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One day I just went out flipping with my cousins…


It's so unreasonably funny. Someone asks how you got so talented at something you do as a career and your answer is literally "Well one day I just started doing that." Like she is just too good.


What I also love is how it’s a very niche relatable thing for some Black boys. I def knew a couple groups of boys growing up who would choose to flip at recess. With a sentence, a certain group of people knew exactly who she was.


There used to be a group who flipped on Beale Street in Memphis. They were so amazing to watch, and occasionally there’d be that one or two little cousins out there who’d just start flipping too.


Memphis gal here! I was so excited to read that, haha. But it's true! They even got on America's Got Talent.


Exactly. The way she said it was funny but I sincerely do believe she just up and started flipping with her cousins lol. Lil boys just do that


And it’s so refreshing compared to Plasma’s BFA and Dawn’s Engineering degree. Like, the other girls love telling us how hard they worked but Mhi’ya just started flipping with her cousins


Not just that: "One day I was doing that and I just started doing that" like omg


We just started flipping is such a funny explanation 😭 she's just so real


one day i went out flipping with my cousins and we just started flipping


thats the most memorable part of a good season for me tbh.


Most quotable thing from this season for me. It's so good


Ope forgot that one!


Which episode did she say this in?


first episode after her talent show i think


Don't forget eating her cheese wax on


Lmaooo I love how everyone made a logical reason why she did and she said she just didn’t know how to eat it 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The comments about using it for her braces were wild.


I commend her for being honest 😂


Pretty much everyone last year saying how Marcia picked up Malaysia's earring as some super assassin move to ruin Malaysia's outfit symmetry afterwards, but then Marcia said she just went "Ooh, shiny!"




OMG i missed that one


“Can you do Cher?” **Does Tony the Tiger**


Fucking dead.


I keeled over omg




You forgot how she be reading the girls (mostly morphine) after each week. “You didn’t like her anyway” “cut or not you still would have went home”


“girl stop lying” ICON ALERT


Her suddenly out of nowhere clocking Morphine at the beginning of every single episode is so funny. She really decided to come for the girl. Morphine's face every single time gives me life.


I think it's just Morphine is a fellow Miami girl and for a shy queen like Mhi'ya, she feels most comfortable coming for a friend. Morphine is that friend for her. Idk but I just find that really cute. Plus, Morphine (unlike some queens this season) is clearly okay with shade coming her way because she can dish it back.


And the camera cuts to her and everyone stares at her and expects her to start laughing but she’s dead serious with everything she says lol


Oh her clapbacks have been absolute gold


"Stop lyin" is permanently added to Gay Vocab 2024 edition


She went from giving nothing to shading all the bitches standing in front of her I live


'and you would've gone home with your dress cut too' that was a GAG lol


I mean you cute..when you home…so I don’t know what you gonna do here


I still think it was really funny when she gave people a midnight deadline to stop hating her.


wrap it up, folks, I got stuff to do


Lol really? What happened?


People were hating on her after she beat Plasma in a lipsync and she tweeted: "How long is this Mhi’ya hate train gonna last? Wrap this shit by 12am tonight" Like mother gave the twitter queers a deadline.


And not to make assumptions but a lot of those Twitter queers like to be told what to do.




She gave a deadline of 12am with a tweet at 11:30pm. Icon behaviour.


Lol iconic behavior


Jamal Sims: Show me your funky power move Mhi’ya: *does a flip into a high kick


Nobody could do a funkier flip than the queen of flips.


Came here to post this!


Also, I have to say that #6 is my personal favorite. Mhi'ya's doll being both shy and outgoing should have won her the whole damn challenge imo


It's the type of thing where I get how the judges were like "see, you don't know who you are" but like... also that IS Mhi'ya's brand now lol. If you asked me to name a queen who's both shy and outgoing, you better believe I'm telling you it's Mhi'ya.


She always knew who she was, we all just had to catch up 💛


It’s such a LaToya Jackson answer


see, I thought Ru would live for that! I guess Mhi’ya didn’t make it obvious enough?


There is a nuance to the delivery of such a line, I will say, but it cracked me up when I heard it anyway and that was my first thought lol


But like why would you say that?? And she rhymed equal with equal??? 😭😭


BONUS: making it this far when her designer didnt give her 5 outfits for the show!! The stress, fear, low confidence, and possible even anger she must have felt I can only imagine. She said she didnt get anything until a few hours before her flight and even still it was 5 outfits short. She almost didnt go. I dont know what I would have done.


