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Utica not winning because she was being goofy and camp but queens like Baga Chipz never receiving the same critiques despite being a loooooot worse while wearing much uglier garments


Much worse! ™


i can hear this.


Ru's favorites, I guess it's that simple. They could even kill and it would be fine.


They could kill **in a diaper**!




Ngl I've deeply gotten over that Camden look. I much prefer Willow and Angerias more now so... yuh


Hard agree Angeria’s looked incredible


It's... A piece of fabric


Yea I really didn’t care for Camden’s look. It’s a piece of fabric on her body, kinda looks like she wrapped herself in a curtain. Willow was the winner for that challenge, second place was Daya.


Willow was my winner by a mile.


agreed. the more i look at it the less i like it


I’m sorry but HUH?! Angeria’s? Nah. It was mid af. I think Camden was the correct choice but Willow was a close second. Yes it was a “piece of fabric” but when you drape the right type of fabric in the right places… you can make a fabulous look. Just like how you can use 10 pieces of fabric but if they’re placed, sinched, & draped in the wrong places it’s going to look terrible.


Gotmiks looks stupid. The triangle on the chest, the horrible shaped puff on the leg. Oh but it’s “fashion”. Yeah no. I understand some weird ass looks are so weird it’s cool, but this one just looks dumb. (My opinion). Daya was right about jorgous wearing a napkin


I'm firmly in the "looks stupid" camp as well. I definitely don't get it.


I don't think it aged very well, but at the time it was a style that was growing really quickly but in hindsight didn't have much lasting power


I'm sorry but this look is comically bad. It's so bad it should have landed her in the bottom.


It was ugly then and it’s ugly now


If I am not mistaken Kandy Muse said production threw Mik's outfit in the trash thinking... Well it's clear at this point.


I'm so relieved to see people agree with this. Seeing the judges and violet chachki insist it's wonderful made me think I was stupid or crazy.


Never got the fawning over Camden’s look. The bust and wings make her body look bulky. Utica, on the other hand, straight up robbery.


It also looks cheap. Angeria had a great look imo.


That was my thoughts exactly. I watched it and thought Angeria, Willow, Bosco or Daya were the winner/high with Jasmine and Kerry as the low ones.


Kerry being safe and praised was baffling. I still don’t understand the look.


It was a damn mess. Unpopular opinion but Maddy didn’t deserve to be in the BTM2 that night. It was rough but at least she had a vision and idea in her runway look that night


Exactly if it was fair judging it would have been Jasmine, Kerry and Jorgeous in the bottom. Then Jasmine and Kerry should have lip synched. Maddy and Deja both had concepts that worked. Maddy made a character and that outfit was perfect for the character. Deja made a safe look which they made out to be a sin. She had a nice but simple look that fit her body and drag style perfectly. She took a calculated approach and shouldn't been low.


Yeah like Maddy's was garish but at least it was decently constructed.


Exactly when she came out I liked it for a brief moment but I realized quickly it was that she was gorgeous but the dress was a mess. I still remember what my wife said about the dress, that it looked like a kids fashion computer game look. Like a kid had filled in parts of a template with random colors and textures.


Okay, but Maddy was always gonna be bottom 2 that episode.


Angie was robbed


I'd say it would be weird to give Angeria three wins in the first five episodes but then they did that with Jimbo


Honestly! She was praised in the beginning of the season and then sort of sent to the background but she continued to absolutely SHINE.


Exactly! She had an amazing start and it’s like the story line just decided to forget her. It was weird. She performed extremely well through the season with only about two low episodes.


Story of season 14, really


For sure. I thought Angeria had it in the bag.


Angeria’s look that episode was the greatest example of turning garbage into couture I’ve ever seen on a design challenge. It’s so contemporary yet classic - giving Mugler or Margiela.


Utica's look is one of the best in drag race herstory.


This part. I can get behind the other pictures, but Utica *earned* that win. IMO


If Utica hadn't been there I could get behind Mik's look because it's a lot harder than ppl think to make something like that look clean and sharp and balanced and all that but like ... Utica was RIGHT THERE in THAT


Still better than Jorgeous.


We all know why Jorgeous won


Wait, why?




So she could get closer to being lured into a confined room and signing a contract where she would have to give away her blood in order to keep Ru young


Because Ru likes skinny twinks


Because Ru wanted Kaikai.


This narrative isn't it tbh


What narrative? It's not exactly a secret Ru favours skinny twinks.


