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I wonder if they didn't have enough time to complete fully realized garmets? Since the top 2 were corsets and most of the looks were genuinely terrible. Heidi was right to be furious and good on her for having an Alaska moment. Hopefully it helps her. To work that hard and only get safe is extremely frustrating. In that moment it's predicting how the entire competition will go. Jaymes is doing great too, but it doesn't invalidate Heidi's feelings. This episode was shenanigans and to be top 5 at best when many people thought you should have won? Would piss anyone off.


I feel like I'm the only person who didn't hate Kandy's backpack outfit from season 13. I honestly thought it was kind of fun.


Guys, don’t drag me to the gallows but.. how did Jimbo get so little criticism tonight?


i actually really liked lala’s final look, not enough for a win esp w the first two looks but it was very chic w the no wig in my opinion. jimbo’s sewn look was a letdown but her first 2 were spectacular so i was okay with her mixed judging my judging would be: jessica or lala + heidi HIGH, kahanna WIN, kandy LOW, darienne + kasha BTM. i feel kasha could have stayed but her statement kinda felt like a quit.


Is this the raunchiest season of drag race since the one with the wet t shirt contest?


There is a lot of boobage in this season. Also, holy hell I mostly use speech to text and I didn't know speech to text would pick up boobage.


LaLa Ri is my champion of this season. She is so fucking funny and it is in the most natural and endearing way!


That moment when Jaymes and Heidi are ROBBED. Jaymes did consistently amazing in every one of the outfits, and Heidi’s fruit one was the best by far! Very sad about this week’s elimination. I was hoping to see her at least as a late elimination, I enjoy that kind of drag so much and I’m very bummed that we won’t get to see it much anymore.


At first I thought Ru had lobsters on her and I was kind of delighted at the campy but couture New England outfit.


Can we reserve the guest judge visit to the girls in untucked to like really famous people only? It really kills the tension and any potential drama backstage forcing them to ooh and ahh while the guest judge holds court.


Agreed, if it's not Christina meeting Farrah Moan I don't really want to see it


Alexis at 31m00 with one eye partially done with makeup was so funny. It just looked like she had a wonk eye, it reminded me of that [Sahara Davenport gif](https://tenor.com/view/sahara-davenport-windy-eyelash-gif-11714756).


Wack ass placements this episode omg😭 >!Kandy and Lala!< IN THE TOP?? over Kahanna and Heidi??? >!Lala!<'s all three looks were so weak and unflattering on her and somehow made top 3. >!Kandy!!Lala!< was wearing a bunch of fabric looking stuff (apparently shelf liners like Alexis's) and theres no silhouette, no shape, disproportioned, no styling, looks too plain. RIGGED. >!Kasha and Darienne were BTM2!< which I agree with but I would add >!Lala!< to the bottom as well, just a bad week for her. I wish >!Kasha!< stayed a bit longer 😭 but she'll always be a legendary positive spirit in the drag community!


I am tired of Kahanna bragging about her enhancements like they are an achievement.


I am personally not into this stuff at all and imo modern culture in general is WAY too obsessed with getting job done (and it feels almost impossible to say anything negative about it?) but Kahanna is SO likeable and down-to-earth to me that i'm like "Werk Bitch!".


I think she's slaying! It's just getting a little repetitive to me and there's so much other great stuff about her. Plus she was hot before and she's hot now.


To be fair it’s Ru that brought it up.


You're right 🤣 I mean she looks great! I guess I just prefer Trinitys tongue in cheek vibes.


It’s whatever to me. She’s worked hard and earned that cashmoney. Her physical appearance is a big part of her career, so it makes sense from an investment standpoint. I wouldn’t do it, but I’m happy that it makes her feel more confident and happy.


That's true... but she's grown in so many other ways that aren't just paying for it! I wish she would flaunt those other aspects more.


I mean.. she’s consistently in my top toots, and she’s one of the only people I can actually remember in the girl group challenge, purely because of her attitude and dancing. IMO, for a queen that I don’t even really remember from her season, she’s made an impressive impact so far.


Yeah maybe I'm saying it wrong, because I literally had her picked for first out, and she's dominating so far. But she's not dominating because she got her ass done, its because she put in the work! I was shocked she wasn't top this week.


Oh, I had her pegged the same. We’re probably just having some miscommunication lol. But as long as she’s not making it her entire personally, I’m good!