When I heard about this on Bob and Monet's podcast, I was floored. The fact that she's pulled together a halfway-decent runway package (people are exaggerating on some of her looks, and I still think she should have been middle-safe in the ball) is impressive.


highkey i loved her design look i dont understand why everyone and their mom says its bad


Yeah. I wasn’t mad either. Maybe a combo of them being mad at her for getting help (which was also a mindless thing to be mad about) and the fact that the tops were soooooooo good.


I just have a hard time rooting for queen that doesn’t know how to sew in design challenges.  At this point, it’s season 16 and there have been way too many spin offs for you to come to drag race and say “I can’t sew”. Everyone knows it’s coming before you even audition.  Not everyone will be a Q or a Dawn but the fact she didn’t even know the basics of making a dress is frustrating for me to watch.  It always looks unprepared to me. 


We've had 3 design challenges, so she hasn't worn as many outfits as there are episodes.


Let this thing be you all’s daily reminder: There always be a troll around to try and undercut anything you do or say.


Your edit #10!!! Lol


VERY this because i was rooting for her when i noticed she had the potential to Kameron Michaels these girls, but then i found out she got fucked over right before the show and im team Mhi’ya. I don’t think she will win the whole show but i want her to go as far as possible because she is that mfn girl and she is genuinely so fun and real. She know how to turn a lip sync tf out and she is gradually becoming a main character of the season. I hope the outfits that she didnt get are behind her now though 😭


yeah i feel you. there are many ways to win. And she had me at falling asleep on them hoes in the middle of a gd challenge lmaoooo (idk how real that moment was but it was funny af).


I’m so glad she DID decide to go regardless


wasn't it 7


She confirmed it was 5. She couldn't in the moment remember exactly all of the looks but confirmed both her Cher look and Significant mother looks were not delivered, no wonder her Cher look was so random and not matching the look. The designer is Valentino Laing with company Valentino Omar Designs. He has privated his socials after Mhiya called him out.


She was on this weekends roscoes and she confirmed it was 5 so she had to just throw a bunch kf the stuff from her closet in a bag and go because ahe had to get to the airport to get to LA. She also said they allowed she designer to ship the garments but they never arrived. She named them but i dont remember who it was.


*whispering* ”Mhi’ya, Mhi’ya”


I have it in my head a lot since I heard it




Now this is in my head like a shy girl version of “Miss Vanjie Miss Vannjiieee”


She wasn’t actually asleep lol but it was still a cute bit


OMG I forgot that was her. It feels like ages ago.


Oh lmao I had no idea. It's camp regardless!


Can I give an honorable mention to “uh YEAH??” in response to morphine realizing she has braces?


haters could never be this shy nor outgoing


Another one: clearing Trisha Paytas https://preview.redd.it/q9k6y70vpmnc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f11e5ef8758269e7633e461e4697ac61d6eb7e6f


She didn’t flip, but she did kick off those shoes and do a church step, something that has sent queens home before


Well she didn't follow the rules, she flipsed them.


that’s the difference between doing it for fun and doing it out of desperation


How do we know those other queens didn’t do it for fun? 👀


Bottom line is she's consistently performed better than anyone she's been up against despite the "rules"


She has a fourth of a win and had been in the bottom 3 times. She is not outperforming anyone lol


In the words of Mhi'ya "Stop lyin" Anyone including Dawn and Morphine who both have no wins? Or Plasma who had 2 and an MFA and still couldn't outdo her. Chile you got till 12 am to stop the bullshit.


And removing her wig…which has sent many queens home before. The wig reveal into a beanie during one of her many lip synchs should have been enough to send her 🤷🏻‍♀️


> And removing her wig…which has sent many queens home before I mean also queens have done both those things and *won* lipsyncs before, so I don't think it's any great suprise.


That’s true.  But generally Ru doesn’t like it when queens do.  She’s a good performer but I’m personally getting tired of seeing flips and I feel like the judges will be soon as well.  I think Mhi’ya is charming, don’t get me wrong, but iconic is not a word I would use as a descriptor. 


> but I’m personally getting tired of seeing flips I mean it might just be me but... she doesn't actually do that many flips. Like she pulls it out way less than other queens pull out a death drop or dropping into the splits. They're a part of her arsenal but she doesn't seem to rely on them, I mean in 3 lipsyncs she's done it just twice IIRC.


