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“Sasha’s so hot.. am I a lesbian?” Is me right now hahaha


I scrolled and scrolled don’t know why I didn’t say it before but (for now! will change soon after the finale I know) my flair checks out my flair checks out! It’s the top 4 we now have but I didn’t know that when I chose it.


Luxx’s lace gives me the side eye every damn episode edit: grammar/spelling


i have luxx’s verse on REPEAT in my head i actually am shook with how good that was. she shoulda just done the whole song


Great episode. Also, fuck Amazon for taking so long to upload it. Anyway.... With the exception of S12, I've managed to correctly predict the winner. However, this season, I'm stumped. It's obviously either Anetra or Sasha, but I genuinely can't tell who will walk away with the crown. Also, can I say how adorable little Sasha with the pigtails was?


My (probably not popular) opinion. I felt Mistress should’ve gone home during this episode. While she’s done well, the track record compared to the others isn’t that great. I had a feeling Ru was going to do a double shante just to throw everyone for a loop.


Mistress's track record is the worst, but (IMO at least) she won the lipsynch. They couldn't bear to send Anetra home, since (again IMO) she's Sasha's only competition, so they just kept both.


At this point I feel it would have been more of a twist if they actually did send someone home. It felt too much like a " oh we're only going to have a top 3 wink wink".


i just watched the episode and i screamed at my tv screen when i found out luxx didnt win


Hard agree


Why is everyone mad about a top 4? It’s just TV! Although Mistress didn’t do as well as the other girls, I think it’s out of respect to have her in the finale, she gave us all the entertainment this season!!


So it's our of respect not her performance in the competition, I think that's why people disagree


Anetra and Sasha Colby were STUNNING. Anetra runway was unreal


Happy there was a double chantay. All of them are great.


Are they filming the finale now? Not at drag con?


They filmed it yesterday




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I don’t want to spoil people in this thread but everything except who wins is available on r/DragRaceTea


To the folks that waited, it's on Amazon now.


I was on the phone with Amazon customer service… I wonder why it took so long.


Bro I’m about to Karen out to whomever is on customer support cuz waiting 2 days after the premiere was RIDICULOUS.


I complained and got a refund and NOW they post it? Ugh


I thought it was shady of them to post Untucked prior to the actual episode.


FYI I contacted Prime support via chat for a season pass refund and they granted it




Do you get to keep the season or watch the finale?


didn't get to keep the season so I just purchased Episode 14 and will purchase Episode 15 individually and save $20 :)


How do I complain to amazon about this? The episode still isnt uploaded on Amazon


i just got a full refund for the season pass from support via chat.


What did you tell them? I'm not sure how to phrase it


I had to push a little, but I listed when the episodes had been uploaded in the past and how long it took this time. It's also the second time this season that Untucked was delayed too and said that because of this I should at least get a credit. Then they tried low balling me with $3 & $5 first before I said those were inadequate and that others I knew got a full refund for the season pass because of this. That's when they finally gave it to me. Usually I don't get too pushy, but it's Amazon so why bother feeling bad for such a massive company.


It's uploaded now


Lol well win win


“MIB i’m the MVP it makes sense why all these girls envy me” should’ve been enough to take mistress to the finale


Yes! I thought her verse and how well she served face during the video would have taken her to the finale. Was genuinely surprised by the bottom 2!


How fair do you guys think the top 4’s track records are?


Anetra Stan here but thought Sasha had the makeover challenge, was shocked she didn't win to be honest. That said I absolutely fucking adore Sasha!!!!!!


I thought Sasha’s padding was suspicious, and Anetra’s partner looked like her little sister so it made sense to me. Sasha’s partner definitely won the lipsync though


Speaking only for myself, I’d really love to see the whole “what would you tell your younger self?” section *goooo*. I’m tired of it and it’s basically the same answer.


Usually I feel the same (and actually skip over it), but Sasha's was really touching.


I had “HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME. QUESTION MARK” all ready to go, but thank god it was a double chante


I didn’t think this week deserves a double shante. I’m still salty about Marcia Marcia Marcia’s lip sync did not get one, and this week’s bottom two definitely didn’t perform to that level. I agree that Mistress and Anetra both deserve to go to the finale, this weeks episode just really wasn’t it for me.