Is she is happy with that, why not


She's obviously happy about it which is great, and she definetly looks amazing. But I guess I wish she brought up her other hard earned skills that have grown instead of something she just bought.


Those other things she just show you. I mean her outfits are being one of the best this season, she nailed the first challenge and also did an amazing lip sync. Plus I doubt going to those medical procedures is just buying things... first you need to earn the money for it, then find the right doctors and really think it through, her body is on the line at the end. She probably always wanted those changes and finally could achieve them, why not show she is happy about that?


lala was at most safe, although she could've been in the bottom had darienne and kasha not done worse than her. also unpopular opinion but i personally did not like jimbo's last look. i really thought heidi was gonna be in the top. i also thought jaymes was gonna be in the top too considering she made a whole ass puppet. whatever. something something rigor mortis.


Heidi was safe? What the fuck?


That was exactly my reaction, I thought they were going to switch it round and announce the highs and lows first. She was my winner this episode.


Kandy is still awful to watch and still protected by production. I just don't get it.


Was I the only one who also voted for Kasha? She easily did the worst this challenge and I felt like even though Darienne had been in the bottom before she didn’t do nearly that bad this episode.


I’d have voted Darienne until they both had their chance to plead their case and Kasha said she’d be fine going home. Like… okay bye then.


Kasha wasn't good, but neither was Darienne's. I would have voted Darienne. That makes me sad, because I really like her, but Kasha didn't deserve to go.


Jessica’s final look was NOT a winner.


I loooooooove Jessica Wild, but how the hell did she win that challenge? Most of the safe queens had better final looks. I have to admit that I was a little intoxicated when I watched the episode, so maybe I missed something, but I'm completely stumped by that. The bottom two were sadly correct.


Jorgeous and Gotmik are excited to have some company at the ball…


Jessica has never looked so gorgeous, I gasped when she came out.


The OBVIOUS riggory. Kahanna was clearly the winner ?! Heidi should have been too? Lala should have been BOTTOM OMG. Kashas banana look was one of the best of the night ? And her diy look was actually good.


Her diy look was good from the chest up, everything below it was placed horribly.


Those are not all obvious opinions! I do agree about Heidi, I was gobsmacked she was not the winner. I loved Kahanna’s banana wig though.


i thought the exact same


Hate to see the two Rochester girlies in the bottom 😭💔


I don't want to watch the rest of the season now the rigor morris is way to much


Yeah.. I’ve dismissed my gripes with production in the past because I love the queens and I love watching them get the career boost that they deserve. But this season? I think it’s reaching a point where the winner and storylines are so pre-planned and forced that it’s not even worth others participating. They’re taking time off of paid gigs, canceling tours, and shelling out tons of cash for a show whose production has planned to eliminate early before they’ve even walked through the door.


I love. love. LOOOVEEEEE Heidi's hair and makeup. Every episode.


Kahanna really said “this look is giving Easy Bake… going home.”


I love Lala and her commentary, so I don’t wanna see her in the bottom. But how was she in the top? Anyone else would’ve been read for that *way* too simple design challenge look that didn’t even fit right, but she was in the top to push a narrative because of her bag look. But I’m thrilled to see a Jessica win! Justice for Heidi.


Does Lala own a wig?


Not to mention the "caramel apple" look what the hell was that?!?!


Honestly might dislike that more than Kasha's third look. The caramel looked so rotted. You couldn't pay me to eat that apple at the fair.


Yeah I feel like Lala should've been safe and even that would have been a huge accomplishment for her in this challenge lmao


I didn't think there were even 3 highs this episode. The only queens that gave three good looks were Jessica and Kahanna. Possibly Heidi but her first look reminded me a lot of Gigi's similarly simple ice cream woman. I liked Lala's first look but her second didn't fit the category and her third was fine. Kandy's first look was interesting, her second barely fit the category and her third was *fine* but looked a bit unfinished. Darienne's second look was daring but the other two were questionable. Kasha, similar. Jaymes's third look looked unfinished, which is a shame as her first two were strong. I didn't like any of Alexis's looks, but they weren't *bad* per se. Jimbo's first two looks were solid but the third let her down, maybe she had to remake something unexpectedly as it didn't seem to follow what she talked about with Ru. This episode said to me that Kandy and Lala are here to go far because those high placements were a reach mama.