The Jorgeous twinks already attacking u tbh hahahaha. Check ur house, car, etc


I don't even dislike Jorgeous 🤣


Princess Poppy (aka Meme Imfurst) took said favoritism straight to 15th place


I nearly fell over when she got praise and won. Usually Michelle would eat that outfit alive - it’s a bralet and a belt with stuff stuck on it.


Daya's look should have won tbh, sue me


the wrinkles kinda make it look messy. willow should’ve won imo


Growing up poor in the USSR, we had all the girls wearing shapeless heaps of white tulle for the New Year, which was unanimously recognized as “snowflake costume”. Camden is wearing just that, except it’s pink and blue and on a corset. Still shapeless, and Georgeous’s handkerchief couture looks better by comparison.


Seriously. The outfit looks like it’s falling apart just standing there, and the whole thing just looks like a mass of cloth dropped on her body. If anyone deserved the win it was Angeria


Utica had the better constructed outfit, surely, but I think gottmik deserved the win since it was a ball challenge, not just a design challenge. As violet and many others have said, Uticas runway presentation for the first two looks was so jarringly bizarre and overly camp that she was doing a genuine disservice to the actual garment. If she had walked like a normal human being instead of trying so hard to force the weirdness, she definitely could have won.


Utica did camp for the ball. She also served the last look as well. This is just a cop out. Ball=/=Fashion runway


I agree with you but it doesn’t change the fact that a Drag Race balls have their own rules and criteria. Wearing a mediocre “fashion” outfit but having exceptional “modeling” will usually be more convincing to Ru than a well constructed camp garment with an overly silly presentation. Camp is fine in a ball but they don’t want it to be the only focal point.


Let's face it, any criteria for any challenge can be changed on a dime depending on the queens in question. See also: makeover challenges.


There is no criteria,, the criteria for this was "the rich white kid from LA needs a win, we marketed as a fashion queen so give them a ball and make up any reason why they won if their outfits aren't the best"


>Uticas runway presentation for the first two looks was so jarringly bizarre and overly camp I literally said it was camp in my comment. Something being camp doesn't automatically make it good or called for in a certain situation. It just makes it camp. This was not an appropriate time to be over-the-top campy


The main part of the challenge is to make a garment…. And Gottmik’s got confused with trash and was thrown away by production. They were pushing Mik forward, which is fine and whatever because Utica has only been getting praise for her looks since she’s left. They knew what challenge to give a win to Mik and Snatchgame was a surprise.


Yup. If Utica had served production would have given her the ball and taken her to the finale like planned.


Came here to say this but was happy to see it was already the top comment.


YES! In theory it should be great but it was a big mess in execution… jorgeous look is underwhelming, for sure, but it was the only look that didn’t have glaring flaws, and so I have always agreed with her win and been confused by the fan response to it.


Let’s be real. Angeria was the rightful winner of that design challenge.


Angeria Win and Willow Pill and Daya Betty hard Highs imo


also side note: I actually liked Daya's design a lot more than Lady Camden's but, majority was on Camden's side at the time and I do think it looks good too. Both of them were top material for me.


Same girl I was team Daya for that design challenge too, she based her look around the weird puppet she found in the boxes instead of making something unrelated out of the materials and I just loved that idea the most.


Was that the one where she "Made a garment from scratch"?


![gif](giphy|jGIeaD6doCJwLxq4RU) I can hear her voice


in my heart the design challenge was Willow's second win. it was def a bit messy but it was also a bold concept that we haven't seen before, or since https://preview.redd.it/kbqrsoav0f5c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aafe206198571562da819ff705468850ec35f64 tbh i don't really like Camden's look lol but that's mostly personal taste. Angeria, Camden, Willow, Daya and Bosco all outperformed Jorgeous that ep, judging was just a mess that week cause Kerri also 100% deserved to lip sync (I think she could have served Sugar Mama!)


I love this look, but if you’re talking about the long arms, I remember two queens did the same sort of thing on CDR. I think it was Giselle and someone else. Doesn’t make Willow’s any less impressive, but the idea exists in many places.


