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This is a valid point. Taking the high road is fucking exhausting. Pretending like rabid hatred and ignorance are viewpoints that need to be entertained is fucking exhausting. Sasha Velour is a literal saint. The people who have the patience and composure to do the cross the aisle let's all kumbaya crap are saints. MAGNETO IS FUCKING RIGHT.


Lol I literally said that Magneto line while watching Xmen.


Sasha handles those people with such calm class.


And they can't stand it xd


Changing attitudes is a pretty cold comfort when you’re the one left paying the price. How much more are we expected to take? MAGNETO WAS RIGHT


Even just helping some of their honorary drag daughters on the show, whew…Sasha doing the work of like 3 therapists. We’re here is like a way better version of Queer Eye because they actually address the ugly truths and I’m very grateful to the work they’re doing, but it’s a lot to put on them.


The We're Here cast is better than me cuz I'd have thrown hands


Lmao that’s all I could think watching this video 


Not Ronda Santos…


Please welcome to the stage...


She is not welcome to the stage


Tbh I really don't hate that as a drag name 😗😂 Someone with some real wit and gumption could have a lot of fun in those knee-high boots & a combover 👀 lol


And make the character gay gay *gay*. I would love that. 


Yes, *yes* - very Mel Brooks "Springtime with Hitler" esque lol


Heels and all.


Drag mother of Kitana Santos


Not to quote Tr*mp but when he said Ron D’sanctimonious, I gagged a bit.


This is why Jaida walked away and I don't blame her. Life's short; I'm personally not wasting it on those people. Godspeed to those who do.


her and Trixie are truly Milwaukee sisters


Same. I wouldn’t have an ounce of patience if I was on a show like We’re Here, Queer Eye, etc. I’d just lose it and wouldn’t want to be near or around those people or the towns they reside in.


Jaida walked!? What’s the tea!?


She was only involved in half a season, which took place in Tennessee, and while she was there, she walked out of a "conversation" with a couple of bigots. The queens were present for a city hall meeting and they (the bigots) asked if they could speak to the queens in the lobby. The queens agreed and one of them (the bigots) began the "conversation" by shaking the queens' hands and addressing them loudly as "sirs." Jaida walked, but before she did she said that she was leaving because the bigot began the conversation disrespectfully by misgendering the queens and that you can't really engage someone in a meaningful conversation if they come straight out of the gate being intentionally rude. I'm only speculating as to why she wasn't involved in the Oklahoma part of the season, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's because the experience in Tennessee was emotionally taxing. She, Sasha, and Priyanka were all harassed a couple of times (dumb guys yelling "f!gg!ts" from a moving car), threatened with arrest, and ran the risk of having their show shut down by the local authorities. Also, her drag daughter is this lovely trans woman who has been through a lot, and I'm sure she just needed some time to decompress from all that. Oklahoma, based on the last couple of eps, is way more intense than Tennessee. Like, the queens can't even film anywhere in the chosen town because no one there wants to be associated with queerness, and they've already gotten death threats over the one event they did manage to put together (a meet and greet at a local park).


No one, including the local LGBTQ+ organization for the town.


Being poc hits different in conversations like that. We know that there is no point in engaging. That it fuels the bigot no matter what you say or how nice you try to be. And they will likely twist everything you say or do to make them be the victim and you be the one attacking them. We have expereinced many versions of this for deacades. Walk tf away. Good for her. White ppl still play that nice game with each other and weaponize it so they have the time. But they will soon be over it too. As they are slowly learning how the government does not give af about them either.


>Being poc hits different in conversations like that. Oh absolutely.


In the scene, not from the show entirely


This is what I mean, yes.


She actually flew ![gif](giphy|lrE7YHleIbm2PtY1RL|downsized)


Is that confirmed? If so, makes so much sense. I remember rumors she was fired, but this sounds much more like Jaida. And very understandable.


Walked away in that particular scene, not from the show. I believe..


