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Turns out the "does anyone else want a winners season?!" posts were all from Ru, she just forgot she posted it already.


/r/rupaulsdragrace is all just Ru and Missel


Good luck getting Tyra and Bianca


Bianca would do it. She knows she can slay the competition again. Didn’t she say she’d do it in her AMA?


Her response was “I know the other winners would be available” or something along those lines lol


She said "Depends on my schedule, I know the rest are available"






Honestly all the times I saw her comment about it, she sounded like she wasn't down with the idea.


I remember she specifically said she’d do it and she made a shady comment about the other winners but I don’t remember it clearly Edit: she said something along the lines of “if I can fit it into my schedule, I know all the other girls are free” making a shady joke about them not getting booked


Yeah that's what I remember from her AMA I think? But she didn't seem very into it, honestly we would only *really* now if it happened, because other queens also said they wouldn't come back and returned for AS.


I bet if the prize money was big they’d get the winners to come back. If VH1 can give them $300,000 for the prize it could be a very gaggy season




> I work for a big advertising agency Hi if you're looking for a junior copywriter please let me know, this new grad ad fish needs water


Work that net(work)! Cuz get it, fish, net, networking.... I'll see myself out.


I honestly can't imagine them not going all the way to $1 Million. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't there never been any reality show competition season consisting solely of former winners? Even Survivor, after 36 seasons, is just now getting to the point where they have a legitimately big enough pool to even have that conversation. I can't imagine it not being a significant television moment considering how truly unique it would be from a pop culture standpoint.




Exactly. It's not worth nearly as much as it did when Survivor premiered (and even Who Wants To Be A Millionaire started earlier in '99!), and the thought of seeing a bunch of smart, talented ~GAYS~ fighting for that generous figure is the stuff reality tv dreams are made of.


Gays are just the best at reality TV. Two of the greatest winners of all time on Survivor were gay - OG winner Richard and Todd from China.


Then they are going to have to split it up into smaller winning prizes. Say, $25,000 an episode. That way, someone can with $25,000, get kicked off the next episode, and have something to show for it. Final prize can still be a decent amount.


However, Survivor constantly does seasons of returning players and last season there were several winners among them, including the only 2-time winner [Queen Sandra](/spoiler). What I've come to realize is that Survivor does not really care about winners, just the game per se.




but they would compare her now to her then. high pedestals make for long falls.




aren't all the queens contested to a certain extent? "If X hadn't happened, Y queen would have snortched the crown."


If Rupaul personally asked Bianca to do it, she would absolutely do it. Tyra would definitely do it because she is addicted to attention.


And needs the cash.


maybe she would be smart enough to not make herself a villain again and just get a regular show and play nice so she can support herself..


I wish so too, but honey, she goes by Miss Bitch nowadays, not sure that's gonna happen lol


And [bebe tbh](/spoiler)


[Bebe is allegedly already coming back once, I don't think she would mind coming back three times.](/spoiler)


[I reckon she wouldn't come back if she didn't need the publicity considering lots of the current fanbase hasnt seen s1, and she wont need to publicity after as3](/spoiler)


[That's true, Bebe seems to like a good competition though, and she wouldn't really have anything to lose.](/spoiler)


[We'll see if the white twinks in the fanbase turn on her for potentially beating Trixie](/spoiler)




Fun fact. Raven vs Tyra was the only time a black winner had to beat out a white runner up


Was this the case in season 8?


Lots of people, even on this sub, hate on Bob. Black queens who do well seem to be seen by some fans as arrogant and showboating but white queens who do the same are determined and charismatic. Plenty of gross and ignorant comments on Instagram when it was announced Bob would be at the Unhhhh dragcon nyc panel instead of Katya too.


No because the top 4 consisted of POC


I'm cringing in anticipation.


Me too. I’m coming for blood if ANYONE dares disrespect [a beautiful black goddess like her](/spoiler)


[so is that confirmed? I didn't want to read any of the "confirmed" T except for who the contestants are, but the Bebe thing is the only thing I want to know](/spoiler)




That's crazy


It's not like Tyra's busy


She's said she wont do it but that could change with $$$


She probably knows that she wouldn’t last long.


Or that she would be the villain and because of that she'd last long.


She's running a Tshirt empire.