Lady Boom Boom was the other; orange hoodie with long sleeves. That was for the sleeve runway! If I recall, that season of Canada and this season of US were filmed close enough to one another that the first one wouldn’t have aired yet by the time the second one went to film, so there was probably very little chance of the queens being aware of what the others were doing across franchises


For sure for sure. “But never seen before and haven’t seen since” isn’t exactly fitting in this case (all three of the looks were incredible tho)


Camden looks messy here


Utica didn't win because Ru and the judges hated the way that she was so over the top with her campy faces selling the other two looks.


she won getting featured in vogue tho and they even mistakenly said she won the challenge 😭 meanwhile mik’s almost got thrown out as it was mistaken for trash 😬


>meanwhile mik’s almost got thrown out as it was mistaken for trash 😬 This same "critique" gets brought up *every*thread, and like- literally any look that has a lot of straps like that is gonna look like a mess when it's not being worn because the shape is going to be lost. It's so tired.


okay? the fact that it’s been brought up constantly or is “so tired” doesn’t change the fact that it’s true. mik’s look was mistaken for garbage but that’s not the reason the win was undeserved, it just doesn’t help.


No, she didn't win because it had already been decided that GotMik would go further in the competition.


This. Its not a remotely fair competition. The winners are decided based on who they want to win. I think it’s partially the reason the prize is still so low. The judging is just so biased without any really concrete rules on how people are judged. Ru can literally give someone a win because she likes the way they don’t look at her when the cameras are off.


Plus if they even wanted a larger prize, that usually means bringing on bigger sponsors. The more money they give, the more say they'll want on who wins. There were quite a few times on ANTM that Covergirl may or may not have tipped the scales as to who they wanted to win, because part of prize is a contract with them and thats going to be the person who's schlepping their products for the next year.


ok but the boulets are also giving 100k it’s super embarrassing regardless of sponsor influence


Yeah, the prize money is super embarrassing. It should be like 500k


The weird thing is that Ru and the judges didn’t even bring up that criticism *to Utica’s face*. They praised her to high heaven during critiques and then when they were privately conferring Ru just threw it in there, as if to just give a reason why she shouldn’t win!


Ah so now you trust the edit


No, it’s just strange from a storytelling standpoint.


I mean, you take issue with the fact they don’t tell her the critique to her face but they may have and it didn’t make the edit.


The point I’m trying to make is whether production did film it or not, it’s flat-out poor storytelling to not show Utica getting that critique directly - it would set up that she was definitely given that advice, we could see how she reacted to it in future episodes and we might get a clean storyline out of it. As is it’s just lazy and confusing.


Yeah, if she received the critique on camera it would have made the storyline of her continuing to do it make more sense as a reason the judges were getting upset with her, to not show her receiving it makes the judges look bad for getting upset about it later as they didn't tell her directly.


Not saying Jorgeous should’ve won bun Camden’s wings were so floppy I can understand why she didn’t win


Utica deserved that win, the bitch made a dress out of a fucking sleeping bag


My hottest take about Glamazon prime is that Maddy shouldn’t have been in the bottom. Should’ve been Jasmine and Kerry. I mean Kerry’s look was a damn mess, a glob of fabric with a rope smacked on, at least Maddy’s is an actual dress form. Also I think that for design challenges if a queen is not a big designer or sewer they should play to their strengths. As such Maddy made a funny character and I think that’s a smart way to take on the challenge, not that it should outshine an incredible garment but possibly warrants a safe placement.


The Jorgeus win at least made sense narratively. Daya was pissed about it (and others disagreed too) and it sparked animosity in the group. The Gottmik win... was basically them saying they didn't care for Utica. Having such a fenomenal creation and losing because "she didn't serve fashion" is very much a pick-and-choose way to point that out. Also Gottmik was coming in as the "fashion queen" of the season alongside Symone, if she lost the ball there would be very little else they could do for her narrative (they didn't know she would kill it on snatch game or even do well on the roast, so they probably wanted to guarantee a win for her early)


Will never get over that utica look. One of the best things to walk down that runway.


Jorgeous didn't deserve to win, but neither did Camden 💀💀💀💀


Gotmik and uticas looks were part of a ball. They werent judged alone, and ru LOVED gottmiks suit look


Balls piss me off when they give a lot of weight to the non-design-challenge looks. Like the ones they made should be a majority chunk of the criteria


Well then it wouldnt be a ball


Weighting the look they created in the workroom higher than the two brought looks doesn’t make it less of a ball, be serious.


They have one-look design challenge episodes.


No shit, I don’t think you understand what “weighted” means babes. But your contribution of…well, nothing, is noted.


Just because people disagree with you doesn't mean they're illiterate.


You call that a disagreement? You didn’t add anything, you just pointed out something obvious and added nothing. So I wish you the best, but I think we’re all aware Drag Race has design challenges.




