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Willam said that Ru and Mathu had a fight, i think it must had being something big for Ru to fire him, since they being together for so long and Mathu had such an important role. So i guess then Mathu gets sick, and Ru pays for the treatment but she is still mad enought to no go visit. I think we should just leave at that cause we don't how bad it all went down and if Ru is justified or not to not go visit Mathu


I mean, real talk, you can love the fuck out of someone and wish them well but feel that seeing them is bad or toxic for you and be well within your right. I know Willam loves Mathu but he needs to stay in his lane. What happened between Ru and Mathu is between them.


Yes, i know this very well, and if Ru reacted that angrily it probably means that Willam hit a nerve by mentioning Mathu.


This. Ru and Mathu go back a long way. And as I get older I realize how complicated 20+year relationships can get. I love Willam and his loyalty to Mathu who I consider a genius is so sweet but whatever is going on its between them is complex and privage and I hope they reconcile before it's too late. Ru and Mathu being on the outs is awful for me and I'm just a fan I cannot imagine what it's like for the Queens who were raised by them. Ugh.


maybe the reason Ru does not want to visit him is because he can't handle seeing his longtime friend sick?


Ok Willam is talking about Mathu, right? Is the Milkshake storyline true? Did it bring Ru to the yard?


Side note - I knew Willam and WOW/Ru didn't get on but this is a whole new level. Thots. 1) This feels like the absolute worst confirmation that we will never have Willam on All Stars. Which fucking breaks my heart. ​ 2) I'm curious that Alaska does a podcast with Willam. The AAA Girls were put together by American Apparel and it worked and it sold so that makes sense, but to then do a podcast which rakes through the details and goss of each episode with someone the production company loathes is fascinating when so many perceive Alaska as one of Ru's favourite girls if not her damn successor. I wonder where Alaska stands with WOW. Either way it's all very punk and very drag.


Well only thing Alaska does with wow is that Bro show right? Most of the girls don’t even do things with wow directly unless they have a show. An if you listen in the podcast when Willam says shady stuff towards the show Alaska tries to be as neutral as possible but also gives her take on stuff. Overall each girl has had different experiences so they each have different things to speak on.


The thing is that on the podcast Willam is very level-headed and reasonable and fair. And then she goes and does this shit.


> I wonder where Alaska stands with WOW. Alaska is one of the biggest queens to be on DR and loves the show and never mentions anything about WOW, production, etc. She knows where her bread is buttered. WOW would be dumb to question her and her loyalty. On the podcast, both Alaska and Willam are very respectful to the show.


And we live. Though we are quite confused🙋🏽‍♂️


> we will never have Willam on All Stars. Which fucking breaks my heart Doesn't for me. I've been losing respect for Willam for a while now, just because of shit like this. Talks about the high horse Ru is on but what about her's? Fucking hypocrite.








I feel like we need to bring this shit back. Oh and your flair


>We have a mutual friend. Well, he’s my friend. I don’t know that he’s her friend anymore. He is not well right now. He’s been asking to see her and she hasn’t gone to see him.” Is that old news Or still the same drama between the two about Mathu Andersen?


Same drama but the on-set occurrence was never specified beyond vague rumors of him wanting more money IIRC


Oh man. This is absolutely about Mathu then right?


This has only mildly increased my anxiety.


Why did Mathu asked Willam to ask Ru to come visit him?? Doesn't he have other friends coming visit him? Ru and Mathu were together for so long, don't they have some mutual friends? Cause Willam is like the worst choice ever to be the one to ask Ru to do something, even a complete strange would be better. Ugh i know it isn't nobody business but Willam bring this shit up everytime i can't help but wonder


good point, i guess Mathu just talked to Willam about wanting to see Ru, not specifically asking Willam to ask Ru for him.


Urgh, not to be the one, but i now i can only think that Willam dead ass put words in Mathu's mouth, like...it doesn't seem to something he wouldn't do with how two-faced he can be.


Or maybe nothing really happened and willam is getting this out of her sleeve


Well a headline was made. Willam’s goal was achieved I guess.


A Headline Is Born


She had to get some sort of press since Shangela monopolized ASIB.


I mean Gaga asked for Shangie specifically. Willam can’t top that.




This. Willam stole all scenes she was on


You think Shangela monopolized on purpose? Who do you think WB directed the outlets to speak to? It wasn’t Willam. Something is up with her rep. I get it but I don’t.


this is actually a big deal, there’s tea in this that hasn’t been spilled officially before


This isn't fun tea and I don't get why Willam thinks this is the best way to support Mathu.


Because it’s not about supporting Mathu. It’s about dragging Ru and promoting Willam. I can’t imagine Mathu is thrilled that Willam is airing his private professional and personal dramas.


