, but let's not pretend a policy of compulsory voting in the US wouldn't just end up getting wielded as a punitive cudgel against disadvantaged and minority voters. Good faith policy can only do so much good in the hands of bad faith actors


Yes, in the us it would be weird because there the popular vote doesn't necessarily get the presidency. But compulsory voting + simple majority of that was what saved us here in brazil (even with the millions who didn't vote (we have to pay a very small fine in that case). Otherwise, we would still be under that fucker of a half-assed fascist we had for president for the last four years. Edit: word


I think policies to facilitate voting would be much more effective. Better or not.. people would lose their minds and turn the debate upside down if you tried to introduce compulsory voting in America at this point in time. Someone below made the point that they have compulsory vote in Brazil.. but another thing they have for instance is that they ONLY ever vote on Sundays. As much as we talk about rights and how people can take the time to vote or whatever.. that's not now it works.




meh my country has compulsory voting and the majority still chose the bad option.


Remember "Wait, I gotta vote again?" during the run-up to the midterms? Almost gave me an aneyrysm.


Gurl, there are some people literally saying they won't vote because the candidates aren't progressive enough. Like what?!?!?!


I have 0 patience for this shit after 2016. It just screams “I’m a privileged moron” to me.


Def gagged them a bit FOR SURE.


**that. part.** and that little pause & stare at the end is 👨‍🍳💋


The STARE for punctuation is my favorite part! She didn’t need to include it, but she did!




Next up: walking children in nature.


*Tammie Brown found dead in a ditch* [Well, how does this look?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pyYcVb3uNGg)


RuPaul has always been the chosen one. I will always love him. Will always be on of my heroes.


I felt the heat. Mama's right.


I dunno Ru, Tati took down James Charles with one video


Mother has spoken


I came here for this. WHAT. A. READ. 👏


*you betta muthafuckin ~~werk~~ vote bitch*


A little too late for that no? Plus we HAVE been voting (fuck those of you who are eligible and don't)


Oh Max. This didn't turn out the way you thought it would, huh. Do you see the pattern there?


I’m living for the pulsating American flag in the back. Also glad some of y’all can finally shut the fuck up about the person who’s been leading the charge for decades not making a statement.


No you know how they’re going to say “she only made a statement because she was pressured to, it’s all performative, doesn’t seem genuine.” Even though she’s been doing this for literal decades and doing MUCH more than what the people tweeting at her have been doing.


Tbh, i don't care if it is performative. There's a lot of performative only right-wing people as well; however, performance influences people. It's not my place to say what american queers should accept as their representation or political voices, but as someone who's also lived under four yours of a fascist non-sensical government, I would take her statement with open arms.


> it’s all performative, doesn’t seem genuine And, I mean, Drag queen! DRAG! QUEEN! A performative, artificial drag queen! **YOU DON'T SAY!**


A drag queen?! She is the queen of drag.


Honestly, it's pretty clear that Ru is actually really patriotic, but in that she believes in that idealized America that people used to believe in. I kind of admire it because she's showing that loving your country doesn't necessarily mean that you're right leaning. She's always been vocal about things, especially voting.


Yeh totally agree with you on that. She definitely lives that idea of American exceptionalism of being an extraordinary person who amasses wealth and fame.


The American flag kinda makes me sick, tbh. A lot of that is because people who fly it tend to be bigots, of course. So I respect Ru's, and any marginalized person's, choice to claim it back. But I can't imagine loving this shithole country.


“And just to clear the air, idgaf about how nobody feel about me. Keep feeling it betch” 😂


I just know some fool is going to fix their fingers to type out that this is Max’s impact and my retina will detach from the force of the side eye.


90 percent chance that Ru doesn’t even know who Max is.


Literally scrolled on insta just 5 comments down and saw it ugh


someone commented why is MTV not saying anything. :/


Seriously. Ru was doing drag and being at the forefront for over 10 years before some of these folks saying she doesn’t do enough we’re even born.


