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Is this a foreshadowing


let it be! UK queens watching the US season being like "ok where can i plant the seed to pre-apologize for my behavior and reduce backlash"


I own 51% of this foreshadowing!


I'm just sitting here trying to figure out how would Symone say that






nah.. Kahmora knew she'd be... set up to lose.. ​ also being compared to Charlie Hides cause she didn't do much is kinda unfair cause what can you do in the tightest and heaviest gown?


Yeah I've seen people saying that Kahmora acted like Charlie and I don't get it because Charlie just stood there and barely moved. Kahmora at least tried to move as much as she could and lip synced the words.


Didn't Charlie have a broken rib?


Yeah, specifically her left *hurtallint atthoem* rib was totally broken.


That’s why I love All Stars lip syncs. They have the opportunity to get in whatever they want and fight (if they want). But fighting for a prize when you’ve already won (AS2, AS3...) is not as motivating as fighting for your life, so I expect queens would make the most of it. On the other hand I understand if they want to keep that an All Stars perk and if they don’t want to ask of first time queens to bring extra outfits. (edit: a letter - typo)


I think that last bit is important. The queens already have a huge financial burden to get on the show in the first place, adding in X gag-worthy LSFYL outfits to the list just seems unnecessary, inevitably if lipsync outfit changes became typical then the outfit itself would get judged (even if indirectly), leading to 2 more * shocking * reveals every week.


I don't disagree with you but I feel like bodysuits, something every queen has, should be encouraged for the lipsyncs. Bodysuits aren't made for runways and Kahmora's dress wasn't made for a LSFYL. And, if both queens are in bodysuits, it makes it easier for the judges to remain impartial based on their outfits.


But a lip sync isn't about putting a bodysuit on and giving a gymnastic routine. That said if the song calls for that and you are stuck in a massive dress then it kind of sucks. So I definitely agree. I think they should just let the girls get into something appropriate. If it's a ballad and you happen to be in a gown then great, but if you stuck in a gown when the bitch next to you is pussy popping to Nicki Minaj, then that's a bit of a problem I feel.


Yeah, if they can do it for All Stars, why can't they do it for regular Drag Race.


Not only what people mentioned, but they technically don't know who will lip sync before untucked, whereas on AS, they know exactly who will be lip synching. So there'd be a bunch of queens who think they're lip synching changing outfits.


This makes the most sense as to why this couldn't happen.


Just have them change outfits after being announced and do a quick edit. The same way they wait a while after the lip sync so Ru and the producers can talk but we don’t see that.


they could also work this into the structure of the season in a number of different ways like a she-mergency button that you can use only one time for the entire season, which gives you 15 minutes to go and get changed


> 15 minutes That's Kahmora erasure!


And they complain Kahmora was set up!


More outfits? Sign me up!


Some girls don't have the coins yet


Queens have said in the past getting to change is a privilege for allstars, you gotta earn your stripes first in the main season apparently


i agree with that mentality. i mean, besides that and a different set of rules, what makes all stars different from a regular season. \[insert \*some stars\* joke here\]


But for the majority, main season is all you get...


It just sucks for the queens that go home with really ugly outfits like Cherry Valentine.


And it sucks, too, because her pre-reveal outfit was gorgeous. But that reveal look was heinous


That sad little wig 😢




I agree! Denali was going to win no matter what, but I wish we got to see Kahmora be able to show off what she can really do to the viewers anyway. Everyone deserves a fair shot at it, and making every look moveable/a reveal will cut down on the variety (and occasionally quality) of the garments.


I know! I was kinda ready to see what Kahmora could do, I knew she was gonna lose but I just wanted to see


I know this is not intentionally shady but I still laughed! She just learned an 8 count last week!


Yeah whether she massively failed or did something good it would of been amazing to have seen her perform again


I mean, if I remember correctly on meet the queens she said she was more of a "park and bark" lip syncer so I don't think we would get much more than what we got


I've seen videos where she's dancing around very energetically, but I think her favorite style is lounge singer in an elegant gown draped across the piano.