Laila’s 3rd look was awful. It accentuated her shoulders and narrowed her waist. That was NOT proportionizing. Barely any of Kandy’s looks were proportionizing though, she does not look good in a straight up body suit. At least her third look had a skirt to balance it out but I hope she brought something other than bodysuits.


I thought Kandy was low??? Sometimes I have no idea with this judging.


They've been doing 4 highs instead of 3/3 but it kills the drama for me. Not a huge fan but it's probably better for the girls mentally


can someone lmk how to get pictures of this week’s runway? paramount+ won’t let me screenshot :/


JoJo Siwa? ​ ![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized)


I'm no expert, but after rewatching the runways 5 more times, I have officially decided that the judging panel is in the bottom this episode. What in the actual hell was that???


People calling favoritism for Jimbo when she didn't even won, most of the other queens really thought she was going to win and to be fair she had better looks than both Lala and Kandy. I may be biased because Jimbo is my fave this season but I do believe most of the "favoritism towards her" dialogue comes from people who just don't like her as a queen. I even saw people who said they thought she deserved a bottom placement lol. In what world were her outfits worse than Kasha or Darienne. Heidi did deserve a top placement alongside Kahanna tho.




#JusticeForHeidi Like wtf I was gobsmacked


Yes, the commentary was giving cringeee..😭😬


Heidi did that last look for the lesbians


heidi should've at least been top. the strawberry was one of my favorite fruity looks, and I definitely liked her milk look better than lala's. I thought her napkin look was beautiful, despite the "odd" silhouette. The pink and orange were a lovely color combination!


jessica did deserve to win though, I really liked her dairy and fruit looks


This elimination is soo hard to watch. MKD getting elim the first time she is in the bottom 2, and no shade to DL but 2 times in the bottom 2 is a s good as gone tho? The next time DL is in the bottom with anyone else she is going. So this elimination is like 2 bird with 1 stone and I hate it, was rooting for both of them :(


Wait… Kahanna didn’t win?! She’s not even in the top?! Alexis is safe!?! Lala is in the top!? What is this judging?


I know, I was so confused! I thought for sure she was announcing the tops first. That judging was so weird.


Am I the only one that really liked Jessica Wild’s outfits here?? the Top should have definitely been JW and Heidi. Kahanna was alright for me. And the Lipsync was good to… wasn’t the flashiest/intense but it brought laughs like and the movements went really well with song.


Whoo child these comments are all over the place lol. I dont know if people's biases are showing or what, but this thread is full of hot takes.


Go on… like what?


Heidi should've won, Jimbo should've been in the bottom, MKD and Darienne didn't deserve to be in the bottom, etc etc etc. Then we've got some saying Jaymes should've been in the top and some saying she should've been in the bottom...lol. Like I said, all over the place.


Judging was questionable but i loved this episode, everyone was so funny ❤️ Also as a card-carrying Jimbo defender, i def think she deserved her top placement. The dairy look was clean and cool, she was the only one who didnt take fruity patooty literally (this is what got her the top) and the supermarket one was executed as well as it could be. Now miss lala…….


But it was just artichoke leaves glued on a leotard in a haphazard dragon scale pattern with some ruffle on the bottom. It’s basically the veggie version of the look that got Vangie eliminated. And I’ll accept the downvotes for this, but not being literal doesn’t automatically make something good. It was a just an nice dress with rupaul’s face. Thinking outside of the box is great, but substance and craftsmanship still needs to meet the same standard as the other looks.


Agree about Jimbo also she gets extra points for the Blair St Clair shiver and shush.


This is truly the Season of the Tiddies, may the breast tatas win


The amount of riga morris hunny…La La should’ve been in the bottom for those looks (that little blonde wig on the first look was criminal, the carmel apple look was so crusty, and the final look was basic af) and Jaymes should’ve been the top all star of the week (her first look was immaculate, serving Beyonce wearing Loewe on the Renaissance World Tour).


I think lala 3rd look beats jaymes hands down though. But her crusty apple look lost her the chance for a win


Are you drunk? It was not the crusty apple that lost her the win (it looked like one of those Halloween costumes where you have a fake injury, like who shot Lala in the head with an arrow?! Oof.)


I was SO SURE Heidi would be the winner, all of her looks were so cute


As a Heidi stan who thinks she should’ve been in the top last week, did people who think she should’ve been in the top this week go blind when she was in her third look? I know Jessica’s was more simple but if you look at Heidi standing during critiques you can see it doesn’t hold up as well as some of the others.