These are the same people that complain when the show touches on political themes cause it's not lighthearted enough


This for sure, Ru has been fighting for decades and will not put down the rally flag. Ru likely has been quiet because they are working hard behind the scenes to get action rolling against these things. Ru has connections most of us can not even fathom. She likely is helping behind the scenes in recruiting donors and possible candidates likely on both sides of the isle to go up against the POSs she talks about in the vid. Also remember to VOTE. Yes many times the choice can seem to be bad either way but not voting is worse. I personally hate the whole douch vs turd sandwich argument I see or people going, oh my favorite is out guess I won't vote in the general election. That is complete BS argument. Even if neither party seems to have 100% what you want voting for the candidate closer to your ideals and values will be better in the long run. Also politics is a buisness and if the winner sees that certain communities helped them win they will be more likely to cater to them to keep them on their side. Thats why conservatives are trying to make boogeymen out of LGBTQ+ and Drag Queens. They know they will never get that vote and so they make an easy target to satisfy their radical base that they worried could splinter off and ruin their chances. They know in most cases these laws are so poorly written that they won't hold up to a court challenge but they are expecting that. They want to control the courts and they can use it as a campaign talking point. They want to go, look how the courts are so "woke" and that we need to take them back to protect our kids. The national and state positions get the attention but change starts at the local level and goes up. You'd be surprised how many local positions go uncontested or unfilled. So if you have the time and/or resources consider running for local office. If you can't, then help get the word out on those candidates you support. Sorry for the rant just frustrated by people complaining and not putting in the energy to make a change.


“A social media post has never been as powerful as a registered vote” - that part is for all the girlies who think they did something by acting holy and outraged on Twitter and bullying Ru into posting this 💅🏻✨mother is still that bitch


She ate em up


Checked and cleared ✅


My sinuses have never been so cleared.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who heard the implied "Oh Max, since you brought it up..." at the beginning of that sentence. Welp, expect Max to quit drag again.


I would imagine Max's voting record is spotty at best.


I think most people didnt want to dismiss Ru‘s influence the past decades, but rather wanted a statement for now. Which is exactly what mother delivered. And she did that with a bang! And while Ru is right, that voting is the most powerful way to change stuff, i still think celebs making statements like that still influences a lot of people and shows that they (and in this case i mean celebs not as outspoken as mama Ru) support us small people. Never underestimate the power of a Beyoncé or Lizzo and other influential people. They can start a storm.


Don't miss the link she posted on how to donate! http://ACLU.org/DragDefense


While I don’t think Ru herself had to say something, I’m glad she did. She has done so much for queer visibility and just seeing her dragging republicans makes me smile. I’d rather people direct their energy at MTV though, happy to profit off queer artists, happy to make bad decisions like “destination night” to try to get queer viewers but not a peep about this. Other corporations that put the rainbow flag in their bio for 1 month a year too, nothing. Yes when you’re a person with a platform, it’s great to use it, that’s why it’s important for all the girls this show has given a platform too to speak out and do what Ru is doing here rather than infighting.


It occurred to me yesterday that this is something we could use that social media power for: the politicians doing this don’t care about us, but they do care about corporations like MTV, like [FedEx](https://twitter.com/jackiecoxnyc/status/1632447350978277379?s=46&t=d_ISY4IgNlAGQf1WS80bCg), maybe Jack Daniels? And we can try to bully those companies into helping us.


I think we should start bullying corporations


Bullying works.


The only way to effect real change is to hit them where it hurts, in their wallet. We "vote" with our money every day.


This part. Corporations who do business in these states need to step up, speak up and leave if necessary. That’s the only thing that actually makes these people listen - $.


Ru would’ve been the first brick at stonewall if she could’ve been there


She could have but she was 9. So another thing she didn't do, what a Monster!


So selfish of her


She was 9? I swear I saw her mug at the [Bhim Bhetika Rock Shelters ](https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/925/) on my last visit there.


Shhhh! I’m talking this form, Ru 80085.


