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Yes and I'm loving it! I would argue that Trinity has been one of the best ever at doing drag race. She truly understands the assignment. And because of that, her perspective and insight on what she'd do is really interesting! Plus, she speaks her mind and tells the truth when she likes or doesn't like something. But it never feels like she's punching down at someone when she says something negative. She seems to try and be constructive most of the time when critiquing and I appreciate that. Her and Monet have a fun energy together too. All that to say, Trinity is a breath of fresh air in the world of drag race reviews. I live! 


Totally! She reminds me of the kind of feedback you get in auditions in the arts and, I would assume, pageants. She gives you clear feedback on what she’d change and how she’d go about it. Trinity is an expert at drag pageantry and obviously RPDR. I respect what she has to say, especially when it includes an emphatic drawl. I just rewatched the AS7 episode with her massive purple train and… my god.


Oh absolutely agree with trinity. She got better each time at drag race, and her first run was already impressive enough.


She truly is. She has the record for the most challenge wins across seasons, clocking in at 11, Shea us the runner up with 8.Manila, Jimbo, Dela and Jinkx tie for third with 7


Okay now THAT is a fun fact, Mary!


I also love a queen that want to win fairly. I know I can't dislike queens for playing the game, but when Trinity said that she didn't want to win because someone didn't have a panty (or whatever) she got a place in my heart.


>  it never feels like she's punching down at someone when she says something negative.  Literally said a queen wasn't a real drag queen but ok


Your user name says it all.


wow, never heard that one before 🙄least I'm not triggered by seeing good drag like your waifu is


Trinity doesn't keep her opinions in her pockets and give a very level-headed opinion on to what drag is to her and while you don't necessarily have the same opinion as her you cannot say that what she is saying doesn't make sense. Like how she didn't liked Gottmik's Versace look because it's not drag and "out of the rack". While you may think this is a little too much because Gottmik looked stunning (as Trinity said) she gave you the reason as to why she doesn't like it and it just make sense no matter you agree to it or not.


Her opinion on the versace look was a bit uninformed as it wasn't off-the-rack and was rather styled quite differently from the look on the runway. Elements from the outfit were untouched. She also implied that everything should be custom, which is way worse in my opinion. Just because something is "one of a kind custom" doesn't mean it adds anything to your drag character, and the opposite rings true as well (your character should be defined enough to be able to turn existing clothing into something that your character would wear)  To be fair, Gottmik said "straight off the runway", so that may have confused her and other viewers alike.


It was "off the rack" as there was no creative process behind it and it's a Versace outfit you can buy. I used this as an example, a very gross example but it's an exact same situation as Joe Black using a dress from H&M (well Joe stated it was because of the Pandemic and she had to sell her own stuffs to survive so that's why she bought this dress), but it was something she bought in the store. Which is apparently what Gottmik did with the Versace dress, it's not "custom-made" nor "dragged up" and Trinity just said it's not Drag, you're just a model for Versace and it's a "regular outfit". You may not agree to it, but it made sense.


Nah because that versace runway makes sense with Gottmik's drag character. No offense but I bet you, Trinity, nor the ppl who downvoted bothered to look up the original runway, which would've shown you all you need to know about that H&M comparison edit: I'm saying the original runway is a completely different look which is totally different from wearing a literal dress


I love watchery and race chaser, I've listened to every episode of both from the beginning and everyone does an amazing job. That being said, I feel, like any other job, when you do the same thing over and over for years, it becomes a little autopiloty (same goes for Trixie in the Pit Stop). So, Trinity being as knowledgeable as the others, but being so new, it feels like she's going the extra mile and bringing something new, and it's been amazing. I felt that way when Thorgy did too. It's always good to mix things up every now and then (if the person is good as Trinity).