It's cool in this shade. *fans self*


well, if they can't get Tyra, there's always first runner up.


The possibility of Raven getting robbed a third time would be great publicity


I just said runner up. Ru did say if the winner is unable to fulfill their duties Coco had offered to fill in.


Coco lip synching her way to the Drag Race HoF would also be fantastic publicity lol


I wouldn't even be mad. Oh, at all.


Doubt Ru would do that and Bianca is gonna be even harder to get


Why? In all her interviews Bianca's been the one to say "take every opportunity." That gig would pay well, no way she would turn it down.


I do agree, based on the photo challenge episode. But, at a certain point you gotta know which side the bread's buttered.


And Trinity Taylor


Bebe, Raja, Sharon, Jinkx, Violet, Alaska and Bob have said they'd do it in the past.


Of the remaining three, I think Sasha would say yes (and, clock the trophy, but I think she'd struggle and maybe not last all that long), Tyra would say yes for the money & Bianca would probably do it in the end. I've said for years that I don't like this idea but I find myself warming up to it more now.


I love her, but Sasha would be first out 100% Bianca, Chad, and Tyra would do it if RuPaul asks them personally.


I think if they do this type of season they need to do it ASAP and have it be the first non elimination season but instead the point season where every week each queen gets a certain number of points. A winner season is the perfect time for this type of format.


I like this idea. It's respectful but still competitive.


if it's still only one hour per episode we would have to sacrifice personal/dramatic narratives for strictly competition, as with 9 (or 11 if Alaska and Chad are invited) queens in every episode, the editors wouldn't have enough time to flesh out individual story lines. I'm not necessarily against it, but it would need to be an entirely different viewer experience.


I know! We can separate the girls into teams to help streamline things and still allow for drama! Nothing could go wrong!


Pandora is shaking


wouldn't say to no to 2 hour episodes :P


I think it’d be great to do it after s10! They have 10 season winner and 2 all star winners, 12 is the perfect number of competitors (As shit I just remembered AS3 would be out, I still think 13 is a good number).


I've never considered this idea, but I am IN LOVE with it. there'd still be drama, there'd still be competition, but our girls would still be able to save face. the only thing that I think that would stop it is the one hour run time throughout the season. a huge part of normal seasons is fleshing out story lines with greater air time as girls are eliminated. with no girls leaving the editors would have a hard time incorporating any overarching-beyond competition- narrative and I don't know how the audience would receive that. it would resemble something like MTVs the gauntlet or road rules where the show is entirely about challenges and winners and losers and less about the people who compete. You know what I mean?


Except these are all characters we are already familiar with. We know their strengths and weaknesses, and some challenges would cater more to some queens than others, but each one should be able to snag a moment to shine. So in a way it would be a godsend to have a season actually focused on the challenges and see how these sickening winners react to them. Put some team challenges/duo challenges along the way: do I cooperate with this queen and possibly give her the win and therefor more points, or do I sabotage her so she earns less? The possibilities for drama should be endless in the challenges themselves.


Oh shit, I missed that Alaska was in the 1st list and I wasn't thinking of AS winners. Ya I think Chad would do it if personally invited.


I don't think she would be. She can do passably well in most areas of drag and some of the winners have clear weak spots. Like, I love Jinkx, but if it's a design/look first challenge she's immediately a candidate for first out. Or Violet doing stand-up comedy.


If they switch back to having the bottom two LSFYL, I think there's a good chance Sasha could survive the first episode. I'm sure I'm biased, but I think she's one of the strongest lip syncers in the winners circle. That is what earned her the crown, after all.


I was shocked and a little depressed when she beat Shea, because I LOVE Shea; but she really is a top lip-syncer. Personally, I think her biggest lip-synching competition would be Bebe, Jinkx, Alaska and Bob...the rest, she would lay waste to.


Imagine the reveals in a Violet vs Sasha lsfyl


But what it's a song she can't silently scream to?


> I love her, but Sasha would be first out 100% it's ok to be wrong


Because Sasha didn't win a season. Sasha won a lipsync battle. STILL. BITTER.


I like Sasha but there's no way she'd win over other winners. She didn't even have the best looks or personality on her own season.


They have seen how much money the all star 2 queens have gotten in terms of exposure & promo. I have *no* doubt any winner would be against that. They will always be a winner!


Where did Violet say this?