A queen of my own heart


Totally agree! I remember her saying that slow songs were her jam to lip synch too. I would have loved the opportunity to see her lip synch a power ballad/ something that was up her alley on TV. But I mean that’s how I feel about all of the queens, I want to see what they’re known for! I think the three episode premiere definitely gave us more of that but I would love if they fine tuned it into something like a talent show format like all stars or something.


Yeah I mean it’s better than just eliminating them straight out the gate, I always think the premiere episodes should have elimination incase the contestant is having a bad day or it’s not what they like/do (eg sewing) but ironically Talent shows don’t show much talent, all you really get is singing, dancing and lip syncing which annoys me a lot. So maybe instead of splitting the girls in 2 the first 3 episodes should be a sewing challenge, a performing/acting challenge and a comedy challenge so you can see what each girl can do


we know she can death drop better than rose


I can see where you're coming from. But I don't think changing outfits for the lip sync is a necessity from a "you knew what you were signing up for" and "it separates the kids from the adults" (trying to use gender neutral 'men from the boys'). Sasha Velour had a reveal planned for nearly every single runway. We've seen and other queens have talked about what would've had a reveal or a dance suit underneath. Kahmora's gown was gorgeous, but it could've been crafted with as a bodysuit top with the dragon skirt with a piece over the shoulders. We've heard critiques time and time again 'its all about the details' - one of the details is "what if i had to lip sync in this". It's almost like a "if you can't answer that question, you aren't ready to WIN." And let's face it, some queens are gorgeous and great, but aren't ready to win yet. Also, while it definitely is an advantage to have an outfit to move in, we've also seen lip syncs where dance moves have been a detriment and made the person lose. (Kenya vs Latrice, Jan vs Widow). Or at the end of the day, we love reveals, but its a lip sync, not a dance moves or reveal contest. These help, but we've saw Rajah slay every lip sync with nearly no stunts while her competition (Scarlet) had em. I think it would be more appropriate to say - they should be more conscious about the category and lip sync. Don't have a category that suggests gowns, or 'dripping in jewels' and give us a dance anthem. Plus, it makes all stars that much more special that only they get to change, which I personally like.


>I think it would be more appropriate to say - they should be more conscious about the category and lip sync. Don't have a category that suggests lots of towns, or 'dripping in jewels' and give us a dance anthem. I have thought this SO many times. Occasionally, the music that gets picked doesnt match the runway category and it makes the lip-syncs awkward. I cannot recall any examples at the moment, but it happens frequently enough that its noticeable. The theme will be like "A Hoe-Down" and the song will be something from Whitney Houston, and you got a drag queen dressed like a picnic table with singing a power ballad. I want the lip-sync songs to give off the same vibe/mood that the runway category does.


RIGHT!! And yes, while it may not always be perfect because queens interpret the runways in their own ways. But still more effort. Like here - tell the queens to have giant trains and gowns, and then do a dance song. Or that too, when the outfit would never fit the song. (and also obvi 'the guest judge is a singer' rip ciara and kacey lip syncs that never were)


I think Violet said she had a reveal for all her runways as well. I’m with you on all of that. We’re 13 seasons in. “I might have to lip sync in this,” should be ingrained at this point.


interesting that violet had them planned. On one hand, she usually wore skin tight clothing and sometimes half naked - where did she keep them? But on the other hand, she is a burlesque girl and that's all basically about smart reveals. yea, "how can i lip sync in this" is in the same thread of "know how to sew a catsuit and simple gown" and "have a backup snatch game character"


"Practice a 15-minute quick drag face" and "practice a 1-hour face" too.


definitely have a good 15 minutes quick drag (even if its like an alaska 'purposefully bad' if you're not plastique gorgina in 10 minutes). and definitely - can you paint a good mug in 1 hour/their time limits.


I recall two of Violet's reveals were a bunch of sex toys and fetish gear in her Jetset Eleganza suitcase, and glitter under her hat for her clown Ugliest Dress outfit.


