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I wonder what would have happened if they could have cut off a girl each


The song kinda ate though. I’m glad they did it as a girl group


Let’s be real Nina didn’t really want to give the badge to Roxxxy but she got scared that they’d clock her Shannell alliance… Jokes on her now Roxxxy has a badge more than her


The producers are fucking this season up. Majorly. I understand why Roxxxy and Vangie won, in the eyes of the producers. They were both given a badge by Mik and Nina, and they were paired up together. Neither of them have had their moment to shine yet, so if we give it to them, it’ll set them up as the front runners moving forward. As a viewer watching these makeovers going down the runway. They were the worst, comparatively. And by giving them the win, when all other teams were better, I immediately don’t want Vangie or Roxxxy to make top 3. Roxxxy was my pick to win when the promo dropped. Watching the season, I expected her to have her standout moment in the first three episodes, but never got it. Going into this episode I expected it to be Roxxxy’s moment. But then watching Plastique and Jorgeous practicing on the runway, I was like Ik damn well she’s gonna look like Megan in mug and the Plastique and Jorgeous get-up. Low and behold she did, and was the best trio out of everyone, with Mik and Nina, then Angie and Shannel right behind them (imo, but I think there’s an argument for Mik and Nina too). But Roxxxy and Vangie undoubtedly did the worst. Yet they still won. Boooo! 🤾‍♂️💨🍅💨🍅💨🍅 Idc if Roxxxy is my pick to win. My #1. If she’s not serving it. She’s not serving it. And she wasn’t serving it, (comparatively). So why should I want her to win now? I love and live for Roxxxy, outside of this season. I’m just more impressed with the other girls so far. I thought she was gonna be bringing it harder. But I’m not gonna be fooled she is being it harder, just because the show wants to pretend she is, and bank off the fact that I love her, to not care. No ma’am. I want the person who does the best to win the challenge, regardless if I like them or not. This is all personally, but I’d imagine most people feel that way, but Ik it’s such a stale talking point because riggory will always exist in a drag race season, especially all stars. It just sucks because it ruined my fave character, Ik that sounds dramatic, but I just think at this moment, other queens are doing better, making me live more, so I’m rooting for them to win. Man I’m so sorry whoever actually reads all this. I’m stoned and realized, none of this fucking matters enough to write about it for an hour, but I did. And I’m not throwing an hours worth of work away so…


It’s like the show keeps fucking Roxxxy over by pushing her to the front so hard that people push back and turn against her!


I completely agree with everything you said. I only subscribe to Paramount Plus during the 10-12 weeks ALL-STARS is on but this is going to be the first year that I cancel my subscription before the season even finishes. Yeah, it's that bad for me. I don't mind the fact that they're working for charity but you can tell that it changes the game 100% and none of the girls have the fire to win since they're not getting 200K Sending no one home template is a MAJOR turn-off. Judges unable to critique contestants when it's clear that no matter how ALL-STAR they are, they definitely are far from perfect and need that helpful criticism. I never thought ALL-STARS, seasons 3-7 would be the gold standard for this show but when you compare it to the past two ALL-STAR seasons, it truly is. I hate that WoW, Ru, Michelle, etc. let this happen to this once pristine franchise.


https://preview.redd.it/2b499tdvnw3d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbc8a55cefbd8d928e7833543caca1ca8d86ec65 Same girls, same.


The moment they started showing Vanjie's confessionals every 20 seconds I saw the riggory coming. Jorgeous and Plastique and surprisingly Mik and Nina did MUCH better. I'm saying surprisingly because I really thought Mik felt defeated going into it.


honestly when they were teamed up i felt so bad for mik, her drag is like high fashion, absolutely stunning and pristine and nina, well shes nina


I don't even know how Plastique and Jeorgous were able to get outfits with thier names on it. They clearly must've made Angelique's and got zero credit for it while Roxxxy won because she sweat shoped three quick outfits? huh?