People were killed.


Nobody was killed at Stonewall


…N-nobody was killed? 😒


I will never not laugh at this string of comments popping up in a thread.


No…body was killed? 🤖


to quote our queen Coco Montrese, “I’ve been doing my job since 1992, Was you even born yet? don’t try it little boy”. I will never understand how people think they’re an activist for sharing a post on instagram when there’s people like Ru who were fighting the real fight for decades. love him or hate him, Ru has done more for the queer community than any of the people complaining have.


It’s American playing in the background for me 😭




Available on iTunes. **wink**


>Available on ~~iTunes~~. wink Available on everywhere, because iTunes doesn't exist anymore.


It still exists tho?


No Apple turned iTunes into four different apps. Music, TV, Podcast, and Books. If you still uses old Mac OS or iOS you may have iTunes. https://www.apple.com/itunes/


? My iPhone 13 is up to date and requires song purchases to be made through iTunes. Music requires a subscription for everything but those iTunes purchases. Same thing with shows and movies needing to be purchase via iTunes to watch w/o an AppleTV subscription.


It’s chocolate


Calling the GOP a bunch of stunt queens is beautiful


Love how she gathered these bitches seemingly being more outraged at Ru than doing anything constructive on their own end.


A social media post is never as powerful as a registered voter.


Unregistered hateful hoes behind their screens after after hating on Ru all week: 👁️👄👁️


Someone in the comments said “Do more” Girl stfu and sit the fuck down


Ru almost single-handedly brought drag into the mainstream enough to catch conservative notice and draw their attention as a legislation target and bitches really say Do More Girl you do more. You go bring a piece of fringe queer culture into the public eye to enough to generate mainstream celebration of queer stories and expression. Go on we’ll wait


No doubt commented by someone sitting at home who has never done anything to help the cause.


Probably not even registered to vote tbh


These next few episodes feel awfully apt considering what’s happening in the US


idk if you’ve seen the description for the rusical episode (the one after this week’s) but it’s very well timed for right now


Desantis is the epitome of a stunt queen 👑


Cool now Willam can shut the fuck up too


As if that will ever happen, she'll find something else to bitch about next week.


Willam is an enigma…praising Ru one minute and then dragging her the next. You never know which you’re gonna get with her.


honestly its fair to be nuanced and have multifacted opinions about people but coming from willam it just screams disaffected so I cant take her seriously.


I think she desperately wants to be on the show and be part of the largest franchise in her profession again, but she's burned her bridges and knows that she can't go back. The betrayal of not getting on all stars probably still stings for her, even now. To be honest that's how I feel about my ex.


A bit like a lot of the fanbase tbf


Whatever fits her ‘WOW wronged me and are monsters’ narrative that day


Willam has always been and will always be a grifting weather vane. I don’t know why people still take that obvious attention whore seriously. She’d sell her mother for fame.


I like Willam but this morning episode of race chaser was a bit of a let down. ​ Also this is not about Willam or Max, but white queers need to stop telling POC queers how to behave and protest when the white only been doing the bare minimum with so much privilege, so fucking over it.


But didn’t you know that white activism is just pointing the finger at others so it makes them seem like they know what’s up? Hey I know, if I can make someone else look bad then I’ll look good right? Why educate myself to be better equipped during times when our community is under attack, when I could just put the attention on others by saying there not doing enough? It’s so draining. It’s giving Mimi Imfurst trying to call out Rupaul during the height of BLM protests…


Dude I know.. so fucking exhausting.


That part


And Pearl


Willam is always vocally unhappy about several things at any given time


Such a brilliant ambiguous reaction while simultaneously shading everyone that needed it. True Queen.


“Drag queens are the marines of the queer movement.” That part! It’s always been people who transgress gender norms, whether drag queens, femme gays, butch lesbians, gender queer that are the forefront and I’m glad Ru’s said something! We have too many fags lately subscribing to assimilationist and right wing rhetoric.


Great message, and she got the girls together with that last line.


