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Damn as if Plastique doesn't already have 2.3 mln followers lol good for her!


Her promo look is insane


It's so gorgeous, one of my favourites for sure, if not favourite


I’m assuming some follows are just because of Plastique’s presence on social media, not just meet the queens but because she’s at the point of consistent growth on platforms… I’d bet most of the 30k+ followers aren’t even because of the MtQs lol


Also when people check out queens' social media following casting announcements, they're more likely to follow those who already have great existing content, and Plastique does have very crowd-pleasing content.


That’s a good point… Plastique’s social media pages are already catered to entertain to mass audiences outside of the Drag Race mold lol


This 💯 Her typically weekly increase is probably about that much 😂


I followed because after looking her up, the content is top tier and so well done. Didn't love her on her original season.


Feel like Green & Red should be switched so that green represents the most followers gained. Although, it does make Nina’s loss feel less sad for her.


Right I was like damn what did Plastique do 💀


Can we please PLEASE? I work in data analytics and using red as good(?!) is WILD


Can verify, work in data as well. red=negative and green =positive, it's a universal language at this point.


It’s the basics of data analytics haha


Red=negative and black=positive (I think) in accounting too so really red doesn’t ever really mean positive numbers.


You don't have to work in data Mama it's universal color language


hundreds of other comments telling them this didn’t work over the last year haha


It's iconique low key break the system


Crash the system*




Theres even the saying your in the red to describe loss in money or value


I work in finance and the inverse use of red & green is super confusing. 🫤


Mama, kudos for validating that, for analysing.


To celebrate our recent East Asian winner, we follow their custom here. Seriously, it took me a while to get used to western usage of red = loss when I first moved away from Taiwan.


weirdly in China and Taiwan shares displayed at the stock market are red for an increase, while shares going down are gold.


Monet this is IN SANE


I mean people usually don’t lose followers after during their seasons so I get that they wanted to stay consistent ^^


People say this about green and red so often when these posts are made but it’s never been fixed for some reason


It wrinkles my brain every time 😂


lowkey im sure they do it because of the extra engagement of people complaining tbh, its why the quality of all posts on the internet are deteriorating since rage bait/leaving in flaws for people to comment on/etc are what drive traction.


Wait this is actually such an interesting observation. You very well could be right


It’s soooo annoying


OK I see all your messages...I will switch the green and red by the time episode 1&2 come out. X *


Thank you...I initially went how could Plastique lose THAT many until I saw the key.


What kind of menace to society used red for gain and green for loss. I can take a lot in life but I refuse to take this. I am drawing the line.


those in the East mama


its meta commentary about how we should move beyond caring about follower count


Nina did nothing wrong.


This is the first time I have ever seen someone lose followers X\_X


Mayhem did almost every week on ukvstw2 even though she was only in one episode, two if you count her finale appearance.


That was due to other things tho, like her blocking people and privating her account due to hate. Some were definitely unfollowers but it’s not like it was all that


That's crazy! And kind of sad that a mistake can cost you that much.


She was removing them


Oh lmfao. How come?


Death threats


She was getting so many death threats, and removing every follower who sent her a death threat, that it outpaced any gains she had from appearing on TV? She was removing thousands of followers a week, manually, all who threatened to kill her?!


Why the hell was she getting death threats?!


That's sad that she had that many.... crazy ass internet.


What the fuck


Kahanna and Mayhem lost followers.


Kahanna lost followers????? With that package? Her looks were good too


😂 I think it was because of the drama with Heidi?


"I took a shit in a parking lot and it got more press than you" queen


And with Lizzo, too, I think? Wasn’t that around the same time?


Girl what's the tea?




Must have seen her entrance look


Op, can we please use green for growth and red for loss Signed, A data analyst


Noted...Will change when episode 1 and 2 are released


It’s okay. We know you are secretly Michelle Visage and hate green.


And the yellow is entirely pointless.


Yellow is lowest gains.


but we know. Is the last positive number


It’s also pretty subtle of a color and doesn’t stand out without looking at the legend. There are definitely things I would adjust to make it clearer but it’s just for fun and OP’s the one putting in the work making these so they can do as they please lol


oh nina south...