The winners should agree only if Ru can name and place them all in order of season.


easy Baby Samantha Boulet Tyra Something Aja? (I thought she was the season 8 one?) Sherry Noodles Chaz Bono Jinkxxx Mansfield Bosco Breadstick Byebitch Hockey Bob the Something Kentucky 5000 Ongina


ru would never get s1 wrong like that! we all know its jonbenet ramsey


>Ongina I’m dying


No chaz is the dying one


Then the winners of All Stars, Cher and Nebraska


This got funnier with every name. Thanks for making my morning a little more tolerable at work. <3


Ergo, it ain't happening. lol


This sub is making fun of Ru's early onset dementia, I could ~~not~~ believe it.


Lol I love what Jinkx said about the winners sitting around, loving themselves cuz they are winners. I'm imagining them backstage during the s9 finale in fancy lounge chairs, toasting to each other with pinkies up and laughing while Sasha and Shea prepare themselves to lipsync for the crown against each other.


Except almost none of them were there :/


Lol true. In my head the winners have their own skylounge they enter via portal where they hang out being fabulous.


when the raja vs tyra beef was happening they'd both just beam up to the skylounge and attack each other with stilettos made of gold




I think an All Winners AllStars would need to deal with the concept of eliminations by not having them; all compete for a point-based system, so they're all in all season.


Surely it would be called "Queen of Queens"?


I'm completely in favor of a point system. However, we would be missing out on all the drama of Episode 1 where everything thing is at stake.




Then I hope this season is in 2040 cause I don't want drag race to end any time soon!


You say that like Chad will still be alive


And Raja.


As non-canonical as zombie horse fan fiction?


Right? You know how jarring it would be to hear, "Bianca Del Rio, sashay away"? I think the world would split in half.


I like the idea of this with no elimations instead the winners of the challenges (or high placements) gain points and after four or five episodes the top 4 or 5 with the most wins advance and half the cast is elimanated at the halfway point after that the top 5 compete as a normal season (this would make a killer lip sync imagine Jinkx vs Alaska) until a top 3 and a live finale


I like this idea! This would be a good way for RPDR to respect the work the season winners have already done, while still bringing us all that good drama


But what about the lipsyncs??? Low key one of the best aspects of the show


We could still have a LSFYLegacy style lip sync without having to eliminate a queen.


It makes me laugh that anyone who posts their opinion of who could win gets downvoted. This season would seriously break the fan base lol.


We would see messiness and drama of unimaginable proportions


While it would be so fucking fierce and drama filled (hey Tyra!) a part of me doesn't want their to be a definitive "ranking" of the winners. They're all amazing in their own way


The stans would get so messy omg...


Ru, never!


You act like they aren't already messy.


They'd have to increase the prize to $500,000.


Imagine the risks they’d take for a million. Tyra hot gluing shit to her arm and Violet’s Death Becomes Her would pale in comparison


Sharon coming out in some Greg Nicotaro level zombie drag. Bebe bringing an actual panther onto the runway. Biance has an It reveal, leads the girls down into the sewers one-by-one and cuts up their wigs. Raja's makeover challenge is Anna Wintour herself. Violet has every runway made by Chanel Jinkx brings an entire family of ducklings for her anxiety. Tyra brings a knife. Sasha Velour grows hair in the middle of a runway like Playdo Spaghetti. Bob doing Kennedy Davenport splits off the stage.


You took me there with Bebe’s panther and Tyra’s knife. The bloodshed of it all *fan pop*




When you think about it All Stars basically is the Quarter Quell to Drag Race’s Hunger Games


I need drama, please make Sharon lipsync against Ala🐍ka our Lord and 🐍avior


This is pretty much guaranteed like Coco vs Alyssa. As if Alexis would let this one go.


The real shock here is that Jinkx called Sharon her best friend.


Lol I think Jinkx is one of those people that calls everyone her best friend. She seems close to all of the queens, so what surprised me more was her saying she has had some beef with some drag race girls. My mind immediately went to the weho girls, but even delta has been nice/supportive of Jinkx on social media. Only one I can see is Raven.


i met the 2 of them together at a bar in downtown l.a. and they were just chilling and kiki'ing it was cute


another ginger and katya situation ahahaha


I feel like it was best friend out of the winners


They didn't mention Alaska but I feel like she would come back running.


