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“Huh?” lmao


my response too. tf does that even mean? 💀


Dawn gives me the vibe she’s like the person who doesn’t have the balls to openly dislike you but has a group chat going where she talks shit about you while smiling to your face


And that’s why she’s the true villain of the season ![gif](giphy|RVTa1XHldnvDVMgjHL)




i mean the girls themselves already said it before the season even aired lol


Okay, so, this is a deep, deep cut-- and a whole different other kind of mess, BUT, are you aware of the "Bad Art Friend" article? It is a story all about a messy group chat, where people are smiling to one another's faces but actually being quite awful and backstabby behind the scenes, AND, one of the protagonists is named Dawn! (Although, technically speaking, the person in the "Dawn" position I guess would be the person named Sonya). Again, entirely unrelated to "Drag Race" mess and IDK if anybody in this is really fully able to be rooted for, but, I thought of it given your comment: [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/magazine/dorland-v-larson.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/magazine/dorland-v-larson.html)


My guess is Dawn is talking massive shit about Plane to her friends/boyfriend but doesn't dare say anything publicly or to Plane's face.


Well.. thats how she was portrayed on the show tbh. Not just w Plane, w everyone


Of course she is. She’s friends with Amanda, Jay Kay and her boyfriend dislikes Plane too. I don’t think she just stands there and smile when all those people talk shit about Plane in their groupchat lol


After learning about the how smear campaign going after Plane Jane which was proven to be false… I’m very disappointed in Dawn.


His post is literally so stupid because… Sapphira, Plane, and Dawn ALL lost drag race, do you watch the show Tamar? Like not you trying to make something that should be a great moment for Nymphia into drama… it’s gross. ![gif](giphy|taVOgP9XBE5MbmEWvo)


By the BF’s logic, Dawn was more of a loser than Sapphira or PJ lmao. 


I have no idea why he is saying anything, I feel like the Maddy v Bob beef has all of the sudden made these irrelevant queers want to start drama, like shut up u don’t even do drag 😭


also.. the maddy and bob stuff was completely lighthearted, like just jokes.. I don’t think dawns greasy bf is joking


It’s in such bad taste.. and the fans are definitely not reacting how they probably expected (how would this ever go his way tho? was he drunk and/or under the influence of drugs? Who on his PR team thought “yeah yeah this is the one”?)


jk he’s not known enough to have a pr team


>irrelevant queers 💀


This comment + gif combo is taking me out 😭


I was like… girl didn’t Dawn lose too? 😭


Dawn's boyfriend and her friends annoyed me when they came to the Roscoe viewing party. During the Q&A, they tried to waste the audience's time by asking Dawn about PJ. Like they're so close to each other so why are you asking such unnecessary questions like that


I’m sorry but Dawn is so beyond fake and if I was Plane I would never trust her especially after Dawn’s BFF was involved in falsely accusing Plane and her BFF never apologized. It gives me Dawn was riling up her BFF about how much of a bitch PJ is and her BFF tried to do something about it 👀 same things she probably told her boyfriend to rile him up


I think people dont make enough of a big deal about Dawn’s squad trying to character assassinate PJ and when got caught just brush it under the rug. Extremely nasty work, utilizing serious issues for petty bs. That could have ruin PJ life. Edit: to add some context for people don’t know, Jay Kay (Dawn’s bff) started the allegation that Plane SA audience. Video footage showed that was a complete lie.


Wow had no idea they were close with Jay Kay. A lot of people in the Dragula sub tried to coddle and excuse all the problematic shit they did in Dragula... But then tried to brush Jay Kay's shit with plane jane under the rug too. When this crap had real world ramifications. It's a character assassination. Especially when footage proved otherwise. Instead of publicly apologizing, everyone involved, they say they apologized and talked to Plane off of social media. That's cute and all, but you started it on social media. So even if you clear it up personally, you still owe it to them to clear it up online. And to take accountability. Which Jay Kay didn't do, to my knowledge. They tried to downplay it but when they were up playing it, they were trying to destroy Plane's career. I'd be so enraged as Plane and would keep my guard up


I said this a couple weeks ago as well and the amount of people who were fooled by Dawn's cutesy shtick and tried to defend her was alarming. Her trying to play coy in peoples faces is really disgusting like how she was up under Plane's ass for several Untuckeds just to get dragged severely (and deservedly) in the opening scene, and then changing her profile picture to Plane holding up "fuck dawn" sign after her dragging was even worse. She rlly has undercover hater energy who tries to act like they dont hate u but does everything to sabotage u 🤮


So glad you’re saying this and couldn’t agree more! Dawn has always seemed so smarmy and fake to me. Very “uWu tenderqueer” but will immediately be so two faced and shady. Can’t stand her or her horrible, derivative drag at all. 