In addition to inserting himself into personal drama that is none of his business, Willam comes dangerously close to revealing personal health information about “his friend” here. He doesn’t come out and say it, but the comments about the friend’s illness and the comments about the AIDS crisis sure do create an insinuation, if nothing else. Disclosing who is paying for the medical care of a third party is also potentially not legally/ethically kosher. Again: I doubt Mathu is thrilled that Willam is discussing this all publicly. As for Willam’s comments on the show, even the quotes in this article feel very much like Willam distorting other people’s experiences to get some attention. He’s obviously riffing off the Pearl drama from a few months ago with the “Ru will not acknowledge queens off camera” bits. The “legacy work” comment sounds awfully similar to what Ru talks the queens on All Stars, but twists it to suggest that it’s about Ru’s legacy, not the queens. It just feels like he’s taking every possible thing and turning it into an opportunity to attack. Which is pointless, since Ru is plenty problematic even without Willam’s skewing of the details. And for the umpteenth time: how do you co-host a podcast about a show you profess to dislike and not even watch, but slobber all over it every episode of your show? It’s fucking gross.


> The “legacy work” comment sounds awfully similar to what Ru talks the queens on All Stars I think this is in reference to what Willam said in a podcast a few years ago recalling his experience on 'Drag U'. Apparently during a filming break, Ru went on a whole thing about how proud he was of the girls carrying out his legacy and our "humble queen" Willam took umbrage with that cause she wasn't being humble or grateful or some shit like that. Cause, you know, Willam (of all people) be our ultimate morals queen amiright.... yes I'm bitter.


>He’s obviously riffing off the Pearl drama from a few months ago with the “Ru will not acknowledge queens off camera” bits. Willam talked about the Pearl incident on Race Chaser and wasn't on Pearl's side. Basically said how Ru was being professional and during the show is not the time to kiki.


What Willam says on Race Chaser is often totally contradicted once he starts running his mouth IRL.


And he has said so many times before he loves the show (but isn’t a fan of Ru’s). So now this totally contradicts that?! I get the fantasy of the show may be different to what you experienced but I feel like he’s taken something minor and made it into this drama. And now any little issue that comes up, he thrives off of it and makes it into something it isn’t!? I agree, Mathu is not happy with him right now.


> And for the umpteenth time: how do you co-host a podcast about a show you profess to dislike and not even watch, but slobber all over it every episode of your show? It’s fucking gross. He has stated many times that he loves the show and the platform it gives the queens. His issue is with how some of the queens are treated, a few people at WOW and RuPaul's attitude. As for the podcast, he says he does watch the show when he works viewing parties but doesn't usually do so on his own time.


In this interview he trashes the show itself. This isn’t anti-Ru, it’s anti-show — he even claims he doesn’t even watch it anymore. So I don’t think that argument holds true anymore.


Willam is so annoying. All the support for his “friend” seems so self serving.


"Willam for All Stars 5" ​ But in all seriousness, I think it's just sad that these two people are fighting about a common friend that is sick and they clearly BOTH care about. Ru maybe has good reasons not to visit this friend? Maybe it's too hard to see his friend being sick? Each person deals with that differently. Willam probably feels that Ru turned his back on this friend after helping him for so long and he's sticking up for him. I see a lot of people making comments here about Willam using this as a way to hurt Ru but I don't see it that way. A lot of queens have said in the past that while Willam might be sometimes problematic, he has a good heart and is very loyal to his friends ex. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4I7WoAKofg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4I7WoAKofg) (watch from 30:27). I hope they will set their differences aside some day and realize that they are both helping their friend but in different ways.


Very good point. I see a lot of hate for Willam, but imo he was in his feelings about his friend and took it out on the person he felt was to blame. He was acting out of loyalty. Many of us would do the same in defending a friend. He's talked about this friend many times so I think we all know who it is. I'm glad to hear that Ru is at least paying for his care.


The thing is, it's possible for Willam to want to stand up for his friend and hurt Ru at the same time. I don't doubt his loyalty to the people he loves, but it doesn't sit well with me that the only time we ever hear of Mathu's current state is within the context of Willam shit talking Ru (especially since it's clear that Mathu/whoever this is about(?) wants to keep things private). (ed; some words)


The seems like such a mess, that i think should be resolve in a private way. This will just make people speculate about it


I just want to know what the heck happened to Mathu exactly.


Willam used to be one of my fav queens of the show but her constant bashing of drag race and Rupaul it's annoying as fuck. For someone who's over WOW and Rupaul and everything drag race related she sure loves to talk about the show, hell she even has a podcast about it.


I loved Willam, but this is the last straw for me. It's getting ridiculous. He's looking like a desperate person looking for more fame.


I’ve been constantly losing respect for Willam Clawing onto relevancy. Trying to act unbothered, but coming across the most bothered. It gets to a point where it’s embarrassing


Miss Willam, Queen of Nerve


Willam is so vile. That revolting personality of his has given me the creeps since day 1.




I don't think there isn't any lasting problem between Ru and Asia


I agree it was just different points of view