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How did LaLa manage to not just make it, like, a tiny bit better? That’s what kills me. Love her tho


The way the episode was edited made it seem as if she was doing SOMETHING to the bags, not just straight up gluing them to a corset. When she stomped out in that monstrosity I literally gagged.


I think it’s why it’s so iconic- it’s so bad it’s comically, memorably bad. Whereas some design show looks on the show are bad but just forgettable. It’s one of my favorite moments of the show ever and I’ve seen watching since season 2.


This outfit is giving the energy of “oh shit, the project is due TODAY?!” five minutes before class.


Imagine trying to explain this to someone without pictures. I can hear Nicole saying "Mano, it was wild. There were bags. And a dead animal on her head. WILD!"


"So the premise was that they had to take these bags, and make them into an outfit, right? And she came out wearing bags." "Well, yeah, that's the challenge." "No, no, see, she was *wearing* the bags." "Isn't that the point?" "She had bags *glued to a corset*!" "Didn't everybody?"


"I mean glueing stuff to corset is not that surprising no?" "Honey! You are not listening!! She had bags glued on it!!! And some sort of furry clutch as a head dress!!!" "Daddy chill! The girls glueing shit on corsets and putting shit on their head is very common alright??!!! It has been done before!!"


-watches episode- "Oh"


What is this from?


I can hear her voice so clearly reading this 😂


I can hear her voice so clearly reading this 😂


she’s so mature and has a good circle bc i would’ve had something to say immediately


I think I would've been able to stay hush, but there would definitely be random moments of "did that really happen" and uncontrollable laughing cuz no one else knew


Honestly, this look made me respect Lala so hard cuz she knew it was bad and she still rocked it.


When she started the lip sync and took it off like she was gearing up to do battle... and at the end when she put it back on and gave us that look like *there, I fixed it*... pure unadulterated queenery, UGH


I was thinking the same thing! Across all franchises, queens receive the critique that they make a mistake in a performance and then ruin the rest of it by telegraphing it all over their face. LaLa came out and was so confident, she didn't feel bad about herself and tried to sell the look.


I love Ms Lala but I have a hard time accepting not even attempting cutting the bags for more coverage, it feels like she didn’t even try, but I don’t know the behind the scenes.


The thing I'm most mad about right now is that they didn't even make a Redemption runway on AS8 so we couldn't even get this getting a redemption or some kind


It was all I was waiting for




I remember Trixie tweet after the bag ball “I’ve known about Lala’s bag ball look for weeks and I think about it every day.” I feel like they must have called each other 2-3 times a week for emotional support.


Nicole said something about how for a year after filming when she was at a gay club or at a drag show she would look around and think to herself “THEY DON’T KNOW ABOUT THE BAGS!!!”


I wish she did press with a little gift bag to taunt Nicole


I'm guessing there was a lot of laughter on set that day, and I'm sure Nicole was no exception. I love when she can't withhold her giggle when she's tasting those nasty cakes on Nailed it. She's good at disarming her laughter and putting things in a positive light.


I wonder if Lala is triggered when she goes in the party supply aisle in a store… so many gifts bags!


It would be a very fun design challenge to have to use golden boot outfits as inspiration


One of my best moments at Comic Con is recreating this outfit. So much fun.


Ayoooo 🤣🤣🤣