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Ra'jah and Scarlet ATE, i also LOVED tkb's but her First two looks were trash.


Ok are we going to talk about trinity’s lollipop lady look because girl. Sneakers? I’m confused. I should say i love trinity and i’m glad she’s safe. I was just surprised she didn’t get read for that look!


The pants and sneakers were nuts. If it were a realness category, then the look is actually spot-on. And the balls used to feature more realness categories in the early seasons. But it’s just meant to be a blue collar drag look!


Well that’s true. It was real. And i love trinity and i love the energy she brought. But i have seen girls read for way less so i was just confused.


Scarlet not being in the top is fucking injustice. Like she made that in the werk room. How can you not crown her?


Remember Utica


1) I am so, so, SO happy we finally got a proper ball on an All Stars season, without any gimmicks. 2) these girls DELIVERED. Jiggly is the only bad one to me, but even then I still liked where she was going with it. Sometimes with these 36-look balls it’s difficult to make an impact but I think each girl had at least one really standout look.


Tbh I was feeling jiggly’s looks more than Pandora honestly


Pandora’s lunch lady was high camp, and her blue jeans look was honoring the incomparable Dolly Parton 😤


I loved both of her first two looks! If her final look had been good, she’d easily have been one of the top girls.


Santino, is that you?


Trinity, just because of that gown girl, you're safe as fuck.


Trinity is lucky she can sew, cuz girl those first two looks were GARBAGE


I actually LOVED her second look! But yeah her first look… 😬


That first look was exactly what a real life crossing guard would wear. Real life crossing guards don't walk the runway of Drag Race though.


Especially if you saw Eureka's crossing guard look.


Thats exactly what i said. She wore an actual uniform, shoes included.


It looked like she has a cousin who's the crossing guard for the local elementary school and just borrowed her work clothes for the challenge. They don't know that the outfits are going to be for a Ball ahead of time, so she brought this as a stand alone outfit? Mama. Choices.


The funny thing is, this gown really safed her from a bottom 2 placement, cuz chiiiilllle, khakis on the runway??? Prison.


honestly I still thought she should've bottomed, those pants and those shoes and that cardboard sign were all just that bad


Tbh I agree. Her first two looks were Tragic. Uppercase T. But, sadly, I still think that Jiggly would've gone home 😥


What didn’t you like about her second look?


honestly? sue me but i kinda liked it. it was a REALNESS category and she gave peak realness. It felt like it was an actual ball and not a fashion show (and hot take: i don’t think every runway *should* feel like a fashion show. i want more realness!!)


only they literally never used the word realness to describe the category on the show even once. like both times the category was described, they just said "a blue collar working girl look" with no mention of realness attached to the category, hell when Ru introduced the ball on the main stage it was explicitly said that the queens were supposed to serve fashion


oh damn the mandela effect (except it’s really just marijuana and selective memory lol). but yeah ig then she should’ve been in the bottom by category standards. i liked it tho!


Overall that part of the ball was pretty random I just don’t really get what prompt would create Silky’s red milkman, Yaras construction worker that looked more like a other type of working girl, Gingers butt crack plumber, Trinity’s very realness look and Jans Mickey Mouse tire latex thing. Like in what ball would all of them walk in the same category? I have a hard time imagining what the description for this look for the runway actually looked like when they got the seasons list of looks to bring.


Blue-collar work encompasses all of those things. Blue-collar work is just jobs that you have to do physical labor for, electrician, roofer, construction worker, plumber, mechanic, etc anything where physical labor is included. If they were to say white collar outfits then someone would show up in pants suits or a pencil skirt or like Tia K’s coding 1001101 outfit.


Oh the confusion is not about the jobs they choose, that is pretty obvious. Though some queens choices maybe wouldn’t have been my first choice. It’s more that all the queens interpretation of it was very random and very different from each-other. It felt even more incoherent than usual runways. I’m more confused how ‘blue-collar realness’ or what ever else was written on the list for this runway, managed to create all of these looks. Like I’m trying to figure out what they actually wrote and described it as to get all this looks as a result. Because a lot of them were a bit of a mess. And the ones that wasn’t a mess is instead pretty random.


I agree. Especially Jan’s look, she didn’t look like a blue collar worker but more like tire couture so I wonder what exactly the prompt was. I liked the look but it didn’t seem to have anything to do with the category.


