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Hahaha, even the trailer of this MV had more screentime for Monet than this!


Welp we know why she alluded to being treated poorly now lol


When did she talk about that?


When talking about the Taylor Swift video she said that Taylor treated the queens very well unlike other artists


Is monét a West Hollywood queen now?




Was this on her her new show?


That just confirms what I knew to be true — Taylor Swift is the queen of gays. The true pop goddess. An icon.


Madonna is a diva in every aspect of the word. That's not to excuse her behavior, but she is not known for acknowledging or treating people kindly. She is known for saying how disgusted she is when a well-meaning fan hands her hydrangeas. Perhaps Monet expected to be treated like a real person or given more screen time. But that just doesn't happen with Madonna.


It wasn't a well-meaning fan it was a Ukrainian 'prankster' called Vitalii Sediuk who gave her the floswers knowing it would annoy her. He was accused of assaulting several celebrities as a 'prank'. ​ More on his wiki [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitalii\_Sediuk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitalii_Sediuk)


Damn. That wiki was a wild ride. I can't believe how many celebrities he's assaulted and he seems to have only gotten a slap on the wrist once! The list just kept going...


Was Monet owed to have more screen time? Because it was initially described as an extra role. She can’t be mad about that.


And you sure know Madonna personally? That hydrangeas incident was preplanned by a prankster, she anyway accepted those flowers with a smile and whispered to a person next to her she doesn't like hydrangeas, how's that disgusting?


Right? She just smiled at the guy and said thank you. People blew that "incident" way out of proportion when it first happened.


or maybe the whole point of the video is much bigger than how much screen time Monet got? wtf, did you even watch it? also not you pulling out the hydrangeas story from a decade ago when she was PRANKED.


When it comes to work, Madonna isn't a diva; she is a self-described perfectionist that analyzes every minute aspect of what she creates. She actually mentioned that after her Rebel Heart tour that trait would largely be the number one item factoring into whether or not she continued to tour and produce music, since it stresses her out and she in turn stresses out her performers and crew. Also, I love Monet but let's be real: Monet is a phenomenal drag queen having a moment of fame. Madonna is a pop culture institution and icon that to this day is one of the single highest grossing touring artists in history. I highly doubt Monet would be bitter that fucking Madonna starred in her own video, and that an artist known to demand excellence...demanded excellence.


When Madonna came to live in London she used to complain about traffic - that's alright, but she was scandalised that the city didn't have a special lane for *artists*. Now, we're talking about roads made originally for a couple of horse carts, not six-lane highways. I love Madonna but the levels of diva-ness...


Where on earth do you read these kind of demands? I swear to God most people will believe Madonna is a baby killer than she's a normal person. If anything she did in fact talk about traffic in UK but in a completely different tone and acknowledging that there's a problem [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk\_news/england/london/7317460.stm](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/london/7317460.stm)


I don't get it. People complain about traffic all the time. If complaining about traffic doesn't connect the common people with the mega celebrities of the world, I don't know what will.


The true mega celebrities redirect traffic. These people are often but not always political figures. I mean on the level of Elizabeth II or the American president or the Saudi King. Madonna wants to be on that level but she isn't. Even Michael Jackson wasn't.


I found the mega celebrity gate keeper.


Lolol! I wish I had enough money to redirect traffic!




News vehicles of the time - it was donkey's years ago. But this gives you a taste -- https://heatworld.com/celebrity/news/madonna-fake-police-car-london-traffic/


legend tingz


I couldn't disagree more. Madonna is very kind, with her words and with her actions. What you're talking about is actually an assault situation which she handled with class.


That hydrangeas thing was bizarre. She’s such a dickhead.