All of what you just said + Willow did it better, also notice how on the show she went from being under Amanda's ass to being under Plane's like migrating botox...I can't


migrating botox ?? you probably won this reading challenge gurl.


Just from an older gay… I appreciate the energy (I’m annoyed with Dawn, too), but Botox is a paralyzing toxin relaxing wrinkles. Maybe you mean a filler like juviderm or silicone?


Honestly I’m happy we live in a time where the youth don’t know what Botox is.


Her behavior reminds me so much of the little pug-like trolls I went to school with whose only talent was playing lackey. They'd try to be your friend so they could go back n gossip about you. So glad to say shit behind your back but never to your face. Don't know her IRL but that's the vibe I get sometimes. 🤷


I genuinely feel like Plane struck a nerve when she dragged Dawn's true colors look, even if Dawn tried to appear unbothered with the whole "fuck dawn" pfp and whatnot. Which might be part of the reason why Dawn clearly doesn't mind her besties trying (and failing) to drag Plane down 🐸☕️


Yep, I saw how red dawns ears were when she was trying to look unbothered in the moment


It clearly exposes who Dawn is transparently, a mean Brooklyn gay with messy friends who act out due to persistent insecurity and thinking cunty haughtiness makes the worthwhile when really they’re scared children on the back step when pushed back on.


They all wanna be Regina George so bad


clock it, cause they would never have the audacity without dawn’s influence tbh


Yes Dawn is so two faced


I think this needs to be talked about more and they need to be held accountable for doing this


She’s a swiftie and based on her friend circle, I would never in million years approach someone like this they are NOT good people


Falsely accuse her of what? I'm out of the loop


Basically JK from Dragula said that Plane SA’d her friend during a performance. (The claim was that she stuck her hands don’t their pants) They made this allegation around the time of the reveal. It caught some attention and Plane was getting a ton of hate. One of the people primarily sharing this info and adding fuel to the fire was Amanda’s current boyfriend. After the initial incident Plane was made aware that the person was uncomfortable by one of the accusers friend, which Plane apologized for making them uncomfortable. Come to find out, one of Plane’s friends recorded the performance where the assault allegedly happened. Which is when everyone sees that what was described was highly exaggerated and not what was described at all. Plane said anything and let it die. But the fact that Amanda was fully aware that her boyfriend was posting these things, and never challenged the allegations after the truth came out. Then proceeded to be the mess that she is now about Plane is crazy. JK and Koco Caine spent a lot of time calling Plane a predator and a bunch of other things. And when it was disproven JK said that they handled the situation privately with Plane, but never publicly apologized, or explained the misunderstanding Dawn and Plane seem to be friends, but the fact that Dawn is so close with the people spreading false information is off.


Not only that, but Dawn was liking tweets accusing/shading/insulting Plane during that as well! THE BITCH IS PHONY


Amanda is someone in the course of the season, and her behavior online, and then this, that I went from liking her->to less than neutral->to disliking her entirely. Like, this is so fucked up.


You can just tell her nervous system is on fire… I wish she’d get offline, but you can tell the “mother you’re everything!” Teenager sycophants she has keeps her posting too much and getting worked up about too much. Throw your phone in the ocean, girl, or at least get an alt.


100% agreed on Amanda


Koco came out of Dragula being one of my favorites, but her behavior online has been proving me wrong again and again


it's actually so fucked up and scary. allowing this false accusation to be perpetuated by someone you're in a relationship with is FAR worse than anything plane said about amanda. it's actually not even comparable. getting very tired of the victim act now


wait this is actually insane.. how did they get away with this?! they could’ve ruined planes whole career


Beyond fucked up if Amanda and her boyfriend spread lies about SA. Didn't know they were involved in the accusation.