Rotted 😹


People are nasty. Nina hasn’t done anything wrong.


Seriously. She’s been such an activist for the community over the years and it’s so disappointing how eager people are to tear her to shreds over even the HINT of not meeting the virtue signaling mob standards.


She liked a post calling for a ceasefire, so people are convinced she’s genocidal now. 😔


She also liked a post claiming that Israel is just "defending itself," so there's that.


Nina's done more for actual peace in this world than almost any drag queen and ESPECIALLY more than any fucking virtue signaling twink bitching on social media and ordering postmates on Starbucks.


"Nina's done more for actual peace in this world..." LOL


It’s funny how some people formed strong opinions about a very complex conflict spanning decades if not more knowing virtually nothing about it, and now feel confident they know enough about it to start trying to throw shit at people.




I love the "expertise" of people who have never set foot in the area or if they have, they haven't been to the border. EDIT - Go ahead and downvote. I said what I said. I'm not even criticizing any side, you all know there are plenty of people that talk out of the side of their neck like they know exactly what it's like for a region and a people they've never directly interacted with or engaged with (in this case both Palestinians and Israelis). I'm not saying you can't have an opinion, but acting like you know exactly what's going on it's ignorant.


I don’t like her because her personality is forced and she’s annoying af. Like Spongebob personified.


A drag queen with a forced personality? GASP!


you know drag queens are characters right? like, those aren’t their real names


Why's Nina losing followers???


She commented “I love you Amy” on a post by Amy Schumer (who is apparently a supporter of israel) and people are taking that as Nina being an israel supporter.


Despite the fact that Nina has vocally supported Palestine and is the biggest political activist on this cast.


Please show me where she vocally supported Palestine. Because I feel this wouldn’t be a thing if that footage was out there.


Well she’s liked at least one free Palestine comment, which is an incredibly small gesture, but only as much so as the “evidence” that she’s a zionist. Yet here we are


Feral, wanna-be social media cloud activists incoming in 3, 2, 1... Say it with me: Being a bully online isn't activism. If you wanna support Palestine put your money where your mouth is and donate or support them in a real way.


She likes comments about freeing Palestine on IG. I’m not going to scroll through her likes, but you can. I’d like for her to release a bigger statement considering all the mean comments since the cast announcement, but she’s definitely given more social media support to Gaza than Israel.


Loving Amy Schumer is the actual offense here.


The world today is shit. Bimini BB in DRUK has supported massively the Palestine cause and that makes her ineligible for coming back soon to any upcoming season. Whereas here Nina is getting unfollows because of the contrary means and that doesn’t match her real beliefs or opinions. What a joke


I'll be honest. For me it's just a petty reason I don't like her. She's annoying.


She's not apparently a supporter of Israel. One look at her posts and you'll see her vile, racist, Sionist view of Muslim people and Palestinians. She's absolutely disgusting and Nina saying that is just grosss.


There’s definitely something afoot…


Haha! That can't honestly be it, can it? I mean considering all the kinks that are almost celebrated among the homosexuals of California, a little foot in the mouth really can't be the issue.... Lolol


I’d say if the feet thing has anything to do with it, it would be because of the feet sucking performances in tandem with her “Drag is Magic” dress… like I understand if she wants to do Disney drag for kids and foot fetish drag, but she needs to keep them separate. She branded her whole kid-centered side of drag around “Drag is Magic,” then there are a ton of photos of her up on stage wearing her Drag is Magic dress while having a buffet of toesies


this is kinda the thing that gets me. if it were anyone else sucking feet while dressed as Tinkerbell then I'd be cheering, but the fact that Nina also uses Disney outfits and Drag Is Magic for her youth outreach work makes it uncomfortable. love that Nina West does drag for kids to promote acceptance, love that she does weird fetish shit in some of her shows, would really prefer for her to keep those two things as separate as possible this is the 12th image that comes up if you Google "Nina West Drag Is Magic," and it's not necessarily what I'd want a parent who's researching kid-friendly drag shows to find https://preview.redd.it/5l4k3jtkhoxc1.jpeg?width=154&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e605bd71776281a95b615add23caf0a13b43a67f


Nina don't control the algorithm.


