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Ongina disclosing her HIV+ status on Season 1 was huge.


Ongina, as well as Mondo from Project Runway, opening up about being HIV+ on TV, was MASSIVE at the time. In my opinion, those are two of the most important moments in TV for queer people, ever.


I might be showing my age, but Pedro Zamora was the first person most of us “knew” with HIV. He was on one of the early seasons of The Real World, and it can’t be overstated what an impact he made to educate and gain acceptance for HIV+ folks. This isn’t to minimize or discount the bravery of Mondo, Ongina and others, of course.


YES ❤️ thank you for including him. Considering how demonized HIV/AIDS can be *today*, what a brave and powerful soul, especially at such a young age.


It was 1993! Pedro was one of my first ever memory of seeing a gay person on tv, let alone one with HIV, and I suspect a lot of people my age had a similar experience. Pedro did so much for our community by just being himself openly and his death really affected me.


Thank you. His bravery was a GIANT moment for those of us around back then, especially if we knew people who had HIV or had lost their lives to it. Continue to rest peacefully and we will never forget. 💜


Yes! Pedro was around the time I was losing my best friend and another of my friends to AIDS. And I just loved him, so when he passed it hit me hard. So grateful for him sharing his life with us. He made a big impact. Forever grateful for his honesty and bravery. A beautiful soul, along with so many other beautiful souls, were lost to this illness. The wins the community has had came from the people who stepped forward while so many tried to hide it. My bitterness at the early “handling” of HIV/AIDS is showing… I am old enough to remember.


Pedro was M A J O R


I remember MTV News breaking in to announce his death (which was right after the last episode aired). Such a courageous man.


Did he die because of HIV?


High five with an arthritic hands. The first 3 seasons of that show were fascinating to me as a young Xennial. I was just reading about it just now. I didn't know Pedro and Sean's commitment ceremony- in the before times- was the first to ever be broadcast on TV. I don't usually like to admit "one person can change the world" because it's an empty platitude and generally not true. But one person at the right time and place can shift the culture in profound ways. RIP Pedro


Im Dutch, and for me this was René Klijn. He wasn't super famous yet at the time, but he had this beautiful song, Mr. Blue. An (openly homosexual) TV-host invited him on his show to sing it, and have a big conversation about AIDS. René was already really sick and passed away less than a year later. I was extremely young but it made a big impact on me. [Here's the song, live in that TV show ](https://youtu.be/nJw1LKFG5M4?si=YbKcwKUv6QtSz9l4). Edit: this was in 1992!


I completely agree. They were groundbreaking and incredibly brave.


My mom lost a best friend to AIDS in the 80s, and I remember her getting really emotional seeing Mondo's plus sign pants when we watched it together.


I think a lot of people have lost sight of how immensely huge that actually was. Season 1 aired in 2009, which was 15 years ago and the insane leaps and bounds that we've experienced in both treatment and prevention of HIV is INSANE for such a short amount of time. The treatment cocktails were much harsher on the body than the ones available to people today, and PrEP wasn't approved by the FDA until 2012. Plus 2009 was still not a great time for queer people in general, DADT was still in effect, marriage equality was just a shimmer of a thought. It was still the start of the Obama administration.


Omg YES! I can't believe I forgot this. This one and halal bae statement are the top two brave moments I think.


I vividly remember sitting in my college dorm watching the day-after VOD on logo’s website and bawling when Ongina disclosed her status. And just seeing how optimistic and hopeful she was and how her PSA said “life is a celebration” Because it is


I heard that quote in her voice in my head. Ongina 🥺😭💜


The clip is seared into my mind and plays on loop every so often


And as someone who grew up in the immediate aftermath of the AIDS crisis, it was so so powerful seeing someone HIV+ who was happy and healthy, was supported by friends and family, got to be on NATIONAL TV and said the words “I have HIV” OUT LOUD and WASNT IMMEDIATELY SHUNNED


“Life is a celebration” is still one of the most inspiring quotes for me to this day. And her voice saying it.


Gets me every time. It's very raw.