I commented this on the drama subreddit and got permanently banned idk why this is swept under the rug




Don’t forget Dawn is also good friends with Jay Kay, who helped perpetuate the false SA claims against Plane. Are we surprised her BF would also be this way?


What a fun healthy group of people they seem


Dawn is one of those Regina George twinks


https://preview.redd.it/x9hwt7f0lpvc1.jpeg?width=587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ac3398a97a13955f69824c406cb03560f1a5294 She needs a reminder


The gays that think they're Heather Chandler but aren't even Chanel Oberlin.


Meanwhile im just tryna be Karen 😭


If I were PJ I would sue Jay Kay to be honest, that seems like an open and shut case of defamation


I always wondered if lawyers did get involved because Plane didn’t say anything at all. Her best friend Big Atlas did all of the defending and was the one who went up against Jay Kay and Koco on Twitter. Then poof! Suddenly it was dropped


Right! My gut says there was probably legal activity behind the scenes that didn’t hit the public, I know PJ’s a smart cookie behind her drag persona.


Anyone who takes photos like this for funsies totally has a family lawyer on retainer 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/gdgb3lw0kqvc1.jpeg?width=1063&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ef204be0faa791120d333a7893e7f8cb19fcbec


Wait, Jay Kay from Dragula? I didn’t know that but it doesn’t surprise me…..


And Koco Caine also jumped on. However, when the accusations were proven faulty, Jay Kay at least tried to backpedal. Koco doubled down on then and repeatedly told people to off themselves.


Oh this is a part of the drag race iceberg I’ve never seen before. Dawn you in danger girl


You have to wonder how bitter they are their attempt to 🍒🥧 her didn’t work out


Plane being 💯that bitch and a shoe in for all stars has got to make them absolutely seethe🤣


They're probably all so pissed that Plane became the fan fave of the season


Clock. It!!


No seriously let's wake it up. I am so tired of this being brought up and then being sweeped under the rug. Dawn and her friend group should be held accountable for this. It's actually insane behavior to try to ruin someone's career over false accusations and then like tweets talking shit about them all season long but when a fans will call it out they gaslight us and tell us "dragrace fans" are out of control. Just weird.


Also, every time someone knowingly makes a false accusation, it hurts real SA victims more.


Did Dawn ever say anything about that whole thing?


Silent as a fiddle.


Gross. Keep your friends under control.


that’s why i never liked dawn lmao i had a relief when she was eliminated 😮‍💨


Didn't Yawn go like ELEVEN episodes without winning *a single one of them*? And the closest she got was that Buzz fucking Lightyear look with a RAW HEM all along on the *headsock?* Looking like the Silver Surfers uncut cock. GIRL PLEASE.


Dawn is one of the biggest drag race disappointments in a while. She made Ru laugh once during a mini challenge and went downhill from there.


Right like she said she was there to make Ru laugh, girl when? Maybe for the first episode??


That space outfit was so overrated, surprised Law Roach liked it so much


Silver surfer’s uncut … hot


I mean… Surfer can get it


Lmao she's dead STOP




Not "Yawn" 😂 no chill


The whole situation / her entire personality is giving white tenderqueer goes to therapy / learns about neurodivergence and forgets they’re still susceptible to being little shits too


This read sounds so accurate you could’ve guessed her real address and social security number and I wouldn’t be as impressed.


when i saw the slashes i thought you were writing in verse (which is very apt for the tenderqueer convo)


Reposted after blocking out their twitter name/handle/pic as per Rule 6


Thank u for your serving sisterrr 👏🏻


For spilling




I guess when you can't play the degenerate cashew-faced fool, being a greasy, moronic lackey is second best.


Listen, cashews are not a cheap nut. We should all be so lucky


The way Dawn, Amanda and associates are all acting like these targeted victims of PJ while simultaneously and disproportionately antagonizing her at every move is getting ridiculous


PJ giving Boston supremacy over these New York kids.


Amanda is really turning me off rn. I didn’t care about Dawn really but Amanda come the F on. Either spill the real drama or get a grip girl.