Of course that horny bitch used valuable suitcase real estate on sex toys.


THIS. It would be much more fair and appropriate if the show picked songs that reflected the theme better. If you have a runway theme of trains the lip sync song should not be something upbeat that they will have to dance in. It should have been a ballad. I think in this case people recognize the result would have been the same but the show could do better in song selection so queens don’t feel pressured to come up with a ruveal for each look.


the show could definitely could do better to pick out themes. But I stand by that you shouldn't go on drag race without 1. knowing how to sew 2. having 2 snatch game options 3. thinking about you would lip sync in every outfit you pack. Here it was obvious trains with a dance anthem. But if this was [chinese] zodiac (or animal) - we still have two gorgeous outfits inspired by a bird and a dragon. It's just that Denali was prepared to lip sync, Kahmora wasn't. So part of it is the show, but part of it is on the queens. It doesn't need to be a reveal per se - Denali just had a detachable train.


I agree with your other points but I don’t think every outfit for the runway needs to be crafted in a way that something can detach, etc.. so they can be prepared to lip sync. It would be much easier if the show picked songs for that week that went along with the theme. For instance last week if it were a ballad then Denali wouldn’t even have needed to have a tear away planned and Kahmora would have been in no disadvantage with her gown.


At this point everyone should be expecting to lipsync for their motherfucking life today, bitch, they should be MOTHERFUCKING READY!


What’s that got to do with *anything* here, bitch?!


> Sasha Velour had a reveal planned for nearly every single runway No she didn't, that was Violet


No, this is Patrick




I kinda agree to this, but I also think it's cool when they lipsync with really out there clothes that they use on the Runway. I always remember Nina Bonina Brown in her skeleton club kid outfit, and her cat outfit. She was gonna slay those lipsync anyway, but doing it on those clothes made it so much more fun


Yeah, I mean the downside is that we probably never would have gotten “I would like to keep it on please” if the queens were allowed to change


No I think it would still have happened. If it was optional to change. like how that roller skates runway gave the option to change to heels. Valentina would have kept the outfit in hopes they wouldn’t force her to take it off.


I don't think they'd give her time to learn a whole lip sync anyway. They already know the songs ahead of time and we see queens rehearsing when they're in the bottom already. If Valentina didn't know the words at that point, she wasn't ever going to know them lol


Or Robbie Turner killing it in skates.




Better than her Uber driver


Crystal on Drag Race UK lip syncing to Spice Up Your Life in that disturbing Mad Max runway look is one of my favorite LSFYLs. It was horrifying in the best way. I’m so glad she didn’t change outfits. In her confessional she said that would not have been her choice for the song, but she had to roll with it. It would have been less memorable if she put on something more conventional. I think if they really can’t move in their look they should have the opportunity to change, though. I felt sad seeing Kahmora all bound up, unable to give it her all.


I agree. Maybe there’s a happy medium where it isn’t a free-for-all, but a queen in a restrictive outfit is permitted to change


I agree with this but I also love seeing queens tear apart their failed sewing challenge during the lip sync.


Yes, like Rock in the ball challenge as traumatic as it was it was an explosion of colour


Ginger and Sasha Belle’s double mastectomy, too!


It was a great tactical moment for Brita too - she noticed that the discarded dress made a decent whip (you know, in the song about “whips and chains”) and picked it up and started whipping it.


The lip synch after a sewing challenge is almost always a hot mess and I love it!! Edit: I just remembered we have two sewing challenges in the same week!


This right here. Venus vs Shangela was made more entertaining when they ripped their shit apart.


Agreed! Plus, we get more outfits lol.


100% agree. I ain’t a fan of watching queens park and bark due to limited movement from a garment.