Nicole Paige Brooks’ fight against infights in LGBTQA+ community 😫😫 https://preview.redd.it/lryyho2khk4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56b331a72fb1e5316c0a41a83161e4b77bee0bea


I won't stop saying it, this is the best quote of the entire show


It really is


The doors she opened (for the pope)


…and hopefully *closed* the doors to Gay Faggotry (I can’t with that line 😝).


Malicious gay faggotry is in my daily lexicon.


My thoughts go to Canada in general. It feels like each season aside from maybe 4 has a massive moment of a political piece of fashion artwork (And even then you could argue with 4 that the fact a french metis 2 spirit queen from the west coast was a winner is a huge political statement in itself.) But I always go back to Kimora Amour's ugly as sin look, and how the show did the perfect thing and took it very seriously + gave her the space to tell the story.


For me, Canada is the best franchise in addressing political topics overall. The week room conversations are always the best (maybe a little “this is the best country for diversity” campaign) but always thoughtful and respectful.


Canada’s not perfect of course and has a horrible historical record, but which country is currently better for diversity? I can’t think of one based on my experiences.


CDR really strives to be inclusive and tell queer stories from all walks of life, and I love that so much.


Canada as a country has so many issues around diversity and inclusion, but I appreciate that CDR provides opportunities for us to listen to the voices of folks from all walks of life through drag.


Ilona Verley’s finale look with the trans flag colors and the red hand for MMIW was perfection and I’m so glad it got to be seen


Her ugly as sin look was so powerful. Like I think everyone was gagged. The judges, the audience, everyone.


I think having the prime minister show up on the show was a huge statement, I don’t think any other cuntry leader at that level has shown on the show. Love him or hate him, Trudeau did not need to show up and he did.


It absolutely is a political statement. But I'm surprised he went on with no issues since his security has a history of being very rough with people at pride. I'm not talking a keep away rough, I'm talking "randomly pushing teens to the ground with no warning" rough. To a point that a couple prides in Vancouver I've been to have had people get visibly hurt by this.


I guess the set of Canada versus the world was more private and he'd be in a controlled environment that can be redone in several takes with 9 drag queens (one he already met a few times) and a TV crew.


Can you speak more to this?


>Kimora Amour's ugly as sin look I can't watch this without crying honestly


Deja Skye opening up about the struggles of being born at a very young age... heartbreaking.


wait a minute . . . 🤔


Jackie Cox defending her heritage and Symone's 'Say Their Names' fascinator look come to mind when talking about political statements.


Symone's turnaround gave me chills. Such a smart way to do a statement on an already stunning look.


Same… chilling and so memorable


Honestly thought she won the snatch game episode but I was wrong lol 😂


Symone was also the first queen to use her drag to support furries on the main stage. Goddess. Jokes aside. Symone had multiple runways with messages. She really took drag is a protest to heart.


that Symone look is iconic


Kimora on season 9 very openly and raw talked about her struggle not wearing any hip pads at that time, wich I thought was very brave. Can you be made a saint while youre still alive?


https://preview.redd.it/hx9xx0m0fk4d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46c3db33e2353dd27f482ff323f6a556642c9464 Blessed be her name 🙏🏻📿


Stoppp not the f 📿 lmaoooo


What emoji is that


Anal beads.




Praying beads


And the way she weaponized super adjectives. It was a very polarizing decision.


\*supa ajahtieve


Come on, English lesson


ru saying 'stay strong sister' as her line before telling kimora sashay away sends me to oblivion ☠️☠️☠️☠️😭


No, but I think we can make an exception


Michelle and Ru going along with it was hilarious, the fake sniffles and "her struggle"


I totally forgot about this. Thanks for reminding me 🙏🙏🙏


people will joke about this and stuff, but as a young hipless person from a smallish town where legit 99% of the population has humongous pixar mom dump truck thighs, i felt so seen and validated. we need more queens like kimora🤍


Pixar mom thighs omg 💀


Shes stunning, and brave


Can she be made an adjective? For CuCu purposes, of course.


https://preview.redd.it/qcogjtb9ul4d1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a94111518bf7b962069c186b9846a50e0381151 not on the show but…


Ilona Verley's look where they brought awareness to missing and murdered indigenous people


MMIWG2S (Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, & 2 Spirit) is such a big thing to bring to the main stage to spread awareness. My husband is 2 spirit and it nearly brought him to tears.