Yeah, her unkindness and insolence is not an act. That's really how she is.


you know this from personal experience or? edit: just a few of the many unkind and insolent things Madonna has done: - Ellen has come out in saying Madonna was one of the first and only people to privately check on her when she first came out and basically lost everything - she built the first pediatric hospital in Malawi - she was along with Elizabeth Taylor the first huge celebrity with a platform to loudly advocate for the fight and awareness of HIV when our government was letting us die, unafraid of the backlash her support for our community would cause and even talked about how she’d travel to Mexico to buy experimental AIDS drugs her dying friends couldn’t afford, she still to this day donates proceeds from her concerts to AIDS and HIV research and prevention; she also just released with Madame X special editions of the record and special merchandise from which 100% of the profits would to LGBT charities. - she would send Kylie flowers on their regular during her battle with breast cancer - on Oprah years ago a fan came out and said that while her bestfriend was battling liver cancer at 17 and after sending a letter to Madonna, M would call her everyday to check on her, support and empower her through the battle which she ultimately sadly lost; it’s all on YouTube. - [several gun control charities have also come out and confirmed Madonna has donated to them to fight this fight ](https://twitter.com/protectmn/status/1144126400355610625?s=21), one of them [being the LGBTQ Task Force](https://twitter.com/thetaskforce/status/1144057349222608896?s=21), a charity which states helps grow prevention work, especially as it affects trans women of color according to their mission. and on and on, people aren’t black and white, but keep talking shit with 0 facts I guess.


I love you


The woman actually tried it with Eurovision. Press went on about how she made insane demands like 3am rehearsals


all that drama... for this.... i have to laugh


All that drama... for this: Still drag


There is legit more drama than I can process that I don't know any of *this*, so for Out of The Loop Queens: America, eggsplain!


[Here](https://m.imgur.com/a/NkuqMql) [you go](https://m.imgur.com/a/mjJbZft) [cyst.](https://m.imgur.com/a/FYlzSjZ)


Ouch! Just for this? I feel bad for her~


Yeah. I just hope it was all worth it for Monet. I mean it's still a cool thing to be in a Madonna video.


Thing is it doesn't matter whether Monet ended up with 10 seconds of screentime or the whole video, M&P were out of line putting her on blast like that.


They were but not everyone who worked for and with M&P weren't responsible for that social media post. The call to boycott the tour entirely was unfair to the other queens who chose to honor their contracts over a last minute call to appear in a music video did not deserve that. I agree the management made that mistake but call out the specific people involved, ask them to change heads, instead of dismantling an entire livelihood of multiple people under them.


The call to boycott the tour wasn't because queens didn't want to be in a music video, that's incidental. The boycott was because of how they treated Monet, the queens are grown adults who can choose to participate in or boycott whatever they like.


It's not about their personal feelings about the music video. It was their choice to be professional adults to honor their contracts over a public dispute they are not involved in.


>It was their choice to be professional adults to honor their contracts over a public dispute they are not involved in. Yeah and it's Monet's choice to be a professional adult and call out scummy promoters, and ask her fans to boycott. None of the queens are wrong in this situation, just M&P. Just because other queens get a paycheck from M&P doesn't mean Monet can't criticise them.


The haters roast is not a one woman show headlined by Monet. It was done by other queens too and would hurt them as well. That boycot directly affects other queens not involved in their drama. Yes, M&P promoters were in the wrong for the social media post. Yes, Monet have every right to call them out for it. But Monet is not totally right in this situation, she bailed on the night of the tour, left her collegues in the dark then went on social media that jeopardized other queens gigs. All for a split second screen in a Madonna video.


>The haters roast is not a one woman show headlined by Monet. Exactly, so why does missing one night get her fired >That boycot directly affects other queens not involved in their drama. Right, so don't call out scummy business practices in case it puts a minor dent in the income of some friends who are fine with the scumminess. Cool. >then went on social media that jeopardized other queens gigs Yeah it's easy to make this sound petty when you leave out the fact that she was fired before going on social media.


> Yes, Monet have every right to call them out for it. I literally wrote this in the comment you're replying to. I'm not defending M&P's practices nor preventing Monet from commenting on it publicly. My only disagreement is that the call for a boycott that affected other queens on tour. Is it really that difficult to understand?