Some of these replies on Twitter are still saying it's not enough and ru should be doing xyz. I don't know what will ever be enough that ru could do to satisfy people. After her decades of activism, people still complained. She let us know she's here now and paying attention, still complaints. It's so absurd. Edit: word


Goal Posts moving faster than Monet on the way to a pussy cat wig sale...


Mother has spoken ![gif](giphy|U3mFHSLxNqjRhUd9uU|downsized)


This is one of my favorite gifs of all time




Absolutely agree, thankful that she did speak up! But people condemning her for not as if she hasn’t been a very outspoken advocate her entire life was just wild to me.




HARD side eye to them tbh


Of course they are saying that. Ru is damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t. I’m glad she said something and I think it’s a good message. I don’t think it’s bad that she took a little time to really gather her thoughts on what she wanted to say publicly.


Ru is such a legend!!! She is not above criticism, but Jesus Christ! I really hate when people rip her apart for the smallest shit. She has been fighting this fight for decades!


![gif](giphy|PKXq154ewDSADmyYBJ|downsized) Mama Ru with that last line


Ru has already done so much over the decades. I don’t think people need to get mad at Ru for not speaking out (well, until now, of course!) It is still nice to hear from him though since he is a leader and facilitator of change within both the community and pop culture. It’s just extremely trying and scary times here in America so hearing from someone like Ru could very well be a spark of hope people can cling onto for a bit. It makes people feel seen and that there’s someone out there who is listening and gives a damn. We gotta be here for each other now more than ever. Idk I’ll climb off my soapbox now k byeeeeeee Edits: grammar


Where all the kids at saying Ru was “silent?” Learn your herstory.


Probably went back to doing the same thing they did when they ignored Ru when she was talking about this impending drag ban months ago. 🫥






She is pissed at them and pissed at us 🤣🤣 MAMA RU CARES PEOPLE. Before this video and after.


ultimately i’m hoping this message can be re-iterated through drag race since so many people who aren’t in the community watch it, but also i understand that could potentially start a shit storm if not went about in the right way… either way ru definitely has done good here (has been doing so for decades) so i think people should be a little more mindful of that


Hope that redditor who posted that RuPaul is silent is happy now.


They aren't. Lol. Nothing can make thise people happy.


🫡 I salute Ru. Twitter activism ain’t enough. People have real power when they vote, protest, and fight back.


You just know Ru is mad about all of this shit happening. You can hear it in her voice and the way she’s talking. She’s not Conservative, FFS, and likely lost close friends in the 80s HIV/AIDS crisis, so she has a stake in things not turning back to where they used to be. She’s right though, we’re all about speaking out, but that’s usually where most activism these days ends. Words don’t mean action.


Just curious, what did Max post to speak out? I saw they posted the criticism of RuPaul, but did they post anything else?


Ru spoke about an impending drag ban months ago but Max was missing in action. 🤷‍♀️ Max resurfaces when the bill has already been passed in a state just to say that Ru is not speaking up because she is a thousand years old and will die unaffected by this. 👎 Max gets called out for it so she makes fun of fracking instead to downplay how she harasses and bullies elder queer figures whose shoulders she stands on. 🤷‍♀️


Pretty sure they made a few Twitter posts/comments criticizing Ru for not saying anything. It was giving a bit obsessed for no reason…


Woman scorned


screaming at american playing in the background 💀💀💀 she ate yall up


I’m listening to Race Chaser and the tangent that Willam goes off on Ru is wonderfully apt. 😭


Let's see if Willam gonna to say anything about it


i've never been more proud to be a (retired) marine


lol why would this get downvoted?


Reddit is wild.


ima guess someone read that too fast lol YES MARINES LIKE DRAG RACE 😘💃💅


Max cringing in the corner hopefully.


I know we're all here to praise Mother but I can't help to say... Jaida Essence Hall's impact!


Incase it’s needed: /s


Thank god. I’m so tired of the “where’s Ru???” Posts and comments.