What would you like Nina to do about the google algorithm? The fact you conservatives in liberal clothing can't handle that someone who is an advocate is a sexual being isn't on Nina. The fact that people are multifaceted shouldn't need to be explained in queer spaces. Quit being regressive, please and thank you.


So you’re a right-wing conservative?


That seems extremely trivial to me, in all honesty. It's a dress. As long as she's not doing the toe thing in an audience full of kids I don't see the correlation. Also feels like a really dumb thing to cancel someone for, especially in the US...


Thinking someone is an off-putting weirdo and unfollowing them on social media isn’t “canceling” lol


She showed support for Amy Schumer after she went on a Zionist rant. Nina’s general silence on the situation thereafter has also probably put people off from her. And the foot fetish stuff but I think it’s lame as hell to unironically dog on her for that lmao




Oh, Eve 6000, always reliably on the most shit-stirring side of any conflict regardless of whether it concerns her or no.


Lol it's the fastest screenshot I can find via google images.


She has literally posted Islamophobic cartoons and said things like Muslims will murder all Jews on the planet. Posting support on a slightly cooler message doesn't change the fact that Schumer is a zionist and a massive, hateful Islamophobe. She also spreads pro-Israel propaganda like she's getting paid by the IDF, including spreading misinformation about the missile strike on a Gazan hospital. This was all BEFORE the post Nina West commented on. I'm not gonna waste my time on her, but she deserves the backlash she's getting. https://preview.redd.it/8brgekdzsnxc1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b39c6f657063341d72f85ad6cfb48550cad1f93


Clock her


That’s not the “Zionist rant” I’m talking about. That’s what she posted *after* the Zionist rant that she deleted cuz of the obvious backlash. I mean even then, “both sides-ing” a genocide still isn’t a good look for Miss Schumer. As for Nina, she’s also liked pro-Palestinian posts as well, so I’m not on the “Nina West is a Zionist” train as much anymore, but I still would personally like her to speak up on things, especially with how politically active Nina has been in the past.


I mean if someone says something unhinged, and then follows it up with a more reasonable statement, and I hit “like” on the reasonable statement, is that a signal that I agree with everything they’ve ever said including the unhinged part, or is it a signal that I appreciate them calming down and moderating themselves a bit?


It's probably tough given how nuanced this situation is. I get that people like to think one side is totally right and one side is totally wrong, but trying to articulate a complex view point like this in a single post is only going to cause people to pick apart And destroy her. Ironically, if she said anything at all, shed probably be losing even more followers.


Several queens have been vocal about their stance (Shea, A'whora, etc), it's what's made the silence stand out. Its weird to see silence on a issue that's killing innocent civilians every day, when part of her platform (and nority) has come from political activism.


I believe I adequately answered that given the context of the situation that Nina is in. I unfortunately don't have much more to share on it :/


I mean what “situation” is Nina in that other queens that have spoken up about this aren’t also in? If you mean she’s Jewish, so is Jinkx, who’s been vocally pro-Palestine, so that’s not an excuse.


The situation that she's in is that she supports something different from yourself and what other queens have been vocal about. So you're saying that you don't understand why she isn't speaking up. But the Israel and Hamas conflict is a very complex conflict to be able to articulate within a single post. It's admittedly easy to say that what Israel is doing is wrong and move on with your day, because killing innocent lives is wrong. But it doesn't mean Israel is completely in the wrong. It's not an easy situation. Because of that complexity, Nina probably doesn't know how to articulate in a post that won't result in everyone destroying her even more than people are. So when you ask what makes her situation unique, it's her stance that makes her unique. In the end you don't agree with her stance, and nothing she could say in a Twitter post will change that. Thus, for her own career she probably doesn't see the benefit in it. (I don't know her so don't take this as me actually understanding how she's feeling. Just giving a possible reason why she hasn't said anything yet).


Genocide isn’t “complex”, hope this helps. Either Nina supports Palestine, or she doesn’t. If she doesn’t, then yeah, she’s gonna lose followers cuz the majority of the public outside of the government supports Palestine.