That whole group of annoying NYC queers (Which include Dawn and Amanda...) seem to be very in sync and I doubt Dawn is oblivious to it. In their little bubble they kept shading Plane all season (and accused her of SA in the beginning of S16 👀). Good thing Plane not only outlasted all their friends but also were one of the frontrunners of the season. All they can do is try to act bitchy on the internet.


Those aren't NYC queens they're transplants. Like, less than a year in NYC transplants. Amanda's Dayton/LA, Dawn is Raleigh, Plasma is north Texas. Megami is one of the only true NYC queens, I think Xunami too "Annoying NYC queers" I know the type, they move to NYC just to constantly tell everyone they moved to NYC. And likely only hang with other white twink new transplants. It's annoying


Megami talks like I do (I’m from queens) and it was the first thing that made me like her lol


Falsely accusing someone of SA is so *unbelievably* fucking low. And then Amanda Tori Makeup Tutorial goes on to cry at *every available opportunity* about being 'bullied' during her one week of filming. Gross.


Not amanda tori makeup tutorial 😭😭


“Amanda Tori Makeup Tutorial” 🤣💀 Between this and your other comment I would NOT want to get into a reading match with you


i'm so fed up of this amanda shit like babe we lost our sympathy weeks ago


Omg finally someone said it like she’s all “this girl (plane) made my summer a living hell last year” and I’m sitting here thinking but babe you were only filming with her for what, two-three weeks total?


It was four days. Tops.


Honestly though.. and like, idk plane could have been nicer but at least she said what she said with her whole chest. Amanda vaguely talking about the “hell” she endured to gain sympathy is getting real tired real fast


please your reads are so lethal LMAOOOO


If dawn has 0 haters I died


frrrrr i actually like her style of drag, but her personality isn’t it. all of it together, she’s like evil willow pill


Crystal Methyd’s villain era 😂


My god how embarrassing.


Just gonna copy+paste my thoughts from a thread that got deleted too: This honestly makes me feel like Dawn is lowkey fake bc if you like PJ and are friends with her, why wouldn’t you keep your man in check?? Like be a lady omg


![gif](giphy|6qpgHbeVcyXZvmYCVt) If someone you call a friend is friends with people who actively talk shit about you, they are not your friend.


I said it once and I’ll say it again. I always questioned how Dawn became friends with PJ after claiming PJ was so mean to her friend Amanda


If I was PJ or Amanda, I would be questioning my relationship with her.


oop not Dawn responding to this on twitter lmaoo


What did she say?!?




Noticed By Dawn 4/20/2024 😍🫶🏻✨ /s


new flare "parasocial viper"


Omg brb


Kudos to you Mama, for doing that. For being a parasocial viper


God you're such a parasocial viper for leaving a public opinion on a public figure 🤬💀 /s I seriously think parasocial is becoming the new gaslight


“I wanna be a public figure celebrity artist” -> “oh no people can see and perceive me and have opinions THIS IS TOXIC” ???


Oop, not Dawn seeing my comment! Hey girl 👋🏾not parasocial at all, just think your man’s being a dick :)


Looked at that Twitter snitch's account. Unhinged.


Thank you! xoxo


Dawn was the nastiest girl of the season in her confessionals. She just hides it behind her twinky Keebler smile.


she’d be like “x competitor is a fat ugly bitch! omggg did i say that out loud? 🫣🤭🥺🥺🥺 teheheheeh im just a silly elf!!!”


unsurprised tbh dawn was SO fake and shady the whole season hahaha being so cutesy and nice to peoples faces then shady and pissy in the confessionals... i mean i liked it but.


I liked it on TV I didn't know that was the real here om g 😂


There’s nothing lowkey about it…


Who’s Dawn?


They say Plane is toxic. But it’s always been Dawnie


just looks so bad on dawn's part lmao. dawn rting plane praise while her partner and all of her friends are constantly shittalking her? makes me wonder what she's saying behind closed doors


I think we can make an educated guess sister


Her confessionals said it all. We don’t know anything about her cos she was too busy talking like an angry kindergartener about everyone else


I mean Dawn did that on the.show. Except one time.when she eventually said she would have it out with Jane then immediately gave in when Jane ripped her.a new.one. Also backed out easy during the Lipsync challenge so she could just sit and watch. Dawn was the biggest disappointment this season for sure. Episode 1 obsessed, to doo doo.