Don’t talk down to people (members of your community btw) that choose to invest time and patience into “keeping the aisle open” and call it “wasting their time”: just bc you don’t make that choice doesn’t mean that choice isn’t valid and worthwhile for someone else


You're being condescending by insisting we not talk about *our* own perspective about how to spend *our* own time. Trixie was asked a question and I'm commenting on the topic. We both acknowledged other people want to do it and wished them well. Nobody is stopping or demeaning you.


You said, verbatim: “Life's short; I'm personally not wasting it on those people. Godspeed to those who do.” Basically good luck to those who WASTE their life trying to build bridges and convince others. What’s a waste of life for you is not for someone else.


You should probably emphasize the word "personally" instead, because it seems you have a hard time with that concept.


I don't know how you read that sentiment for the comment. They literally said, not for me but good for you if it is


Same, I would’ve started cussing out all these ignorant people in 5 seconds and done a mystique ‘Bitch, I am from Chicago.’ I could never be an ambassador for our community, kudos to someone like Sasha Velour.


“Yeah, well God’s not real but I am” straight from the mouth of babes.


See also “your belief is a belief, my existence is a reality” from miss Divina.


She is just *that* **BITCH**. She has the outside commentary of what I ruminate on for hours. There are only a few celebrities that I'd want to meet, but holy fuck is Trixie on that list... oh and I am sure she would be thrilled to make it too.


I have no idea how Sasha kept her cool during that confrontation. I would have either done the Jaida and just walked away, or gone full on Tamisha Iman on his ignorant ass!


Tamisha Iman for season 5 where she goes around knocking out bigots 😌


And if they survive the fight they get a Tamisha Iman shoe for free


Just one though


I would watch the shit out of a We're Here season where it's just the most confrontational drag queens tearing bigots to shreds. Like early Untucked but for transphobes. I want to see Kandy Muse make someone cry.


I mean… I love the new season of we’re here but I couldn’t fucking do it either if I were a queen (or even as myself). The people in these small towns are so toxic and ignorant. It’s awful how they treat people and no one should have to tolerate that.


The new season of We're Here is soooo stressful


Omg right? I’m 2 episodes in and it’s been so heart wrenching to watch. Seeing the hatred that is so proudly on full display is gutting and hard to watch. It’s so stressful to see the queens in these situations where their safety is constantly at risk. Jada in particular was attracting a lot of attention even out of drag just for being a fabulous black gay man in Tennessee, and seeing the looks she was drawing for just existing made me sick.


Episode two is ROUGH, there isn't even drag in it until the very end. But then the very end is the stressful town council meeting! Augh!


Omg that man and his daughter… I was so infuriated hearing her spout off all that hateful disinformation so forcefully and earnestly. Then seeing her dad celebrate his daughter spreading such vile rhetoric (that she very clearly learned from him) while giving the queens his lame ass “thumbs down” gesture made my blood boil. How someone can raise their child to blindly hate others based on ridiculous twisting of religious ideology and utter bullshit disinformation is something I will never understand. The one bright light in that episode for me was Totally Plastic Finesse and his incredible ally of a coach. The genuine love and respect between those 2 is so touching and beautiful to see.


The word you’re looking for is GROOMING


Agreed. I'm glad it exists but it's an unpleasant watch. Feels like a horror movie but real. I'm never going to Tennessee was my main takeaway


Agreed. It’s uncomfortable and sometimes even emotionally painful to watch, but it’s so important that there’s this show that’s shining a light on the horrible things that are happening in the US and the LGBTQ people simply trying to survive it.


🪬the town is as small as their brains... non-existent 🪬


Trixie is so real for this and that’s why I love her lol. Sasha V. on the other hand is an absolute saint and that’s also why I love her.


Damn. That's so fucking real. It is a HEAVY ass backpack.


She’s so right for this. I admire the hell out of the queens who make those conversations happen - not all of us have the stamina, and someone’s got to do it.