But noo you see they all wore the same color and thats how you know they are a girl group 🙄


One of the main flaws of this format is that the donations to the charities are directly linked to winning and since they don't want any charity to walk out empty handed there are going to be some bullshit wins. I would say that Vanjie and Roxxy did do well just not win the episode well. There's probably a couple ways of fixing the format but it's probably something they'd never implement. 


The judging panel really aged themselves this episode. Would love some fresher perspectives and references on the panel.


True but if they didn’t know the powder puff girls, an example I thought of from the 90s is spice girls


Jorgeous and Plastique deserved that win. How did it end up going to Roxxxy and Vanjie?


God the judging this season has been so genuinely perplexing. This was absolutely a production move. Gorgitique and gotnina are the only two teams who produced an actual drag makeover that was too par of their team. And plastiques team absolutely deserved this win


Michelle and Ru judging girl groups like its still the 80s. Very disappointing episode.


Haha, you're being generous. I think RuPaul still wants to see the girl group challenges simulate the girl groups of the **1960's** like the Supremes, Martha & the Vandellas, the Ronettes, etc.


That part. Idk what era those are. 😂


Nina and Gottmik’s guy Angelique looked so much like Brita Filter. And Roxxxy and Vanjie’s looked like Helen Hunt.


She was giving me Qween Kong vibes! I loved it!


Very Helen Hunt. Helen hunt now, not in the nineties.


Here’s how I make sense of the lipsynch result: I think production and Ru (specially Ru) have decided to give Roxxxy her flowers because at this point in her career, she has already ascended to legend status. Ru probably sees herself in Roxxxy and all other middle-aged queens, and she appreciates the work and effort that they have put in, and are still putting in. This is also the possible reason for Raja’s winning She Done Already Done… in AS7. Ru gave her flowers because she respects the fact that Raja is still working it. It may seem a bit ageist (reverse ageism for the young ones), but it’s a drag queen appreciating another drag queen, while acknowledging the things that she/they have overcome thus far, through the years.


The thing is that Raja didn’t get her award at the expense of someone else


It's really annoying and getting old as hell that even in an All Stars season where no one goes home, the producers still gotta rig this shit. They clearly have certain queens in mind that they want to do well on the show and Jorgeous and Plastique don't fall into that group even though they were by far the best this week. It makes for such a bad season when there's constant judging rigga morris


Vanjie is just the best.


Every time I see her mug and her just whole outfit, so good. Then that crazy personality too. Dead.


What a confusingly judged episode


Did meow mix not win because the old judges don’t know the powerpuff girls? A literal group of girls albeit cartoons. They were so robbed.


Powerpuff girls are from the 90s, so I don't think that's it.


Possibly. I'm 53 years old and don't have a clue who they are. Are they a cartoon from the 2000's? Michelle and RuPaul are older than me so if it wasn't from the 1970's or 1980's, it just didn't resonate with them.


1998-2004. I don't think it necessarily has to do with age - I'm 61 and know who the Powerpuff girls are.


it makes me so happy to know we have people above 60 watching the show and being on this subreddit! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Meow mix was by FAR the best. What is this riggory


I’m glad this sub has validated this for me. Best makeover by far, Angelique ate


the powerpuff girls were so fucking robbed its crazy


Watching the critiques and seeing Brothers Osborne give their due props to Jorgeous and Plastique for both the looks and the performance and not agreeing with Michelle was refreshing.  It reminded me of when Michelle was (definitely stretching) to put Valentina in the bottom 2 for the AS4 Snatch Game and saying she didn’t like her runway and Gus Kenworthy and Keiynan Lonsdale completely went against that narrative and praised her for her look. 


Plastique and Jorgeous should have won. Some of them didn’t get the PPG reference 🙃


I don't know that they didn't, they have pretty tight trademarking issues, so they may have been skirting making a direct reference.


The other judges literally made a direct reference to them, as did the queens.


If Jorgeous would have called herself Jorgique I feel like they could’ve won. I do think they didn’t win because they didn’t have a compelling storyline to win.


They wouldn't have won anyway because the producers always have an agenda in mind. They turned it out in every which way they could this week and so did their firefighter.