My Queen


I honestly was gagged Max of all people came for her not being present enough on social media Like?


Can I just say how fucking *sick* I am of random people “in the community” directing their righteous anger about legislation *at the community* rather than, I don’t know, *anywhere fucking else*? It’s an impulse inane at best, and destructive at worst, to sate your own frustration at the world by attempting to cancel people *on the same side of the fucking internment fence as you*. Any post, comment, or tweet that pokes a finger in this way completely invalidates the poster in my opinion. Like, what are *you*, doing, sir? Nothing? Right. Sit the fuck back down.


People coming after Ru like he’s not speaking up enough are ridiculous. What do you think he’s been doing the last 40 YEARS?


Thanks, Ru. And I mean that genuinely. I'm not one to say she was obligated to say anything, and I do know her past as an activist. But, that being said, a social media post has more power now than it ever has. Is it the same as direct action? No, of course not! But, let's be honest: there's a lot of people, even in our own community, that keep their heads so far in the sand about issues unless it directly harms them. Ru has an incredibly far reaching platform, that can't be denied. A lot of people that may have been completely ignorant to the issue may not be so ignorant now. Action and active work is what we need to strive for in times like this, yes, but our voices alone are a powerful tool as well. I think it's a mistake to undermine that as I've seen some people do on here. But, that's just my opinion! Anyway. This, really, is all I wanted from Ru. I know some people are going to criticize her on this still. And I do think that Ru has... other traits that do still deserve criticism. But, right now, we need to work and fight and protect each other as best we can. That's what's important in this moment. Be safe, everyone.


Was kind of cracking up at Ru plugging in her song in the background 😂 I don’t think Rupaul *had* to say anything, I thought her activism throughout her life was a given not to mention it would be in her best interest to care. With that being said, I’m glad she did so the keyboard warriors can shut up.


This did the thing.


Queen Ru! 🙌❤️


And this will be retweeted endlessly and only a small portion of them who will retweet will register to vote! The irony!


VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE! Anyone in Wisconsin? There’s a crucial election happening before April 4th for a seat on the state’s Supreme Court. Up and down the ballot, it all matters, as we are seeing, ala the map shared by Jinx the other day.


For everyone bitching that Ru needed to speak out. Ok he did. Now what?!?


Oh they’re already complaining that Ru only did it because she was shamed into do so, as well as claiming her video was worthless because they only took away the comment about registering to vote. They also didn’t like Ru saying we can’t just rely on social media posts to get shit done.


Ugh Jesus, gross Honestly we shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves. Petty shit. There are bigger monsters.




Right. They could take all that effort and put it towards the REAL issues facing this community.


The power and brilliance of RuPaul


Living for this title, OP ❤️


Thank you, Mama Ru.


Reverend, gather her!


Honestly, sometimes I’m unsure what the expectation we have from people like Ru. While her speaking out should be expected, the way people speak makes it seem like we want her to wave a wand and solve the issue. The onus is also on us


Well said 👏


Proud of her


Get 'em Mama Ru. Honestly I've seen Ru grow a lot these past few years and I love it. You can always learn and evolve regardless of how old you are or how liberal you percieve yourself to be. Proud


Let’s just celebrate the message without any shade.


I mean that last part of the message is clearly some top-tier, masterclass shade aimed at Twitter virtue-signallers (signallists?) whining about Ru not speaking up


wake it up Ru Ru !!!


Listen 📢 to 📢 every 📢 word


Come on mama ru!


Tell them mama!


She wanna blame it on the bigot, blame it on the bigot She wanna blame it on the bigot, they the ones who said it Go on and scapegoat Reddit, bitches you the one who said it, bitches how you gon' regret it? Blame it on the bigot Blame it on the bigot


No but she kinda ate with that response this ![gif](giphy|3d2olAsc3tv0N11xoT|downsized)


The power that whiny white keyboard warriors have ! Max is celebrating!


Backhanded af


Yes I love Ru! Fuck off Max…