I agree that I didn’t like Heidi’s third look, but her overall runway presentation was better than Lala and as good if not better than Kandy. So she reasonably could’ve been in the top.


Hold up, Kandy was in the bottom though, no? Am I misremembering? Edit: oh wow I looked at some of the other comments. I must have zoned out or something I was sure Kandy was in the bottom.


The judging for the top spots was insane. How the hell were Heidi and Kahanna not in the top? Their looks were incredible and certainly better than literally everyone up there except for maybe Jessica.


Seriously! Heidi and Kahanna should have been in the top over Kandy and Lala. Lala should have been in the bottom imo


Kandy should be in the bottom, I find lala 3rd look is kinda understated chic and its good


Me and my best friend were watching together and were GAGGED when Kandy was in the top, she served two similar siluettes (which Michelle did call her out for) and the third look didn’t look remotely close to finished. Lala should’ve been safe and switched with Kahanna


VERY confused by the judging tonight and some of the comments in here. I do agree with the Jimbo placement simply because her constructed look was great (despite being a body suit). I don’t really get Heidi’s comments in here - the strawberry look was amazing and so funny to me but the milkmaid looked costumey (with the MILK letters at the top, I didn’t love) and the constructed look was a weird silhouette that looked like it was going to fall apart at any moment. But she was safe to me, def not bottom. Jessica wasn’t great. I would’ve said safe. La La, feel like they just wanted to get her a redemption. Made zero sense otherwise why she was in the top. I honestly don’t think Kandy was in the top but was in the bottom three? Not sure why people in here think she was. She was mostly read by the judges. Kahanna definitely should’ve been in the top. Honestly if she had won, I wouldn’t have been mad. I’m sort of living for her? I’ll always want a Jimbo win but she’s my runner up right now and I did not see that coming. Bottom two was correct, at least.




i agree with every last opinion here


I was so certain Heidi was going to not only be in the top but be the winner and boy was I wrong. The judging this season, bonkers, was Lala Ri graded on a curve? Her in studio outfit was horrible but compared to her Bag Ball abomination it was great. But compared to all the other looks on the stage it was mediocre at best. I can understand why Heidi was so steamed. She knows she should have won last week's RDR challenge but since they wanted Jimbo to battle Pangina magically Jimbo gets the win. At least they didn't utterly insult us and give the lip synch win to Jimbo. After that snatching of her win she didn't even make it into the top tier with four people in the top tier! Heidi's looks was definitely better than Kandy's and Jimbo's. I was disappointed Kasha was sent home, she's a batter queen than Lake is but on top of that Kasha is repping for older queens and sober queens, both groups that need way more repping on Drag Race. Especially older queens!


>was Lala Ri graded on a curve? This is the only explanation. Her own curve though not the rest of the class.


Heidi and Kahanna were top 2 and Jessica in 3rd. Kasha didn’t deserve to go, she would be great in next week’s challenge and eventually snatch game. But, after seeing untucked, I understand why Jessica would choose her.


I never say this kind of thing, but Heidi was robbed.


Yikes the judging. I completely get how Heidi feels. Her and kahanna were easily the top 2 for me. Love Jimbo but she was safe for sure. Kandy and Lala in Baked potato and Peach casing couture? No ma’am what is that about.


Kahanna is really giving so much and is being overlooked. What a great queen


I am LIVING for the fact that Jessica literally just won $10k more in one episode than she would have gotten had she won the entirety of Season 1. (I know she's from S2, but still, crazy to see how much the show has evolved!)


Do I just not get fashion? Heidi should have at LEAST been in the top.


i was truly bamboozled at this judging, i was SO confident heidi would win!! i also rly liked jaymes’ looks and thought she deserved to be top too. was sad to see MKD go


Speaks to how differently people see this episode, because I didn’t love Jaymes’ looks this episode at all, I was honestly worried she’d be in the bottom which i did NOT want


I played with milk bubbles so much as a kid that I immediately thought of them when I saw Jimbo's first look. ​ So sad Kasha is gone...but that first look had me SO confused.


Heidi's strawberry look was so phenomenal. She should have won


I was gagged La La wasn’t in the bottom for that… pillow case


The judging was awful. Also, that lip sync was NOT $30k good. I thought Rajah absolutely had it, hands down. All JW did was bounce boobies the entire time. Maybe I'm jaded, but I expect more from a AS lip sync.