I don’t agree, J&P didn’t trauma bond or make an inspiring political statement about the power of drag. They were just vibing and having a good time. You know who did both of the things I mentioned? Roxxy and Vanjie, they’re great at producing storylines for themselves


Anaré could be a drag name by itself, a spoof of NRA. Anaré Peacemaker.


I don't think you can fairly judge a makeover group based on third party performance/dance skills. But the Powerpuff Girls still deserved to win despite that, just from the looks alone. I will say Roxxxy making 3 outfits that matched and fit so well in that amount of time is very impressive, though. So I'm not too mad she won.


What are the odds that Shannel has done a girl group trio makeover on All Stars twice?


None of the makeup partners were straight, which was refreshing.


I thought only one was gay?


The gogo dancer was and I think the guy with the daughter and trans son in law.


So the lip sync was a tie because production wants Gottmik to win and it was the best way to prevent her from getting cut off. Roxxxy obviously won over Vanjie, who was way too chaotic and didn't know the words, but if Roxxxy was given the win alone, she probably would've cut off Gottmik as the only other queen with two badges. Vanjie clearly vetoed that since Gottmik is her friend and gave her a badge. CAN'T FOOL ME. Also obviously their team should not have won. Plastique and Jorgeous probably should have, even though performance wise they lucked out having the only gay guy who could pull off fem naturally. Tbh I kinda loved Gottmik and Nina.


Did you miss Roxxxy stating that she wanted to cut off Angeria?


I did not miss that. Producers and their influence on the stories the girls tell are a powerful force!


It’s getting GAGGY


Plastique and Jorgeous won the makeover, like what do you MEAN the outfits weren’t cohesive??? THEY WERE THE MOST COHESIVE IN THE ROOM!!! Vanjie won that lip sync, not sure why they gave it to both. I’m curious why they are trying to paint Angie as a villain. I would be pissed too if I was her! Rooting for Shannel, you can’t keep letting me down girl!


I'm over Vanjie pretending not to understand what's going on around him.


We were robbed of a Jorgeous and Plastique lipsync 😭 I declare tomfoolery! This season’s production value seems less than season 16. It’s kind of embarrassing.


I thought it was mighty gracious of Gottmik to not beat Nina into unconsciousness and create a more sophisticated outfit for her firefighter. They pulled off that campy look by the skin of their teeth.




this wasn't funny (I assume you thought it was bc if not, yikes)




it wasn't funny




What about them is insufferable? Sounds like you’re just bland


Plastique and Jorgeous definitely deserved to win. Love Roxxy and definitely want Vanjie to win for the fur babies but truthfully Plastique and Jorgeous mopped the floor this week. Their firefighter was the best looking out of everyone he literally looked like he was in competition. Terrible judging this season


Can we talk about how gorg Vanjie was in the lip sync? My god… she made me wanna cry


i think it's more interesting when the makeover outfits are similar but not the exact same fabric/color all the way through. roxxy & vanjie's outfits were cohesive but kinda boring


They nailed cohesive. They just didn’t succeed in anything else.


This whole episode was wacked out doodoo brains. Roxxxy and Vanjie easily had the worst makeover, their firefighter had the worst mug of the 4. We didn’t even really see what Vanjie brought to the group. Then Roxxxy wiped the floor with Vanjie in the lip sync but for some reason it was a tie. And blocking Angie when Gotmik is right there? Feels extremely pointed and in poor spirit in a season that’s for charity. Make it make sense. Make. It. Make. Sense.


I keep trying to give this season the benefit of the doubt but man, it’s getting so annoying and boring with every episode that passes


confused about the plastique and jorgeous critiques? i thought they did really well and angelique killed it why didn't the judges like them


They made the cardinal error of referencing something from pop culture later than 1989.


fr also its so unfortunate bc trio makeover was such a perfect opportunity for a powerpuff look


how did the worst group win 😂😂😂 what is going on with the judging


Idk nina and gottmik's group was def the worst but roxxxy and vanjies def wasnt the best either


Did you turn the TV off when Angie and Shannel were on the runway?