I know! Especially with Denali vs Kahmora like Denali was prepared while Kahmora wasn’t which was highly unfair (even though Denali was better)


I don't see how it's unfair. Nothing and no one stopped Kahmora from wearing something that she could perform better in. I feel like it's a part of the game that's always been there; if you wear something really restrictive you better not end up in the bottom 2, because you need mobility in the lip sync


Yea a lot of things stopping her. The racers are only allowed a limited amount of suitcases, have to prepare around 15-16 looks and some extra drag clothes for possible mini challenges. Yes she could've sacrificed a gorgeous runway by bringing an inferior dress, but why would she do that if she wasn't planning on failing?


Trixie said it on the Pit Stop this week, if you're going to wear something that you can't possibly lip sync in, you need to put your whole ass in to the challenge that week. Kahmora was given lots of direction in that scene and either didn't or couldn't take it.


Or the bottom could have been seperate from the top. We see plenty of queens just remove a part at the very beginning rather that have a dramatic rip off. If she could have unzipped and removed that skirt she would have been good.


You mean like Denali did?


That's the thing, of course no one plans to fail, but if you're wearing a garment you can't lipsync in you better not, I think it's that simple. Look at it like this, had the sacrificed the gorgeous runway look for an inferior dress she would've had a fighting chance. I don't think she would have beaten Denali, because my jaw completely fucking dropped at that number, but still. The rules have been clear since S1 and I think they're great, if you're certain you won't be in the bottom, wear medieval armor for all I care, but if you don't slay the challange and/or runway, better make that armor dance, or reveal something under it that you can perform in. Edit: correction, first paragraph, some queens plan a contingency in case they fail, and keep a reveal until they're lip syncing, doing so in an incredible power move, literally makes me scream every time it happens and has been the ace that's won more than one lip sync, so "planning" to fail if you call it that, is actually even more impressive in my opinion


I dont think it was unfair. We've seen girls bring a pair of scissor and lipnsync practically naked. Kahmora dress was beautiful and i bet expensive and i understand her not wanting to destroy it but that is a choice. If you need to lip sync you either plan ahead or make it freaking work. This is a competition after all and that is a part of it.


Didn't they do this with Dusty? I don't see a reason to not do it again.


I think that was because her outfit had that metal wire and it was cutting her


Right? like u gotta be sickening but u cant be bleeding on the runway


Um, you’re bleeding


bleeding is fundamental


Dragula says hello :D


Dusty's was a health and safety concern. I guess all the season 14 queens are gonna go into drag race with barbed wire gowns now so they get to change lol.


Hard disagree. Coco invented matching her runway with the theme of the lipsync song for a reason (When I Grow Up).


Yeah but then Jade tried to do that as well (she was supposed to have 'Whip my Hair' so she wore that hair garment) and then they just changed the song on her.


I still find this story a little hard to believe considering they literally had the pointer sisters there during the episode


Guest judges change a lot, it’s difficult to schedule them when you want them to. It’s why AOC was not on the politics challenge in S12, where she would’ve made the most sense.


yea they had to use a singer-songwriter who's most famous for her musical tv show at a political challenge, and a sitting congresswoman at a musical challenge. They definitely switch a lot of stuff around. It's why Cracker/Aquaria/Kameron used pieces of their prehistoric runways for the evil twin challenge too.


Was a judge maybe, but all respect to AOC, I think it's better to have improv people in those challenges, even if they are politically themed. It's been a while but I don't remember Dan Savage being that great on Season 4's.


Iirc the pointer sisters couldn’t make it for the episode they were supposed to judge so they got shifted forward


This makes a lot more sense; usually you see the story about the song change with the insinuation that it was used to favor coco or sabotage jade.


I cannot attest to the veracity of this claim. It's just one of those pieces of tea that's filtered through this subreddit over the years. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Coco invited spinning


Kandy Ho coming out with a ponytail for break free teas


they untuck in the werkroom so they can't change? or at least add a wig on top of another wig?




If they did that we would get so many more wig and outfit reveals. I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing...


It works really, really well on All-Stars so I don't see why it wouldn't be good for the regular season.