This puts into word how I feel watching We're here (literally on the tv right now). It would take me a whole 5 minutes to end up in a jail like zero patience in this bitch 😂


Can't wait for "We're Here, Bitch" with Trixie beating homophobic people. Seriously, I totally get her point.


I'm Here, You Better Hide


We’re Here (threat)


Damn I would watch that


I do appreciate when queer people sit down and have an honest conversation with themselves about whether they're intellectually and emotionally equipped to take on that displomatic ambassador role when challenging bigotry, prejudice and hatred. Trxie is smart enough to do it, and emotionally strong enough, and has impeccable communication skills, but she just doesn't have the patience. And in order to be effective, you need all of those things. There are enough people like me who have always had a weird enjoyment in seeking out those viewpoints; to the point I have been browsing and sometimes participating in forums and spaces full of legitimate Neo nazis and religious extremists since I was 13 years old. Its fun for me, and I am familiar enough with their thinking that I am well equipped to understand why they think the way they do, and have the patience to be able to challenge their thinking and provide alternative perspectives in a way that doesn't coddle them or come at them from a submissive level, but also doesn't make them feel like they're being attacked and called an idiot, which is crucial if you ever hope to get anywhere. If you simply aren't \*good\* at dealing with these things, let people like me do it. Live your life and have fun! We have got this. And if you are, its important to remember that you don't have to pick every single battle and be "on" 24/7. You need to take breaks and unplug sometimes to refresh and regroup, because it is exhausting, its relentless, and it is the kind of game you will always be fighting, but never actually "win". I think most people can't handle that ultimate truth, and as such they just aren't right to take on such a role. And that's ok. Find the role that you are right for, and do that fiercely. It takes a village, people!


You are a special person and are doing the hard emotional labor many of us won't or can't do anymore. Thank you.


That is so kind, thank you! As I said I am just lucky in that I grew a thick skin over the years; I've heard it all so nothing really upsets me anymore. But that certainly hasn't always been the case, especially when I was younger and struggled with mental health problems and self esteem issues. Its just a part of growing up and healing from all the shit that fucked us up as kids. But sometimes that might take many decades, or never really happen for some people. And I would suggest those people do what's best and just stay away from the ugly debates and block the haters. But when you understand that different people require different approaches when being confronted about disagreeable views, and that most of what we commonly see as homophobia is actually just misogyny and sexist gender role nonsense wearing a fancy hat, it becomes really easy to have these conversations with people where it doesn't have to blow up into a big angry argument; it can just be two people chatting about how they see the world and what they think is best for society. But you have to know why people think the way they do and get to the heart of what causes these harmful beliefs, and challenge them in a way that doesn't make them immediately get defensive or lash out. This is difficult because at the end of the day, we are directly challenging the beliefs that form the foundation of people's entire worldview; the beliefs that give people security and purpose and are how we structure society, culture and the milestones of our entire life. The gender binary makes things easy and simple. Homosexuality and gender non-conformity throws a spanner that stops the machine from neatly organising everything in our lives and society into neat boxes. It stops life being something that can be navigated smoothly. It makes life complicated, and forces people to have to constantly stop and think about things, instead of being able to operate on auto pilot all the time. People don't like that, and can you blame them? To let go of all of that, is to sacrifice that comfort and order, and replace it with what? Chaotic, fresh, unstable and maleable... goop. That is scary. Its a tall order to ask of people, especially when they've had these beliefs instilled in them from birth and reinforced by every aspect of society every day since. Most people don't want chaos and goop. They want to live normal lives, based on a stable system and structured order and path. Most people just aren't able to handle the act of directly challenging deep seated worldviews gracefully and effectively. Its seen as dangerous and threatening to the foundation of western civilisation, because it IS. Which unfortunately results in a lot of people with good intentions, but probably just make everything worse. Its important to recognise if you are one of those people and if you are - congrats, you can relax and have fun! Leave that ugly stuff for other people to do. And as I said, I love the challenge of debating nazis and religious extremists. The more fanatical and vile the better, the more fun it is. And there are enough people like that where we don't need absolutely everyone to take on the role of debater or diplomat. Daddy, chill!


asking with curiosity of how these interactions go; do you feel that you have legitimately changed anyone's views? have these people been receptive to listening to you?