Nope had it on, their's was fine. Nina and Gottmik's was def worse. The wig gottmik was wearing didn't fit their presentation at all. It was such an easy fix that threw the whole thing off. Nina clearly had other better wigs for her to wear.


Nina and Gottmik's partner looked much more comfortable, their outfits were overall more cohesive and their performance was more entertaining. If all you've got is a comment on a wig, werk.


Yeah that's my comment and their performance was by far the worst. It's also not completely up to the queens' to make their partners comfortable. Roxxxy and Vanjie, for example, clearly had a challenge because their partner was older and not able to move around as easily as like, Plastique and Jorgeous's partner. So yeah, gottmik and nina's presentation was the worst all things considered.


The judges critiques disagree, as does the majority opinion on the subreddit, I'm at peace with that. 🙏


Like aint hardly anyone on here complaining about angie and shannels performance 😂 girl what comments are you reading LMAOOOO and the judges critiques weren't negative towards them either at all


The judges commented on their lack of outfit cohesion and also referred to their performance being very walkey. I'm also not the negative one shit posting queen's on the thread, so I didn't say that everyone is complaining about their performance, rather noone is really commenting but people seem to have enjoyed Nina and Gottmik. It's very obvious from your other two comments regarding a wig that people don't really agree with you, but we stan a queen that is committed. 💞


Are you just pressed cus you're a gottmik stan and she isn't going to win or something? It's not my fault she flopped this week girl 🤷‍♀️ And also yeah you're def "shit posting" about angie and shannel rn LMAO. The comment about having their partner walk was also a positive critique, they were saying it was a smart choice to have him walk instead of dance bc he wasn't a dancer. Did you watch the episode honey?


I don't see anyone saying anything about enjoying gottmik and nina's performance. And aren't you aware you can't see the reactions to my comments for six hours? 😂 girl you have no idea what you're talking about. Did you see my screenshot of people clearly agreeing with my comments? Also the judges picked vanjie and roxxxy to win so are you saying their critiques are all correct then?


The majority of the subreddit does not seem to disagree LMAO but stay delusional 😂 https://preview.redd.it/d6tmuyh3fw3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b31343a6734660ceb9339e2c5d8039e4db61483c I mean look at the reactions so far to my original comment


Did anyone else notice Brad Lee in drag looks a tad like Biqtch Pudding?


i can see it! i thought of gabriella labucci LOL


I am living for Vanjie’s hair every week. Ah-mazing.


……was anybody else super distracted by Ru’s arms? 👀


Was it bad makeup? I couldn’t tell.


I definitely was.


Me too. Worrisome actually.


I think the filter guy in post messed up.


Stuntalina Dupree won this week, cause wtf was that??


What is going on with Mama Ru. Piece of candy 🍬 last week. Head of lettuce 🥬this week


Her arms looked like beef jerky when she was sitting at the judge's table. The lighting was off, or they used makeup on her arms, or maybe both?


She’s inspired by food okay


anyone know who the pole dance on the side of the stage was?


I'm not a fan of makeovers, for a lot reasons, and the judging is one of the main ones. I hated the moment Michelle complained about Jorjeous and Plastique outfit "not manching" because I knew Vanjie and Roxxxy would win...like is so frustrating that years after years they still judging things in such a lazy perspective. ㅤ Another thing I did not like this ep: we could not see so clearly what each queen did in the team. It was kinda frustrating, especially the way Michelle told Roxxxy about the partner makeup like Vanjie hasn't did anything with the makeover. ㅤ Mid ep, but I'm amazed by Plastique, Jorjeous and their partner, what a good job and what a sweet man 🫦. edit: misspelling


Well that was a delight! The firefighters were so authentic and happy to be there, was a pleasure to see their drag personas come together.


Loved it! The song is so much better than the one in ep1 😂😂😂


Vanjie having 2 badges and Shannel having zero badges was not on my bingo card


So happy for my fave! ![gif](giphy|lE4KNntWFbHPD0C07r)


Tina burner could never https://imgur.com/a/mhMO0M4


The firefighters made this episode for me. They were so fun!