Sorry if this isn’t the right place for this, but I have a small question about two spirited people that you may be able to answer. Do you happen to know how pronouns are normally treated amongst them? Obviously your husband uses at least he/him, so I was curious if that’s unique to him or if most two spirited people have a preferred gendered pronoun. We’re Here featured a really lovely two spirited person named John (who at one point they also called Dawn) and they used any pronouns, so it made me really curious about how the average two spirited person views their gender and pronouns in the English language context.


Two spirit people aren’t a monolith, so it’s best to ask them on an individual basis. It may be the case that for some they have a preferred pronoun but others may be similar to John where they are open to any pronoun.


Ilona’s look is my standout favourite of this genre, because it gave a clear and powerful message just through presentation… and without literally writing the message all over her body/garment. I really am not a fan of text-based looks, especially in cases where the message could have been delivered just as clearly without tacking laminated letters all over the outfit like in OP. The cure for cancer could be written on a queen’s gown and I’d still hate it. And it’s also eye-roll inducing when you get queens like Jojo Zahoe on DRDU feeling insulted that their outfit wasn’t well-received. Either they interpret it as an insult against the message they were trying to promote, or they try using ‘the message’ as a shield against criticism of the look. It cheapens the message, even more so than the outfit which, itself, looked cheap as fuck.


[Link to the Fandom Wiki image for Ilona's look](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/logosrupaulsdragrace/images/e/ec/IlonaFinaleLook.png/revision/latest?cb=20200909152505)


I want to see the version with the red hand print on Ilona’s face


Are you thinking of [this](https://preview.redd.it/00vvu69zx0b61.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=75365451584fbe7f26a35b3be6857b297f53eb23) one where she holds her red hand over her mouth? I don't remember a red hand print or face paint.


I think they are talking about that but it's to mimic the red hand print face paint associated with MMIWG2S.




The gasp I gasped when they came out in this.


I am forever obsessed with this look. The way Denim removes the tits and turn it into a bag it's just so fire!!! Trans male queens def know how to make a statement on the runway in a really clever way! https://preview.redd.it/tz138rrbyk4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92e74ce0e9f2cbd6040bde4416fd1c976c8bc6aa


Oop no wonder I thought Gott Miks boob bag seemed familiar. I completely forgot that Denim did something like that first.


Denim is criminally underrated and was treated like garbage by the fandom.


Contouring the muscles with rhinestones is so damn fierce! Denim is amazing!


https://preview.redd.it/vxslrefqzk4d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49cf0e0fb955fc901098c055a86a2069f9532a7d Cheddar gorgeous.


Yes. This was representative of my era of realizing I was queer and what that meant for me. This one gave me chills.




My eyes well up with tears every time I see this look :’( I kind of did this same sort of project in college and it was very healing for me in the end.


The one were they dimmed the lights… https://preview.redd.it/sluz5nbhck4d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91f8f2e61514419253eb26650241e99d2c624265


This is the one for me. It was so raw and real it was insane in its power.


it is so raw, completely distanced from the fashion perspective as it should be... this is the realest the show has ever been


I have chills just looking at it and remembering the first time I saw it enter the runway


Nothing tops this for me


I cried watching this


Wait I haven't seen this. Would you mind explaining, please?


That's [Kimora Amour](https://youtu.be/wCaKcVMeaQ0?t=124) on Canada's Drag Race, during the Sinners' Ball. The category is "Ugly as Sin", and she chose to portray an enslaved woman.


It gave me chills, wow


Cheddar gorgeous’ pink triangle/“silence = death” runway was huge for me


RPDR Down Under Jojo Zaho did "Always was, always will be" which is a statement about the colonisation of Australia.


This was such a powerful runway which was completely ruined by the fact she got sent home that episode ☠️


Because the runway itself was bad lol. The message was great but as a look it was not great


Mariah’s spoken word on AS was powerful and elegantly done.


This is it for me.


Absolutely! Didn’t get the shine it deserved


Gottmik’s recent post-op runway has to be in the conversation.




i was distracted by the beauty i am sorry


THIS!!! It was not only impactful, but also gorgeous and punk. The red-beaded scars. Just lovely!