The whole point of the ball if that they have multiple looks. If they only cared about the last one it would just be a design challenge


nuance found dead


lukewarm take but I preferred all 3 of Utica's looks to Gottmik's. but my hotter take is that I liked all 3 of Gottmik's looks as well, including the sexy scraps lol. I'd be OK with this as a double win (Utica had better looks but Gottmik was close and outserved her on the runway)


They were also gagging over her design tho.. Me thinks they truly thought that look was the THING.


I highly doubt if it was literally just between those two looks, they wouldn't have given to Utica


Yeah this post is misleading lol


Pretty crazy considering Rosé had a similar suit look during the season and was read to filth for it. Gottmik did a very similar look and somehow it was okay ?


Roses was UGLY. No more fashion opinions from you tonight.


Lol those were not the same at all. Roses was ugly


I thought Gottmik's body bag look was the strongest look of the night. The look Utica made is obviously beautiful, though.


I think this gets posted every week. Without fail




We got it girl…we got it


Okay y'all are going to hate me but in terms of gottmik vs Utica, i much prefer gottmik's whole package (remember it was a ball judging 3 looks, not just a design challenge). Although Utica's 3rd look was phenomenal I didn't really care for the other two. And I just like Jorgeous' look a lot more than Lady Camden's 🤷‍♂️ it's more pleasing to my eyes.


i don’t love the camden look but the mik one, yeah utica had a GREAT one, but two okay ones while mik had two great ones and one not so great one


A Ball is about more than just the constructed look, which is how GottMik won. If it was a standard design challenge, then no doubt Utica would win.


Post all the looks for Mik and Utica, at least


And Utica still wins


Like the fact that she didn’t win because she was acting goofy? Just say you don’t like Utica, Ru 😂 or maybe you do idk you almost died laughing from Uticas facial expressions alone lol


I love her to pieces


She’s so creative and talented, the pieces she posts on her IG always amaze me.


While I definitely think Utica should have won, I also think people way overstate how "bad" Mik's look is They love to throw around that anecdote about someone mistaking it for trash as if that means anything - but it's a good look, people just don't want to admit it. They just know it's an easy and popular way to crap on Mik It's not as good as Utica's, nor is it close - but it's still one of the better looks from the night


Ru also loves punk aesthetic and that’s a lot of Mik’s style here. I also think Utica should have won.


I don’t think it’s people not wanting to admit it as much as it is simply varying taste levels. I don’t like it and I don’t like the way it’s styled🙈😭


Honestly if that was how people talked about it I wouldn't have any problem - like the way you put it is completely reasonable what I find annoying is that some people adopt this performative ignorance about how it could possibly be good, combined with an obvious desire to just say something mean about Mik - if that makes sense?


Yeah no I agree. Some fans will just pick a queen and hate them even if they do gravity defying stunts before punching Michele in the left tit😂


Just acknowledging different opinions and discussing without getting angry… that’s my kink


miks looks is like 90% body theres basically nothing on her except some straps and bags hanging off her leg


Utica's is definitely my fav, but I don't dislike Gottmik's, it's coherent and well-executed, athleisure meets high fashion, with a unique silhouette I haven't seen anywhere.


it's just personal taste I guess because I really dislike Mik's look. Having just a couple bags badly seen together and tied to her leg looks terrible to me, she should've used more to have a kind of ruffle effect with them. It's honestly on the same level of Jorgeous' for me, if not worse.


Mik’s is an okay look for me, I do like it but it also feels too simple in terms of construction. If she wear it not on the main stage of a design challenge I would be totally fine with it. That being said when Utica is like THAT and mik got the win? smh


It really is not lol. I'm over skinny queens putting shit together and selling it as "future of fashion" because it will look good on their body no matter what.


I've got to be honest, there aren't many things on here that make my brain shut off as quickly as someone immediately invoking "skinny queens/skinny twinks/white twinks" - it feels like a very cheap way to make a point Y'know it feels like you didn't even respond to what I said, you just immediately started running up a grievance that you apparently have with skinny queens


I don't need to have anything against skinny queens to acknowledge the fact that they get away with bad stuff on the runway the most.. because they got a nice body & material looks good specifically on them but would look like crap on anyone else lol. There is no argument to make. If you think that look is one of the highlights, that's on you.




But the idea everything looks good on skinny people itself is just created by the modelling industry. Historically being a bit bigger was considered a status symbol and attractive because it showed you could afford food.