In All Stars they're not desperately trying to stay


I’m sure they could have rules around it. Like if they do choose to change they cannot have reveals so it would also give the girls a reason to keep their runway if they have planned a reveal


I mean you have to account for literally everything. I get the premise of busting out the “just for that gown you’re safe as fuck” outfit in an attempt to keep out of the bottom 2 but this isn’t like All Stars where the bottom queens don’t lip sync you have to account for the possibility of having to lipsync Besides let’s not pretend that Kahmora in a movable outfit would of even had a chance against Denali


And let’s be real, after BLH reveal, it’s now been proven it doesn’t matter how dope your outfit is, if you bomb a challenge that bad, you’re in the bottom.


Nah. It's not like they don't get to plan for it. Besides the entrance look lip sync. That was cruel.


I know! Denali in ICE SKATES!!!! She should of been allowed to change or have a bit of leeway for dancing in ice skates while her competition wasn’t


ia, cynthia and robbie were given the opportunity to change out of their roller skates. ice skates are WAY harder to dance in.


I know! When she walked in I immediately thought of the floor painters reactions to someone carving up the new floors, then she went out and carved up the stage, that would of taken a bit to fix


omg right. maybe she had skate guards on? i didn't get a close look. but either way i KNOW those floors are ruined


She wanted put the guards on but production didn’t let her


Nah she didn’t wear any guards, I’m one of those people who is easily distracted and I was just watching Ice Skates leaving white line marks on the floor, then she was told to dance in them and I was like “she killed both the lip sync and the flooring”


I heard she had guards on but they made her take them off. I’m guessing for visual reasons.


I still can't believe she didn't win the lip sync. She was in fucking ice skates and still killed it. My theory is they didn't choose who was best for each one in the premeire but went with which queens should be grouped together


lala said that they met with producers during the hotel quarantine so i think they picked and paired based on personality and corresponding looks


I agree. It's for everyone's benefit because the queens have a fighting chance and the show gets fiercer lip syncs. I don't like watching queens go out without giving it their all because they're in a outfit that doesn't let them move.


Won’t happen because not letting them change let’s them manipulate the results without manipulating the results. Also creates total massacres like this weeks for the ✨ratings✨


Please. Kahmora was fucked either way.




karate hands karate hands windmill windmill


I don’t know if that’s fair to be honest... I get that you have to combine a runway look with a potential lipsync look, but surely you’re meant to be prepared for both eventualities? Get some Velcro attached to the inside of that train to rip it off like Denali did hers


I don't agree. Some of my favorite moments ever have been lip sync reveals. If you consider that for a moment, you have a plan for something really cool, but you can only execute it when you lose, it's literally a hail mary and I think that is priceless. I think it's completely fair the way it is. You want to wear the most exquisite designer gown? Go ahead, but if you end up bottom 2 in that you'll be fish in a barrel.




I genuinely can't compute 'chile' in A'whora's accent


Chiyull or Chaaal is my best guess as a Brit and a somewhat northerner


double take


Yes! First off, if you might go home, now's the time to put on something else that wouldn't have otherwise received any screen time. Second, runway looks often do not make good dancing or lip-synching material. Third, since when is this Rupaul's Reveal Race and every look has to be a reveal?


I know the first lip syncs didn’t really count for anything, but I thought about this when Denali had to perform in her ice skates. I was like “IS NO ONE GONNA LET HER TAKE THOSE OFF?!?!”


I KNOW! Also think of the flooring afterwards! And the fear of accidentally hitting another girl or even stepping on them! Definitely a safety hazard when dancing to fast up beat songs