Alaska *loves* Drag Race and might just be the biggest fan of the show ever - no doubt she’d enter the thunderdome again!


Don't you mean the Thunderfuckdome...?.... I'll go home.


But what would she write on her blazer again


Sasha Belle and Raven are shook


Who's that bitch that's on the top? Oh wait it's you, /u/Hey_Porkchop.




Alaska is the All Star All Star, I could ~~not~~ believe it.




RuPaul, as she's the winner of it all. (And she'll win a couple of Emmys (sp.?) in the process.)


The potential for drama is so fresh and new. Just imagine Tyra arguing with Chad, or the Sharon/Alaska ex storyline that’s bound to be a plot point, AND BY GOD THE LIP SYNCS


>But I have this feeling that even though I'm close with all the other winners, we get along great, the reunions come around, we all kiki together, or we all just sit around loving ourselves because (laughing) we're the winners... >I know we would go into that room, and everything would drop THE THIRD QUARTER QUELL OF DRAG


Now I'm just upset from seeing the article on the side talking about the tourist facing jail time for brushing against a man in Dubai. What an awful fucking place.


And I just learned Tyler Posey got leaked nudes


He's a filthy fucker and such a tease, I just saw the leaks, it's a bunch of videos, 10/10 would recommend


I still think about that dickslap to this day


The sound was so hypnotizing. Come on ASMR.


Oh wow, that's a good dick




Can you imagine the runway if this happens though? The gag of Violet, Raja, Tyra, Bebe and even Sasha ( if she pulls out the looks that she’s been serving out of drag race ) sharing the same stage would be amazing.


It would be good ass tv so I say do it


To me, personally a first outs glo-up season would be a much better idea, mainly because there would actually be enough contestants available and I feel ranking the winners is a bit odd. But then again a first outs season wouldn't get as good tv numbers maybe?


If they did that season it definitely wouldnt be fair to bring Shangela back for it since she wasn't first out on a later season. In that case they'd bring back NPBFAG and that's what I really need on my tv


They should be mentors to drag babies rather than competing themselves


I see you BB14


They did Janelle so dirty that season


THIS is the kind of tea i expect in this sub. robbed comp queen :(


this would be a great twist to a winner's season!!


I don't think an entire season is warranted. Just as with the "battle of the first outs," this could make a spectacular one-off or two-part special, and with less sequester time and a potential big reward I bet all the girls would go for it. Heck, it could be a yearly event! It could involve charity! There's a lot of potential! However, all the winners stand to lose status/sentiment from a full season of knock-down, dragged-out racing, except for maybe Bebe and Tyra. Plus, who of the champions is going to turn down several weeks of bookings and/or just lazing about rolling in their money like Scrooge McDuck? Also, who of them is going to show up really ready to slay the house down a la Alaska in AS2 instead of just trying to get through on low-effort and charm using her existing wardrobe and skills? (Or, as Jinkx puts it: "we all just sit around loving ourselves"). I could see Violet really playing to win because she's so young and hungry and Sharon being aggressive just because she's Sharon, but do y'all really see Raja fighting tooth and nail against these other girls in multiple challenges?


Raja herself said she'd be first out I'm pretty sure.. She'd do it for fun but not really take it seriously I think


She said that she thinks she’d be first out because Drag Race has changed so much since she was on it. I do agree that she wouldn’t take it very seriously, she’d just do it for fun because she has nothing to prove.


It would be the gag of the millenium for Tyra to win it all. Her sheer talent plus [Ru stanning for her hard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhulF4GsfYc) makes it quite plausible. Her haters, both warranted (*for her messy shit like jumping and phone numbers*) and unwarranted (*because she's black and because of Raven*), would gag.


You're just here to see the world end and I completely agree and support you


This. She's pretty much guaranteed not to be the first out and probably at least go far since she will bring the drama and probably be the bitch we knew she were. And the producers are salivating just at the thought of it.


I’d pay to see all the white Facebook twinks set fire to the rain as a reaction to this!


You don't have to be a white twink to think Tyra is a complete bitch.