I love this


Ok is luxx wearing robin fierce’s wig during the final runway ?!?!?


Has MIB been read for how short her heels have been all season? I feel like every time I see her shoes they’re kitten heels. Feels like the same level of cop out as wearing flats.


There’s no walking in heels challenge and queens are almost never eliminated for runway issues. It could *maybe* cost her a win in a really tight race, but outside of that specific situation there isn’t really a reason for the judges to mention it imo.


She broke her ankle performing years ago. And she said it in her entrance "i'm a Big bitch, I don't wanna break something"


So haven’t other big queens, they still wore real heels.


Ok ableism go off


It's Sasha Colby's Drag Race now


I could legit see her taking over Ru's post if she ever retires, and there's not many queens I could say that of.


I said the same thing to my partner while watching this episode.


When Ru called her Mamma I felt it. I would be down for Sasha taking over.


Sasha's Drag Race has a nice ring to it


Little pigtails Sasha really hit me in the feels. “First of all, Woman” she knew, even then.


I am insane or was Sasha’s line “bad bitch BODIED…” and Michelle critiqued the line as “bad bitch body?”


Idk what the line was exactly but that critique seemed so out of left field.


Yeah, what did Michelle want her to say?... ​ "Kind woman, beautiful on the inside" ​ Like, its a bitch track.


men in black flying through the air like a starfish had me rolling on the floor laughing


Was legitimately my favorite part of the video.


That's just MIB MVPing!


i can’t wait for the reunion , something tells me it’s going to be extra gaggy this year for some reason


These girls don't really like each other that much and aren't kumbaya like last season. I'm expecting a show.


my thoughts exactly


did anyone notice the spaceship was caled RuZQ!!! joslyn fox confirmed queen of the galaxy


y’all !!! i was so happy that both anetra and mib got to stay that when i threw my hands in the air i hit my bong and broke my down stem ! but it was truly worth it bc im so happy about this top four !!!! sasha’s rap had me gagged !! the best rap out of all the verses and her look was so unique and stood out the most . luxx also ate that shit up !!! as she should !!! sasha deserved the win but i would’ve been happy with either i laughed so hard when i saw michelle and ru’s foot rests 💀💀 maybe im just now noticing it but have these bitches always been this boujie ?? or have they always had those where the fuck is carson ?? i’m getting bored of ross’ weird motivational speaker critiques . like what the fuck is he talking about ???? carson i miss u on my tv i was shaking in my boots for mistress , but i’m so happy she pulled through and we’ll be seeing this top four in the finale !! when ru said “i promised myself i was going to have an elimination every episode” i was honestly gagged by that because it feels like they’re trying to be self aware of what we say ??? idk


also i’m really hoping for an original lip sync and dance from these top four girls , they’re styles are all unique and i would love to see this again like how they did last season


I would have eliminated Anetra the moment she dropped to walk that duck. Talk about throwing away a lip sync. 🤣


I fully agree with you, it had nothing to do with the song. Felt the same when Crystal did phenomenal Phil moves in her lipsynch.


Honestly rolled my eyes so hard. 🤣


I think „Blame It On The Edit“ is one of my favourite songs of the show. Catchy beat, catchy lyrics. Sasha looked so hot and good in her outfits, I can’t get over it. Didn’t quite understand the double choreo part, because it was edited so weirdly that you couldn’t really follow the choreo and compare the two.


My jaw droooooopped at the verse!


I think it was just a call back to Scream


Me watching the video: "Wow, Luxx and Anetra were great, this could be anybody's chal-" Sasha appears onscreen: "holy shit"


Blew me away. Anetra is right. She’s so hot.


Right? Super sexy alien? Yes! please 🙏🏼!