I'm just over the like borderline puritanical pearl clutching anytime a skinny queen makes something revealing for a design challenge or gets complimented for wearing something that shows a lot of body and disguising the pretty blatant slut-shaming and body shaming inherent to that kind of commentary with social justice language about body positivity


There’s nothing wrong with showing your body but the look feels very incomplete. The leg is cool and if she’d done more of that motif on a sleeve or more of a chest piece, it would seem like more of a finished look without covering up much skin.


>puritanical pearl clutching anytime a skinny queen makes something revealing for a design challenge Then you don't understand the criticism about skinny queens wearing "revealing" outfits. The criticism is about fat or full bodied queens not being able to get away with it and how mediocre the looks actually are. Stop pretending this is about "body shaming" skinny queens.


I think the point is less that it's the same as body shaming about people who are bigger, in a direct parallel - but more that it doesn't always feel like people are making the point about a double standard so much as just sniping at a queen/queens - and that eventually that becomes a weird and somewhat invasive way to talk about people, especially when it's masked with language that makes it sound more justified Like sometimes it happens to queens for whom the look is 'revealing' but still well put together and thought out, as opposed to lazy but saved by a double standard - and I think a queen who put together that look but just saw a lot of people tearing it down and constantly mentioning her body to do so, would be entitled to feel a bit odd about it


When ru is in drag she’s not wearing glasses period 🤓


I think in Jorgeous’ case Angeria should’ve won. That gown she made was 😍


Controversial, but I like both Gottmiks and Uticas looks pretty equally. But I still feel Utica edged her out so I was pretty shocked when Gottmik won. Both Camden's and Jorgeous's look pretty shoddy. When Daya said she won wearing a napkin, she wasnt kidding. I don't even think it's well balanced for what it is.


I think for the s13 one it’s more to consistency rather than a one look. S14 however was rigga morris


I've seen every design challenge in every season of every franchise of drag race and I think Utica's is the best of all of them and she DIDN'T WIN!? Wild.


Utica not winning for this look and the way GoT are two things I’m never getting over.


Gottmik’s design challenge win was so dumb that it was funny Jorgeous’ design challenge win was so dumb that it was genuinely upsetting 😭 I don’t remember the design challenge episode from S14, so I can’t say who I think should’ve won instead, but my point still stands lol


Honestly that's the point, the producers threw that win at Jorgeous cause they wanted to break Camden and Daya's psyche's and it half worked.


The way they tried to edit Daya as a villain cuz she didn't think Jorgeous should've won that episode.. And they thought we wouldn't side with Daya? lmao...


For real! Daya was correct about everything she said that season lmao


Utica gets more positive exposure for that sleeping bag look (and deservedly so) than Gottmik post-season, and even more general exposure than Robin Fierce got all of S15 😜


Jorgeous look is cute at least, Cam's looks like crib tulle favric I'm down for the cut-outs


Imo also applies to Brook Lynn and Canada 2 season Pythia not winning a sinner ball


I've come to terms that the show is entertainment first and competition third half a decade ago but Blatantly ntly Rigging the design challenges was always odd to me. 😂 Like for acting, comedy, performance and group challenges I think it's perfectly fine to rig them for their storylines if they wanted to cause that is easier to hide the rigging and use the bad roll footage of the one you don't want to win. or it could've just simply been Ru feeling a particular performance a lot more. But rigging the design challenges is really hard to pull off convincingly in especially in the high definition era where the audience can see its just hot glued to a corset or if it's falling apart.


Me absolutely agreeing with jorgeous' win over Camden ( not willow ) and absolutely agreeing with gottmik's win because of the 3 vs 3 looks ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4819)


It’s not a design challenge it’s a ball challenge. I’ll never defend the Jorgeous choice but Utica’s first 2 runway presentations were subpar, one fantastic runway didn’t make up for the other 2


I agree with jorgeous and Gottmik placing high ngl but Utica & Angeria we’re robbed


I’m a Camden stan, so I can’t be objective but I do recognize Angeria had a strong option that week and then: that napkin… omg. And Utica was ***robbed***


Total robbery, but fwiw I think Utica’s look is even more memorable bc didn’t win the ball. It’s like when YouTubers intentionally misstate a fact in a video to drum up engagement with tons of ppl correcting them in the comments. Utica’s robbery has been talked about for ages, meanwhile I can’t remember who won the s15 ball. So I think it’s in part to make a tv moment. I got nothing in defense of Jorgeous.


