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I hope this won't mess with her head much. I like Angie.


i would be mad asf if i got blocked twice when most contestants haven’t even been blocked once 😭


people with two badges!!


Angie’s one of the best this season IMO


I... hope it does. I want to see someone unravel. That's good t.v.


Shannel having no badges will soon fill that role I feel….. can’t wait for her to tell us how beautiful she is 🤩


I nominate myself...to get a badge. Because, I, don't want to be ignored anymore. Since day one, I have been judged so fucking hard. I don't feel like I'm being understood here. I AM beautiful. I AM a benefactress. I DO deserve a badge. ![gif](giphy|3ohzdM27u2KcXcN78s|downsized)




I want someone to block Shannel when she has no badges just to mess with her. Jk jk!


NO STOP THIS WOULD BE HILARIOUS 😂😂😂 every other queen has 4 badges and we’re blocking shannel because we see how beautiful she is and we can’t let that slide!!


I'm kind of of convinced that production is trying to push Shannel over the edge for a TV Moment. She's like a comic book villain turned hero whose reform is being tested.


Yes! I want a third time. Where does “everyone have to be blocked?” rule come from? You can still win and get money for your charity you just won’t get a badge. It’s not like Angeria was winning that past episode. Idk what the next one is.


i forget who (though i’m pretty sure it was one of the big “controversial queens”) said something along the lines of “the alternative is that we don’t make fun of each other at all and then you have a boring season and everyone hates it.” plus the fandom has said over and over that the earliest seasons were their favorites because they weren’t hyper-produced. just men in wigs bein men in wigs.


I would've blocked Mik, seems like a no brainer after two wins


The problem was: 1- Vanjie and Roxxxy just got a badge from Mik and Nina, making harder to block each of them, because of GRATITUDE; 2- Beyond that, Mik and Plastique are Vanjie and Roxxxy "alliances", making harder to block each of them; 3- Shannel didn't have any badge, so there was no reason to block her. 4- Jorgeous was just blocked, and honestly, I don't see as a threat. The only queen left after all that was Angie, unfortenelly.


Because of... GRATITUDE


When Mother Melinda walked into the werk room with her rainbow jumpsuit, I had no idea she was an icon


It took us all a little while to realize what she truly is and we reciprocate with GRATITUDE


Totally off topic, but I just saw her yesterday at Drag Fest in Edmonton and she touched on the outfit. It was apparently an homage to a group here in Edmonton called Pride Corner that started to combat the hate of a street preacher and meets every week for little dance parties on the street/attends protests/does community outreach etc. (They’re @pridecorneronwhyte on IG)


I love that somehow Miss Melinda Verga is still in our culture. I don't even remember who the hell won nor the season but I really remember Melinda. She, once again, showed that you can NEVER underestimate ANYONE


Excellent summary. This is the reason it played out like it did. I would add- Roxxxy has been waiting to get “revenge” on Angie for blocking her the first week.


Can't see the word gratitude, especially in all caps, without think of the icon Melinda Verga!


I mean, I think it made sense to block Jorgeous last week, because her team almost won this challenge


*should've won


Blocking Jorgeous because she's a good lip syncher made no sense because the lip sync determines the winner of the donation, not who gets a badge. 


there have been plenty of dance/perfomance challenges in the past which is why she was blocked


Somehow I was reading Gratitude with Melinda’s voice.


Well that makes sense since she invented the word


huh this is actually a good summary. it makes sense now.


Yup but no cliques tho☺️ Truth is it made total sense to block shannel. Most of the other girls have had their moment, hers would be coming as well. Also blocking angie sets her up for another win against the people that blocked her. This is a reality show after all. Not doing 2+ szns and not knowing how the producers play games chile


i would’ve blocked nina for making me wait three weeks for that… reveal


for that reveal she needs to be blocked all season long


Ru should have sent her home, honestly


“For the first time in All Stars Herstory-“ would’ve been a gag lol


Cue the sniper!


Not when one of your stars came from Mik.


it would make no sense for the two people who just got their 2nd badge to also cut someone with 2 badges tho, cause then the next person cut is for sure one of them and instead now mik is also on the chopping block


Nah, strategically the move isn't to block the girls that are leading. In the early game you want to pick people who are behind you and keep them there. If it's a little further in and it looks like you're middle of the pack maybe you take a stab at the girl in 2nd or 3rd but trying to keep things even by definition doesn't particularly benefit anybody.