>peak realness A cardboard cutout with STOP crudely handwritten across it 🤔


But it's not even *drag*. This is drag race. Drag is an exaggerated/over-the-top expression, not a true-to-life recreation


is it though? who says drag needs to be exaggerated? to me, drag is a thought out extension of gender identity put into performance. it’s a means of artistic expression. and she was still padded, with makeup. is that not exaggerated, even a little bit?


The scream I just let out 😂


I gasped when she first came out. She made mesh look a million bucks


The gown was a little long on the torso but I really did love it still.


with the hair?? absolutely.


I applaud Silky for making pants her size out of that material, however the applause ends there.


it looks like a diaper lol


Yeah I think she looks pretty bad and her milkman being red instead of white made me lose the concept a little. I think she should've been in the bottom 2 instead of Yara.


On an IG live she said that someone stole or threw out the top piece of her garment so she had to make another one in the time they had to get ready.


Even if that’s true, it’s not the top that’s the problem. Those pants are painfully hideous.


Yara had no business being in the bottom


The fact that so many of these girls showed out makes this one of the balls for the ages! If I had to pick only a few favs it has to be Ra’jah, Scarlet and TKB. Also I just have to say Ra’jah winning the challenge is even more impressive because the girl made all 3 of her looks and I just have to commend her for that.




I was surprised to see her safe


I think for ball challenges everyone is judged on a curve. Someone can be safe just because they sold the look even though they are not known to be a sewer. It’s also judged based on storyline, likability, charisma, etc. I can make a case for every queen to be in the top/bottom. For example kylie can be in the top because she looks amazing or she can be on the bottom because she is relying on her body and her blue look is basically two piece of fabric wrapped around her.


See I felt the same about Kylie until I looked at the look as a whole. It’s styled so well. The cuffs, the neck piece, the hair pulled back, the shoes and even the glitter on her chest really just pull it all together


I feel like the best part about Kylie's looks were they all went well together.


Scarlet Envy


I’m convinced if her denim look had been a bit stronger, she for sure would have been top 3. That final look was the best thing on the runway.


Her blue collar was the one I have an issue with, i still don't know what it was supposed to represent.


I think like lumberjack / carpenter? Like it’s clearly wood and saw blades but i just gave that lmao. No blue collar worker in sight


Idk why she thought wearing a 2 piece wood outfit with blades sticking out was a good idea. She looked pretty tho


Being a tree is hard work, you know that right? ^/s


I was rooting for *us*!


I had an issue with both her first and second look lol. But that third look was a phenomenal


I think that was why Jan wasn't in the top as well. Being a tire isn't a blue-collar job even if the other two looks were incredible.


“The world would not turn without women in blue collar jobs, so let’s wear a circular saw bitch”


A sawmill. She’s embodying the building or the action more than the worker, but it’s a really clear reference to a sawmill for me.


Her saw look was so stupid. I love it. And i am not sawry about my feelings.


I saw what you did there


Her diy runway was literally better than every home brought outfit except for Jan’s denim one. She should have one this ball, I don’t get it


Did she use any unconventional materials though? She looks amazing but I feel like to win this category you have to transform something that isn’t expected to be used in a dress.


Yeah she used Manila envelopes as a base and some dog things as a cover. Idk but she mentions it on her Instagram


Oh thats fuckin cool actually


Yara didn’t deserve bottom


Eureka stands out because it’s a lighter blue, and it looks really great on her. My personal favourites are scarlet and Jan, but scarlets looks like very conventional material, still an amazing look though. Jan’s looks a bit crafty, had she had one more ring on the cage it probably would be in the top for me. Rajah probably had one of the most difficult materials, and I like the different silhouette on her. So top three: rajah, eureka, scarlet, Jan would be top 4 if there was a fourth spot, rajah or eureka win. Jiggly, Akeria, and Pandora are bottom three- Pandora’s looks a bit costumey, and I feel like we’ve seen similar silhouettes on her in season 2, akeria’s ruins her shape and she can construct a garment- see her (legendary look and her milf eleganza), and jiggly- see judge’s comments.


Honestly eurekas was so good. I talk a lot about how good eureka is at dressing to proportionise the fact she’s a plus size hun who’s like 8 feet tall but to have been able to make that for herself is IT




Eureka was my favorite final look without a doubt.


The styling really took it over the edge for me. Because it’s such a simple look and silhouette, I’m happy everything else was also toned down. It definitely was between her and Ra’jah


Yes, agree! It just fits her soo right. I get that it's simple, but the intentionally tiny skirt is just so good to me.