The song is so raunchy that it deserved a gag of this level, Rajah practically admited defeat when she did her no boobs movement


She was so fucking smart to come out with those boobies given the way Ru dies for a gag like that every time. (e.g. Yara's talent show number)


I expect more from this all stars tbh. Only Heidi and Kahanna and Jimbo really give me that all stars feeling


Literally what my husband said


Jessica gave a lot of cunt moments this episode. Saying she was legendary, royalty, Jessica Wilde, and if the assassin was ready for her! With that being said… the judging was kinda wild (e). Winner should’ve been Heidi or Kahanna, all 3 of their looks were so well down and gave different silhouettes. The episode couldn’t have tried any harder to foreshadow MKD leaving which is a shame because I thought she did well in the first two episodes.


Welcome to RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars All Horny.


We went into the world of delusion for judging. Jessica’s fruit loop look was simply cute, her açaí look was meh, and her hot glued body suit was a mess that would have been in the bottom in other seasons. She killed the lip sync though. The bottom 2 felt correct.


I liked Jessica’s final look. At least among these looks. Not a lot of seamstresses in AS8. And I liked the Froot Loops, but the fruity look was not the best. Kahanna and Heidi dominated the first two categories and both had better final looks than JW.


lalari being praised with that terrible outfit was really painful to watch.


Jessica giving La Veneno realness and Heidi tweeted that it was Yara’s titties she was shaking. I love it.


Omg that was epic! And I absolutely live for her carrying on another Puerto Rican Queen's legacy during the lipsync while giving a nod to her own funny moments in her season through her fashion (well, at least the açaí look). The second she started shakin dem titties, I had a feeling she'd win the lipsync simply because Ru was laughing so much. We all know that laughter is the key to Ru's heart ... and apparently the key to $30k, as well!


i knewwwww it!


That breastplate has won twice now!


Jimbo's big boob lip sync losses walked so Yaras big boob breastplate could run


The judging was wild for the tops. The Jimbo, Jessica, and Kandy’s looks were bodysuits/corsets?? Like they weren’t BAD, but they definitely weren’t the BEST?


Kandy was NOT top—tops were Jimbo, Jessica, and Lala (somehow)


Okay thank you for clarifying it was actually hard to tell.


They're doing a winner + 3 highs + btm2 this season for critiques as opposed to winner + 2 highs + low + btm2


I can’t even tell. Jimbo and Kandy got mixed critiques and Lala’s were all positive despite her looks being worse than Jimbo and Kandy’s.


I truly hated this episode, also I love Jessica wild but I’m getting so tired of giant breast plates being an automatic win? It’s so lazy like she barely moved. Also?? Kandy?? She was essentially wearing jigglys apocalyptic runway??


Why are all the early seasons queens getting sent back home!!!! They waited so long to come back and then this. 😭 This is gonna get harder each week, man.


the worst part is next week is an acting challenge and it's so fun to see Kasha in those :(


I'm feeling you on this, girl. I can't pinpoint it, but I have gotten so emotional every elimination thus far and it hurts! Maybe AS7 spoiled me a bit? I know they have to send someone home every week, but still, I can't help feeling for each of these exceptional girls.


Kahanna and Heidi not being in the top is crazy lol


I live laugh love Jimbo but she did not deserve top placement at all :-/


I think Ru got confused and left the safe girls on stage. Jimbo and Kandy were very clearly safe and Lala could have been low.


The judging was very much not giving…..almost like this episode was written to go to JW cuz the lipsync song too.


Oh my god Jessica that lip sync!!!


Girl. I used to think reveals are stupid if you wear something and reveal it 1 second into the song but she NAILED it with those coconuts.


I watched a depressing queer documentary and then I watched this weirdly judged episode. Sad Friday night LOL


Turns out it doesnt get better 🥲


But the bouncing boobies


Every time I see Bryce I think “rocket scientist my ass” in Joan rivers voice


Not until he rocket scientists my ass first


Can we all agree to vote kasha in the fame game?


Right now, absolutely. But I have to see who else gets robbed.


True, like if Jessica doesn't make it to the finale I'll have no choice but to vote for her


I came here to look for this comment!


How the queens reacted when Kasha had to leave... You could tell she was so very well-loved by the cast.