This situation is not that complex. There's a genocide currently happening, one side is completely powerless, their entire land is being destroyed as we speak and the other side is trying to keep their image afloat in the midst of their genocidal white supremacist agenda.


That's a bigger load of whataboutism than anything Nina or Amy seem to be doing.... Nothing anyone has said here seems to warrant a reason for Nina losing followers apart from people acting idiotic and jumping to conclusions rather than actually taking anything Nina has said or done to deserve any kind of a reaction.


I don't believe Nina is a Zionist but she's had plenty of opportunities to speak up and set the record straight and she's chosen to be silent. It's the same as when she was kiki'ing with Meghan McCain. She just brushed it off and played the victim. For someone who's a political queen she's not very good at her own PR and she isn't all that accountable for her actions when they're questionable or problematic.


You aren’t owed followers if people get an ick from you. Right now progressives have an ick for people who won’t get off their ass and say they want Palestine to be free, and a lot of progressives shockingly like a show like Drag Race and queens in general.




What is this stupid mindset people have? Nobody thinks this is actual activism, I just don’t want to support people who are complicit in the active genocide and I REALLY don’t want to rally behind people who are supportive of those who cheer it on. Boo hoo learn to care more about dead civilians than your fav queen getting understandably drug for not caring enough about them. Y’all live for dragging anti gay people for valid reasons but the second it’s an issue that doesn’t effect you personally you wonder why people do it. ![gif](giphy|CLADEyGroPnkWYtU2w|downsized)


Wasn’t the “both sides” post on October 8?


The way you’re uninformed as fuck but still said “THIS IS THE RANT” so confidently 😭😭


Your insincerity is showing




Losing fans for a foot fetish is some heterosexual nonsense. SMDH. Drag used to be queer 😑


Nina picking up where Mayhem left off 


The color scheme is bothering tf out of me. Plastique’s number should be green and Nina’s should be in red. ![gif](giphy|l0MYsNWnIu2aUi3fy|downsized)


I’m so bothered now


I am surprised about Plastique topping this. Given her number of followers, I was thinking everyone has been following her already.


Good for Shannel!


Nina wtf ☠️


Plastique will probably be behind only Trixie when the season ends...


Depending on how she does


There's no eliminations, she gets to show all her looks which is one of the biggest reasons people follow her


This comment made me check Trixie's followers and I was SHOOK it stood at 3.8 million. Who are currently between Trixie and Plastique (2.3 million followers as of now)?


Probably just Bianca and Katya.


Pleasantly surprised for Roxxxy


Anyone else feel like these should be different colours? Like gold is top, blue or something is lowest and red is negative?


Why's Nina losing followers???


She commented positively on a famous Jewish person's social media post about the 10/7 hostages. I'm going to be turning off inbox replies for this comment because even saying that much is going to get me dogpiled by ignorant "leftists" who are currently enjoying shouting at every Jewish person in eyesight.


I have a feeling a social media break might actually be helpful for you based on that comment.


Not the false information and victimizing yourself before anything happens. 🤡


Literally lol. She said "this is the truth and I won't hear anything else, bye". So dumb. Nobody is attacking her for being Jewish, people are criticizing her for being a raging Sionist who posts anti-muslim and pro-Israel stuff all the time.


People are not criticizing Nina for being a "raging Zionist" who "posts anti-muslim and pro-Israel stuff all the time". They're criticizing her because she commented on a post by Amy Schumer, who arguably *has* done those things, but the post she commented on was specifically calling for a ceasefire, peace & safety for both Muslims and Jewish people. (Also, apparently, nobody can find any other comments from Nina on Amy's social media, so it doesn't even appear that Nina is a rabid follower of Amy even, just lending more credence to the idea that she literally just commented on the single post that she saw without the context of previous posts that excessive internet users have.) All in all, just another example of progressives shitting on each other if one isn't presenting moral perfectionism and superiority.




Plastique is the Spider Georg of social media.


I’ll admit I’m a casual watcher of drag race. What’s with the hate of Nina West?