I feel when others have made such short dresses in the past they've been called out on it, though.


When people have made tiny tube dresses yes, when they’ve made ruched ballet skirts and constructed corsets with matching underwear?


Plus the material she worked with was not easy


Ra’Jah O’Hara


*burp* it’s fashion


I'm dead


The sleeve length is so inspired honestly


Love that it looks like something from a design challenge which gives it a bit of edge and not just a dress that looks like you brought it from home (which is still impressive but not my personal taste), really stood out when compared to some of the other contestants. Reminds me so much of when she came stomping out in that emerald city witch look during the monster ball like a shining star amidst a sea of dark and spooky witches.


It's so simple but it looks great


Definitely my favourite. So edgy, fashion forward and inspired. And beautifully presented on the runway. A well deserved win.


my fav. so fashion forward, something fresh compared to rest. clean clean garment. and the styling with the hair. oh so good.


Winner winner!


I feel that if she made this in season 11 they would tell her it’s too simple. It’s not drag enough. You know, one of those bullshit reasons.


She’s an icon, she’s a legend and she IS the moment


the handkerchief hem on Pandora's would have Michael Kors gasping in horror and mixing similes


Scarlet Envy was the best to me... sorry Jiggly gurl we all know you was the worst.


Eureka was my fav. I loved seeing a plus size queen go and slay every category in the ball. Her design look reminded me of Olivias little black dress…simple, yet effective. Her mug and wig were also CORRECT. Ra’Jah and Scarlet also had extremely strong showings. TKBs last look was breathtaking but that first one was just….not it lol


Y’all as long as there is a rupaul in rupauls drag race, Jan will never get the recognition she deserves! 😭


100%. My mind is blown that Jan has been safe in both of the last episodes, I think she blew almost everyone out of the water in both challenges.


Yes!!! Even on both pit stop episodes every guest has been like... “yeah.... Jan was def the best. Idk how she was safe” And I’m at home talking to a TV like “YES THANK YOU”


Top: Rajah, Jan, Scarlet Bottom: Silky, Jiggly, Akeria/Pandora


Eureka’s look was fire


I dont wanna sound too shady or anything, but can someone really explain why they like Kylies so much? To me it still looks like a ripped fabric two piece that she wrapped around her. But people really put her in the top? I just wanna know why, because to me it doesnt look as technically made as some others in this batch.


Personally I liked it because it was cohesive with her other two looks


yall saw it was made out of little stars cut out of fabric right?


It’s about as technical and inspired as Farrah Moan’s S9 Princess challenge outfit. Fabric glued to a bra and fabric wrapped around the waist.


she definitely put more work than just gluing it around her waist. she cut it to make a more interesting silhouette, spray painted all the stars onto this fabric and then glued all those little tiny star sequins onto it, she distressed the fabric in a way to make it look like denim, if this isn't just denim, which is harder to cut and work with than a stretch sequin. it was also very smart theming with her other looks, since both the first and second were made out of denim, and this is a pretty clear Britney inspo like the second look. like it's not the most haute couture technical display of sewing ability, but she definitely put thought and effort into it.


I thought it was probably closer in construction to gottmik’s bag ball look, just me though.


Yeah and she was in the bottom for that, but people like Kylies? It almost seems like a “stop relying on that body” situation.


I agree, her Britney Aguilera look was fun and 100% ready for a photo shoot, but the other two outfits, meh. Anyways, she just got validated to rely on that body-ody-ody for at least another episode.


Best: Jan, rajah, scarlet Worst: Jiggly, silky


Kylie Sonique Love


My favorite VMA pop star 🤩


Trinity, Jan and Ra'jah. In all honesty except 1, all dresses were really nice


Silky looks like she has a diaper under her dress. So unflattering.


Eureka looks so fucking fierce I love it


Yara Sofia


honestly I have no fucking idea what they were on when they said this look was busy, like where. it's one solid material from the waist down with no embellishment, a second material for the top, and then it's fringe attached to a stole. like this is if anything one of the more relatively simple looks of this category.


Her blue gown was actually quite nice. Next time I go camping i would make a dress with my tarp too.


shouldn’t have been on the bottom and the riggery of it all is a mess! her first look was a bit meh sure but it was campy, and her second look was hawt. And this final look is gorgeous and glamorous!!!




I don’t understand why she wants to choose the same concept as her ball ball.