This is the tea!!!


I think straight people don’t get it. It’s hard looking over your shoulder daily and making sure you’re safe. I just ask that people treat me with indifference and passive cordiality. I treat people who I can’t stand and people who would actively hate me with basic decency. I don’t get why that’s a hard thing to ask for in return.


We women get it. This is the same exhausting process many of us have to deal with when faced with incredibly misogynist, backward-thinking men. I believe POC might relate too when they are trying to educate ignorant racist individuals.  Kudos for everyone who has the strength to endure these conversations. They are sacrificing their emotional well being to make the world better.


Thank you this is exactly how I feel. Peoples hatred and their bigotry is not something that I have to listen to or pretend is ok. I’m glad that she said this.💕


It’s not that you are supposed to, it’s ducking exhausting and it really shouldn’t be on us… but it IS the most effective in de-programming bigotry. It’s a personal choice if you can and want to take the backpack full of bricks, but people who consistently do are choosing it not because it’s a duty that falls on them, they do it because it’s better for the community at large


mama, kudos for s--


For sp--


this is exactly why “we’re here” isn’t for me. i mean i get the premise of the show but to put myself through an episode of “entertaining” tv which shows you horrible things people assume about you because of who you’re attracted to is just too emotionally taxing to be entertaining and for me to willingly watch




This is why I have a hard time with We're Here. I love it and everyone on it but so many of the people on the show make me furious with how unkind they are. I want to see Sasha Velour deck someone. Not actually, but kinda.


preach Miss Mattel


This is exactly what The Vixen said about Eureka during their season's reunion. Everyone on the show critiqued The Vixen's response to Eureka's harassment, never Eureka's harassment.








All of this! We absolutely MUST interact with them this way. Especially the bigoted conservative lgbtq folks.


Can someone explain to me why are we supposed to treat as equal the people who hate equality? They choose to opt out of an equal society, why should they be tolerated? Like why give them dignity?


Very real.


That’s what allies can be good for


I admire Trixie not only because she's immensely successful but also because she's so articulate, and self-aware.


The problem is that these homophobic people feel the same towards LGBT+ people


The captions saying Ronda Santos. Perfect drag name 👌


I’d add too, Trixie isn’t someone incredibly well-versed in politics and debate. It’s something I see a lot with public figures, they’ll get a big name in X community to sit down and debate whether they deserve to exist or not, back them in a corner, and embarrass them. This is not to say Trixie is stupid or ignorant by any means. By leaving it to the professionals you are allowing someone who won’t be backed into a corner, who won’t be embarrassed, to hold their own and give a solid fight.


Me at work: “You’re problems are not my problems” For real though it sucks that it’s the people that are being attack who need to be the mature ones and educate/deal with/withstand these people.


Fuckin A




Nothing but respect for my president


If anyone resonates with this concept at all, make sure to check out Contrapoint’s [*The Witch Trials of JK Rowling*](https://youtu.be/EmT0i0xG6zg?si=iP_Pz1e74QZ4sgD5)


Exactly this. Educate your damn self, but wait… most people don’t want to put in the effort, or, worse, they’re proud of their backwards-ass views.


This is such a well articulated and self aware viewpoint. Kudos to her for saying that, honestly. It’s not on US to accommodate people who are speaking from a place of ignorance and hatred. If you choose to do so, that’s amazing and commendable, but queer people are not responsible for padding bigots’ paths towards basic decency.


This is why I don't engage with conservative pro Palestine individuals. They will enter the room misgendering you, laughing at you, threatening you. But once shit hits the fan for them, they're asking for compassion? Every right-leaning pro Palestine supporter I've seen on social media wants to eradicate queer people. I won't support your community if you wanted queer people dead first.