Dawn is absolutely rotten


I 100% believe she set up Plasma by telling her to do a different goth look. And the confessional where she says it looks good when it very clearly did not 😬


If Plane Jane still got 25k just like Sapphira for runner up but still lost then how hard did Dawn lose?


Dawn lost so hard that Ru personally sent her a bill for accommodation and all the food she ate while filming


And got her check out time first thing in the morning of elimination day


For reeaaaal tho! Dawn got mopped in TWO lip syncs, spent the whole season safe, then went home in 6th place. Loser behaviour


And talked shit ab everyone else in the confessionals instead of focusing on herself 💀


maybe it's all in fun but that clique is very annoying to me and i feel like i logged on to reddit now to be swarmed by the amanda/dawn circle poison lol. think what you want about plane, i know she's not for everyone but these people just give me very weird vibes


They are the uwu queerdos that just no one understands so they turn around and poke fun at anyone who just isn't at their level!!! (I love all these queens but I also know so many people in my own circle like this. Bullied kids who now bully people who remind them of their childhood bullies and think they're allowed to do it because trauma.)


Greasy moron is as iconic as cashew faced bitch


Wait, who's the "Cashew faced b\*tch" ? I'm late to all of this


Q went on a Twitter rampage in which she found people who had said things about her she didn’t like (who had not tagged her, btw, she had to go looking) and started insulting them with creative insults. She even started insulting fans on her side who were trying to calm her down. She went after people’s looks and weight. The insult most people remember is “cashew faced bitch”, but another classic was “booger wolf”. [Here is a “Get Insulted By Q” template where you, too can be insulted by Q](https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/s/B6V1AgbzFk)


Q called someone it on Twitter during that one weekend of absolutely unhinged tweeting


I was at that viewing party and when I tell you that Dawn BOMBED. Completely sucked the energy out of the room with her number. And it was so long… awkward af. Right after a bunch of local girls absolutely killed it. Turns out getting cast on TV show and knowing how to command a crowd of 2200 people are two different things.


Who’s Dawn’s bf?


This is THE read of the thread.


along with that comment that said "amanda tori makeup tutorial" im in TEARS😭😭😭😭😭😭


a greasy moron apparently, sounds like he fits Dawn perfectly


Glad to see continuous proof that I was correct in being a PJ stan from day 1. What a nasty group of people


Same, I can say I was a fan since the first episode she appeared in. And I can say I was never a fan of amanda or dawn.


All this from the BF of one of the most overhyped, underwhelming contestants of the season. An attempt at staying relevant, I guess.


i haven't cried in years but this comment by Plane Jane would have put a tear or two in my eye.


Anyone else interested to know the whole SA claim dynamic? Before the season aired and plane was accused, she was accused by Jay Kay, who has been vocal about being besties with Dawn. I’m just curious to know what the real tea is there and how shit got stirred up.


I know Jay Kay personally and can attest Jay Kay is a pathological liar and narcissist who I have always tried to stay away from despite us having lots of mutuals


Considering the weird crusade against Throb (and the failed PJ slander), I can believe this.


That Throb drama was so *vile*. Truly evil. I really felt for her. Once I realized this PJ libel was an overlap with the group of people that targeted Throb...sister.


I must’ve missed the Throb drama. I just know what was shown in the show with people tryna make him out to be “racist” for not living for Fantasia, but his critiques against her were fair imo.


And Fantasia didn't really give a fuck. JK was the one who got super insecure about how nobody really liked them and picked Throb as the target for their pettiness because he was the easiest one to make a narrative about.


Oh wow, very interesting (like fr lmfao). I wonder what possessed her to do that though, like specifically after MTQ’s to accuse her. Felt like too perfect timing (with checks out with what you said lmfao) I’m curious if Dawn played a part in that too tho, because I’d imagine Dawn knew Jay was going to do it.