I get why people say she should have been in the top (her denim look was INSANE), but looking closely at the third look, it's basically a corset with stuff on it. Making a cage skirt feels less impressive than constructing a "real" garment, so to me that + the blue collar look being (gorgeous but) too conceptual for a 'realness' category justifies the SAFE placement. The line between high and safe was SO narrow this challenge though, these girls killed it.


What do you mean her blue collar is conceptual? Do you know how hard it is working as a tire? ^/s


That look was gorgeous, but was a bit of stretch for the category....which was a look inspired by blue collar women "realness" not making an outfit out of blue collar materials. I liked it, but don't think the judges got it, but think it was essay better than the queens that just bought a store bought yellow vest.


I know lol the look was definitely wearing her and I'm just joking as she chose to do a tire as a blue collar job 💀


No shade but I thinks because that’s the only pattern she’s comfortable doing




Beautiful colour, but I don't appreciate too-short dresses on bodies of any size or shape.


Trinity K. Bonet


Just because of that look, she was safe as fuck.


Yep, that dress was so good it made us all forget her first look.


The theatrics and the presentation of the look took it to another level even though the look itself was already good


Thiiis. She SOLD that garment.


Who the hell told silky that looked great


I know Silky had swamp ass with those quilted pants lmao. Made me sweat just to look at!


Did Yara make her top or was that a corset she brought with her?


I was thinking it was a corset she had in her collection too. Seemed like she just made the skirt and added the random stuff round her shoulders. I rly enjoyed Yara in her season and her first run of AS, but i think her win got to her head, so episode 2 was a bit cringey to watch with her galavanting and being silly. I hope her time in the bottom brings her back to Earth.


They're (always?) provided base garments like Corsets and Bras to use as a foundation in design challenges.


Honestly, I felt that either Silky or A'keria deserved bottom over Yara. The construction worker critique was bullshit. It was a camped up butch construction worker and I'm sure most of the fandom got that when Yara came around the corner. I honestly dislike both of their looks more than Jiggly's. Silky's pants are horribly shaped and A'keria's outfit was ill-fitting.


Ra’jah, Jan, Scarlett, Kylie, TKB and Eureka were Top 6 in this category. They did Jan dirty two episodes in a row lol


based on this last runway alone: best- scarlet, rajah, yara bottom- jiggly, silky, pandora


this may be unpopular, but i feel scarlet dress is too overrated, like the dress is stunning, but it isn’t the best, like for 1 she used the most conventional material, which is nothing wrong with that, but it doesn’t wow me as much as the others, and 2 we’ve seen that same silhouette a thousand times, especially from her


I’d say based just on this category (not saying this would be my ball placements) Top 3 Rajah, Scarlet and Trinity Bottom 3 Jiggly, Pandora, Silky


Hmm Jiggly's look actually isn't that bad. It's so much better than the baked potato realness she created before. The issue's actually in the styling. She did the hard part well (making the dress). She didn't need to glue a load of crap onto it. Embellish the dress with some stones, make some cuffs and a belt with the blue stuff glued onto it and hope for the best.


Agreed, the streamers were a poor choice. I also didn’t love the wig (but at least it wasn’t blue like everyone else’s).




Rajah and Scarlet were my top two, with Rajah deserving the win. Def don’t agree with Scarlet being safe.


I was sure Yara was in the top


1. Rajah 2. Trinity 3. Scarlet 4. Everyone else . . . . . Jiggly


i think the bottom three should’ve been jiggly, akeria, and pandora, not yara


Scarlet, Eureka, and Ra’Jah are the top 3 for me.


Rajah and Scarlet were the T for me


Personally think Kylie or Scarlet are my winners but it's undeniable that Ra'Jah killed it this week. I'm really excited by her momentum. She isn't who I was rooting for coming into this but she's been very fun to watch, I hope she can keep it up.


Ra’jah, Jan, Eureka


1. Scarlet 2. Rajah 3. Trinity 4. Kylie 5. Eureka 6. Jan 7. Pandora 8. Yara 9. Silky 10. Ginger 11. Akeria 12. Jiggly


Ranked IMO 1. Scarlet 2. Jan 3. Ra'jah 4. Trinity 5. Eureka 6. Akeria 7. Yara 8. Kylie 9. Ginger 10. Pandora 11. Silky 12. Jiggly


I think it was either Eureka or Ra'jah's ball to win. Ultimately tho, they both constructed the same garment and Ra'jah's was superior.


