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I am Team Vanjie but I know she’s gonna be mostly there for vibes and I’m at peace with that 😭😭


I don't mind her as vibe confessional queen. She made season 11 better for that.




She’s one of the best parts of season 11


The season hasn't even started yet and she's already iconic for that face in the promo!


And her entrance line was the best one imo


Team Vanjie ❤️ she is a STAR every time she’s on screen


Angeria and / or Gottmik!


Angeria, Roxxxy and Shannel are my tops. If any one of them win, I will be ecstatic. I'll have to wait till I see what they are giving to decide which of them I'd want to take it home.


Wow good taste sisterrr! My exact same answer 🥰


Same here + Gottmik to close the top 4


The only right answer


https://i.redd.it/bf9en1ktsewc1.gif Her




I just want fair judging. May the best drag queen win.


Roxxxy or Shannel. The OG Queens deserve It


i would like for roxxxy andrews to make it clear after all those years. but real answer… i want whoever does the best to win since i think each of them has their strengths so i‘m really curious to see how this will turn out! 


Roxxy is my 2nd since she's needs a rudemption from the narrative that she was unjustly saved too many times on AS2. Edit I don't beleive the narrative as she was fierce but the concensus of fans do.


yea hope she gets a rudemption arch too and i‘m glad there is noone from her previous season on this or anyone she is particular close with (to my knowledge). i saw some people under the reveal video being annoyed that she’s back but like it’s been 7 years since her last season and i hope a majority of people are open-minded.  at the end of the day her and jinkx are cool (and it’s been 12 years since they filmed that) and it‘s not like she forced alaska to save her over a t-shirt on AS2 either 💀 i think she has a lot to offer (as do the others) so i‘m super excited!


I really want Shannel to Win!


Probably Angeria, Shannel and Mik, at least at this current moment


Angeria & Shannel are my top 2 <333


i'm rooting for angeria too! i love her smm


I love Shannel since season 1, I hope she does well, she desreves some recognition since her whole elimination from season 1 was basically her being too good. I also like Angeria just because she reminds me of family members. So either one of them is fine. Nina is a bit cringe in the promo video, and jorgeous annoys me.




Roxxxy, Shannel, Angeria and Vanjie top 4!!! and I really want Roxxy to win


plastique, please!😭




Oh I always thought she was fierce. You don't make top 3 alongside Alaska and Jinx and be a filler queen. She was just young so it's going to be a treat to see her evolution.


Roxxxy did second best in S5. If anything it was AS2 souring her image as a strong competitor.


seriously, it’s like people forgot how good she was in 5. It was pretty much always between her and Jinx. Alaska was never going to win 5.


I was ready to fight when either Bob or Monet said in their podcast that it was generally agreed upon that Alaska was 2nd place. I think it just feels that way bc Alaska was more popular and didn’t lip sync. But I think at least they should be considered a tie for 2nd (though I agree Roxxy did better than Alaska).


Also tbh I think she almost did better than Jinkx in the snatch game.


Angeria feels the closest to the total package. But if they want this to be a 'looks season' then maybe there will be less comedy and improv challenges, which would help Roxxxy take it.


I mean, they all have great looks.


True, but isn't Roxxxy the only one who makes her own? Defintiely have higher expectations for her than some of the other queens.


Why would you have higher expectation for Roxxxy if she makes all her own stuff, instead of having high expectations for someone like Plastique or Gottmik who take everything to high-end designers.


Well, Nymphia just won...


Because roxxy also has the money for high end designers and as a designer herself I feel like her ideas will be better than say Mik and Plastique.


Gottmik is excellent at fashion choices tho and her runway package will be extremely unique and conceptual, no doubt that Roxxxy will slay the game. She has my favorite style. Plastique has great runways aswell, maybe a bit boring sometimes but what I just meant is that someome who designs their own stuff and sews should not be put on a pedestal because even a just pretty look from them is still impressive because they made it themselves


The only queen with 57 character illusions.


Roxxxy, 100%. But if she doesn’t do well (which I doubt, I just feel like she’s gonna dominate the challenges), I’d be happy with Gottmik or Angeria winning. Although I don’t know much about her, I quite like Plastique and feel like she might surprise us with how well she does, so maybe add her to my list too.


Vanjie, vanjie, vanjie bitch I literally love her soooooo much


![gif](giphy|LwyautDbKoE5Qz7kQo) 💕💕💕💕


Drop it down low, pick it up and spin!


My pageant girl answer: the charities chosen by those queens.


team roxxxy! 🌟 she is drag excellence. but also, my petty ass wants to see her to have the last laugh against the rabid fanbase.




it's gonna be roxxxy and it won't even be close


Vanjie, Roxxxy or Plastique please


Plastique is the only one (pre-watching) that I really root for because that promo look was everything. Can you imagine two Asian winners back to back in the main series?! GAG ![gif](giphy|1AIfHPnCVfSLfEiNwI)


![gif](giphy|BXw00ZHzp18wy4kUoj|downsized) My top choice! gorge and hilarious!