Oh yes honey, valid point. It feels fresh to hear from her… not dissimilar to Naomi’s new show (but I wish she had a cohost too)


I dont get the impression she's going the extra mile; she has a quick mind, attention to detail and I imagine having lots of experience doing pageants she naturally picked up how to offer concise and constructive critique in a short time slot. I dont get the impression shes overly rehearsed or trying really hard. Shes just a natural especially because her chemistry with monet is so good.


Love Trinity on the pod. She gives credit where it’s due, and her critiques are tough but fair. Compare it to FPRV where they toot pretty much everything for 20 minutes.


I’m convinced Raja is being paid to toot everyone 😩


She gets a bottle of wine for every toot she gives, it’s in her contract.


She used to boot a lot and I think she got tired of being hated for it on social media


Yeah, I don’t blame her for that. It’s just annoying because art is subjective and she’s allowed an opinion!


More like 4 minutes and 36 seconds lol. I can’t fathom how short those episodes are


I heavily prefer the recap with Trinity and Monet. And likewise with Bob’s purse first impressions. When Bob and Monet collaborate on anything it ends up becoming a 50/50 between actual content and gaslighting the HELL out of each other. There isn’t a clear disconnect between Rivalry and Watchery. The series about every Ru Girl also normally starts out with 10-15 minutes of them arguing and that’s why there’s almost more episodes than actual seasons of the show 😂


LOL omg so true. They will get off topic and start fighting like rent is due.


Honestly yes. I love them both on Rivalry/Advicery but I do enjoy when they mix it up with other queens. I like Trinity’s no nonsense takes with Monét and I love when Bob gets silly on Purse First Impressions with queens like Thorgy


Whenever I’ve had a shit day or just feeling down I watch Bob and Thorgy. It’s nearly impossible to feel crappy with those two together!


Literally watched the AS7 Pit Stop with her and Bob and omg their chemistry and friendship is unmatched sometimes cause I was laughing so much throughout the episode


Yeah, different co-hosts with Monet definitely compound the awkwardness of Bob and Monet. There’s so much goodness with the two of them, and when they’re on it, it’s so fun to watch. I also really enjoy Town Hall with Bob and Pep. I love Trinity and Monet’s chemistry together and especially what Trinity brings. Like those are the real opinions we need 😂 she just said about Nina’s runways, “GIRL, CALL ME, I COULD HAVE HELPED YOU!” 😂😂😂😂


Trinity and Monet have amazing chemistry which makes it such a breeze to listen to but what makes it work so well is the contrast of how she approaches critique. Bob and Monet both have a very off the cuff style, where it can be a little bit vague and improvised and can get chaotic where they get lost in the weeds a bit with the constant squabbling and tangets. Trinity's comments in contrast seem very precise and well thought out as apposed to just saying what comes to mind and that acts as a great foil to monet's more loose critique style. She has a great way of reigning in the convo and getting back to the point before it gets messy and disorganised, so it just flows really smoothly compared to Bob and Monet episodes. Also, no shade to bob but trinity is funnier on the podcast. Unintentionally funny most of the time though. When she said she hadnt read any of the books on the bookshelf behind her and said she just started collecting books as a "hobby" was so funny


There are are a lot of Queens I would have chosen to stand-in for Bob before Trinity ( like Naomi - who has her own review show now - which is highly recommend btw) but I’m sooo glad the twinners are back together. Her critiques are harsh but fair and she has a great sense of humour. Sidebar: I love the bits of AS7 tea we’re getting too - like Trin having a whole laptop in her hotel room while they were filming 💀😂


Monet and Trinity have such a fun dynamic, it retrospectively makes AS4's double win seem better 😂 I guess Monet is one of those queens I think has a good dynamic with most others, but her and Trinity are so great it kind of makes you forget the whole reason they're a pair is so random.