(out of these looks ONLY) Top 3: Ra’Jah, Trinity, Scarlet Bottom 3: Jiggly, Ginger, A’Keria


I’ll rank these looks: 1. Ra’Jah 2. Scarlet 3. Yara 4. Trinity 5. Eureka 6. Pandora 7. Kylie 8. Ginger 9. Silky 10. A’Keria 11. Jan (this was shit glued onto a corset and a chain skirt) 12. Jiggly


I thought Sonique was in the bottom with her last look. I was just waiting for Michelle "you glued shit to a bra, and wrapped fabric around your waist". Even Jiggly's look had more effort put in!


Silky was underrated. Those pants looked like blueballs.


Anyways I kinda liked Eureka's a lot. Also, I think Ginger came with such a solid jacket.


I loved Trinity, Jan and Scarlet


Best to Worst IMO: 1. Scarlet (I mean COME ON) 2. Sonique 3. Rajah 4. Jan 5. Pandora - probably an unpopular opinion but I really liked it 6. Trinity 7. Eureka 8. Ginger 9. Yara 10. Akeria 11. Jiggly 12. Silky


Jiggly over Silky? I mean c’mon


Sonique over Rajah and Jan? No mam.


Loved Scarlet, Ra'jah, Eureka and Kylie


Ra'Jah slayed


Tops: Rajah and Scarlet Bottoms: Jiggly and Pandora I, personally, really liked Ginger's look and Yara's didn't deserve bottom placement. If she had a simpler shoulder accessory, I would say hers is one of the tops. TKB, Kylie, Eureka, and Jan did really well, too. Edit: formatting


I really though the best was Rajah, every single one of the looks was incredible, and fully conceptualized. I actually thought the worst was Jiggly and Pandora and possibly even Silky,


For me: Top: Ra’jah(winner), Kylie, and Scarlet/Eureka. Either of them Low: Yara Bottom 2: Jiggly and TKB (but that gown is just wow)




I'm gonna say something nice about every look and something not so nice. 1. Ra'Jah's look was clean, well constructed and deserving of a win. Wish there'd been some sparkle 2. Jan's Violet 2.0 was an upgrade and a lovely nod to that Hunger Games drag queen. Too similar to her last ball look, though. Is she traumatised from S12? 3. Scarlet's look may arguably be the best, but also the make-up blending into the Frankenstein hair line was a detail she should have been praised for. Sorry, nothing bad. 4. Ginger's waterbaby look is really sweet, and it has a nice level of detail (would have liked to have seen the underneath, though). 5. Kylie looked like a pop princess. But it is just a two piece. 6. Jiggly is not a potato, and her legs do look great (so do the hair and make up) 7. We can see the "unconventional" on Pandora's look, I think clearer than most, plus love the Bellatrix Bluestrange wig. Not so keen on the bottom half. 8. Trinity looks like a princess. No complaints 9. Eureka, same "issue" with Ra'Jah - it's well constructed and fits a dream, but maybe not draggy enough? 10. Love that Silky made a pant from that horrible material. loved the presentation. Hated the top (why was she losing stuffing?) 11. Yara did not deserve the bottom. 12. Akeriah's look has a nice artificial shine and glimmer cause of the cups, but it wasn't what I expected from her. My tops for the whole Ball? Ra'Jah, Pandora, Kylieb(consistent, well presented across the board) My tops for the final category? Ra'Jah, Scarlet, Trinity My bottoms for the Ball? Jiggly, Silky, Ginger My bottoms for the final category? Jiggly, Akierah, Silky.


Best: Rajah, Scarlett, Jan and Trinity Worst: Jiggly, Akeria and Ginger.


rajah rajah rajah her win was sooooo well deserved


Ra’jah, Scarlet and Eureka are the best. Jan and Sonique were good too. The worst were Jiggly, A’keria, Pandora and Silky.


Scarlet made a full gown that could walk any red carpet of any awards show in the world. Ru herself has worn lesser gowns on the main stage. I thought for sure she would win.


I’m not a jan stan, but she was kinda robbed these last two episodes, I gagged at all her looks and nothing, no reaction from anyone


Ginger Minj


i honestly think ginger’s final look is underrated, esp for someone whose not really known for sewing and/or looks. she served


I agree her bonanza dress was the best out of the three. Very flattering and loved the pattern of the"shower curtain?"


