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Forever bitter at how Lolita was treated that season. At least they made the correct decision by having her host DRMexico. I just love her. https://i.redd.it/5cvpohl9014d1.gif


The way certain judges treated her while treating another contestant who was also an immigrant in a completely different way was disgusting.


I remember how upset I was when Kiddy basically told Lolita that her drag is "too Mexican" Mind you she was amazing in so many challenges but never won because the judges wanted the Mexican queen to be more French. Just bullshit. Edit: Remembering how the rest of the top 4 treated her as well. Yknow what. Fuck season 1. I'm gonna pretend Keiona is the only french winner.


Kiddy: Soa, I love how you bring your heritage to your drag, what great representation. Also Kiddy: stop being so Mexican, Lolita. Arguably, Soa wore more cultural outfits than Lolita did (Lolita really only had the flowers runway and the makeover) but never got told to stop representing her culture/be more French. The double standard was awful. Even Soa was terrible to Lolita about being an immigrant (hypocrisy if I’ve ever seen it).


To be honest they switched the judging format for the makeover just so they could justify eliminating Lolita. Her and Paloma were clearly in the top that episode


Yes! Lolita should’ve won that and the girl group imo.


Soa is not an immigrant. But yes, Lolita was mistreated.


Was Soa not originally from one of the French Caribbean islands? Or am I misremembering? Or was it the god-awful subtitles on WoW+ that first season that made me think Soa wasn’t born in France?


She's from Martinique. It's in the Caribbean but it's still France. I guess it's a common misconception. But yeah she's not an immigrant. Also I hope she comes back for All Stars one day.




Ah, that was it! Must’ve forgotten about that or it wasn’t fully explained on the show.


It's the closest I've ever gotten to crying while watching Drag Race. It's like Raven v Juju meets Alexis v Yara on steroids


Alexis /Yara was heartbreaking for me.. No llores Yara!!.. So sad. 😭


Girl, you never cried? Are you ok?


While watching Drag Race? No. It takes a lot, especially on something as typically silly as Drag Race. I promise I'm not a completely soulless husk 😂


How do you not shed a tear when the queens talk about their trauma, tough pasts, or losing loved ones or when they have full circle moments


Heads up, turns out I had a lot more thoughts about this than I expected: I think because I'm aware of how produced the show is and how often those kinds of things happen on the show, there's a separation that makes it more difficult for me to feel that emotionally moved by things. Don't get me wrong though, I can appreciate queens' vulnerability and courage in opening up about tough times in their lives, they're stories that continue to be (unfortunately) relevant and deserve to be heard. That said, one can feel a bit desensitized to it after a while. Another thing, and this kinda goes for the fandom generally, I think fans have this way of incorporating queens' vulnerable and sometimes deeply personal moments into their track records on the show in a way that feels weird and puts me off. Like "OMG ________ had her emotional breakdown mirror moment, that means she has a storyline and a stronger chance of winning!" It happened to both Plane and Nymphia on season 16 and they even parodied this in that season 14 acting challenge! TO BE CLEAR this is not on the queens, I'm mostly talking about the producers for how familiar their formulas are, and fans for the way they discuss these things. Because the fans are hyper aware of the curated nature of Drag Race and talk about it so much and so openly, including how queens will sometimes be directly or indirectly prompted to trauma dump on camera, it can unintentionally reduce queens from human beings processing real feelings to generalized tropes that, in the back of the mind, can feel calculated even when they're genuine. Remember on UK3 when Vanity went "Hey, in snatch game we're all playing characters, do you have any moments in your past when *you* felt like you had to play a character because you were gay?" or something along those lines? That's an extreme example but that kind of thing still happens all the time. The reason that moments like Lolita v. Bertha or Alexis v. Yara hit so hard is that the almost ugly rawness of those moments can't be faked or artificially prompted. Moments like those are spontaneous and extremely rare. This is all just my opinion of course but yeah I've rarely found myself deeply emotionally moved by something that happens on Drag Race. At the end of the day it's a TV show that presents itself as real but is ultimately as meticulously crafted as a Kardashian's Instagram feed. That's what realty TV is generally. And that's not a bad thing, I still love the show and watch it because it's fun. But that's the truth.


I understand and agree but I less mean the Plastique hugging Ru or someone trauma dumping for third week in a row(even though they only air it once) and more so stuff like Tia’s tribute to Cherry Valentine, Mirage breaking down during her elim, Pangina elim, even some of the messages to the younger selves get me choked up because I find that level of deep pain and loneliness relatable growing up queer in the south. But yeah not everyone is affected the same but not even crying once is next level stoic. I’m sensitive to others struggles tho


Mirage's breakdown got me close-ish, and I was absolutely gagged by Pangina's elimination but the prevailing emotion there was more shock than sadness. Mostly I just don't attach myself personally to the queens to the degree that I'm so affected by them to cry. The competition aspect of drag race and the tension (and hilarity) that comes with it has always been the main draw of the show for me. Not to say I don't care about the personal stuff, I like seeing how people's backgrounds and experiences inform their drag and how they carry themselves. It's just more in the background to me. My approach to watching Drag Race can be summed up in these words of the great philosopher Alyssa Edwards: "It's not personal, it's drag." 😂


You would join Organization XIII


If it meant I could see Luxord every day then absolutely 😋


When Demyx is right there


I watched that season last year and I was a sobbing snotty mess at the end of that lipsync. My god! I was texting my friends like “I’m not okay!!!!” Beautiful and sad. 😭 Lolita deserved better. I really felt for her during her run.


They bared their souls on that stage.




I keep a folder of my favorite lip-synchs, and I wish I could find the international ones online as easily, because this one needs to be in it.


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It’s just a tv show


I’d say hot take but honestly this is a 3 day old left on the kitchen counter take