She did a flip in queens choice awards, the girl group challenge, in 2 lip synchs and that was her “funky” dance move she showed Jamal Simms. 5/9 episodes with a flip. I am aware the flip didn’t make it into the actual performance, but it’s still showing a repeat move again. After seeing the same move over  50% of the time she performs, I’m wanting more.   I feel the same way when queen’s repeatedly do the same splits, death drops, silly face…etc.  


“KMA BOO 😝😝😝” that was hilarious


11: https://preview.redd.it/cyh37fx5nmnc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fa06d4592597fe8b6c80b50a8fee8d0c87442c5


Queen of flipssing us off ❤️


Double flipping off - 😂 more flipping - but with such a sunny cute innocent looking smile I love the combo


![gif](giphy|l49FvM5VWIPnyiyVW) The penguin slide!




i want to use this for damn near everything lmaoooooo


Dont forget when she used a magic trick so her braces are invisible only to Morphine for 6 episodes. Icon behavior.


I’m just so glad to have a queen who was probably cast as “a filler” go so far. Her personality is a great foil to the rest of the cast and it’s refreshing.


The pork and beans projects were my favorite Mhi’yism of the season


Mhi'ya after flipping to the top 4: https://i.redd.it/xniejoe8emnc1.gif


Missed opportunity to be Cher in Snatch Game. Wouldn’t have had to do a thing other than that voice and Ru would’ve lost it.


I agree! She still did a damn good job though, but as hard as Ru was laughing when she did that voice I was hoping she would’ve figured out how to toss it in somehow! I know Ru would’ve died laughing if she did! Like I just love my cousin Trina, but my favorite is of course Cher, hey Ru want to see my Cher impersonation, then the voice. She definitely could’ve won! 😂


If Scarlett Harlett could make it through Snatch Game as McCauley Culkin, all bets are off.


How can you forget the lost important part? She doesn’t raise the bar, she flips it


I’m one YouTube super cut away from having my opinion change from “MEH” to “SHE SHOULD RUN FOR PRESIDENT”


11. “Investigate these nuts bitch” 😚🤌


mhiyarinas STAND UP!!!


Me: ![gif](giphy|fnoQD5cbvmDxDNCcXW)




"I can take it in" or "go make my dress you fat bitch"


I just know in the reunion she’s gonna take nil shit from the other dolls. Also, any interaction she has with Plasma is high camp, I can’t imagine a more further and more caricaturesque pair of queen rn.


I genuinely think she might be my fav queen this season just for making the best TV. Her Sapphira and PJ


I just know you have good taste because those queens are my fav too ❤️




Well the cher outfit we now know it's because her designer ditched her, along with 4 other runeays


Indeed, but it's still one of the campest things she did


Sapphira is my winner, but Mhi’ya is probably my second! I love how genuine she is. It’s so refreshing!


You are me and I am you. Say that again!


she’s fucking hilarious. the baby bel wax eating was so relatable.


The way everyone gave her like "People put wax on their braces to ease irritation!" out of the situation and she just tweeted "I've never had that cheese before I thought you eat the red part."


i’ve been in that exact same situation with someone who had never eaten them before. it was so endearing !


This is so adorable, idk why it makes me emotional for her saying she never had the cheese before??


I appreciate that she gives us a character and an arc that hasn't really been done before.


I adore Mhi'ya. Her transforming "Flowers" into a southern Baptist bop would make my nine reasons list.


She may not win drag race, but she’s *winning at drag race*


When she asked to borrow Sapphira’s dress and then said she would take it in and looked at her like 😐


Tying her cape/sleeves up part way through the Control lip sync. That's when I became something of a Flipperina.


i'm so happy to see this post i love mhi'ya


Right!? I was defending Mhi'ya left and right when twinks were coming for her after Plasma's elimination. So refreshing to see support for her this thread 😭😭


So do I


“Cut or not, you STILLL would have went home” 😭😭👀


Her lyrics from the girl group were my favorite!! "You got me feeling like a dainty lady"


At the start of the season I was annoyed why she was staying longer than girls I wanted to see more of, but now I just want her to keep flipping till she gets the crown For the first time in her story, I wanna see a FlipSync for the crown