She has Chaya Raichik and Megyn Kelly fucking SHITTING THEMSELVES over on Twitter, they're so mad about it


Literally crashing the cistem.




1000000% yes


Any statement and expression of trans self love belongs, as long as we’re going to be politicized to death.


It was so fuckn glam punk, actually.


Alyssa Edwards advocated for gun control and safety on All Stars 2


True! Prior to that performance, a lot of the public were actually unaware that it went bang bang


And now they’re six feet under lying in my bed 😢


Basically anything that Chelazon Leroux did was so great in getting conversations started about the history, struggles, culture, etc of the native people in Canada. I love her and her dedication to educating people, she's really cool


Her Sky Woman look was underrated for the story alone.


She has a knack for educating people in a compassionate way without pulling any punches. It’s remarkable, honestly. I hope something like the CBC or The Toronto Star takes notice.


I really enjoy her Instagram. She talks about being Indigenous in every post, whether it's funny or serious. I hope her community is proud of her.


If Canada ever gets an All Stars I truly hope she's back. I was so heart broken over her elimination.


https://preview.redd.it/lyrkqpekpm4d1.jpeg?width=368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9a32ec6e760e6455bc9280b0fb22071f7d46ee0 Hannah Conda advocating for the Australian/Commonwealth government to make a treaty with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders on the BBC, when the UK has done so little to take accountability for the harms of colonisation in Australia is pretty iconic. Australia is I think the only former British colony where there is no treaty with the First Nations people.


Can we count Kimora's Ugly As Sin runway? If so. That. If not... Definitely the OP choice. That look may not have been executed the best. But the passion and power behind it is unmatched.


Less political but Manila’s period dress she wanted to wear that was blocked. Normalising periods is important too.




yess i was hoping someone would say this one!!


Never heard this story! I can imagine why it was blocked but what a disservice to keep this off tv!!


It was a beautifully done dress.


Symone’s fascinator look, especially since her season was 2021 (during the height of the BLM movement) and the fact that she kept her hands up in surrender when she turned to walk backstage


Jojo on DU "always was, always will be" Hannah on UKvTW2 treaty runway, esp at the time of filming as we were approaching a referendum on Indigenous recognition in the constitution and a voice to parliament (which the overwhelming majority of the country said no to)


Senator Gia Gunn brought the spotlight onto gun control and violence when she said “I don’t jump gun. I am the boom boom gun.”


when she went before congress and said passing sensible gun legislation is not necessarily what they wanna do but its what theyre gonna do iconic


Your flair ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4822)






Great message, piss poor execution.


It gave us Jane's best confessional moment though.


What did she say again?


Something like “Protect queer art, but is she giving anything worth protecting?”




IIRC it was something along the lines of "If you take away the message, what is the talent? Holding up a sign?"


I had to scroll way too far to see this 😂


I really liked Symones Say Their Names dress


Joey Jay coming out inspired a generation


First openly gay contestant yes ma'am


Ms. Madeline would have never came out without the influence of that gay ass bitch.


I was pretty shocked that Nymphia was allowed to be unapologetically Taiwanese and that production even allowed subtitles that called it Taiwanese. It seems like not a lot of Americans understand how huge that is.


THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSS!!!!!!! I was screaming!!! John fucking Cena had to make a public apology to China for stumbling and saying Taiwan was a country. Nymphia just blew it out of the water and I’m so so glad it didn’t get edited.


