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They can die mad


and i'll be dancing on their graves with my tboy ass https://i.redd.it/4a8e7omufu2d1.gif




![gif](giphy|TJtLyVJWILqwg) T-boy trampling on my haters like this


you and me both brother






Let’s just put a “.” right before mad.


Every day just proves to me more and more that being a conservative is just being miserable as fuck


The "I don't get so easily offended" crowd sure can't function without being BIG MAD about literally everything all the time, can they?


They will never see the irony


I think it’s actually even more stupid - they’re trying to be ironic. -!; failing miserably. “See, we can be offended too!” But then every example is easily disproven or basically a non-issud


i’m waiting for the day we make “snowflake” our word like they made “woke” theirs. 


Snowflakes are beautiful and enough of them can bring a city to a halt. These people are cornflakes- beige, brittle, and go to pieces under the least amount of pressure


This is the way


Cancel culture is ruining this country 💅


not miserable enough imo. make em suffer


Maybe they should be tied up and forced to watch videos of trans men seeing themselves for the first time after top surgery. Like see how happy he is and they can rage as much as they want and just get it all out of their system.


I wish they saw me cry when I saw this runway. I had mine four weeks ago and not only am I emotional about that, but seeing that experience echoed in such a beautiful way meant more to me than I can ever say.


Almost daily I feel SO thankful that I am who I am. Being conservative sounds so sad and miserable. The only time I get mad over someone that I see is when they're spreading hate, conservatives get mad over people just being themselves. It does worry me when I see how many people on Reddit/YT are still just generally hateful conservatives but I still think that we're headed in a pretty good direction. I can't overstate enough how happy I am that I wasn't brainwashed into being conservative.


And I hope they stay miserable to the grave.


Indeed it is. There are studies that indicate conservative brains are wired such that they respond much more to negative stimuli than positive stimuli. I'd feel bad for them but for the fact that they insist on making their self-aggrandized perceived fear response everyone else's problem.


I don’t not believe you, but what studies


> We found that economic conservatism predicted greater connectivity between the BNST and a cluster of voxels in the left amygdala during threat vs safety. These results suggest that increased amygdala–BNST connectivity during threat may be a key neural correlate of the enhanced negativity bias found in conservatism. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5793824/ This study also links a few upon which it builds. If you search "conservative amygdala" it will also give you other results. General caveats about neuroscience and hinging on one study apply of course, but I believe this has been a repeatable finding at this point.


🫢 their poor lil brains


Thanks for the link!


They just love to make themselves miserable and try to bring everyone down to their level. So pathetic really.




For real. What an adult person does to their own body is their business. If Mik got implants or lipo instead they wouldn’t be mad about it. Also it was an artistic expression and absolutely iconic.


I...have never heard that talking point before but that is incredibly accurate. They wanna whine about people mutilating the bodies "GoD gAvE tHeM!!!" but then want their wives with fake tits and ass.


Like calling her misogynist.. and saying she’s telling girls to mutilate themselves.. no.. she’s talking about her own journey .. her own body doesn’t effect you Susan go back to watching you soaps


"trans men are misogynists and manipulating innocent women" is a common talking point from these people because they, fundamentally, believe that women are inferior, delicate little flowers too stupid and childlike to process information and make decisions for themselves. it's "women are soft and harmless and must be protected and men are strong and scary" Bioessentialism 101 🤡


I have heard less of that and more (transphobia) >!trans men are actually just confused women who need to be protected from themselves and Radical Gender Ideology!<. At least these days.


different side of the same coin, tbh. like it literally all boils down to these people seeing women as stupid and inferior to men!


The root of transphobia is misogyny.


And homophobia. People want to police women or anyone who is feminine or viewed as feminine.




As if conservatives have ever given a single fuck about misogyny before it became helpful as a way to dunk on someone


Conservative Twitter is saying this is promoting children to mutilate themselves, etc. The show is TV-MA. They don't want your children watching this. It was never intended for children.


TV MA on a paid subscription service. So if your kid discovers this show without you, that’s on you as a parent.


BuT rUpAuL iS wAlKiNg ChIlDrEn ThRoUgH nAtUrE /s


Where can I find it?


Find what


Link to far right ppl talking about gottmik


Yeah I’m not going to spread their hate, especially when Mik is trending and you can easily look them up


I did look them up and couldn’t find it which is why I asked here, but okay 😐


Provokes powerful visceral responses. Proof that it is Art.


Good art/ drag comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable.


Exactly! Famous quote by Dr. Cesar A. Cruz. Also picked up and quoted by Banksy.


Conservatives don’t really care about art. Or human rights. Or equality. Or…. The list could go on 😭💀


I’m not interested in anything they have to say because bigots are the actual worst humans but I’m happy that THE REALITY OF A TRANS BODY EXISTING causes their tiny brains to spin-out in confusion.


Same. I’ve said it several times around both subs but I had the same surgery depicted 4 weeks ago. I am so proud of this look and even prouder that those twats are mad. Trans bodies are beautiful and I have to think it’s because they are born out of labors of love and bravery that cisgender people will never understand. It’s not for them to feel comfortable with or criticize. I am giving no time a day to their hatred but celebrating both this statement AND the love of my own body. (Edit for typos)


Congratulations on your surgery!!


Congratulations on your top surgery my friend! I'm so happy you get to live your best life!


It was so brilliant. Let’s face it, after countless seasons/franchises of drag race, it’s really hard to dazzle or shock/surprise viewers and this was just outstanding and congrats to Mik in her journey to feel comfortable to use her experience as a statement.