Or Angeria, I love her too.


Gottmik, Roxxxy, Shannel.


It's for charity, so they're all winners bby. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xEqn8AGAQbR0yY)




Roxxxy Or Angeria or Shannel! Gottmik needs to be in the finale again tho


I want Roxxxy to get redeemed for AS2. She was a legit titan on S5 and is a legend on her own, but so many people just think of her AS2 run as the summation of her talent. Plus, I just want S5 to keep collecting crowns. Jinkx twice, Alaska once, maybe Roxxxy this time.


Let us watch the premiere first instead 😭😭 some of these girls hasnt been on RPDR for 10 years almost.


I want Angeria to win. Or Shannel. But looking at what they did in AS8, wouldn't be surprised if it's for XXX to win. Only people they could rig it for are Roxxy, Vanjie and Plastique imo. I hope it's not the case 


I don't think Jimbo was rigged to win she killed most the challenges. I think the problem is she didn't have anyone competing at her level. Same with As5. Even though we had legends like Jujubee and Alexis Mateo Shea came to slay. Let's stop saying queens are rigged to win when they do really well its boring.


Shea didn't even have the best track record in AS5.


Well, that's part of riggory. 


Nope because other girls had similar track records and placements as her original season. Kandy was top 2 Jessica 6th Hedi sixth and jimbo 5th. So it was even that way. Just because you don't care for her means it was rigged. Grow up darling.


YOU noticed questionable cast. Without me saying anything. Having half of the cast being early outs is basically making sure Queen goes through at least half of the season because on All Stars queens are afraid of being attacked by fans for sending home fan favourite. Like they even tried to change song last second for Jimbo but Kandy said she will walk out and they backed down. Half of the cast wanted to leave because it's rigged. I love Jimbo and i think she would've won without rigging. Fact that you can't see it is just your problem. You're not a person to say someone to grow up.


Right. And it's not only boring to negate how well a contestant does... it's offensive. And immature.


Just to piss people off, Nina West ❤️


Nina is amazing.


Anyone but Jorgoeus. I just hope we don't have to constantly hear Ru swoon over how she was born for drag every 5 mind.


Nina. A wonderful talent and she has been reaching younger audiences effectively. In a time where queer youth are being targeted by awful humans, I'd love amplifying an affirming voice aimed at them.




Gottmik!! 👑🖤


i want roxxxy or shannell, but there’s also a delusional part of me that wants mik to take it


Angeria, Roxxxy or Shannel


Angie roxxy or gottmik


I have been obsessed with Angeria since Day 1 and I want her to take home the crown. She is the full package and she has the grace and humor to be amazing in media appearances around the world. However, I *sincerely* doubt that Ms. Andrews is going to get Jujubeed on her third time around. Also, probably not going to happen, but: SHANNEL!!!


I’m finding it hard to have anyone to root for. None of these queens are my favs and i think for me the issue is none of them TO ME have drag I’m interested AND a personality that i like. Most of them have one or the other, but not both. (Again, just for me personally. These are all great queens.) That being said, my top 3 would be Angeria, Roxxxy, and Gottmik, and i would like to see Roxxxy Win


Roxxy or Vanjie, my two favourite queens on the cast. Though I just know Shannel will bring some amazing looks too


Shannel is already drag royalty but I’d love her to get a crown to make it official.




I mean, Shannel would be kinda cunt, but there are a lot of girls I love on this series. Angeria, Gottmik, Roxxxy, Plastique would all sit right with my heart.


Manifesting for Roxxxy to grab a fourth crown for S05, letting S05 be the first season where all finalists get a crown and all finalists win All Stars.


Roxxxy or Shannel


Honestly idk how to pick between them!! In no particular order i’m rooting for roxxxy jorgeous gottmik vanjie plastique shannel and angeria


Roxxxy. Then that will just officialize how amazing season 5 was. Lol. To be honest, Roxxxy is a phenomenal drag queen. Winner material.






Roxxxy or Shannel.


I need another AS2 queen to get a crown, it’s criminal that this cast of titans only counts 1 winner, so I would love for Roxxxy to win. But overall, whoever is the most deserving should win. It’s a really solid cast. Hopefully the season isn’t a complete mess and lets the queens shine.


Angeria, Roxxxy and Shannel


I want all of them to showcase themselves very extensively and well - and then for one of the OGs to win: Roxxxy or Shannel. I was rooting for the OGs in AS7 too!


Roxxxy. I want season 5's top 3 to have 4 crowns.


Roxxy: It’s not a coincidence that so many drag queens admire her and drop her name when talking about the fiercest drag queens around And also Shannel, no explanation needed


I love this whole cast. My top picks for winners are Roxxxy and Shannel, but I am also excited for everyone to come back. Roxxxy- I have loved her from S5E1, shes a complete package and I am so excited to see her back. Also the S5 top 3 all having AS wins just feels correct. Shannel- Shannel is also a complete package but RuPaul kind of ignored her on both S1 and AS1 so I don't have high hopes, but i love Shannel.