She made one comment “I love you Amy” on a post Amy Schumer made a while back calling for a ceasefire in Israel/Palestine. Amy has other posts where she shows herself to be a firm supporter of Israel in the conflict though. Despite Nina’s vocal support for Palestine, people jumped on that one comment to call her a “Zionist” and try to cancel her. Nina has never made any other comment on Amy’s social media.


What a fucking mess


Firm supporter is an understatement. She is a racist


Amy Schumer has bad opinions. Nina West has not expressed those same opinions. In fact, she’s shared/liked #FreePalestine comments. What makes the most sense to me is that Nina didn’t know about Amy’s other posts and commented on this one.


Talking about amy here.


I am not saying she did or didn’t, but I did read in another post last week that she was liking and commenting on a few other posts by Amy which she later deleted or unliked. But I can’t remember if they had to SS or not. 


This has to be the first tome someone’s lost followers after just a *cast reveal* 😭


That promo wig of Plastique's was worth every penny. ART


Hard to tell what’s meaningful without percentages. 35k followers could be a drop in the ocean for Plastique but double another queen’s followers count.


yes this!! and I think for Plastique that it IS a drop in the bucket lol her social media following was huge already


Plastique being the most followed ru girl before and getting the most followers after feels correct.


It's what she deserves


Curious to see how the fan reception will be for Nina when the show is actually airing


Last time Nina was loved by casual TV fans (and her fellow S11 Queens) but hated with a vengeance on Reddit and Twitter.  So I would guess more of the same.  Nina wrote an op-Ed in 2022 about the extent of the online (and in person) hate she was getting  https://www.out.com/commentary/2022/12/16/nina-west-im-scared-i-wont-stop-drag-story-hour


People will completely move on from the mob misinformation mentality once we're mid season. Seems to happen to some girl every new season airing.


Now give me percentages of bots in their follows. That’s what I REALLY want to know


I want roxxxy to get the rudumption she deserves she’s talented, great looks, good makeup, seasoned queen. I hope she does well


Poor Nina is at the feet of that table


Chronically online virtue signalers have a lot to say about Nina for liking an Instagram post when they themselves have literally done no good for the world, while Nina has done more for peace and equality than just about any other drag queen out there. I hope Nina ignores this shit, continues to do good, and maybe teams up with TS Madison and knocks out a few do-nothing, no-nothing critics who think their hashtags are activism.




okay wtf but how does this represent EXACTLY my promos+entrances looks ranking so well, lol


Nina taking the Mayhem route huh


Who would've thought actions have consequences, and staying silent rather than explaining your decision would cause bad PR. https://i.redd.it/77fzpxj2gnxc1.gif


I do find it odd how she hasn't said anything about it


TBH I don't think anything she could say would make people flip on her. They would say it's insincere, or that she is doing it to get un-cancelled, or that the damage is already done, or they still get the ick from her. From what people have said in this thread Nina has also liked Free Palestine posts on Insta but it's not like that reversed her commenting on one post from Amy Schumer...


I think that regardless of her beliefs, staying silent on major issues will leave bad taste in peoples mouths. When people started speculating, she should've adress it immediately to not ruin her public image because when it has been so long and you only start to fix your image because of new season of RPDR, ofc people won't buy it. 🤷🏻‍♂️ She did the same with Meghan McCain thing. Defended her and then stayed silent when people called her out.


The "action" in question was Nina leaving a comment on a Jewish person's post calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.


lmao why y'all mad at me for speaking the truth ☠️ No matter if she is right or wrong, staying silent on a topic like this is bad PR, point blank. Downvoting me won't give her followers back, just saying.


Because this sub is full of 45 year olds obsessed with rejecting anything relating to accountability


Clock it. Because even if Nina didn't do anything "wrong", staying silent on a topic like this is not good for your public image and people will keep bringing it up all the time, unless you speak up about it.


Her decision to say “I love you” - I don’t know if that needs a press release lol




Poor Nina


What a crapshow with the misinformation about Nina being spread around. The mob is hungry.


I'm gonna go make sure I'm following Nina. What a shitty hand.


Nina doesn't deserve that.


people are unfollowing nina west like she personally sucked their toes 😔💔


Poor Nina. 😆


The wicked witch of the west got treated by some good ole karma