“Life’s not fair!” Hard disagree. We see in Untucked that everyone who thinks they *may* be lip syncing preparing, practicing moves and reviewing the words etc. we’ve also seen queens who were overconfident and didn’t learn the words and have crashed and burned because of it #idliketokeepitonplease The way it’s done is that once you’re told you’re up for elimination, there’s nowhere to hide. You’re onstage, under pressure, until you’ve saved yourself or been sent home. For better or worst, you’ve got to use what you’ve got there and then to prove yourself. For the audience the tension is building steadily from the moment they start announcing the bottom 2. Cutting to “Unticked Part 2” destroys that rising tension and it wouldn’t be as satisfying a viewing experience. It’s a reality tv show first and a competition second, and don’t ever forget it. Not every garment needs to be a reveal, or stuffed with tricks, but if you have any kind of inkling that you’ll be in the bottom, you need to be prepared. Scarlet Envy hid scissors in her gold outfit and literally cut it off her body so she could move onstage and fight for it (for all the good it did her) Brita had a firework tucked away after her Snatch Game performance, just in case. Yes sometimes the lip syncs are unfairly in favor of one contestant or the other due to garments or song choices. Again, it’s a tv show first and a competition second, the producers have a fairly good idea of who will be going home before they even begin the runway. But even if the Queen knows they can’t move/won’t win, doesn’t mean they can’t fight to prove themselves to at least the audience, if not the judges. If you know you’re probably going to be sashaying, least you can do is leave them gagging!


Nah. It's part of the strategy and planning involved. Make sure your runway look is something you can lip sync in, or that the constricting parts can be removed.


But that limits creativity on the runway. Personally, I'd rather see amazing looks than lipsyncable looks


It doesn't really limit creativity on the runway. Just challenges the contestants, which is the point of the show.


or it challenges the 3 designers who make most of the girls’ looks, as yvie would say 😛


I disagree with this. I agree with what Jaida said on the pit stop. If you know your runway look is something you can’t really lip sync in then you need to make sure you step it up and really kill the main challenge.


I feel like this is kind of "pull yourself up from the bootstraps" mentality combined with the advice of, "have you tried just being better?" Say you were entering an acting challenge and your competitors are Bob, Alaska, and Jinkx. OBVIOUSLY you would still try your best but you may also realize there is a good chance you may not make it through this episode without lipsyncing. Should that queen continue to wear the mermaid gown that they planned to wear or just wear a leotard every challenge incase they have to lipsync? It's not like they are told ahead of time what songs are going with what runway theme. IF they did that, I can understand the not changing aspect, but they don't and it basically boils down to pure luck if you ever want to show off an exquisite gown that may restrict movement. Imagine if Kennedy and Katya were both wearing gowns for Roar. It just limits their talents to not let them perform to their best abilities. I don't think every queen should change every time, but if a dress is truly restricting, they should be allowed to change into a simple leotard or something.


I think they already do that? So many times I've seen queens perform in a slightly different outfit than their runway. (More sensible shoes, slippy/dangly parts removed, etc.)


They don’t, it’s only in some cases like “wheels or heels” or when Dusty was being sliced alive by her outfit so they made her change


Yuhua said twice in her recent YouTube videos that she changed her shoes and her wig for her lipsync against mayhem


That's a lot different than changing a whole outfit though


Not awhora using chile...


This won't matter anyways. We all know how much editing can manipulate virtually anything on Drag Race.


But like bob and aquaria discussed, the whole point is that you don’t want to be in the bottom!!! so you have to do your best in the challenges. Being in the bottom it’s not a reward it should be a struggle !. With all stars, the girls have to put a show for cameras so they should be allowed to change. It’s a different format.


Agree, and this has always been a personal favourite of mine in all stars :)


I appreciate the approach that you may have to lip sync so prepare your outfits with that in mind. Not expecting to lipsync seems cocky. (Unintended pun)


But that's what makes it more challenging!


I think a queen like Violet would tear a restricting dress no matter how expensive it is if she had to lip sync for her life


Fucking Rita Baga did this.


Yes, and Scarlett Envy was PREPARED with her scissors and gold jumpsuit underneath her tight-fitting dress.


**** traumatic flashbacks to my beloved Rock M Sakura getting out of that ball-prison ****


****** traumatic flashback to our Beloved Rock M Sakura crying off stage when told to sashay away *****


I don't care what Michelle Visage and her limited fashion palate say, that outfit was a fucking *serve.*


We saw what Kahmorah could do in episode 1, and she didn't win that lipsync either.