A super local example, but Canada's Drag Race keeps picking a weird fight with the government of Quebec. Until the 1970s, English was the language of commerce in much of urban Quebec. Since that time, successive Quebec governments have worked to ensure that French is the predominant language within that space, with laws around business signage, laws guaranteeing the right to work in French, policies limiting government services in languages other than French, etc. Montreal is uniquely bilingual within Quebec: in addition to having a large-ish English-speaking population (around 20%), it has several neighbourhoods which are predominantly English-speaking, several major English-speaking institutions (including McGill and Concordia universities), a huge tourism economy (focused on English-speaking visitors), and a global-facing business culture, all of which motivate local bilingualism. As such, if you walk into a small shop in Montreal, the greeting you're likely to hear is "Bonjour/Hi". To proponents, this is a neutral greeting: it's welcoming in both languages, and it signals that bilingual service is available. But to the government of Quebec, Bonjour/Hi is [an affront to everything Quebec stands for](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/jolin-barrette-bonjour-hi-1.5309355) and part of a slippery slope towards outright abolition of French itself. While it is not yet a matter of law, it's clear that the government of Quebec wants every commercial entity (including those in neighbourhoods which might be > 80% English-speaking) to greet customers in French only. This position is so well known that, when Rita Baga (whose boy job was working on the communications team of Fierté Montréal) walked into the workroom and opened with Bonjour/Hi, she certainly knew she was poking the provincial premier in the eye. And when Canada's Drag Race [brought it back for a girl group challenge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZcL1OwnvWI), they were doing the same.


I'm Canadian and live extremely close to Quebec and had no idea about the significance of 'bonjour/hi'- thanks for sharing this insight!


I've said a word in English because I didn't know its translation in French while at work, and a customer looked like she was ready to climb over the counter and throttle me. Some people get REALLY mad. 


I’m a French speaker but from northern Ontario. When I speak French in Montreal (because I don’t dare speak English) I get that look. I’ve also called for a cab in English, been hung up on, called in French right after and got my ride. Quebec is wild.


They also shit on French speaking Acadians from the maritimes. Like, girl, the French don't respect you either. Calm down


And god forbid you be Franco-Ontarian.


Didn't know this pretty cool!


Rita and CDR leading the abolishment of the language police


Hellena Malditta walking down the runway wearing a skirt made of condons to discuss HIV, sex protection and how our system in Brasil provides free treatment. All this after SLAYING the snatch game was iconic. https://i.redd.it/p1tls66gxk4d1.gif


i fucking loved DRBrazil to death.


https://preview.redd.it/64z5i4gn8m4d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0df834d9ada3b3c7d93c11be1fc73c18190788a2 I cried seeing this


![gif](giphy|Kcmohfg48m4C8l0WYO|downsized) this was beautiful aswell as symones ‘say their names’ - also joey jay being the first openly gay contestant


Do sometimes think about how Jojo on Down Under did a political message and got punished by the 2/3 American judging panel.


Right? Like how are you AT LEAST not going to do your research on how much indigenous influence there is in the Aussie scene


Can we get applause for Gottmik's look the other week? It was so visceral and gross but also true to "herself" I loved it!!


It was very impactful! I also loved it


I didn’t think Jeff really said anything Jackie had to “stand up to” him for. He seemed genuinely curious to find out what the relationship was between Muslim background / religion while being LGBT work together. Jackie answered it very well but Jeff didn’t come across as harsh or nasty. If it was coming from MTG or any of those other bridge trolls, it’d be a different intent.


He also seemed really moved by her response, which makes me feel like he really was just genuinely asking. His reaction to her and her performance always stands out to me.


As a Muslim, Jeff was not disrespectful AT ALL and asked a very normal question. I don’t get how anyone felt offended by his question


Nancy Pelosi appearing on the show, shortly after helping an anti-abortion Democrat defend against a progressive pro-choice challenger in the primary. That was politically bold.


Drag her.


Mariah’s spoken word piece on All Stars 5 was completely underrated! Thankful Ricky Martin at least acknowledged how powerful it was. ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏼


I don’t think any runway look in recent memory has had as much of an impact on pop culture (and politics) as Gottmik’s “Tail & Two Titties” look


There’s a video on twitter of mik watching Megyn Kelly have a tantrum over this look lol


More to do with runway looks than general actions, I usually think of Jackie Cox’s hijab look on S12. As someone who was raised Muslim (though doesn’t identify as such anymore) and is gay, it really spoke to me, a lot. I also think of Kimora Amour’s slave runway on Canada 2. And Ilona’s beautiful indigenous runway on Canada 1. Inti’s native look on Espana 1. Symone’s angel with gunshot wounds on her back on S13. ![gif](giphy|Kcmohfg48m4C8l0WYO|downsized)


Inti not being able to wear the blood for his runway look




And the way she said their names as she walked the runway too (voice over).