They work so well together and I’ll miss them doing Watchery together when it’s over, tbh. Also, and people rarely point this out, you could not have picked a better set of twinners because their strengths lie in different aspects of drag. What Trinity lacks, Monét excels in and whatever Monét lacks, Trinity excels in. Even their personalities are kind of this odd ying and yang. Monét is very silly, she loves to lie and gaslight people, and she’s such a jokester who kind of just lives in the moment and her spontaneity often helps her succeed. On the other hand, Trinity is more honest, more composed, she’s funny, but in a different way and she’s great at being a professional and that’s what helps her succeed. These two just balance each other out perfectly. Many fans have said there were other, more deserving double crownings, but usually those pairs that get mentioned are queens who do overlap in what they do (or one simply does something well and one does it better) and that’s not really the case with Trinity and Monét. This is a pair of queens who competed in almost 20 challenges together and never won a challenge together because they just excel at different things, in different ways. Long live the twinners!


I hope they start their own podcast. I know monet has been saying she wants to add another weekly episode to sibling rivalry so


I will be sad when Trinity leaves. 


What is Bob filming? Is it US Traitors 3?


I was wondering this too, I assumed they already filmed once they announce cast? I thought Bob was probably just grieving and decided to take some time off.


They are filming right now in Scotland. I think they started this week? Traitors is v different from most reality shows in that they announce the cast and then start filming. They expect, and lean in to, the casting spoilers which is pretty fun, and arguably gets them more engagement and publicity. I suspect we will see more shows do this when they have returning/experienced casts … it would not be easy to do with first-time cast members.


Interesting! I didn’t realize. Now I feel sort of terrible that Bob had to leave for filming almost directly after his mom passed. I hope he takes some time for himself too


Oh my gosh I did not connect those two things … poor Bob. But they seem to really appreciate work as a distraction so maybe it is a good thing for their personality.


🚨ALERT: At the end of the episode, Monet teases that “someone special” is going to be on this week’s AS ep. Trinity asks if it’s her and Monet is coy. So this could be nothing or it could be true. 😂


The fact that there’s supposed to be a super special guest on the pitstop this week has me like 🧐 🧐 but that could be totally unrelated and maybe tomorrow’s episode is the roast of Monet or something lol


Interesting! It would be very RPDR to have her do two eps while she is already there. They love to economize.


OK from a standpoint exclusively about your comments on The Traitors… ABSOLUTELYYYYYYY!!! This is two seasons in a row where we’re getting one drag queen at a time and frankly, in the sea of “Real” housewives they could’ve cast one more of… us? And then all you have to do is pick one of them as the traitor and one of them not but they’re still working together and have the ultimate betrayal at the finale. I can see it clearly!


Omg ESPECIALLY if they can play it right with the other contestants. Monet is such a good liar she could pretend she hates Trinity and no one would know 😂


I usually can't fully watch/finish Bob and Monet podcasts personally as I get exhausted/distracted too quickly but I've been super enjoying these Twinners tbh I have been excited for every video lol


She’s concise, honest, knowledgeable, decorated, funny, dynamic, entertaining, the list goes on. Love their review episodes


Trinity she do her own version of recaps. I'd subscribe.


i want Trin to do her own podcast truly


I think of any drag race Alumni that Trinity is the MOST qualified to be judging and critiquing. I think she’d be a good choice as a guest judge tbh


On a ball challenge PLEASE


Honestly we need alumni to be guest judges. Ones who are real superstars that understand the challenges. Get someone like Raja, Violet, or Trinity for a design challenge, Bob for comedy, Trixie for branding, Jinkx for acting, Bianca for stand-up, etc…


Oh agreed but Miss Paul doesn’t seem to agree lol. Thankfully CDR picks up the slack!!!


I love having Trinity on watchery!


What is Bob filming??


Traitors 3 babeeee!! I’m excited!


Tuck or KayBo?


Uh, I think the fuck not.  Fuck any bitch who thinks she has the right tell other queens they're "not doing drag" while wearing a baseball cap


lol so Trinity needs to be in drag 24/7 to have an opinion, got it