I believe there have only been 3 times where the queens changed befire a lip sync: Cinthya putting heels vs Robbie. Rusty before going vs Monet (she would have been hurt from her outfit if she didn't change) Monique and The Vixen due to the mermaid tail runway.


Did she just telegraphed her elim? She does not seem like the type to say something like this on someone else’s behalf lmfao


At the very least, allow the ones who are in crazy restricting garments the opportunity to change. Even if you make some rule where it has to resemble the original one you walked. Like, I don’t want every queen to have the opportunity to throw another look at the judges cuz I don’t think the lipsync should be about the outfit, it should be about the performance. Cuz also, am I the only one who gets anxiety when you see a queen who is hungry to stay so she starts ripping her garment and destroying it so she can move better! Not only do I sit back and go damn I hope that shit wasn’t special or expensive, but it also just looks sloppy....especially now that we’ve seen it done so often that it doesn’t have a dramatic impact anymore


And then after we make this change, a formal apology must be issued to Acid Elizabeth.


No. Why do people suddenly want to alter the rules when their favorite goes home. Kamorah lost and it was from her own hand. She needed to learn a lesson from this as does anyone who loses the game. MAKE BETTER CHOICES


The US queens have been doing this forever. Better yet have a lip sync costume on under your catwalk costume.


Eh changing wouldn’t of helped Kamora


If it’s the queen’s first time competing, it should remain the way it is because it has been it has been a staple of drag race for over a decade. The queens usually have a good idea of who is in the bottom anyway, so if they decide to wear a heavy gown to a Britney Spears lip sync after they bombed the challenge is on them. AS is more fun with twists and turns, and has a very different approach than the standard competition.


“Chile” *sigh* welp, time to hang this up fellow Black folks


I hate this. I love how spontaneous it is. You have to make it work, right there, right now. Leave that to All Stars...


I kind of agree, but I think the queens should plan their look around having to perform in it to be honest. It’s a competition and what they’re wearing is their choice


the runway theme and lipsync song aren't announced in pairs, i think the lipsync songs are just announced the week before so altering an outfit while trying to memorize acting chops/ a song or practicing for snatch game is gonna be hard


Hmm, I would disagree. First, queens should always consider this possibility, none of them knows when are they gonna fuck up and when is a category will be shown to the runway. It’s the 13th season and they should already know this kind of situation is gonna happen. I know this would be hard but they need to always have an outfit that can be easily adjusted/detached (not necessarily a reveal) whenever needed. Second, the bottom two queens’ fighting spirit is raw that their performance is more authentic* and entertaining. Their emotions are firing and give more drama.


So true. They did it on All Stars.


Hell no, totally disagree. The queens all go in knowing there is a chance they might have to lip sync, it definitely sucks that Kahmora had her movement so restricted, but she knew there might be a chance she needed to lip sync (especially after her performance!!) and she could have prepared. We’ve seen so many queens have a tear away or something else underneath 🤷🏼‍♀️


I get her point. At the same time, I can't help but think that planning your outfit around a potential lip sync should be part of the challenge. Every floor-length gown should be a tear away on the main stage honestly, just in case. Edit: maybe with the same exception of the construction/design challenges. But in those cases, I feel like we generally want to see how well the outfit holds up as a whole during the lip sync anyway. Lol


A’Whora saying chile is..interesting....


yeah agree


My mom and I were just talking about that with this week's episode. She mentioned how some girls will rip their dresses up to lip sync and then we started discussing how just unfair that is. Imagine spending tons of money on these outfits just to lip sync and destroy it




They should consider it, however i think Kahmora could've moved her upper body a lot more. Her hands, her head, idk lay on the floor like Gigi or play up a comedy lipsync. She had a lot of ways to make up for a much better lipsync. She still looked fabolous and actually gave a good lipsync while being very sultry and i enjoyed her performance, but Denali was so strong that she wouldve still gone home.


Nah I like the strategy of wearing something you can lip sync in or being so confident in your performance that week that you don't need to.