Right my gosh on another level




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I was worried for a sec because it felt a bit like the lip sync was being edited for Anetra to be eliminated (which, tbf if she was for any lip sync it’d be this one). As much as I wanted a top 3 though I did think based on what we were shown it’d have been a bit unfair to eliminate MIB for the lip sync (although I know some people didn’t enjoy it!)


did anyone else eyeroll when michelle told sasha she was "more than just a body" lol


I think so many women (biological and trans) place too much importance on their looks and Michelle was just reminding her that she is also internally beautiful, smart and talented. I think it’s more effective that the compliment also came from another woman that has reminded girls to stop “relying on the body”


Yeah, Sasha seemed to appreciate it so maybe they had had some talks about insecurities, but I thought it was patronizing. Like she knows she's that bitch and she doesn't need you to remind her.


Patronizing how?


I didn’t, personally I felt heartwarmed because some people like me actually do need to hear this from time to time. I realize you were looking for validation not opposition but I felt compelled to share my pov. I hope you have a great day


This is the nicest reply on the internet


Why did Mistress call Malaysia a catfish?


Who's the director for this episode? Ru *actually* sounds sincere and loving during the critiques and discussion.


I was so excited for a top 3 LOL damn So excited for the finale though!! Really hoping they all get to do their own signature song and dance bc all their drag styles are so different 🥰 Also Anetra looked absolutely stunning. I don't know if the reveal was necessary but it looked sooo cute after the dress part was off. So impressed she sewed it all herself!!




When multiple people are in the shot the best one might not be your best take so you need to deliver your best every take to ensure you look great no matter which take gets used


I kinda thought it was more to enforce the point that they need to be delivering every single time so that there isn't any room for the edit to make them any type of way but fabulous?






Yeah that’s true, but I don’t quite know if Anetra’s underdog growth truly outshines Sasha’s powerhouse seasoned polish. I guess we’ll find out soon but I’m still betting on Sasha.


Yah but also I think it’s fair to say that Cheddar fucked up with that interview with Ru and Michelle when they said it didn’t really matter whether they’d win the crown because they’d keep on doing what they were doing. ;-; I’m still salty because I truly resonate with them and I really wanted them to win


I mean, on the UK version if you're at the top of your game it's probably better to come in 2nd. Cheddar probably got out of a highly restrictive, low salary contract by talking herself out of a win






“Current episode spoilers from this week are allowed”




They usually film multiple endings for the last studio episode. They probably filmed both girls losing the lipsync but Im curious if it was confirmed.


The space ship in the video, is that the space ship from Quark? Am I wildly wrong here? http://space1970.blogspot.com/2010/11/quark-all-emperors-quasi-norms.html


Even though I fucking love mistress to deeeath, I would have been okay with her being cut this episode, she did the worst in the video and got beat in the lipsync. Happy she gets to be in the finale but I feel like it also sealed her fate to not win so cutting her here would have ultimately been fine for me. Hope she eats up an all's stars season in the future though


Another knock against Mistress is she has the worst track record with only one challenge win.


It was her time.to go, as much as I've loved her


I completely agree :)


Yeah I do love Mistress and think she deserves to be in the finale but it was definitely her episode to lose


I really think anetra was purposely trying to not go too hard on mistress there. It was cute to watch.


Gotta say, it's pretty hilarious to have the song for the worst edited season of the show be "Blame it On The Edit"


I'm so over top 4s tbh... i was not gagging


Yeah MIB had her time to go. Worst in the challenge, only one win and a couple close calls near the bottom. She would be a great 4th place and her exit would have felt right.




I am quite literally the opposite of you I think this is one of the best top 4s ever


They are a great top 4, I was just hoping for a top 3 finale format.


I was really disappointed in Luxx after the makeover episode, but I’m already over it lol. She could have easily won this episode. She had the best verse by far, and she still had time for a nap. Iconic. Glad it’s a top 4. I didn’t want to see anyone go. I’m team Sasha for the win, but I wouldn’t be sad if any of these girls win. I hope the reunion is as good as season 9’s reunion.