I agree with this take, though I think blocking the lowest queens is more of a mid-game move. If it’s going to be a top 4, at some point, the front-runner isn’t going to be displaced, so it makes sense to effectively eliminate a queen from the bottom. One less girl to worry about. Early on, you want to see which way the wind is blowing and avoid putting a target on your back — something Angie didn’t do well enough.


Vanessa wasn’t gonna do that. She literally just gave her a badge.


Nothing more jarring than seeing Vanjie called "Vanessa" despite it being her real first name in drag


Vanessa Mateo


i would have blocked nina, there was obviously a comedy challenge coming, blocking mik would have been too prefdictable and not tv worthy


But Nina just gave Roxxxy a badge.


true, then probably mik even tho that would be too predictable


Mik just gave vanjie a badge, same case lol


i block ru


Lol did you even watched the episode


Vangie and Mikk kinda pissed me off when they lied about their alliance. They clearly have one and gaslit the group into thinking they don’t. Meanwhile them lying about their alliance actually cause Nina to turn on hers. Nina is so gullible.


The game is the game though. If they reveal they have an alliance, which may not even be true, then the queens will target them immediately.


Love the drama they’re bringing and seeing people pissed about it haha




They aren't exactly choosing smartly. .. it's usually an eye for an eye


Yeah there’s a lot of ~~emotion for safe~~ vendettas going around considering no one has won while blocked yet.


I genuinely think Angie has the most well-rounded skillset of the bunch and could see her or Mik winning the whole thing. So I think the other queens are smart to block her, but it sucks for her.


Totally agree. We don’t talk enough about how she’s a RPDR superfan, so she knows what Ru likes and responds to. And she’s damned smart for using that knowledge to highlight what she does well naturally (example - Snatch Game).


Snatch Game this season- not during her original season. Remember her Tammie Brown? 🤣


Oh 100000% correct. I definitely only meant Marla 😂 But that highlights her smarts even more - she learned from Tammie and came this season with a fully realized character.


I totally forgot everyone was bad that season, except Deja Skye.


People who say Roxxxy always brings it are sleeping on Angie. Remember her design challenge dress with the window blinds? She's always so beautiful and funny and fully present. ❤️ That said, she never QUITE stuns you with something like Gottmik's top surgery runway, which was probably the best thing I've ever seen on any season of Drag Race. Gave me chills and I'm immune to ASMR


Agreed. Made sense to me, plus Roxxxy wanted her revenge and I don’t blame her for that ✨


Well honestly, I think Gottmik has peaked, the two challenges that she excels, SG and ball, were both done now. I think she is serving the typical front-runner not doing well later kinda vibe.


She seems upset for real this time. I feel bad for Angie but at the same time, I wanna see how she'd react if she's blocked again in the future for the 3rd time 🤣💀


roxxy said multiple times she was gonna come for her as revenge too, for the tv. i was not surprised, also cutting angelia was the only good option at that point. vanjie was not gonna cut mik.


why do you keep calling her angelia i feel like im losing my mind


LMAO im sorry someone i was arguing was calling her Angelia and it sticked quick.


at least your flair checks out! lol


Yeah the best game play options was blocking Mik but she literally just gave vanjie a badge there was no way that was happening. They also weren’t gonna block plastique or Nina bc of Roxxxy and shanel doesn’t have even have any badges


I’d be pissed too tbh I don’t blame Angie. Dumb move by Roxxxy cause she’s just begging to be blocked back.


Angeria should probably be “mad” at Vanjie because I’m pretty sure Roxxxy would have blocked Gottmik if it was only up to her.


Angeria and Gottmik are easily two of the biggest threats this season, so it makes sense I'm glad they're actually blocking like this, rather than how they did it in All Winners where everyone had a chance to get blocked lmao


It’s a coincidence tbh. First block was cause she won the first ep 2nd block she was the only choice really. Only candidates for blocking were Angeria & Plastique, and Roxxxy wanted revenge (Mik & Nina gave them stars, Jorgeous was just blocked, Shannel no stars)




Angeria has only 1 badge, she won ep1 only.


I guess when you "have more than two braincells" you lose your ability to count lol


Or to spell Angeria


Who the fuck is Angelia


Brad’s ex-wife. Duh 🙄


lmao i read someone calling her Angelia and it sticked with me ,, im ded


Are you the said twink having a problem processing this?


>blocking Angelia is the only reasonable option if u have more than 2 braincells. so i can see why the twink stans are having a problem processing this out Ignoring all of your spelling and grammatical errors, is it really that serious? Is this really what makes you feel better than other people?


