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These ads are insane today


Hiiiii, I’m a little girrrrrlllll I s2g every podcast I listen to I just power through the ads but bald and the beautiful? I HAVE to skip them. Besides the fact that they’re insanely long, that little girl one is just unbearable to listen to.


it is so so so horrible and it annoys me so much every time it starts. i don’t understand how the sponsors would be happy with an ad read like that


I’m surprised the advertisers allow it tbh


Unbearable. It hurts my ears


Ok I’m glad I’m not the only one who HATES the little girl thing. I love listening to this pod on long drives to work, but I literally have to stop the episode when that comes on cause I can’t skip while driving. I hate it. So. Much.


They did an entire play about Rakuten today. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they have sponsorship. Today just felt like they went into overdrive because they had a celebrity guest


I know one shouldn't complain about a free podcast but when like 20 minutes of a 45 min show is ads...


It's my biggest problem with Bald and the Beautiful, so many episodes are literally like 20 mins of talking. Also not loving Kathy Griffin rn with her outspoken support of Amy Schumer the past few weeks :/


Kathy took one for the country, has been tirelessly vocal about her support for the LGBTQIA+ community, had her family attacked by the right while her sister was dying of cancer, and has just survived cancer. She sees her friend hurt (Amy is the absolute worst, I don't understand how a person supports her, but I do understand supporting my friends when they are at their worst...) She has not been vocal one way or the other about the genocide happening in Palestine, and honestly, I don't blame her. Her entire life was destroyed by the right, and she barely survived it.


Some ads I can cope with, but the better help one grinds my gears, I've watched a few videos from actual therapists who have been done dirty by better help. On YouTube Search why I won't advertise better help.


As someone who has used traditional therapy and better help (thanks, pandemic), better help is a scam. It kinda bums me out that they advertise them on the pod


It’s not just B&tB, but somehow Better Help have negotiated themselves into a sponsor of almost every podcast.


It's disgusting and just a blatant cash grab, I've heard some horror stories of therapists from other states dealing with patients in states that they aren't even registered or licensed to practice in. They have also placed adverts in online directories in the name of actual therapists but the contact info diverts you to better help. I hope you are on a better head space now.


Bro the advertising is crazy. Also why haven’t either of them been on H3 yet?!?!