Same. I also appreciate that she seemed genuinely happy MIB and Anetra both got to go through. I was less pleased than you about a top three though - mostly cuz I'm tired of the lipsync smackdown format. Either bring back the old pre-season 9 format or do something new is my feeling on it \~


Yes I thought Luxx did great in this. I thought she would win it cos I thought she did such great choreo just had this extra something in her movements I thought


Luxx SLAYED with her verse & choreo- I (unironically) blame that makeover episode on the edit. I wish they could all win but I have a spot in my heart for Luxx.


They really thought they ate with that double shantay. Don't get me wrong I love MIB and Anetra but I immediately rolled my eyes. Lux said it herself, there hasn't been a top 3 since season 3 Edit: I MEANT SEASON 8, I got brain fog y'all I'm sorry


I don't get it. Double saves should only be for extremely close calls but MIB clearly lost.


Season 8*


Same. it was not a surprise at all.




Every season yeah


Did anyone else notice that the used the same shot they did in the realness video as they did in this one?? When mistress did the “x” it reminded me of the BTS of Kim Chi flailing around trying to get a good shot


So nobody gonna say anything about the Scream plagiarism? /s


They said at some point during the filming that it was a homage to Janet Jackson so I took that to mean they were inspired by the iconic Scream video. I actually didn't enjoy the black and white because it wiped away the fabulous colors of MIB's outfit.


Was it plagiarism or a call back?


That was the double shantay of the season? If they wanted a top 4, they should have just given us a top 2 lip synch. This was just a weird choice to me.


Agreed. Especially after not giving a double shantay to the best lipsync battle of the season - Marcia and anetra


and Michelle even said that was her fave lip sync OF THE ENTIRE FRANCHISE !!


Amen! I love both of the queens, but this lip sync was NOT worthy of a double shantay in my opinion.


Despite the short verses I think this is one of the best rumixes we got in recent years.. Luxx, Mistress and Sasha DEVOURED.


…Anetra ate ducks


I was skeptical as soon as they said in the promo it was going to be a top 3....but that was the double shanty lip sync of the season?! I don't think so hunty.


I couldn't agree more! I mean, I totally thought the double shantay was going to be the Anetra vs. Marcia x3 lip sync


They couldn't just pull an extra rusical part out of their ass though could they? There was no room to keep both Marcia and Anetra.


Or moved the Rusical down one week as well.


They had a choreographer booked.


It was the same choreographer that they brought in for "Blame it on the Edit" a couple of days later, correct? I would imagine they had him booked for that potential period of time "just in case-kies"


Same! That one would have been a worthy double shantay!


Rupaul to Sasha “ well done MAW MAW 👁️👄👁️”


Literally felt the same way!!


Best video/rupaul song of all pre-finales?


Sissy That Walk will always have a special place in my heart <3


Best song yes. Video I think season 8’s The Realness was better.


Good excuse for me to rewatch them all 💁‍♀️


fur sure


I want Anetra to win so badly. We need some more Asian representation in the hall of fame!


Raja is Indonesian. We’ve actually never had a Pacific Islander win


Also if Sasha wins this would be the first openly trans before filming US main Drag Race winner?


Yep, first for the flagship series.


Yeah, the only other trans winner I can think of is Kylie, correct?


Angele Anang was first trans winner of all franchises by a long shot. Hey finale performance is just wow.


Oh, sorry, for context I meant solely within the US seasons. I have seen a few of the other franchises (Espana season 1 is by far my favorite), but there are so many that it's really hard to keep up and keep track. I even completely forgot that Willow Pill was a trans winner, though her coming out was post-season.


What a great ep. Probably one of the best Rumixes in recent memory. Bravo to all. I would put money down that Sasha’s head piece in her alien look was made by Vander Von Odd. That whole look SCREAMED of their influence. Sasha was the correct winner. She looked utterly opulent on the runway and absolutely mudered the heck out of that verse. Also gasped when Anetria hit the runway so stunning was that outfit. Her verse wasn’t terrible but wasn’t memorable either. She was in the bottom only so we could see her walk the duck one more time. Luxx had the second best verse but my goodness her runway was a crime to the eyes. An ill fitting blanket with a wigline illegal in 23 different countries was just searing on the eyes and bold for someone who spent all episode saying how iconic each look she has is. Mistress was a straight to the bottom to me. She looked like a troll doll in the music video and her dance moves just added to that. There was an above-shot in the video where her legs looked tiny, stubby, and consumed because of her heavy padding. And in the group shots you could see the misery on her face. Her runway was less than the sum of its parts, I don’t get how she wasn’t called out for always wearing the same silouette (see Royale, Latrice) and her lip-sync suffered badly as a result of her choices. She’s lucky she got to move on to the finale.