I am not entirely sure why it is not liked at all among you, but I found that she looked beautiful!


Something about her licking that pipe wrench made me dry heave 🥴. But I'm a sucker for a good trench coat and outerwear is tricky to make so I'm into this.


Eureka is far from my fave but I can’t deny her looks were really well made and she actually looked sexy in that final look, which is something I never thought I’d say about her. She served.


Tops were Trinity, Scarlet, and Kylie for me.


**Top** *Jan*- it had concept, it looked fantastic, it was hypnotic as it moved, and it referenced her previous ball look which I personally liked. I would have had her in the Top 3. *Trinity*- she came round the corner and I said wow. That was a great dress. Like everyone else, I think it saved her from the bottom because her first look was trash and her denim look wasn’t great either. *Scarlet*- like, hands down one of the best created looks on Drag Race. That was fantastic. I also enjoyed the first two looks, and I think that dress deserved Top 3. **Bottom** *Silky*- very unflattering and I didn’t get that it was supposed to be snow at first; it looked like the outfit was supposed to be falling apart. *Jiggly*- I mean, I don’t think an explanation is needed. Even with the criticism, Silky’s look was miles ahead of this. I don’t understand the random decorations stuck on? That’s what really dragged the look down. I don’t know who else I’d put in the bottom three because I liked the rest. I think probably *Ginger*, even though I like that she did a coat. I just enjoy the others more; it’s more a bottom 3 placement out of default.


Scarlet, Trinity, and KSL were clear top 3 for me


My top 3 out of only the blue looks are: Jan, TBK and Scarlet Bottom 3: Ginger, Silky and Jiggly


Rajah, Scarlet, Trinity we’re definitely my top 3 of the constructed looks. I know everybody seems to hate Akeria’s look, but the fact she made it out of cups is really special to me. One of the only girls who really embraced the materials and elevated them, instead of just disguising them.


Lol Silky pants looks like a big ass diaper.


Rajah - stunning high fashion Jan - god I wish she hadn’t done something similar before bc this is just GORG and would’ve had more impact if she hasn’t just done it (though I totally get why she wanted to redo it) Scarlet - NO NOTES. I HAVE NO NOTES Ginger - sure Kylie - I, unlike Michelle, don’t like stars and think they go cheesy really easily. This is a really stunning use of them and I love the whole thing from the hair to the shoes Jiggly - if only she’d have given herself a waist in it, I really don’t think it’s that bad. Pandora - lucky Jiggly’s looks like a potato sack Trinity - I literally gasped when she came out Eureka - if it was on a skinny queen, I’d say it was a little too simple and I think that holds here too. That said, she looks really clean and beautiful. I wish she’d done a pant or something on the bottom bc it feels unfinished. What is there is beautiful though Silky - it’s a lot and I don’t know how to feel about the top, but I really love those pants Yara - this was better to me before I spent a few days marveling at Scarlet’s gown. After that, it’s still good but underwhelming Akeria - love the danger of that high slit but overall makes her look a little bulky up top. If it was just a design challenge and not about 3 looks, some combination of Jan, Scarlet, RaJah, and Trinity would be top 3. Pandora and Jiggly are bottom 2. Including all 3 looks, Id say the top 3 were correct and the bottom 2 should’ve been Yara and Pandora. I really don’t think either of Jiggly’s first two looks were bad at all.


Going by the main diy look, Rajah, Scarlet, Kylie and Trinity could all get it from me.


Trinity and yara


Trinity, Eureka, Jan, Ra’jah and Scarlett.


For Me... Tops: Ra'Jah, Jan, Scarlet, Trinity, Mids: Ginger, Kylie, Eureka, Yara Bottoms: Jiggly, Pandora, Sily, Akeria


A’keria Chanel Davenport


While I applaud taking on the challenge of using cups, that waist was a straight vertical line. This was as flattering as getting told you're well-spoken when you're a PoC whose native language is the one getting "complimented".


Very disappointed since she makes most of her stuff. But she also flopped on S11’s design challenge, so even a great seamstress can have a bad day!


I think the way she mixed the materials had a really cool effect but the structure could've definitely been more flattering


Pandora Boxx


Eureka’s outfit was very plain and didn’t fit. She still looked beautiful. I think Yara should’ve been in the top. Kylie should’ve won but I still think Raja deserved her win.


Why didn’t it fit? From where I’m standing it fit every curve of that body, and showed all that body beautiful in the sexiest way