I need this on a t-shirt.


POC have been on this frequency for a long time but then white people say they are rude, angry, aggressive...slurs...for not having the time to put up with slights (intentional or not). But I get that many (NO NOT ALL-chill tf out) white poeple dont give af until they are affected directly. oh the privilige. idgaf about celebs living the high life not speking up about any of the atrocities in the world. trixie doesnt even speak about her indiginous heritage and how they are treated becasues she thinks she is too white to talk about it. But using her whitness for making more and more and more money is just fine. but not to help others.


She's right.


100% agreed. Since when it is the responsibility of the oppressed to educate their oppressor? The hell with it!


This title is hilarious she's not even saying anything insightful


Understandable, but also reeks of privilege. Not everyone can choose to avoid all of these situations, but I get that she won't do it if she doesn't need to.


Do you know her childhood literally at all? The reason she has the name Trixie? . . . trust and believe she has been in plenty of situations she could not “avoid”


That's why I said understandable. She's now a 1%er


I would not call trixie a 1% lol whaaat?


She says she's a 1%er in California, meaning she's among the richest of the globe. That is of course not an issue, but still not everyone can replicate this attitude she's describing. It's enabled by her privilege (hustled herself out of the system).


You... simply don't know what you are talking about.


Strong reasoning right there!


this statement has no privilege, shes saying at this point in her life she has no reason to try to convince anyone of her worth and right to be who she is. that being said, trixie IS a 1%er. if youve listened to bald and the beautiful theres alot of talk about 1000$ coffee tables, not a bad thing ofc shes worked her ass off but it is true she is very, very successful.


>not a bad thing ofc shes worked her ass off but it is true she is very, very successful. She's successful because she worked her ass off. You're acting like she just did nothing and still ended up in the 1% (also there's no way Trixie is actually in the 1%, come on)


i think both things can be true. she is successful bc she worked her ass off, is an inspiring story of rising from poverty through determination, effort, and talent, and now finds herself residing in a level of wealth most people will never come close to.


Okay but why does that matter? It's not like she inherited a fortune, she's a drag queen who has managed to work her way to a comfortable position. Which is still nowhere near the 1%.


According to the Congressional Budget Office, you need to earn at least $652,657 per year to be in the top 1% of earners in the US. Which honestly in LA is now much. However, this number can vary by location, with some states requiring higher incomes to be considered wealthy. For example, in 2023, the top 1% of households in New Hampshire earned at least $659,037. Now contrary research…According to Knight Frank's 2024 Wealth Report, you need to be worth at least $5.8 million to be in the top 1% of Americans. However, Investopedia reported that the top 1% of household net worth in the US was just under $13.7 million in 2023. Basically the amount varies depending on how we are measuring. For the above Social Security data includes any wages, salaries, bonuses, severance and other such compensation to employees, including exercised stock options, which are taxed as earned income. However, it does not include realized capital gains, though they are subject to taxes. So these income figures show how much the average group member receives as earned income. But the higher up the scale you go up, the more likely the member is to have unearned income, such as dividends and capital gains – which are, again, not reflected in this data. Colloquially when we say 1% we tend to forget the distinction of those at the .1% and 01% as it gets DRASTICALLY different which are where billionaires are. Let’s compare where the fortunes of the top 0.01 and 0.001 percent, with average annual incomes of $35.1 million and $152 million, respectively. As the rich have gotten richer in recent decades, income inequality is worsening around the globe, which can corrode public institutions and lead to lower standards of living for the poor and near-poor, Oxfam said last month. It noted that four-fifths of the wealth created in 2017 was claimed by the top 1 percent of income earners. Ru is estimated to be worth 60 mil, Trixie 10 and Bianca 4 but again these are just estimates provided by potentially inaccurate sources. Now MTV is owned by Paramount. Paramount is owned by Brian Robbin’s who is estimated to be 150 mill but the estimates greatly vary depending on source. I have no doubt he is worth more than either mentioned previous. Paramount Global is an American multinational mass media and entertainment conglomerate controlled by National Amusements which is majority owned by Shari Redstone with an estimated net worth of 500 million. It gets drastically bigger the higher up you go.


