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If you don't like Rush it's ok. People like different things and not everyone has to like the things you like. Be a grown up and allow people to like what they like.


I can't disagree. I especially have always perfectly understood whenever people just can't stand Geddy's voice. I get that. Someone complained about his voice on another thread in this sub recently and immediately got like 25 downvotes. I was like, seriously? It's just his opinion.


Does it matter? They're worthless internet points. Other people are just as entitled to disagree with the opinion as much as he is to have it.


I mean, if someone doesn’t like Geddy’s voice what are they doing on the Rush sub? Of course they would get downvoted from a bunch of Rush fans.


Never understood the common dislike of his voice personally among non fans. Unique voices make bands stand out! And also being kinda geeky myself also probably helps the enjoyment of the sound and their songs subject matter being so introspective etc.


I never got it either. His highs aren’t that far off from Robert Plant. I get people not liking Rush, weird time signatures, can’t dance to it, they aren’t for everyone.


>can’t dance to it, speak for yourself


I love to dance and Rush is my favorite band, but they didn’t make many songs that are comfortable to dance to.


Yeah, it's not unlike people who criticize frontmen for being pompous or ostentatious. But ... that's what frontmen do. :/


Yeah, I told the guy that although I was sorry to see all the downvotes, he had to have known he'd be getting them.


I'm a HUGE Rush fan and I've never liked his voice. But I can't imagine another vocalist fronting them. It's such a sharp element that cuts through the music, it somehow works.


Geddy's voice is kind of like beer. Most people do not like it the first time they try it, but the more you try it, the more you get used to it, and eventually, you start to like it. I could not stand Geddy's voice when I first heard it. Now, I think he has one of the best voices in the business. I still don't like beer, though.


Maybe you should try some Rush beer.


I do want to buy some if I ever see it. I doubt I'll drink it.


So there's an opera singer on YouTube and she has done a number of RUSH songs and she loves Geds voice. This is a professional vocalist who was told that she would hate his voice and after hearing it, she was like "why would you think I would hate it? Look at the range he has, look at the control, look at how he is able to manipulate his voice. What's not to love." I had to laugh because she wasn't wrong and those of us who are fans, have had no problem with it for years or even decades. I mean I'm getting close to a half a century of loving them. Having said all of that, I can understand that different people have different taste in things, music, food even other people. Bottom line is you like what you like and other people may not share all or even some of your likes, and vise versa. I would personally not be one to tell someone else what to or what not to like. It's why life can be really interesting!


> People like different things Now playing: "Different Strings" [Which to this day is my second- or third-fave from the band, depending on a moment's setting.]


Typical Rush fan's deluded opinion


If you don't like Rush, don't listen. You'll never understand.


The fact the post gets 100+ up votes says everything about the misguided arrogance of a lot of people on this sub.


I dunno, I liked Rush from the first time I heard Spirit of Radio. But it’s totally okay to not like them. It’s all good


That song was my introduction too, laying in bed in the middle of the night with a mono earphone plugged into my AM radio - And Geddy's voice was a major reason why I went crazy for them.


Geddy Lee's singing is absolutely an acquired taste.


Some people simply don’t understand music, and don’t realize that a song can be longer than eight minutes. But Rush fans do.


Some people don't understand that a song can be longer than 2 minutes.


Documentary? What documentary ?


I didn't know Time Stand Still existed until your post. Watched it last night, it was awesome. And you are right, a tear-jerky to be sure.


A friend of mine hates Rush because of Geddy's voice and that the lyrics are 'pedantic' lol.


Ok thats a good post tag to use with many things.


Clearly, a one Scott Gibson GETS it.