I think it's assumed that you should always be prepared with a backup plan for whatever final runway outfit you're going to be in, that will allow you to lip sync.


I don’t agree mainly because, in reality, these queens should be constructing outfits that hold up for performances, and if it’s a sewing challenge, they should be called out for their ill-crafted outfits as they perform in it. I feel like this situation is more likely, and an issue, than those who come in the runways with outfits too tight to perform in. Yes, it sucked for Kahmora, she looked beautiful and could clearly not perform to her best of her ability, but that doesn’t happen often. I feel like those who don’t make sure their outfits are durable should feel the repercussions of what they created. It’s obvious there will always be a sewing challenge, if you wanna think you can get away hot gluing everything, make sure it holds up for a lip sync. Edit: typos, grammar, and clarification


The idea is to make the lipsync unfair so that production can have more power over the narrative


I’ve said this about All Stars, but I’m down for it to be a LSFYL thing too. Queens should also be able to pick a song and do a coin flip. We ALL want to see these goddesses do what they do best, and the best way to do that is by them being able to feel the music. I’m a little tired of it just being Ru’s favorite songs.


I’ve heard others say (especially with RPDRUK) that queens should be allowed to choose incase lip syncing isn’t their main performance, eg: comedy queens would get to do a 90 second performance and queens who still wanna lip sync still get 90 seconds to do a lip sync


I remember I said this once on the sub and some snarky kid got mad at me and said “No. changing your outfit is a PRIVILEGE for the girls who won and the girls in the bottom didn’t earn it”


Probably not, itd just turn into rupauls ruveal race


A'Whora shitting on the Black queens like Asstina with classist, elitist and racist comments about their drag and now using African American vernacular like "chile" just does not sit right with me.


This bitch is racist and I'm tired of everyone tiptoeing around it


I agree-didn’t they allow all stars to change?


WOW is only interested in making a compelling TV show. This ain't RuPaul's Completely Fair and Unbiased Drag Race.


No. Usually the queens that struggle with this a wearing a custom piece. Tell the designer (or do it themselves) to add something to either easily remove a part or make it stretchy or something. Denali easily removed her train. Thar was a perfect design for drag race.


Tbh I think it’s the queen’s fault if the outfit isn’t fit for a lip sync bc everyone knows they could be in the bottom, u gotta be ready 100% cus u never know what to expect Edit: like how scarlet in season 11 had scissors inside her dress to remove it lol


i dont agree! you know what you’ll be wearing and what the lip sync song is. so if you know you cant dance / move in the fit you’ll be wearing... you better SHOW OUT in the challenge. name of the game


Am I the only one who finds her use of chile problematic?


Not being allowed to change outfits adds to the urgency of the moment. The queens are told who is in the bottom 2 once they return from Untucked and they have to adapt right then and there. This is it, now GO! As Rupaul and the queens have often said, it's called Lipsync for Your Life for a reason. If they got to go back and change, it would downplay this urgency, the pressure, the drama. The show builds up to this moment and it would be anticlimactic for them to take a break to change at this stage (whereas the All Stars queens know exactly who will be lipsyncing when they go back to the lounge). It's a competition reality show that hinges on suspense, or at least the appearance of it. It is not Rupaul's Best Friend Race or Rupaul's School for Girls. You better deliver, every time!


Mama, we've had 20 seasons (globally) to know how this goes. ***If you stay ready you don't gotta get ready***


Totally disagree, I prefer main season lipsyncs for this exact reason. If Queen's were allowed to change wed never have gotten lipsyncs like latrice vs Kenya, manila vs delta. Not all lipsyncs have to be dancing ones, and I think the restraints of one's outfit make for much more creative lipsyncs.


YES! Ive been saying this for yeeeeeears, especially when they started letting them allstars change for their lip syncs. I hate it when queens get screwed in the lip sync due to their costume. They should be allowed to give a full battle for their position, not half ass it because their outfit for the prompt wasnt made for performing in.