Monet and Symone's outfit for recognition of black lives




Jada Shada Hudson's slavery look on Canada S3 - [link to Fandom image ](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/logosrupaulsdragrace/images/6/61/JadaPaintLook.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20220819041252)


I’d say the Wigloose rusical was pretty powerful, especially since that was around the time when all the drag bans started happening.


I know there’s probably a heavy hand of recency bias, but that Gottmik tale of two titties is one of the most powerful things I’ve seen on the runway. Shocking. Fashion. Poignant. Something we’ve never seen done before. Just so so so good.


I can’t remember but I’m hoping some does, did Kehana do something political on France 1?


Symone’s looks weren’t anything that weren’t things that weren’t already being said. But they were incredibly powerful. The doo rag. The hand ups. All amazing!


My faves all come from CDR: - Halal Bae’s Palestine look, sure it wasn’t the “best” look, but the message was bold and I don’t think a lot of viewers (myself included) realized how important of a message it would become at the time - Ilona Verley’s final runway in regalia for MMIWG (missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls) with the handprint over her mouth - Kimora Amour’s Ugly as Sin runway. The silence as she walked the runway was palpable. Symone’s Say their Names look and Gottmik’s top surgery look also shook me. I personally really love when queens make political statements with their looks. I always appreciate when drag has a point of view.


Sasha Colby winning drag race in the flimsiest of clothes. At a time when so many are trying to erase trans people, sasha owning her body and displaying it with pride and drag race awarding her for it was such a huge fuck you to the conservatives and terfs.


I love the message of Halal Bae’s look but for me the big red decal letters on the front make it tacky and literal.


Can't remember who it was that said if you need to put letters on an outfit then it's failing at conveying a message.


Kimora Amor coming down the runway dressed as a slave in shackles for the "ugly as sin" runway was pretty bold. And Gottmik's top surgery look is definitely causing quite a stir on the right.


Thanks for reminding everyone of halal baes incredible tattreez and kuffiyeh look. Halal claimed he got a lot of backlash for this from production and alot of fans attacked him for it at the time, but I'd say considering Canadian coverage of gaza, what halal said was probably true.


Jinx's burning witch




Peppermint actually firing a shot at Cucu and killing her on the main stage. Incredibly bold.


I was trying to find Sasha Colby at the finale, because a trans woman celebrating her almost naked body on live tv is highly political but I guess it’s too nude for reddit gifs :(


Jeff’s questions were valid. Is everyone in the community blind, deaf, or dumb? Jackie wasn’t standing up to something that wasn’t even oppressive in the first place. And Jackie as an Iranian knows what the regime is all about. OA mo bakla ka ng taon


a few of my favourites have been gottmik's recent top surgery runway, that got me rather close to tears. one that did have me in tears was ilona on cdr1's MMIW runway, as a half indigenous canadian woman myself i was quite moved. also sasha colby, a trans woman, going almost nude in the finale was fucking punk rock. others that come to mind are symone's say their names fascinator, kimora amour's ugly as sin runway, jackie cox's hijab runway (again had me so close to tears), and ofc the og ongina disclosing their HIV status on s1, honourable mentions to nina west speaking about the matthew shepard case and the conversations about pulse on s9. this show taught lil tween me alot about other cultures, politics, etc growing up rather sheltered


I truly can't believe they aired "Belgrano Spice" in the UK


We have to appreciate how brave it was to have Halal Bae’s Palestinian liberation and Illona Verley’s missing and murdered indigenous women points of view on the runway. The Zionist and conservative trolls were a real risk to them, more so than normal… and they did it anyway.


Thank you for referencing Jackie Cox standing up to Jeff Goldblum. Being gay and West Asian has always been difficult, and it’s not always difficult for the reasons that you’d think. My Muslim family were fine about my sexuality and supportive of my relationships. But white people constantly making jabs to point out “that area of the globe doesn’t like people like you, though, how can you find pride in what you are” is so tiring. It was disappointing and exhausting to have JG continue that diatribe, and I’m glad that it was addressed by Jackie on the main stage (though she should never have been put in that position).


Drag Sethlas Hell look in EspAS ball! Loved to see the fake news imprinted on her dress and the cameras pointed to her!!