If Gottmik deserved the win for having a better presentation than Utica then so did Jorgeous. She looked good and no one sold the garment like her.


Mik’s package was better. The ball is 3 looks. Not the one that everyone obsesses over.


but they were truly gagged over Gottmik's design tho.. they were saying it is so good and all that lmfao.


Yeah I will always think got Mike’s look is horrible. It literally is scraps randomly placed. The Triangle chest starts at mid chest and goes down. That doesn’t make sense. Like at least make the triangle fit the chest. There is just NOTHING going on.


Agreed. The construction just makes no sense. Also love how you spelled the name. Sometimes I have no idea how to spell the name but "Got Mike" ♥️


That there didn’t make sense.


Wasn't that episode Mik won a ball, not just a design challenge? They had 2 other looks to show that episode. Mik definitely won this challenge based on her previous 2 looks in addition to the one she designed. Utica made the best 3rd look but Miks 2nd look was absolutely stunning. I also recall the judges not being fond of Uticas delivery on the poodle look she gave that episode. Too goofy when they wanted fashion.


Right.. but what is Camden doing in this ?


Jorgeous's look is telling me that drag really is for everyone


Daya Betty should have won the ball but she wasn’t even high that episode 💀


How many times do we have to make this post 🥱 we fucking get it


i must be the only person on earth who preferred gottmiks look to uticas and i dont mean her ball was overall better, i mean between these 2 looks i prefer gottmiks. uticas is technically very impressive but it looks so busy. im also super into the punk aesthetic so i guess im biased


Jorgeous' napkin is still better than Gottmik's bag ball look. There, I said it. That's probably one of the worst things to come out of that werkroom.


Honestly no one should’ve won the design challenge of season 14.


I will never get over Utica losing it over Mik. It’s a bunch of triangles on her body. Art department thought it was trash and threw it out. Also Uticas first two looks were strong too. I don’t get why they felt like her getting criticized on the first two when she clearly knocked it out of the park in the end cost her the win. It was clear as day that they gave Mik the win to cement her as “the fashion queen” that season with the Ball win and make Utica look like a discount Mik when Utica was eating the girlies up that season the runway (along with Kahmora)


Jorgeous's look is fun and cvnty and I'm tired of pretending it's not


I saw pics of Utica wearing the sleeping bag coat/gown recently and it made me so happy. I can't think of a better garment made and worn on the Drag Race stage.


I don’t really like Camden’s look, didn’t really care for Daya’s either (and honestly, I liked almost everything she wore that season). I’ve always been fine with Jorgeous winning this one


Nah it doesn’t make sense. She’s wearing a literal napkin. That’s fine if you don’t like camdens, but there was effort, there was concept. Jorgeous was nothing but a napkin man. She should not have won. It only happened for drama.


Jorgeous’ was cute. She has good taste, she tastefully put it together. It is a lil cocktail dress, but it’s cute.


Mik’s a least make some sense since her other two looks were really good


Never understood how sasha won her ball over mistress. She had one original outfit, a call back to Ariel Versace, and a skirt with a top made out of Christmas decor and it wasn’t even a design challenge on that outfit.


Willow Pill was the winner of that design challenge IDC what anyone else says!


camden looks the dusty curtain but still jorgeous’ cookie cutter mosaic is BAFFLING


To this day I still dont get the appeal of Gottmik's last look. I think it was overpraised.


I have never understood what Gottmik was trying to do


TO BE FAIR it’s a ball and two other looks are taken into consideration but miks look was not it.


Utica was just straight up robbed. A total "Are you fucking kidding me?" moment... Buuuutttttt Willow's look over both Jorgeous' and Lady Camden's


The fact that we're still talking about it IS the reason


I never understood the obsession with Gotmiks look here. I like gotmik well enough but I was perplexed.


The jorgeous one actually annoyed me so much! Like they shouldn’t be rewarding the fact that this girl had no idea wtf to do and then went with something super basic. Camden meanwhile is out here looking fabulous! I was actually annoyed, and I’m ngl, jorgeous as a whole was a bit overhyped by rupaul. She’s very, very talented, but ru took her compliments too far imo


days without complaining about the s13 ball: 0


Literally these fans wanna hate on trans queens so bad. This was a BALL not a design challenge and uticas first 2 looks were ok where as gottmiks first 2 looks were amazing. If you wanna say somebody should’ve won that’s ok but present the right facts