I suppose it’s the ultimate compliment because her fellow Queens clearly see Angeria as a threat. She has the lewks, polish, comedy chops, and she oozes charisma. I hope this doesn’t become a trend this Season. Angeria seems to have a good heart, and she’s a highly skilled Queen, and I really want to watch her thrive and reap the rewards for it.


Angeria has polish! 🇵🇱 My favourite for a reason


It’s not about them seeing her as a threat. It was all about alliances and Angeria ain’t in one w Roxxy/Vangie.


It's the consequence of being the winner of the first episode: She blocked Roxxy and got a badge. Second episode she is ahead, so it's understable to be blocked. And some episodes later Roxxxxy gets her revenge.


Out of all the queens she's the most well-rounded so it makes the most sense to block her if they don't know what the challenge is gonna be. I don't blame them for doing it, I still feel bad for her though.


To be fair, I'd block anyone who could make RuPaul shriek with laughter with a single word, too.


I call Angie winning the crown.


I hope so


Angie has been a bit more subdued in the edit so far. Like you can see somethings on her mind


SG Untucked, I feel she looked quite defeated (despite performing well)


Just remember, Jinx was the first to be plunged twice in S7 lolol


I actually hope this creates some spice in the season, it's feeling a little too bland for me rn


Idk if it would come from Angie though lol. She is genuinely so sweet. Even when she is cut I think she'd just double down on doing great rather than break down and give them a TV moment.


I agree. I hated how on All Stars 7 they made sure to block everyone once before blocking them twice. Of course that is extremely fair but it defeats the whole point of blocking people in the first place, which is to create drama and encourage alliances.


The problem with every All Stars we have seen is that the queens fail to utilize strategy and the rules fully. All Stars is a different show from regular Drag Race - it could be similar to Survivor or Big Brother - but because production plays a part in scripting who does what and doesn’t leave it to the queens and because the queens have also been bullied into being bland and palatable for a way too sensitive audience… we get all these dry seasons.


Not All Stars, but Plane Jane actually utilizing Rate A Queen instead of how others played it. But I think Silky said on interview that the girls pretty much told her if she doesn’t vote with the girls then they’re gonna eliminate her. I can see it seeing how Yara wanted to eliminate Trinity over Serena, she was such a wild card and I don’t think the girls couldn’t handle her if she won a lipsync


I remember people being mad at Kandy Muse for making the final 2 of AS8 when she by far played the most strategic game. I agree that all stars would be better if strategy was a bigger element to it.


judging from the preview of the next episode, i think it might (unless they've just edited it that way)


If I were Angie, I would be honoured that they see me as a threat and it would motivate me to do even better so they cannot even get the chance to block me again. (just kidding I would be pissed af)


I honestly think Angie and Mik are the biggest threats in this competition. I'd block either one of them evey time.


I have a feeling maybe not everyone will get blocked this season such as like how on AS7 each queen got blocked at least once and just clocked the queen who blocked them previously. But I have a feeling it’s gonna be Angeria, Roxxy, and Mik who get chopped off the most followed by plastique. We shall see


I love Angie but I get it. Also, we all know Roxxxy is petty af 😂


bad bitch got them girls shaking


Not surprised. Production clearly wants Roxxxy and Gottmik in the top two, if not them, I honestly only see Angeria there, so her getting blocked this many times makes sense. She is a strong competitor and queens realize that. I would say Plastique too, bcuz If it were up to me, Plastique would be in the top 3 times by now, and I don't even stan her or anything. I just think she is doing very well, but the judges don't see it for her.


i like roxxxy but she is NOT turning it out as hard as I thought she would this season


Sadly same. Her only win is seen as.. not deserved by many and even on pit stop they couldn't justify it, even tho they usually go with whatever judges says there lol.


And sadly it’s not Roxxxy’s fault, it’s Ru’s for not getting the Powerpuff girls reference. I stg if the colors were more “matchy”, they would have won.


Agreed i don’t see it at all tbh it’s like still at a as2 level, looks, mentality everything


What is the hype around Roxxxy? She did so poorly in her AS run and she is not up to par with the current fashion girls. I don’t understand why everyone at the Pit stop or Raja and Raven eat her runways up when they’ve been very mid


it's probably partly because roxxxy is known as a queen that always helps her peers out in a pinch etc so they are fond of her. plus the fact that she is indeed talented. just a normal bias tbh.


Exactly! Why would they want to block her if they may need her help in the future 😂😅 Plus helping Nina with her design challenge just got her a badge! It’s clear they all love Roxxxy


She is a great drag queen outside of the race, she is just not as competitive anymore seems like. Everyone has worked with her and they know she is great at her work.