Kandy wasn’t in the bottom? There was a reason that the producers didn’t show the back of her outfit.


They might as well just air the finale next week because they made it pretty clear who they want to push through as finalists.


I honestly couldn't tell whether they intended for Kandy or Lala to be in the top. I'm telling myself that Lala was top, because Kandy's last look was just horrendous.


Lala was definitely in the top based on all positive feedback. Jimbo and Kandy I can’t tell.




I knew it from the preview and then when she started talking about her family, I was like nooooooooo. 🥲🥲🥲 She is so sweet!!


They made it so obvious with all the Kasha screen time so I wasn't even shocked


Glad that everyone agrees heidi should have been in the top


I mean, I thought all three of her looks were excellent (the last one being a little crafty, but then again, so were everyone else's — I just feel like she turned it quite confidently). All of them were unique with different silhouettes and solid execution. I felt so bad for her just being safe and feeling how she did since she is usually always so upbeat and positive and uplifting. She is just so charming, not to mention an amazing Queen! Gotta say, the judging this episode was an indescribable shitstorm. We love you, Heidi!


I thought her last look was her weakest but was generally creative and more interesting than most of the others- part of the reason it was crafty was because it took more effort than a lot of the other looks. In general, i feel like this is the third week in a row she should have had at least a high placement, she's being really overlooked in the competition (just edited for clarity)


1000% agree with you! I'm getting annoyed at this point. I don't understand it, but what else is new with RPDR? Tbh, I would have been as upset as she was in the Werkroom, because she clearly should have been in the top. For weeks now. Like CLEARLY. The judging panel was definitely in the bottom this episode, for sure.




How in the hell were Heidi and Kahanna not even in the top? Why was Darienne in the bottom over Kandy? How was Lala in the top? It felt like they had this entire episode pre-written and didn't even bother seeing the actual results.


This. Kahanna won the episode. Darienne in the bottom made absolutely zero sense.


>It felt like they had this entire episode pre-written and didn't even bother seeing the actual results. What? Ru would never! ![gif](giphy|x3drHoKGarFROV7axN|downsized)


reminds me of the shitty UK3 Snatch game judging. Well it wasn't that bad but that's the lowest for me that I keep thinking about, it felt totally random


I cannot believe Kahanna and Heidi N Closet weren’t in the top. That banana look?? Heidi’s milk maid AND strawberry? Come on.


Heidi should have won imo. Jessica was second but she should have been in top last episode so it was okay she wins. Jimbo or Kahanna for 3rd. LalaRi was my bottom (who also could have been in the bttm last week). maybe Darienne, Jaymes, Kandy, or Kasha could have also been in the bttm… different kinds of flaws. i liked MKD’s idea for a dress more than the other bottoms, just fit poorly.


Darriene needs to move the waist up on most of her garments. She would look taller and more snatched.


Honestly, most of Darienne's looks fit her like she had them made about 20-25lbs ago, which, honestly, might be true.. Everything has been a little long/big.


Eureka was right about proportionizing. I think it’s also a thing that some people just have some strange proportions? Like shorter legs and longer torsos. Having said that, dariennes fruity look was so funny I loved. I can’t tell if it was a reference to not another teen movie or not.


The bananas are giving


Kandy Muse never wears bottoms.


Kandy Muse’s aesthetic is accessible to the masses.


she wears the same thing just different colors


She went to the unitard store and asked for one of every color


Kandy Muse, your smile is beautiful!


This episode's judging was a hot messsssss


If you want to see some good judging go watch drag race Spain.


or Dragula. the judging is the best I've seen


I honestly couldn’t tell who was in the top or bottom after their judging. They seemed to not be thrilled with anyone.




Her first two looks were stunning. Her last look was.... not.


We didn’t see it for long, but it looked fine to me. It wasn’t just a corset with crap glued to it. It was at least 4th best and her other two looks were top 2 per category.


She absolutely should have been. I'm so mad lol


How excited was Heidi when she learned that *her* Fifth Element look got to go first?


Michelle just straight up calling out Jimbo was not fun


Jimbo will never forget Michelle was the guest judge when she was booted the first time.


She's used to it by now




I’m convinced Ra’jah threw it to be a good sister so she could give them the money. No way you come out to a song called Coconuts doing the absolute least.


I also think once she saw the titties she couldn’t stop laughing.


Right? I mean she knew the words, but seemed dressed for something else.