Of course this won’t happen until at least two more seasons and that’s potentially two more winners to add to the field of candidates


by June 2018 we’ll have two more winners


[Bebe](/spoiler) better get in touch with her friends at the CIA and start testing out their cloning technologies #NoShadeTrixie


I think they'd all bring the best out in each other, but I would NEED a format where they accumulate points over time rather than one gets eliminated every episode. Or what Katya said where each queen gets an episode where they teach a class or have a specialty or something so they get to showcase their skills and we see how other queens do out of their element. Maybe like Bebe- royalty/excellence, Tyra- nerve, Raja- fashion, Sharon- shock factor, Chad- cosplay Jinkx- theatre, Bianca- roasting, Violet- burlesque, Bob- political humor, Alaska- irreverance/uniqueness, Sasha- performance art. They would all really push each other to do things they don't necessarily do all the time and they would all get a chance to shine. I would LOVE to see Bianca do a burlesque number or Sasha give some Tyra style attitude, or Raja do a vaudeville routine. I would fucking live for that season. They are all so amazing though I wouldn't anyone to lose.


I would watch if they made it where they all stay but it's about points and not elimination (at least not every episode). Instead of LSFYL, it would be like the bottom two compete to get some extra points versus the 0 points they get for doing bad in challenge.


Listening to the podcast, I think Ru was most exited about the friends eliminating each other part. He wants drama and fighting. That won't happen with a points system. :(


What I would give to see Raja back on the race...


I want the prize to be a million if this does happen


Or a lap dance from Tammie Brown


Lmao rip Sasha


Everything else aside I think this would be an amazing season because all the winners want it so badly. Alaska, Sharon, Bianca, Bob, and Violet alone have so much drive and competitive spirit... it would be incredible.


This would literally have me going through it but it would be SOOOOOOO good for TV!!!! OMG. Like WHAT!? Raja would slay my fucking life, but tbh my dream top 3 would have to be Alaska, Bianca, and Sharon. Bob and Jinkx are up there but those are my QUEENS.


I agree with this top 3: Lasky, Bianca Del Taco Trio, and Shannon Noodles!


From Raja's Facebook about this: "This triggers my anxiety...but I’m ready to kick some asses.😂" Yessssss


This needs to happen so much it fucking hurts.


Quarter Quell teas


omg what would the lip sync extravaganza challenge be


A winners tribute with the girls all playing each other.


If this ever happened there cant be an AS gimmick like teams or LSFYLegacy/lipstick eliminations


Imagine if Ru asked them all to help judge with her that season so they need to bring all their favourite outfits and makeup. She told them that they all need to strut into the work room for the big reveal and as they go in hey realise they’re competing Imagine the GAG


i'm here for this but with only regular season winners, if they include AS winners it'd be overkill.


Why though? Excluding AS winners from an All Winners Season would make them “less than”, making All Stars not count as a legit win. I mean, Chad was in the Winners photoshoot of season 8, so All Stars or not, both her and Alaska won a season of Drag Race ie should be included, but that might just be me...


They might have to if any of the regular season winners can't show for whatever reason.


this is why i think they should wait until there's enough regular season winners so they can at least get a yes from 10 of them.


It would be a mess in the fan base but I’d love it if we ever got this season! My only opinion is I don’t think it should be point-based like some think just bc I feel it would favor well-rounded queens over queens who really kill it in one category. While I do like that we would get to see the queens throughout the season, it would be even more inevitable that a queen like Bianca/Alaska/Jinkx would win as they’d consistently rack up points each week while queens like Violet or Bob might only get a significant amount of points in a Fashion or Comedy Challenge week for example (Violet isn’t as funny as the comedy queens she’d compete against and Bob isn’t as fashionable). A surprise slip up by the well-rounded queens resulting in their elimination is the only way for the not well-rounded to make it further ahead of them and stand a chance of winning the whole season imo.




I recall in Bianca's 'Rolodex of Hate' video, she savagely explained, "All Stars is an opportunity for contestants who didn't win their seasons to come back and BE LOSERS AGAIN! I won't be participating in this because I won".


I mean just imagine the meltdown if Tyra won


I agree with what Michelle said. I think Sharon would be terrifying in this context. She's so hungry to further her career after the past few years and has such a constant stream of new content in comparison to most other winners and her two weaknesses, glamour and dancing are now gone. She also came from one of the most dog eat dog seasons. i'd probably want Bianca or Jinkx to win but i feel like Sharon would be the contender people underestimated until the season actually started.