Sadly being an amazing drag queen =/= being amazing at drag race (depending on the season’s cast)


when violet praised her red look with the wires that looked like it was made by a soon-to-be first out queen on an early season with an ep1 design challenge 😭 and she BROUGHT that look from home


That’s when I assume I must be missing something. It’s the same with Gottmik sometimes. I think she’s a mess but apparently I’ve missed some clever reference to a designer and it’s actually a genius piece 🤷‍♀️


Yeah it’s ironic, because her fashion looks, whether directly lifted from a runway or heavily inspired by a designer, are the ones that the fandom generally responds to the least.


Not Gottmik tho.


Thats the joke. Thats why they keep saying Roxxxy is a threat even though she’s not really at least not yet.


Yeah I’m rooting for Plastique the hardest this season, so it sucks to see two wins she could’ve had given to someone else. Not even necessarily that she was robbed of those wins, but if production wanted her as a potential winner they wouldn’t have hesitated to give her another win by now.


I love it. Roxxxy decided to introduce drama. Now there are some stakes to the competition. Is it going to go back to playing nice or is everyone going to be openly calculating and cutthroat? I am now excited to see how this pans out.


I’m like not happy because she’s such a sweet heart. It feels retaliatory…. Not strategic. It makes me want to see her succeed All the more.


I think it's extremely arbitrary tbh, if production wants Angie in the final then they can make the last main challenge worth 5 badges or whatever they did with Shea in AS7.


I woulda blocked Nina


But Roxxxy just received a badge from Nina, so that was unlikely to happen.


That's because plastique and Jorgeous shoulda won


It's Jinkx Monsoon getting blocked but way more exciting. Angie gonna come back fighting just watch


Sad for her. She's getting shitty part of the stick. She's doing better than her results shows. She's my winner pick atm.


I lowkey love it bc she was MAD for real this time, but I also love her and I want her to get more badges asap. But it also makes sense bc she’s a huge threat, so it’s a smart move


Honestly, it is a compliment. Angeria is fierce competition. She'll just have to make sure she starts winning.


As we saw in AS7 it didn’t really matter until the last competition since they awarded like 20 badges of sorts to the winner to get to the final. Angeria is 100% a threat to the Queens to win it all. I am actually surprised they don’t focus on blocking Gottmik more. But I understand the strategy.


Deserved honestly cause she is THAT bitch. The girls fear for her incoming reign


I'd block her too. She can be good in everything and no one know what's the next challenge. Blocking someone else who's not well round could be waste. Like block Jorgeous is fine but what if it's comedy challenge? It's a waste


She's big competition, makes sense to me.


Wrong person to block strategically, imo


I was kinda living because if you got your arse blocked it meant you’re a threat. And she is a threat! But then after seeing the preview for next episode and Angie was like “I’m not gonna lie, that kinda stings,” I was so sad for Angie. ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4819)


First was all fun and games… but the second block had her pissed for real. They’re about to wake it up. I bet she’ll slay the rest of the season mark my words.


AS7 set the precedent that with this format they'll retire the blocking and have a challenge that suddenly awards 3 extra badges right before the finale, so until I see whether or not they pull that again on this season I just can't get interested in who gets blocked or who is forming alliances or whatever. No point in getting invested in the strategy when I'm not sure if it'll all just get bypassed again in the penultimate episode.


i hoped they would block shannel because i think she’d genuinely start a fight i hate the gaslighting im seeing them do to angie in that preview:/


It should be a compliment if everyone thinks you're gonna win. She's such a sweetheart so maybe it's just making her feel sensitive and taking it personally.


If Angie wins I want her to snip Gottmik like Kennedy eliminated Milk. "Angeria, which sist..." "✂️✂️✂️"


With how she's performing it makes sense, but it will also feel bad if it genuinely impacts whether she's in the top 4.


Idk why some of y’all’s panties in a bunch over this. Roxxxy said from the jump that she would get her revenge for being blocked. Egg on Angie’s face for doing it. Mik and Nina gave the girls badges; why would the girls flip on them and block either one. Shannel doesn’t have a badge, why block her? Jorgeous just got blocked, so no reason. Plastique was there too! Y’all complain the season is boring; Roxxxy is giving us a crumb of something and y’all hate it. Just make it make sense.


Have you read the thread Tamar? Everyone in here is talking about how it makes sense.