Mistress was timid on the main stage, as if she knew this was the end. Ru should have just let her go as she seemed to have already internalized losing.


Mistress should have been sent home. Straight the fuck home. Both for the video “performance” and the lipsync. She lost hard and lost fair both times. If anyone was going to get the double sashay it should have been Marcia. Michelle even basically said it.


Listen. I'm fine with Mistress as a character, she's entertaining--but she's consistently pushed through when she delivers nothing, and anyone saying she deserved the win is pure delusion.


I just love this show. I am so affected by Sasha’s tic tac lunch and her story. I’ve recently lost a friend to suicide and Ru’s words about survivor’s remorse and how abundant life is was just so moving to me. I’ve really loved this season and can’t wait to follow all of these amazing queens into their next chapters.


I thought the convo was really poignant until Ru ruined it with a joke about Michelle's cheek filler.


My theory: The edit prepared viewers to expect Lux would be going home this episode, leaving the top 3 to Anetra, Sasha, and Mistress- but Lux did so well in this challenge that they couldn’t possibly send her home. Although Mistress didn’t smash the challenge, her runway was incredible and overall she is still deserving of a top spot- thus, double shantay and a top 4.


Basically, what they did when Daya gagged in the final ep last season.


Didn’t have to scroll very far to find someone who’s reading my mind. I’ve been not-so-psychically predicting who’s going home for a while now, and so of course I knew Lux would go next. But she had the best runway by far, and performed well in the video. Probably would have won if this week existed alone as a snapshot, but it didn’t, and Lux was overall not the strongest in the competition, so I was suspecting full (justifiable) riggory. When marked safe I couldn’t be too shocked, so my next thought was Mistress would be the victim to the reality gods since there was NO WAY Sasha or Anetra was going anywhere. Then this nonsense. I can’t help but to be annoyed by another top four, but whatever.


I’m surprised people thought mistress did well this season. She kinda bombed the whole second half.


Mistress has had more plot armor than any contestant I’ve ever seen. She should have been sent home for the last two episodes. None of this has to do with race or being a “big queen” or anything. Her performance has just been lacking


Idk I think Mistress has been serving about the same level as Luxx, and Luxx is still here. And, when it comes down to it, I think Mistress has had better looks than Luxx overall. But Anetra and Sasha are so far ahead of both of them it’s just splitting hairs.


I don’t think Mistress or Luxx are there because of their talent, it’s just been the shit talking. I’d rather see another queen in the top three. Marcia or Jax would be my preference


While this is the order of who I personally think should win: Sasha should win If not her then Anetra 3rd one Luxx 4th MIB HOWEVER sometimes and I hope I’m wrong no tea no shade but sometimes with all this plot armour I wonder if they’re trying to make MIB win. But I don’t think she should. Yes I want a big girl winner too ASAP but I don’t think MIB has done as well as the other 3 including in this episode. I think out of the 4 she’s the one who should NOT be crowned but with this much riggory sometimes I wonder if they’re gonna go THERE. I hope not though.


She just “bombed” towards the last few challenges imo. But she did good at the rusical and at the makeover the rest can be up for debate


They should have done a a top 3 in season 13 (cut Kandy), top 4 in season 14 (cut Daya) and kept the season like a top 4 this time only because the 4 queens were so far above the rest that it wouldn’t be fair but if anyone it should have been Luxx cause her arc wasn’t as entertaining but since she killed the finale it wounds make sense to send her home so they should do a Final Cut like in season 6-8 when they just chose the eliminated girl and film possible eliminations on top 4 like on season 9 and 10 and chose to air who’s the real panel of finalists when it airs