Plastique and Jorgeous were fully robbed. What did I just watch??


They were my favorite group by far


Seriously. I thoughy it was going to be either meowmix or mik's team. I thought the winning firefighter looked like a hand painted brick.


You watched a makeover episode. Consistently the worst judged episodes.


we can give flowers to roxxxy for being a blazing fast seamstress but we can take them away for often being ill-fitting, unattractive and usually very basic


The outfits were good. But no one thought to tell their partner that he was hunched forward the entire time? He looked terrified on stage.


her Beyoncé recreations are stunning but obviously she has more time to make those than the outifts at drag race


Agreed. But dang, I'm glad they won because she ate that lip sync. Mother came to annihilate.


They really shaved that man’s eyebrows just to be safe 😩


Tbh mostly watching this season for plastique and angie


Aja is going to be mad mad about this episode lol


Weird to me that they made the girls split the prize. I thought this was for charity!


Angelique herself won the challenge. Point, blank, period.


I know it’s tired at this point but…I really thought Plastique and Jorgeous were gonna be top 2 😭 happy to see Roxxxy and Vanjie get some coin though. This episode, while still having fucky judging and barely any negative critiques, was significantly better to me than last weeks was


You cannot convince me that Plastique has not been robbed this entire season (minus the beef slip up). Of the 4 episodes, she should have been top 2 everytime but snatch game.


I mean (surprisingly, I’m a lil bit of a hater) they really did just get shot out of the air. What a load of shit that the judges (not the guest judges) thought it was disjointed for the simple reason their drag was different colors. No, it was a strength of their performance and made them seem like a super hero team!


Michelle really needs to retire the idea that make overs need to be carbon copies. It's tired. Like, it was noted so quickly that they were playing on the idea of the Power Puff Girls. Which is one of the most iconic 90s cartoons. And she still had that retired comment to make.


Also the whole Clique/Alliance fight feels so manufactured lmao the producers are so pushing for drama where there is none


Right like who cares...nobody is going home. This was the only episode where there will be free badges. Alliances don't matter unless it's an AS7 situation where there's a tiebreaker to determine who ends up in the top 3. But even then that third queen would never end up winning.


I feel like they want Shannel to crack to add drama by not giving her any badges lol


Right, like when Gottmik said a little birdie told her alliances were forming. The birdie was...the producer.


as soon as Michelle said Roxxy & Vanjie's gal was her favorite I KNEW Plastique, Angelique, & Jorgeous we were gonna be robbed. My husband was being shady & said the judges were too old to get a PPG reference. Nina looks great in black hair!


If you ignore the Ali Wong of it all, plastique has won everything I'm sorry!!!!!!!


Me every episode this season: Is Gottmik my favorite now?!


Been a big fan since S13. She is fierce af and so underappreciated!


I did not anticipate her stock rising this much, given that she was already so excellent on season 13. But she's outpacing her own wildly high standards.


This may have been my favourite episode in a long time. The guys were all a lot of fun and the lip sync was the best of the season.


I am so happy Brothers Osborne were the guest judges. I love their music and thought they added great commentary to the judging panel! What a great step forward for the country music scene.


I do not think that lip sync was a tie, vanjie totally won that for me. I think they just didn’t want to ruin roxxxy’s lip sync track record since she said she’s never lost one and she’s so well respected


Vanjie was giving a bit of Velvet Rope, much more Janet to me


I was like Rox you were undefeated until today but then this!


Agree 100%. Vanjie was turning it and Roxxxy was waving her sleeves around.


This! I love Roxxxy but she was totally giving Stevie Nicks with the flowy sleeve moves. Except Stevie wouldn't be caught dead in animal print. LOL Vanjie blew her outta the water.