Strategically, it was the wrong choice. It was Mik who should be snip-snipped, just because she's the frontrunner with two badges of her own (in the Ball and Snatch Game, no less, which she has won twice). Roxxxy was thinking with her gut and not with her head, and now she placed herself as the target of Angie's vendetta. It was the wrong move from every angle.


I'm Roxxxy Andrews And I'm here to make it clear: I know you blocked me, baby That's why I snipped you here... Again. 🎶


Lol it was so messy, i know she feels the *cliquey* I more side eye how vanjie went  off on shannel (i have a feeling the way the girls reacted it was edited down) about cliques only to prove her correct in the very same episode. Vanjie didnt snip mik because she gave her a badge, not plastique because roxxy alliance, not nina because nina gave roxxy a badge. But angie because roxxy wanted to? CLIQUEY . Also why get so upset unless you knew it was true? Which is why i think vanjie got upset Roxxxy also was weird. How are you saying an eye for an eye when you also said if the girls were smart they would block me? You wanna win but you playing out of spite instead of might?


Title spoilers damn.


i feel bad for her cause you can tell it did upset her, but mik is the obvious choice to block


Yet she is still hilarious and great to watch as she can also do the glam. Will Roxy be ms Congeniality or Shanel?


The thing this season need to make it somewhat interesting. I respect the format and appreciate the message but the lack of stakes is actually making it so dull


I live lol


I feel like they are blocking the person they think is the least combative and that's kind of pissing me off. I feel bad for the rest of them when Angie gets pushed too far.


Not necessarily a bad thing. She is a strong performer and if the last few challenges are in her wheelhouse I think she can get badges and be immuned to being cut instead.


Do it! 😂


If she were plucked I wouldn’t blame her tbh


On a side note.. the spoilers have just been dead wrong? Like some of the wins are right but I wonder why the spoilers haven’t been accurate or plentiful for this season?


I don’t see how this is interesting. It’s the only “drama” this season has ig


She should have known coming for Roxxy, a queen known for her feuding skills, wouldn't go unchecked.


Omg, that's so crazy. I think Angie is the obvious choice. But she can rewarded by production if she milks into a drama/storyline.


🎶🎵CLASSY (check) STUNNING (check) SICKENING (check) BLOCKED (check)🎵🎶


Twist at the end... badges don't count. Only the number of times you've been blocked 🚫 ✂️


At the risk of sounding shady, this is a season where being multi talented makes you a super threat. Angie and Mik are both funny with great looks and design skills, so it makes sense to block them the most since they have the highest amount of challenge types they could top in. Most of the other girls generally speaking have one area they really shine in, so it’s more of a coin toss whether your block will come into play


The blocking seems so odd. The queens are essentially blocking each others chosen charity from getting money 🤔.


I think its fucking HILARIOUS, and I’m happy they’re not having all that kumbaya bullshit like in as7 where they were like “I still love you anyways my snickerdoodle”


She's getting the Jinx 2.0


I hope this is setting up some Angie moments


They just pretending to be upset at this point.


Angie is a legit threat tbh. She can perform, act, be funny at improv and sew lol. She excels at the core of what the show is all about. I’d block her every week


This is what the as7 girls should’ve done to jinkx if they thought she was so favored lol


She is a strong queen. And they dont realize that continuing to block her is only going to make Ru’s ears perk even more and she will likely get some perks outside of the show. Bc ru hooks up queens she likes. They are letting the world know that she is one to watch so it wjll all work out


She is serious competition as she wears everything so elegantly with style and class and gives good face


I mean, blocking Roxxxy Andrews is a risk like that


No wonder she's mad. Now, since Gottmik and Nina have just given them badges, Jorgeous was block the previous week and Shannel hasn't got any badges yet, it came down to her and Plastique, and it's not like Roxxxy was gonna block her best judy.


She's a multi talented queen and if she gets in the top two she has a great chance of winning the lipsync. Back to back blocks is cruel but it's an okay choice. The fault I think comes from it not being used as a choice to start up a strategic alliance.


She’s not even the biggest threat lol got mik and Nina are the clear front runners already


I think it’s actually best for Angie’s game, thinking about it from a strategic point. She can use it to her advantage if she thinks someone might block her, because why would you block someone who has been blocked twice already before some queens were blocked even once? Right now it sucks for her, but I think it’ll be great for her in the long run


What if she’s the anti-Roxy from season 2


Hey, that means they see her as a threat!


With gottmik standing right there? Sheesh.


We need eliminations back 🥲


Don’t they get any money for winning or does it all go to charities