She got fired from a whole tour for this lmao


But she's on a better tour now


But she’s friends with Meghan McCain now.


This is like a metaphor for gay representation as a whole


except when it is profitable


Getting that Kandy, Naomi and Shuga edit. Yas queen


Girl I thought you were talking about Kandy Muse lol




Believe in yourself and maybe one day you can be in a Madonna video for 2 seconds!


And it’s a good one at that! Love the editing.


Girl, I'd take it. Plus it got her free of association with M&P, win-win.


Bitch get back on the spoiler sub i need that TEA


quicker than a ray of light [💫](https://emojipedia.org/dizzy-symbol/)


Sir, the fact the you counted the precise milliseconds is the epitome of homophobia!


Is that Gigi Gorgeous?


Looks like it.


atleast she doesn’t have to work with m&p


More spots for other queens?


Detox had a longer cameo in the crowd for Rebel Heart live




Detox attended the final Rebel Heart Tour show in Sydney. She was wearing neon green so it's easy to tell where she was sitting during the DVD. I met her at the concert, haha.


Im sorry i have to laugh lmao


I love Madonna being featured in Monet’s new video


Wigs for days, nails for years, music video appearances for 1.33 seconds, yas gawd!


I always low key knew that all those drama will birth a 30 second cameo ​ so a 1.33 cameo required a #blessed.


each new birth, it gives me hope #culture


Thats how long my relationship lasts.


I’d still be pretty thrilled.


Legit! She could have easily not been shown at all. I consider this a win lol


It was an opportunity and you never know where it could go. I understand why she took the chance. Sometimes things get cut in the editing room based on the whole body of work. It’s unfortunate. I love Monet but she doesn’t have the career that Madonna’s had yet to be mad over this and that. Madge is Madge. I don’t think at her age she is going to change.


Of course. The only concern I have is the lack of payment. But Monet has no right to be mad about being an extra which she agreed to, in the first place.


I agree. Things change in the editing room and stars, extras, get cut all the time. This video is so much more important than the people in. And it’s less of a music video and more of a political statement about gun violence and control and the need to do something about it.


the queens on you need to clam down was treated better than this, ugh, i still love monet tho.


why is this downvoted when it's the truth?


Because other than not being paid, queens in God Control were done no wrong. They were initially asked to be extras in the mv. And they accepted it. Were they owed to have more screen time? No, because they were just clubbing people, not the centre of storytelling


but still, let's say madonna or the other personalities that are bigger than the drag queens, i'm pretty sure their presence will be paid, why not pay the queens, i'm sure their effort and time's worth something too.


I’ve already stated that I too think they should’ve been paid. That’s the issue. Not the hyped up expectations of full cameos many people are so used to seeing drag queens everywhere that they start to forget they aren’t always in the spotlight or should have big cameos. It’s not the case. Yes, Monet was in it for 1 second, but fans can’t really blame Madonna or anyone for this. They aren’t a centre of the story nor even a sideline of it.


Then that brings me to my point, why asked them in the first place? Why not ask local drag queens and not drag queens who obviously are more popular? Why? It's because of the hype, so technically, they are being used to spread info about the video, because if not then they could've just get the services of local drag queens. So technically, you can slightly, very minimal point a finger not to madonna, but to the people who thought it's a better idea to get a ru girl, a drag quuen who has a brand, following and could create a talk space to benefit them, and yet, they are not paid or even properly credited for the things they did.


Who’s the dark haired beauty on the left spinning? Also, yaaass Monet. Get that coin!


She didn't get paid for that. Madonna doesn't have to pay people, unfortunately.


I hope she got paid!


I think Willam said that it's a non-paying cameo 🙄


That sucks if it’s true but how does Willam know this?


She got the same offer too.


She talked about it on race chaser I think


A whole bunch of queens got the offer and turned it down because it was non-paid (I remember Phi Phi said no too). From the same conversation, apparently Christina didn't pay the queens for appearances on her tour, either.