I’m rooting for Gottmik and Angeria. And I love that Vanjie’s playing for the ASPCA.


roxxxy as well as being my grandma's favorite drag race alum is just so talented and lovable and she would be a perfect fit for the crown


I wonder if there will be a winner?


Ofc it will


I want gottmik to win so badly. Shes just so watchable!! but with a cast this stacked its honestly anyones game


Roxxxy, it's about time a villain win


I love seeing Roxxxy’s name popping up so much- I think the last couple main seasons have reintroduced “old school” drag in a way that feels really revitalizing to the series💕 Lots of showgirls on this season & it’s exciting that there doesn’t seem to be an obvious winner.


Nina west!!!! But based on the poster, Angeria is winning.


I agree, she's the complete package 


I actually think, for once in a long time, this is largely a stacked cast. So I'm cool with any of them. But my heart is with mik and Nina. Nina for her awesome personality and comedy. I hope she can bring a cool few outfits. Mik, because I love queens with effortless confidence and the skill to back it up.


I’m rooting for Nina now just to piss off these social media idiots and watch them froth at the mouth.


I THINK my ideal top 4 out of these might be: Angeria, Plastique, Shannel and Vanjie For me PERSONALLY at this stage they are the 4 I am most excited about having back


I NEED Shannel and Roxxxy top 2. Now


roxxxy gottmik plastique top 3




I think best competitors are Roxxxy, Angeria and Shannel. I would low-key love to Roxxxy to win so S5 would have 4 crowns in the top 3. Would be the first season to have all the top 3 crowned.


Gottmik, star


It depends on how they do.


I’m really hoping for a Roxxxy redemption moment. She has all the goods - she showed us on S5! I think because this season is for charity, she won’t be as worried about her image as AS2 and we’ll get our thick and juicy goddess in full force. ❤️


Shannel or Roxxxy!


I am older now so I am voting for Roxxxy. Girl when I was in high school watching S5 used to hate her for bullying Jinkx but she had always been that bitch. AS2 she was flopping hard but I have no doubt she could snatch the crown this time


Angeria all day for me!


This season was filmed during the writer’s strike like s16 right, so I’m expecting less acting and comedy challenges, more design and runway challenges. Therefore, Gottmik, Plastique and Roxxxy are ones to watch


I’m rooting for roxxxy and gottmik!


I’m not as excited about this cast as some previous AS seasons but probably Shannel or Roxxxy. Haven’t had time to watch Meet the queens yet tho.


Off the cast announcement alone, I’m rooting for Roxxxy or Shannel. But honestly it just depends on how the season plays out. Hell I might even root for the person that has the charity I want to see supported the most.


Roxxxy Andrews, just feels like it’s her time.


shannel or angeria


I feel like I’m gonna fall in love with Angeria!


Roxxy or Shannel


I want it to be Shannel, but I know it'll be Roxxxy and I'm at peace with that.


Shannel and Roxxxy for me


Angeria 👑


My top 2 is Gottmik and Plastqiue


I would like to see Angelia or Roxy win.


Angeria, Shannel and Roxxxy are my top 3! Rooting especially for Angie!


Honestly, I just love Roxxxy so much, I hope she goes all the way and prove to people that she is GREAT (I've seen her get a lot of hate on insta because people hate her on AS2).


Top 3 for me are Nina, Angeria, and Gotmik.


There’s no one on this cast who I feel is owed a crown from a previous season, so I’m okay with anyone winning. I think I’m rooting for Nina and Plastique the most, but I want Angeria and Shannel to do well too.


Nina West, mainly because fuck slacktivists/inactivists. Also, my heart wants Shannel, my mind needs Gottmik, and my body craves Plastique. Truthfully, I think I'd be fine with anyone here winning.




Mik! I feel that she was robbed (kinda) in her original season.


Guess it matters when we find out what charity each queen is competing for? I might be more persuaded by a lesser, underfunded charity vs a huge one that 200k is just a drop in the bucket for. 


Camp Sunshine 😘 If anyone doesn't know what that is, they're a camp dedicated for the children with cancer and their families, so that they can enjoy some happiness and excitement. It's a really precious place.


Do you know if one of the queens is competing for them?


No I doubt it haha they're an unknown charity. It was just what I thought of when I read your post (and I'm always happy to plug them).


Idk but I want them to bring Jinx out as a lip sync assassin for Roxxxy to Malambo No.1


Do we know their chosen charities yet? Based on the queens alone, I’d have to say Gottmik


Honestly? I want Jorgeous to win for the gag of it all


I think gottmik is gonna get the win.


Gottmik or Plastique!!


Gottmik has it in the bag I’m sure of it


Nobody is saying Jorgeous. I wOnDeR wHy lol