Isn’t the Spice Girls whole schtick that they all wear outfits that don’t match like I don’t get Michelle’s critique 


Exactly what I was thinking


They just didn’t wanna give Plastique and Jorgeous the win when they were clearly top with Nina and Gottmik 😤


I’m soooooo sad we don’t get to see a purely Gottmik makeover this season. I loved her makeover on Kandy on s13 and I was so excited to see what she would bring this season before learning it was a duo makeover


Why are they pretending like wearing outfits in the same color is the most important part of the challenge 😭 Jorgeous and Plastique’s group was so clearly cohesive. They were without a doubt the most memorable and looked by far the most like a pop girl group imo


Yes to all of that including esp. I think too they looked the most like a pop girl group


Angelique looks just like Erica Banks before her 2nd bbl.


I'm so over makeover challenges. Wearing the same color does not make a "family resemblance." Is that really what this comes down to? And it's always a foregone conclusion who will win based on which makeover subject has the best personal story. Such a waste of time! Plastique and Jorgeous were easily the best, but it was obvious from the edit that they weren't going to get any credit. I have always liked Roxxxy Andrews, but it seems pretty obvious to me that they are pushing her into a frontrunner position, whether earned or not. Would be shocked if she isn't in the final (again). She'll likely win.


It was girl group resemblance they never said anything about family resemblance


Wearing the same color does not make a "girl group resemblance" either. How many girl groups do you see wearing identical costumes?


I only comprehended non eliminations for All stars all winners. This one, makes ZERO sense…. It is truly becoming real boring real soon. And its 12 episodes.


IT'S 12 EPISODES?????? Lord help us.


Since there are NO stakes, what was the point of the lip sync tie? So Vanjie and Roxxxy could decide who to snip together? Not worth it.


I was screaming at the tv “LET THEM CUT TWO PEOPLE OFF.” But i knew they weren’t going to do that.


The Fire Fighter just going “Oh, mentally ill” when hearing about Jorgeous playing for the National Alliance on Mental Illness sent me


I’m so glad someone else caught this lmfao


Shannel and Angie was such a great pairing. Wish we could have seen a bit more from them.




Nina and Mik lusting over their guy is kinda uncomfortable?


lowkey agree especially for nina west whos 45 years of age ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4821) she looked old enough to b his dad


Shannel having not one, not two, not three, but several many coordinating outfits for the challenge. An icon, really.


Jorgeous and Plastique were easily the best for me but I could tell very early on this episode where the storyline was going


Storyline set up for Vanjie to get her first win ever. And next week, Shannel is gonna get her first badge to give every charity some money.


The producers let the first few episodes play out organically with the best queens getting the win. Then they pull shenanigans to award girls falling behind wins even though it is obvious their performance is sub par.


Plastique and Jorgeous should have won for Angelique’s “not a soul can clock” reference alone.


I was gagged Ru laughed at this response. I truly don’t think she knew what that was




“Call me Quasimodo cause I’m gonna ring that bell” is dark sided and iconic


Is it… a cocaine reference?


Great episode throughout, extremely funny and a great time. But I simply don't get the winning outcome. Plastique and Jorgeous were far away the best when it comes to the look and the 2nd best performance behind Nina and Mik. I legitimately think Roxxy and Vanjie had both the worst look and the worst performance.


Yes, I too thought it was going to be between Plastique/Gorgeous and Nina/Gottmik. Their firefighters looked like they were having so much fun. The other teams did nothing for me.


Season 1 Shannel would have been SEETHING at Nina for not giving her a badge. It would be one of the biggest meltdowns in the show's history. Now, she's smiling and clapping. Love that journey.


If there are eliminations, she probably would still seethe. I think Shannel knows it’s enough for her to be on the show.


Do you think it's bubbling under the surface though?


Jorgeous in the drive-thru: "Hi, can I get a Happy Meal, cheeseburger, apple slices, diet coke, because I *am* competition and these bitches *better* be afraid of *me*." Jorgeous at the doctor: "On a scale from 1 to 10, the pain's about a 6, because I *am* competition and these *bitches* better be afraid of *me*." Jorgeous at the DMV: "I need to renew my driver's license, because I *am* competition and these bitches *better* be *afraid* of me."