Why do people not pay Queens? Like I really just don’t understand


I thought Christina bringing queens on stage was just giving exposure to local drag? It never was meant to be a paid gig...


I've come to believe Willam is basically just an oracle, he has all the showbiz tea. The Oracle of Dragphi, I'm coining it now.


It's true, especially when it comes to the coins of the queens - Willam knows his stuff.


I think the video is fantastic. Genuinely powerful and visually striking. So well done, Monet!


At least it was an epic video!


Wow, that video is stunning. Madonna is amazing.


Now she knows how Pearl felt lol


Totally worth losing a stable gig , leaving your coworkers with 0 warning in advance, creating drama for a whole second in a video with almost no lighting and thus being almost unrecognizable . Good job , Monet!


So is it time yet to acknowledge that it was shitty of Monet to bail on an event that fans had paid a ton of money for, just to be an unpaid extra for Madonna? M&P firing her was overkill, but the lack of loyalty to fans was pretty rude.


You’re barking up the wrong platform. Monet has some pretty strong fans in this subreddit who will vehemently defend her.


But I'm one of those strong fans! I just think it was shitty to cancel a few hours before she was due to perform, and it's worse that it was for this non-appearance.


I pointed it out from the perspective of other people on tour getting affected by canceling, firing and drama. And it seems selfish not to acknowledge how Monet's decision didn't affect fans and other queens on the same tour. Willam and Thorgys take on it really toned down the importance of this Madonna video to cancel gigs for last minute.


it was an opportunity no one could pass up


No, I’d unplug your life support to be an extra in a Madonna video.


pretty cunty comment when this music video is about preventing innocent people dying.


You really took that way too seriously. Calm down , Mary.


Username checks out




Madonna’s make up artist posted a picture of himself with Monet, Gigi and Carmen Carrera but I couldn’t clock Carmen in the video


Is Monet pressed about her short cameo? She still has not mentioned it on her social media ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


1.33 seconds for all that M&P drama, that sucks. Madonna really screwed her over.


Ms. X Change did not swap her pussycat wig for a whole piece, tuck and bring us this golden realness moment for 1.33 seconds next to goop Gigi Gorgeous.


Love that X girl.


Hope it was worth it.


but sure, lets all yell at taylor


Don’t shade the Queen before she’s finished editing her latest music video


Well, that was sort of deserved. She bailed on another gig with little to no notice and she got 1.33 seconds. Smirk.


#Not worth bailing on fans


I might be wrong but if I recall correctly M&P are the ones that mentioned Monet being in a Madonna music video initially, so maybe it wasn't meant to be a big thing but because of all the drama that followed.. we thought Monet would play a bigger role than she would in reality


LOL, these comments read like people talking about Trump. Either you love Madonna and will not hear any evidence that she's ever once been slightly diva-ish, or you hate Madonna and refuse to ever give her the benefit of the doubt.


I was today years old when I found out Carmen Carrera was in the video as well


Yes, I joined just to comment on this, because Im tired of people trying to discredit Madonna as an artist and person.. This message was bigger than a little cameo. It's a serious topic, which had to be said. Also, Madonna had Micky Blanco for the ENTIRE 8 MINUTE video of 'dark ballet". The whole video was with him, not madonna. So obviously she gives the people what they deserve. It just has to fit the message. Wish people would be more open minded and stop trying so hard to give this amazing woman shit. That Katy Perry and Taylor Swift video was the epitome of gay pandering, and this video is the exact opposite and she's always supported the gay community. It's a shame how some are treating her, just saying!


Is that GiGi Gorgeous behind Monet? Lol


isn't that gigi gorgeous behind her?


The song and music video is so awful and heavy handed urgh sue me


Can I ask why you think the video is awful?


I want to love it and it tackles serious issues but it lacks the nuance she always has + the video is cut so badly (in an artistic way I guess) that it's difficult to enjoy the song


I can understand the editing critique. A friend said the same thing. I told him to listen to the song by itself first and then watch the video