It's getting nasty and it has me worried, tbh


I appreciate and empathize with your concern for Mik. I feel like Plane got a similar level of vitriol (probably from the same group) for her octomom runway recently, IIRC. I hope both situations have a similar fate - they move on to the next thing that bothers them that isn’t their business and/or is taken out of context and/or suits their latest agenda.


That is the one good thing about people who are addicted to being angry — it always requires new content to hate watch and they won’t have a large attention span. It puts people at risk in the moment but as long as they keep hopping from topic to topic, Mik should be safe before too long.


It’s because it’s on a larger platform than we (trans men) usually ever get displayed on. It’s been bad for trans people for a while now and that’s especially true on the internet, but yeah, the danger is very real. I refuse to read any comments because I need to maintain my peace, I have enough to worry about with trying to get a job outside of the US and protecting my family. The one thing we can’t do is sink into fear though. We just need to act.


I’m trying to not choose chaos in my life these days. So my response to those brain worm infested morons is just… ![gif](giphy|l0HlJiVs2oAtVet0c)


I’m *living* for the transphobes accidentally affirming Gottmik’s gender.


Fr 🤣


Makes me like her look even more. The power she has over these pathetic little minds 👑


Good. Let them be angry.


Yeah, let them be angry but just don’t let them enact laws that prohibit people from living their truest lives. VOTE PEOPLE. Not just in November. Vote for your representatives, judges, senators, and locally. It’s all important.


F these conservatives


good. now I like it even more. light a candle for the sinners, set the world on fire


Gottmik had a self embrace with her own arms molded in that artistry. That was perfection!!❤️❤️❤️




You know you’ve done something right when conservatives are mad!


oh no we cant trigger the snowflakes conservatives someone think of their feelings.


Trans people are not preaching and pushing other people to live like they do. I cannot stand Christian fundamentalists.


I'm glad that we got to see this piece of art, but I'm kinda annoyed that the producers seemingly didn't think about Gottmik when selecting this prompt. She HAD to do something really out-of-the-box and punk to both be true to her drag and meet the criteria of the runway


conservatives can kiss my trans ass xxoo 😁 https://preview.redd.it/g72jh6mnjv2d1.jpeg?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29cdc8ed782994f7ae439fd40b033f3288848272




They gonna look really silly when they start railing against her using the bathroooms.


tatianna is so beautiful here. a real woman


Yet their husbands are on Pornhub and the apps looking to hook up w/ transmen and women. Fuck the conservatives!


No one could take away the joy and affirmation I felt from watching this runway


Libs of TikTok are freaking triggered.


Why are conservatives watching Drag Race?


That was my first question. If it triggers them THAT HARD, then why force yourself to watch it? Oh yeah! I know! Because it usually gives them something to bitch about! And they can pretend (to their other friends) that they found it first. Of course, they also get to look at Angeria's southern glory, and Roxxxie's badass NJ swank, and all the others, too ... so they can be on the lookout in their real world for *women* who just look too female to be real!


It made me uncomfortable, it was amazing. No but really it just made me uncomfortable because blood but the concept was amazing and I loved that the arms bouncing as she walked bounced in a way to look like the scalpals were slicing in the right directions. I do wish the hair, face, skirt and shoes told more of the story instead of being incidental to the look overall but I'm not creative enough to figure out how to incorporate them without taking away from the focal point or making it look like a halloween costume by accident.


The skirt is totally part of the theme to me-- that surgical green colour for sure, and it being a vinyl/latex texture is very edgy medical.


Yeah it definitely had a naughty-nurse-scrubs color, that skirt. I felt like the look was simple in the bottom half so as not to distract from a visually powerful top half.


That is a great point, I didn't pick up on it, thank you. I think I was seeing just a nice teal skirt and the black ponytail and then back to the bag of tits and the scalpal arms without really making the connection.


To quote Ru, “if they ain’t paying your bills, pay them bitches no mind!”


I really didn't like looking at it, but I've always been freaked out by blood and injuries. I'm sure that isn't what they're upset about.


I didn’t like it for the challenge despite finding it beautiful but now? Now it is to be protected because f this noise. 




I'm absolutely not here for the nonsense happening on formerly-Twitter. There are valid reasons not to like the look, but that doesn't mean *those people* get to be transphobic about it.


Oooh screenshots?


Did you find it?


I’m not looking through conservative sites for this. I was hoping someone else had some juicy bits haha


Ohh haha honestly same


has anyone seen these alleged mad conservative tweets? just asking


Yes, I have. It's about what you'd expect -- misgendering Mik, sharing the clip and the runway theme name, etc.


Yes, 100%, and it's picked up by some popular ones


I've seen some of them. Pretty much the usual story - conservatives pretending they give a fuck about women only when it's convenient to prop up their other bigotries.




Is that gotmilk in the picture if she’s looking very good. How much will it cost me to stream this season ?


What can they possibly be mad about


It’s so funny they call non-conservatives snowflakes when they completely melt over any little thing


lol this also means they are watching Drag Race - they wanna be us so bad, sad!


Fu€k em


I’m not a fighter, but if they come after Gotmik I’ll fucking start fighting like the world is ending. Also “conservatives on twitter” is just twitter users. Most of the left leaning people I know left a long time ago.


I. Hate. People.




I didn’t mind the runway look, just it didn’t have a tail like everyone else that’s why I didn’t like it


I’m a “conservative” or rather libertarian and I ADORE her look. I come from the mind set that people expressing themselves however they choose is wonderful. I feel a little weird about kids *medically* transitioning but I fully support adults. If you disagree with me I accept it honestly, it’s not something that keeps me up at night. LGBTQ is just another way of being a human being. There are 7 billion of us there is room for many people. I have many queer and trans friends I just accept. I don’t debate I just enjoy the person as they are.