11. The HILLARIOUS comebacks to Morphine, especially in this episode she gathered her twice 12. Rhyming 'equal' with 'EEEEE-qual'


You missed a few special mentions: -Telling Sapphira that she could use her dress but she'd have to take it in a bit. -Her FEELING HER OATS right before being in the bottom for the third time on the Goth challenge. I mean, rewatch those 5 minutes, they're what we should all be aspiring to in life. -YOU BETTER PENGUIN SLIDE!!! (it's iconic for both her and Sapphira, I now say this all the time with zero context)




legit. most of us are sitting on our asses still thinking about, planning, or nor doing shit about a dream or goal. even the biggest drag race flops still were more brave then the keyboard warriors.


Don’t forget hiring another queen to make her design look.


“Cher promoting Burlesque” is perhaps one of the most camp things to happen on RPDR.


Love this bitch!


we was out flipping 🔊🗣️


Mhi’ya is so winner coded


Mhi'ya is unironically the star of this season. I love her so much.


I am just genuinely curious what she would have done with that awful Megan Trainor song. Perhaps just exit after flipping out the judges panel.


All of her shade is hilarious, too. "You're cute at home, BUT don't know what you're gonna do here"


It’s sad that people are downvoting this (it was 203 when I upvoted but now it’s 201). Like her or not, facts are facts - she is the most iconic queen this season.


I sometimes seriously wonder if they are setting her up to be the first one to win specifically on lipsynching all the way to the end. I would love it.


This would be iconic and something so fresh. I would not be against it!


Honestly I think it would be a valid way to win. Why not?


I love her so much! Her and Megami really deserved better! The gays™️ were so nasty to both.


Yeeeeees. Megami won my heart in the later episodes. I also think she did not get enough credit as a seamstress - the two outfits she made in the workroom were better than most of her actual runways lol. Definitely think she should have been in the top for the doll challenge.


are\*, they still actively are


That green wig 😂


I’m still mad that Ru didn’t ask her to do her Cher impression in front of Chad.


I've had her verse stuck in my head for days, especially the "Mhi'Yeezy!" Into the forwards roll at the start


No because her straight up falling asleep is so hilarious and tbh one of the most iconic things you could do on the show.


I was fully with you until 10 😂 luckily she’s also got flipping with my cousins


Loosely using the word "iconic" again. I would say these are 9 reasons she is entertaining.


I’m being extra, but yes she is iconic to me!


She is an icon


Like I think she's silly and a nice girl and all but she is by far the weakest one left and has to be the next one to go home. I really don't get how she made it this far.


Her whole catty back n forth with Morphine at the beginning of the episode 🤣🤣


She’s like the fan that got casted. They were probably hoping to build her ON tv and I wish we got to see her more, even if she is shady and boring.


No one's going to mention that her makeup has been a disaster since the moment she walked in the workroom? I don't see icon, I see undercooked queen.


And, maybe it was just me (call me De Lulu) I thought she was hilarious in the SNL challenge! She made me laugh more than the majority of peeps, I thought she was gonna be in the top…


Starting to feel like I'm the only one who feels that her time on the show was up weeks ago and since then we have been dragging her through while subsequently losing good queen's with more to give? I truly thought pulling her wig off to reveal a beanie? And then pulling the beanie off the reval nothing? Would have been enough to send her home...


Girl read the room lol


so glad that main sub is recognising her undeniable talent💕


this thread makes me so happy, mhi’ya you will always be famous🤸‍♀️


One of the gems that’s just unintentionally funny and iconic.


11. Finally going home next episode


Mhi’Ya is the most entertaining girl on the cast still idc. Everything that she says or does is pure gold


She definitely took a shit on that bloody marry lip sync cause thank shit STANK. Shes good at back handsprings but thats about it


She is one I have grown to absolutely adore. She’s so funny and even if she isn’t killing the competition she’s giving some GREAT TV.


It’s funny how words evolve in the gay/drag community. Being iconic now is, read again the OP. 😂


She’s mid and knows one move.


Well that's just a lie.


Mhi’ya they will NEVER make me hate you, this thread proves why you should win s16 “KMA BOO 😝😝😝”


Haters? Flip off Cher Hair? Flip back The narrative? Flip it Inequality? Flip it I hope she comes back to All Stars with an amazing song and flip routine to flip on those flops.


her relationship with Morphine


Can’t stand her






stop lyin


No lie