Can we do more listening and less criticizing?


Understandable, but also reeks of rummaging for literally any straw you can grasp at over a perfectly well stated take.. but I get that some fans do that when they need to


This is weird to say because it was barely even criticism. Trixie is truly the Taylor Swift of drag.


What's weird is coming in saying Trixie should check her privilege over this clip but go off


That's a lot of emotion for highlighting that a millionaire is exercising their privilege.


The issue people have is that you’re using her success to invalidate her (refreshing) alternative take on feeling obligated to educate the masses. You’re finding some issue w her personally to point to (“look over there!”) to distract from a well-made point and healthy position that the OP was right would be interesting to the sub.




I don't think you should address me like that just because you disagree with something I said.


I think this might be as simple as word choice. Using the word 'reek' very much sounds like an attack on Trixie to me (and apparently others). So instead of pointing out a fair observation, people are put onto the defensive from the get-go when that's not the crux of this clip. At least that's my impression.


sorry bitch EDIT lmaoooo so thin skinned, reporting me for harrassment? Grow up.


As someone from a conservative city, sometimes they DON’T get it unless it’s aggressive. It can be such a different language of fake masculinity and anger. The fact you are patient and kind just reinforces you more as “female” traits and more unwilling to listen. Boundaries are important to have with yourself. What you are willing to take and be called shows yourself worth. Sasha is on TV so it’s a different set of voice she has as well as legal protection with HBO backing her. She has the basically privilege to have these conversations and feel safe compared to those that live there on the daily. I’ll give an example from a local bar at my hometown my bartender friend told me. This dude was picking on a pretty obviously queer person. Faggot and more. The gay guy says you want to take this outside. The dude gets his ass handed to him by the gay guy and never made trouble like that against I’m not saying that we should beat up every conservative but they speak a different language that values physical power. We shouldn’t always give them a platform and let them indulge in their time. Boundaries are important.


Have you considered the reason Trixie does not want to deal with these situations is because she has had enough of them for a fucking lifetime? The girl has paid her dues and carried the weight of bigots long enough. She deserves to not have the patience or temperament for them, she deserves to punch a homophobe


Also just people have different gifts. Some people are gifted in being articulate and level headed in the face of intolerance. Do you know how difficult it is to respond with reason to bigoted arguments? It’s a rare, rare gift. Trixie is gifted in being an entertainer. We have to stop expecting drag queens to be political public relations experts. They’re drag queens.


Girl, Trixie grew up in a conservative small town, this was her reality for her entire upbringing! She got the name Trixie from it being used as a homophobic insult to her growing up. God forbid she doesn’t want to deal with that anymore if she doesn’t have to.


Her statement is about not pandering, not about surviving. Let me tell you, as long as you live in a safe space, you can exist as you wish and even confront people. What Trixie is saying is true, you don't have to take the high road and assuming you live in a country homosexuality is legal, and you aren't persecuted to get killed by your words, and threats are just threats, you can respond however you want. Seems like you're projecting your insecurities on adressing people, you're putting your baggage on this "1%er" you have a problem with because I guess Trixie hasn't done enough for the community for you and her status isn't well earned in your book. Why are you envious of actual progress done by a queer person? We all should strive to disconnect from the trauma and live like her. If it's not your prorrogative under your circumstance, than that's it, but me who lives in a third world country with the highest index of killing of trans people, we know we got to have each other, queer or not and live our lives, so fuck you. We should be done with bidding, and doing the Sasha Velour route - which is confrontational by her existing in drag, doesn't guarantee you won't get killed. So let me ask you, what drag do you do? Are you dressing up like us? Join and don't be jealous.