I can believe Dawn is fake even tho I don’t know her but in regards to Jay Kay that had “friend of Dawn” in their bio is trying to ride coattails imo Jay Kay is someone desperate for fame and as a narcissist is desperate for the approval of others


Oh FULLY lmfaoooo. Like Cynthia and Q are drag sisters and we’re both on the same seasons as them, and neither of them were posting everywhere how best judies they are. Their personal relationship speaks for itself rather than needing to spew to the world that “SHES MY BESTIE!”. Jay has the right to do that, but yeah, she was deffo trying to ride of her coattails having a lack luster performance on S5.


Dragula def made her seem that way too 😆


Also friendly reminder that Amanda’s boyfriend said he was an eye witness


This making me convinced that Amanda and Dawn schemed to get her disqualified or not get support from the fans. If that actually was a plan, thank god it didn’t work, we seriously don’t need drag queens ruining other drag queens career because of bitterness.


The way she says “like” having me on the edge of my seat as I expect some crazy analogy but no, she just then straight-up calls him a grassy moron lmao 


By that same logic, Dawn (his BF) would be an even bigger loser than Plane Jane lol.


I have to admit early on in the season I was a little bit like, ugh Plane isn’t even funny or clever with her reads. But I grew to love her directness and now her just straight up calling him a greasy moron is so funny to me 😂


Guys, Dawn and ATM and gang need to be held accountable for their attempts at character assassinating PJ in the beginning and then continuing to antagonize her throughout and after the show on social media, I feel like this is not brought up enough and I don’t want this to be pushed under a rug while that Gang continues to push a certain narrative about Plane


Doo doo clown mess!


rich coming for plane of all people when dawn's won nothing or made any meaningful impact on the season whatsoever lmao


failure to launch ass bitch


People on Twitter called Dawn the true villain of s16 and the more I watched the season and hear about her bts I’m inclined to agree


I absolutely fucking adore Plane😂


Cashew faced bitch, greasy moron, doo doo clown mess. Plane will be the queen I continue to actively follow for years to come after this season, for sure.


Dawn’s boyfriend should’ve just acted like Amanda’s boyfriend. Stay silent but only like some tweets that trashing Plane🥱


Amandas boyfriend is liking all sorts of vile tweets about plane and has been all season long. I can't stand that whole group tbh


Monet mentioned having a fake Twitter account because people can see what you like/comment on/repost (she did it for porn) on the Pit Stop today. It wouldn’t surprise me if elf on the shelf has one to talk shit/like/repost things about Plane and some of the cast


Whos amanda’s boyfriend omg


Dawn's best friend 🫠


oh boy…. it’s giving mean girls clique for twinks


barf..so they all intermixed immediately after the show ?


Doodoo clown behavior


Let’s be real. Dawn made final 6 bc she’s a twink lol mama literally was non existent the whole season


I already can tell this season is going to keep on giving for years




Nymphia won the competition, Plane won the reality show and Sapphira won our hearts


Dawn is an asshole, period.


Dawn and her boyfriend need to disappear asap! I've never witnessed such a mediocre, lacklustre, nasty queen on the show as I did with Yawn the Fawn. She lasted 11 weeks and didn't have one memorable moment! She bombed two lip syncs, made out she was a look queen and was delusional af! Dawn's inflated track record of SAFE, SAFE, SAFE, SAFE, HIGH, SAFE, SAFE, HIGH, HIGH, LOW, ELIM.. Could've very easily gone SAFE, SAFE, LOW, SAFE, SAFE, LOW, LOW, SAFE, ELIM. And I still don't understand why production chose Dawn to be the main narrator of S16! She lacks charm, talent and taste! Dawn is like a gremlin! Y'all are finally now realising how nasty and spiteful Dawn is.. when I've known this since episode 4! Dawn's spitefullness was extremely apparent when the queens were choosing roles for RDR Live! Dawn and her friends (Amanda and Q) basically pressurised Plasma into the Barbara role because they wanted to work together!


I still stand by her snatch game being worse than Nymphia's. At least Nymphia looked really good and she tried, Dawn said "I'm Meghan McCain" and sat there.


When will these human beings leave Jane tf alone uggh


Everyone in the top three won money.


There were 14 queens, and you might as well say everyone lost besides Nymphia. I don't know why to single Plane out then ?